The Holiday shopping season


You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
alright, now that both black Friday and cyber Monday are over, i would like to know some of the community members shopping adventures. maybe i created this thread just so i could feel better about the massive amount of money i spent over the last weekend by reading about the massive amounts of money spent by others.

I don't usually spend much over the holidays, let alone black Friday/cyber Monday, but this year i have already spent over $800 from the last weekend and i wouldnt be surprised if i hit $1000 by the time the holidays are over. i am still a working college student without much money to blow, so i plan on stopping here and not hitting $1000. i really shouldnt be spending the money I've been saving up this way

anyways, yeah, this is a thread for anyone wanting to share the great deals they got over the weekend. the great deals they are looking for as the holiday shopping season just began, or even what they just hope for/are drooling over and want to buy really badly (or hope to get for the holidays).

I'll start off by listing what i got.
Shoes: I spent $150 on two pairs. Both were at a great deal, and exactly what i needed.

Clothes: I blame the fashion thread for this one, and it was the bulk of my spending. the fashion thread came along right around the time i was wanting to pick up some new things and give new life to my closet. so i suppose those two things coming together plus Black Friday really proved to be too much for my wallet's restraint. I spent almost $500 just on clothes.

I mainly got:
- 2 new Jackets
- 2 new sweaters
- 3 new pair of Jeans
- and of course, a few scarves :D

And finally


The PS3 250 GB Black Friday 2012 Bundle. only $199 before tax, I KNOW RIGHT.

Its been a very long time since I've owned a sony system. I have been a Nintendo fan boy all my life, and when i branched out, i chose Microsoft by getting the Xbox360, but now, i guess i finally own all 3 systems. I never really planned on owning all 3, two systems plus my kick ass PC were more than enough for me, but there are 2 main reasons that were the driving force behind this purchase.

The two main reasons are:

I am a huge tales of fan. i love the series and this game has just been teasing me


I mentioned that i havent owned a sony system in a very long time, well when i last owned one, God of war was a game i fell in love with, and ever since have been wanting to complete the series. Its like on my bucket list ffs, not even just a to do list. With each new release/addition to the series over the years, i was tempted each and every single time to just get the system and finish this game series. Now i am very behind and really should just restart from the first game, but i'm not sure how that would work with a ps3. i am guessing you cant even play ps2 games on the ps3, but hopefully i can find a way.

so yeah, thats it for me. so tell me smogon, how has your holiday shopping been so far? and what future plans do you have for this just beginning holiday season
I ended up spending 80 dollars on the Steam sale but got lot for it. Finally picked up Skyrim, Portal 2, Dishonored, Castle Crashers and Arkham City. Should hold me over for a while. I'll probably get a few more games around Christmas but will be looking for shoes and such. Dont like dealing with the Black Friday crowds and was having too much fun stuffing my face that weekend.
Because Thanksgiving was as early as possible this year, we have the longest shopping season. A lot of businesses are making this a Cyber Week instead of just Monday which is dumb but if they want to do that, good for them. I didn't really buy anything this year besides gifts for people though and I still have some Christmas shopping to do but I'm already done for most people
man, i feel so bad for spending so much money. i want to return some of the clothes i bought, but this morning, looking in the mirror before heading to school, i looked sooooo gooodddddd. damn you awesome new jeans, sweater and jacket combo.

i may return the playstation bundle i bought. yeah its was such a steal at only $199, but, i mean, i already have enough to keep me busy.

a 360, nintendo wii, ds and awesome PC. ugh, why did you have to be released for ps3 only tales of graces F-uck. i dont know, we'll see. its still un-opened
Doubt he'll be able to do that, with the pending announcement of the PS4 in early 2013. I too bought the $199 PS3 bundle; all my 360 friends continue to only play CoD and I've honestly just gotten tired of it. (Except for Rodan, we can still play fighting games<3)

I haven't bought much yet for other people, but I have already bought my brother a new laptop, and planning on getting a tablet for each of my parents. Just need to hold out a little bit more to find a good price on a Asus Transformer :>
I liked the holidays and holiday shopping a lot better before I started working at UPS. Go out and buy from the store you bunch of lazies!
I didn't really buy anything this year besides gifts for people though and I still have some Christmas shopping to do but I'm already done for most people
man, i feel so bad for spending so much money. i want to return some of the clothes i bought, but this morning, looking in the mirror before heading to school, i looked sooooo gooodddddd. damn you awesome new jeans, sweater and jacket combo.

i may return the playstation bundle i bought. yeah its was such a steal at only $199, but, i mean, i already have enough to keep me busy.

a 360, nintendo wii, ds and awesome PC. ugh, why did you have to be released for ps3 only tales of graces F-uck. i dont know, we'll see. its still un-opened
Uncharted 2, Jesus. Uncharted 2. It will make it worth it. Oh, and you can play through Heavy Rain like Paul. Then Scott can judge you based on your choices.

I have a Wii U sitting unopened in my room that I will likely return though.
christmas time means i spend way too much money on myself/partner before i realize that i should be buying other people gifts too. oops!!

the holidays are always awkward for me though, i wish it wasn't only expected of people to gift their loved ones because it's "that time of year." now that i live away from home i do send my mother/father gifts on their respective holidays, but otherwise christmas seems like a time where people may not actually like what you give them, but will be upset if you didn't care to try and get them anything at all. which is a valid feeling from a close loved one or something, but i am grateful enough to visit and see my entire family for christmas - i wouldn't be upset if i didn't receive any tangible gifts, even though at this point it's just money in a card.

though the best thing about living away from home is that I can just shop on amazon/the internet for gifts to send to my loved ones! though I will be visiting them in a few weeks, I will probably do some online shopping first and maybe even forbid my parents from opening their gifts until I can wrap them in person. x) my sister and I have a tradition of just going to the mall and paying for whatever the other picks out for themselves - my brother will likely get another pokemon plush that I bought from japan, and be perfectly happy. I also want to take him out to dave and busters or something with my sister, since the three of us rarely get to all be in the same place anymore with my living in arizona and my sister moving around the country with her air force-enlisted husband.

living away from home has actually made me appreciate my family more too, so I'll try and think up personal stuff for gifts, though I forgot that I totally need to spoil my baby sister when I see her again next month <3