The Dark Horse Project (HUGE Update Post #121)

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Approved by Matthew. A special thanks goes out to Pocket, who helped me greatly in developing this project, and V0x, who provided thoughts and a grammar check!


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Greetings once again. Thanks to the astounding amount of support from the first month of this project, I'm pleased to present February's the Dark Horse Project! If this is your first experience with the Dark Horse Project, please read through the entire opening post to get a sense of what we're about. However, if you're a seasoned veteran in how this works, then feel free to hop right into it! Here's a list of all of the changes from last month's opening post:

  • Since the ladder is not resetting this, you do not need to start with a new PO account for your past month's Dark Horse Pokemon. However, if you intend to work with one of last month's Hall of Fame Dark Horse Pokemon (this includes you, Hall of Famers), then you must start with a new account at 1000 ladder ranking points. The same goes for if you want to switch Dark Horse Pokemon, as is customary.

  • You must now be in the Top 80 (at a minimum of 1350 points) to enter the Hall of Fame now.

  • You may update your Registration Form by either posting it anew in this topic or by adjusting your form from last month's project. I will dutifully check both.

  • There's now an entire post for learning and discussion! Take a glance at it here. Any thoughts and comments that you have might end up there for the benefit of everyone.

  • All Pokemon that were in last month's Hall of Fame are now fair game! Feel free to register with them once again.

  • You may register with as many Pokemon as you like for the project now. The suggested amount is still one, however.

For those of you that are new, hello! I'm posting here to shake up the way in which DST functions and thinks. Ever since we ditched Suspect Voting, DST has lost a bit of its competitive edge. What I'm presenting within this topic is an effort to reignite some of that spark to get us back on track! Furthermore, I hope to increase appreciation for Dark Horse Pokemon, or rather, Pokemon that are currently unpopular but have the potential to shine in OU. The purpose of this project threefold. It should increase diversity in the OU metagame by encouraging the competitive use of great Pokemon that unfortunately fall on the lower end of usage. This project also aims to initiate discussion on how Dark Horse Pokemon fit in the context of the OU metagame. Finally, it should assist in the the sharing of unique team ideas and Pokemon sets to spark creativity into the competitive minds of DST. Let's begin.


This project, simply put, aims at recognizing users who put forth the effort to create a competitively successful team that utilizes Pokemon that aren't often used in OU. Anyone with a Smogon account has a chance of reaching the Hall of Fame within this project. Here are the rules by which this project is run:

  • Each team must use at least ONE Dark Horse Pokemon. The term "Dark Horse Pokemon" is defined by the past month's statistics. Anything below 5% usage is fair game. This means that a Pokemon can be tiered in OU and still be viable for this project!

  • Only one Pokemon on your team has to be a Dark Horse Pokemon. The rest of your teammates can be found within any tier that is allowed within OU.

  • The recommended number of Dark Horse Pokemon to register with is one, so that the user can focus specifically on that Pokemon and how to best build a team around it. If you must have more than one, then please indicate that you are working with more than one.

  • You MUST use a new Pokemon Online Username in order to restart your ladder ranking. Furthermore, the Dark Horse Pokemon that you are working with must remain on your team throughout your ladder run. The members of your team may shift around whenever you see fit, but the Dark Horse Pokemon must remain the same.

  • Switching your focused Dark Horse Pokemon within this topic is acceptable. However, you must restart on the ladder with a new Pokemon Online Username.

  • Please put all changes within your Registration Form. I update based on those forms, not individual posts randomly scattered throughout the topic.

  • Do not start laddering for this project until you have registered within this topic.

  • Please follow the rules. The Dark Horse Project isn't about being dishonest, it's about developing great teams for great Pokemon! As a result, cheaters will most likely end up being banned from the Hall of Fame.

  • It is recommended that you post consistent ladder updates within your registration form. This will allow other users to see your progress and offer meaningful advice!


You are eligible to register for the Dark Horse Project at any time of the month! The third post in this topic contains an index for easy access to all participants, so don't worry about your Registration Form getting lost in the sea of discussion. Get started by filling out the below form:

Registration Form said:
Pokemon Online Username:
Hall of Fame Standing:
Dark Horse Pokemon Currently Working With:
Current Ladder Standing:

Remember, your "Pokemon Online Username" should be new so that your Dark Horse Pokemon will be starting from scratch. Your "Hall of Fame Standing" should be empty for right now. But once you're admitted into the Hall of Fame, feel free to update this part with links to your accomplishment!

Within your registration post, feel free to upload battle logs and teammates that you are using at the bottom! Also feel free to utilize Pokemon sprites to add visualization. Really anything can go here. If you've made posts elsewhere or even a RMT, feel free to link to it there. Here's an example of what a registration post might look like:

Pokemon Online Username: Birkal-Testing
Hall of Fame Standing: None as of yet!
Dark Horse Pokemon Currently Working With: Scrafty
Current Ladder Standing: 1125

Here's the current Scrafty set I'm working with:

Scrafty @ Life Orb
Ability: Shed Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SpA)
- Dragon Dance
- Drain Punch
- Crunch
- Ice Punch

And here's a battle log of it in action!

Once you've registered, you're all set to go! You can start teambuilding and laddering whenever you like. Feel free to update your registration posts whenever you like, whether it be with ladder ranking updates, your teammate selections, battle logs, sprites, or whatever you like!


This topic also serves a second purpose to initiate discussion on battlers' teambuilding and laddering progress; in this thread, you share your struggles and success, and reflect upon the Dark Horse Pokemon's niche in the current OU metagame. This thread is not only a place to show off successful challenges, but also a place to help each other achieve their goals via posting your problems and receiving quality input from others. Challengers should not hesitate to post their teams and/or team ideas to receive help from the community. You are allowed to post your thoughts and opinions. However, here is a "Do and Do Not" list that posters in this topic must adhere to:

  • Do post and share sets for your Dark Horse Pokemon.
  • Do provide teammates that you're using, with optional sets.
  • Do pinpoint which threats in the metagame need to be covered.
  • Do ask questions about the current OU metagame and teambuilding.
  • Do give meaningful answers to asked questions. This can include suggested sets, teammates, and strategies.

  • Do not post insignificant updates. Each post should be well thought and unique.
  • Do not ask someone to make the team for you. Team building is YOUR job (and a fun one at that).

Also, remember that good discussion points and tips will be logged in the Discussion & Learning section for the use of anyone who's looking to become a better battler. Hop to it!

Hall of Fame:

Now comes the competitive aspect of this project. Once you've reached a ranking within the Top 80 on Smogon's competitive OU ladder (with a minimum of 1350 points) with your Dark Horse Pokemon, you are eligible to enter the Hall of Fame! The Hall of Fame is located within the post below the OP and recognizes each user that has entered its halls. Once you've reached the Top 80, please fill out the following Hall of Fame Registration Form:

Hall of Fame Registration Form said:
Pokemon Online Username:
Dark Horse Pokemon:
Screenshot of Top 80 Ladder Ranking:
Dark Horse Pokemon Complete Set:

As with the regular Registration Form, you are encouraged to upload battle logs, teammates, and other relevant information. Since you're entering the Hall of Fame with a successful team, many users would love to hear some wisdom on how you accomplished that goal. So feel free to post a summary of your team (similar to a RMT), battle logs, and general thoughts. Once you've filled out this form, you'll be accepted into the Hall of Fame, which will link to your Hall of Fame Registration Form and other relevant links.

Now, there is one final catch to this project. You see, only one of each Dark Horse Pokemon is allowed into the Hall of Fame per month. For example, only the first challenger who laddered to the Top 80 with Jolteon will be accepted this month; any subsequent Jolteon challengers cannot enter the Hall of Fame until a new round begins next month. That's where the competitive edge comes into play. You are racing against other users for a place in the Hall of Fame! Furthermore, the Hall of Fame ranking is based off of peak ladder ranking points, meaning the more points you score, the higher you'll be placed. So now that you know the rules, get registered and start team building! Best of luck. If you have any questions, send me a PM or VM. I hope to see you in the Hall of Fame.

Credit goes to the highly talented Aluriiya for the above Blitzle image. Used with her personal permission.

Past Hall of Fame:

Unfortunately, last month's Hall of Fame section here is currently under construction. Check out the full run through here to see full sets and optimal teammates! Feel free to check out who made it in. I've listed them from highest ranking Hall of Fame member to lowest.

  • ToF jumped up to #18 on the ladder within the last two days of the project, thanks to Stealth Rock Mamoswine.

  • Pearl. rocked the ladder with Spikes Froslass to rack up some extra damage on the opponent's team.

  • AccidentalGreed ran a unique Togekiss set that provided support with Heal Bell and power with Nasty Plot.

  • ala worked with both Kingdra (without Swift Swim) and Toxicroak on a rain team to dominate the ladder.

  • Berserker Lord punched holes in opposing teams with Choice Band Metagross on the team roster.

  • Jcpdragonx decided to use an interesting sun team with Scarf Darmanitan, Slowking and Regenerator Tangrowth to succeed on the ladder.

  • ginganinja utilized a physically offensive Virizion set with a Lum Berry to provide a plethora of pressure.

  • ssbbm helped popularize Arena Trap Dugtrio; in conjunction with Honchkrow and Staraptor, this team hit very hard.

  • toshimelonhead ran both Venusaur and Sawsbuck under the sun to get some fast sweeping done.

  • lampeskaerm2 worked with the newly released Contrary Spinda to abuse Superpower against very surprised opponents.

  • Lady_Alex decided to use Cresselia on a unique stalling sun team in order to frustrate those looking for a quick victory.

  • fairytale teamed up with Unaware Quagsire to stop set up sweepers from obliterating the defensive line of this team.

  • NoJohns made it up the ladder with offensive Trick Room Bronzong by turning the tables on speed dependent teams.

  • Metagross66 was the first one to reach the Hall of Fame, using Mienshao as a scout and Deoxys-D as a hazard layer.

I'm sorry the Past Hall of Fame isn't complete right now; stay tuned for when it's completely up and running!

Current Hall of Fame:

The Hall of Fame is currently empty! Get on the ladder and let's see some effort! Remember, admission now requires you to obtain the Top 80 on Smogon's ladder with 1350 ladder points.

Credit goes to the excellent Xous54 for the above Blitzle image. Used with his personal permission.

Registered Users:

Remember, you can either update your Registration Form by reposting it in this topic or by updating it from within last month's topic. I will be checking both locations, so no need to fret. I would prefer it if you'd make your next update here in Volume 2, but do what works best for you! Best of luck.

There are currently (147) Registered Participants in the Dark Horse Project!

- AasTmO - Snorlax
- AccidentalGreed - None
- Aeromence - Mawile
- afterburn - Feraligatr
- ala - None
- alexwolf - Tangrowth, Deoxys-D
- alphatron - Gallade
- anchorman92 - Sigilyph
- AOPSUser - Victini
- Astrith01 - Raikou, Suicune
- Axmaster68 - None
- Bad Ass - Virizion
- Berry1 - Accelgor
- Berserker Lord - Escavalier
- Birkal - Wobbuffet, Scrafty
- blarajan - Rotom-C, Deoxys-D
- Boorego - Mew
- Brizznetz - Shiftry
- Bruno Magno - Shaymin
- BurningMan - Azelf, Tornadus
- Byrn Dragonstone - Kyurem, Venomoth
- Byrne - None
- Charge - Feraligatr
- Cherub Agent - Steelix
- Cicada - Feraligatr
- complete legitimacy - Azumarill
- czechm8 - Weavile, Zapdos
- DarkBlazeR - Porygon2
- Darkdiglett - Houndoom
- DDRMaster - Porygon2
- Delko - Whimsicott
- Drifloon - Mamoswine
- emirinho - Donphan
- EBeast - Ludicolo
- EnragedBeast - Ludicolo
- EpicTurtle - Hippowdon
- Eradicator - Sharpedo
- erisiascape - Machamp
- Exclamation! - Kyurem
- fairytale - Nidoqueen
- Foster - Slowbro
- FrostFire - Suicune
- ginganinja - None
- GrassBlade - Zapdos, Azelf
- iss - Lanturn
- jaredz99 - Heracross, Ursaring
- Jcpdragonx - None
- jessifer - Lilligant
- Joeyboy - Mew
- Kaitii - Sawsbuck
- Katakiri - Cobalion
- King Serperior - Crobat
- KorKonT - Mew
- Lady_Alex - Chansey, Sableye
- Lady Salamence - Deoxys-D
- lampeskaerm2 - Spinda
- Leethoof - Scrafty
- Lehran - Shaymin
- Lockeness - Latias
- lolnub - Rotom-C
- Lucario_Guy - Chandelure
- LucaroarkZ - Typhlosion
- LuckOverSkill - Cobalion
- MaestroXXVI - None
- Mafeking - Lickilicky
- Malvira - Shaymin
- Master of the Six Kings - Eelektross
- Matthew - Xatu, Gastrodon
- mehbear - Mew
- MetaGross66 - None
- Metal Bagon - Darmanitan
- Mewcario2546 - Dewgong
- mixmaster.mewthree - Magneton, Claydol
- Molk - Quagsire
- mostwanted - Mienshao
- Mr_br_kill - Empoleon
- Mr.L - Porygon2
- MSB - Raikou, Azelf, Sceptile
- NatGeo - Venusaur
- ninja-persian - Togekiss
- NixHex - Jolteon
- NoJohns - None
- Noodlez - Chandelure
- Nubagator - Lanturn, Cobalion
- Omnigross266 - Serperior
- Patolegend! - Nidoking
- Pearl. - Hippowdon, Stoutland
- Pidge - Hippowdon, Deoxys-D
- Plopper - Raikou
- Plusle - Yanmega
- Pocket - Alakazam
- prem - Sceptile, Latias
- Pwnemon - Slowbro, Hydreigon
- Ranger Blue - Hitmontop, Steelix, Empoleon
- Raseri - Weavile
- Razza - Azelf, Cloyster
- ReshiramBlitz - Gardevoir
- Ripamon - Blastoise
- risenreturn - Misdreavus
- Seth Vilo - Roserade, Sableye
- SevilitheArcanine - Shuckle
- Sgt. F***face - Flygon
- ShakeItUp - Mightyena
- shnen - Hariyama
- Showsni - Charizard
- Skore - Slowbro
- skymastergamerpt - Alakazam
- SlimMan - Archeops, Tangrowth
- Sloth105 - Sableye
- Solstice - Machamp
- Soulous - Crawdaunt
- soviet - Rotom-C, Deoxys-D
- spuds4ever - None
- ssbbm - Mightyena
- Stallion - Chandelure, Lilligant, Slowbro
- Stif247 - Mew
- Strobe - Raikou
- t100drat - Sudowoodo
- TalkingLion - Roserade
- Tb_dude - Durant
- Texas Cloverleaf - Sceptile
- Thundur - Mew
- ToF - Tornadus
- toshimelonhead - Venusaur, Sawsbuck
- The Goddamn Batman - Alakazam
- ThePillsburyDoughBoy - Swampert
- The Reptile - Zoroark
- The Silent Storm - Sharpedo
- The Truth - Tornadus
- TropiOUs - Hydreigon
- Twannes - Kyurem
- Tyranitarphantom - Arcanine
- V0x - Scrafty, Wobbuffet
- Valentine - Sharpedo
- Vein - Milotic
- Vemane - Tornadus
- Vix - Flygon, Manetric
- WashedLaundry - Kyurem, Abomasnow, Mamoswine
- waterwarrior - Zapdos
- XcRunner - Uxie
- xtrashine - Chandelure
- YAYtears - Empoleon
- YoungsterKeiran - Azumarill
- younglink27 - Bastiodon, Golbat
- Zoap - Mamoswine, Poliwrath, Abomasnow, Froslass, Jynx
- 2sly4u - Wobbuffet
- ~Mercury~ - Raikou

Remember, registration is always OPEN.

Credit goes to the incredible Karite-Kita-Neko for the above Blitzle image. Used because it's free for public use. Huzzah!


Welcome to the brand new "Learning and Discussion" section of the Dark Horse Project! I am very excited for what's going to take place here, which will mainly be to catalog any meaningful tidbits of advice for public use. This is something new that we'll be working on as a team. As a result, this is currently under construction. However, I've devised a list of questions that you can feel free to answer at any point. Remember, it's not just the answers to these questions that will get posted here; any meaningful advice that you give also has a shot of making it here! I hope this resource can be insightful and meaningful for anyone who's looking to improve their skills with Dark Horse Pokemon.

If you ever see a tidbit or piece of advice that you deem as valuable and would like to see posted here, I'll consider it if you send me a PM with the necessary information. I'll also take questions that you'd like to see answered if you're willing to provide them and add them to the below list. Thanks for your help!


Birkal said:
How did you choose your Dark Horse Pokemon for this project? What lead you to choose the Pokemon you did? Did you have regrets or were you happy with your selection?

How did you go about building a team for your Dark Horse Pokemon? Which kinds of teammates did you consider? What factors contributed to the team you created?

Do you think it is more difficult or less difficult to ladder with a Dark Horse Pokemon? Why? Does the element of surprise play a factor in your battles? Is it easier to fight with a "highly used"" team or with Pokemon that are less common?

(For Hall of Fame members only) How did you reach the Hall of Fame? Was it easy or difficult? Did having a Dark Horse Pokemon on your team benefit you? What advice would you give to those laddering with Dark Horse Pokemon?

(For Non-Hall of Fame members only) What was the most challenging aspect of this project? What did you learn the most from your experience with Dark Horse Pokemon? How has your learning from this project changed the way you battle?

Again, feel free to answer any of these questions! It can be anything from a few sentences to an essay. Sharing your learning and thoughts is an incredibly important part of this project. So get writing and keep on laddering! We've still got a few more days to accept entries into the Hall of Fame. Keep it up!
Quit Nidoqueen. Using Empoleon.

Pokemon Online Username:The Empoleon
Hall of Fame Standing:N/A
Dark Horse Pokemon Currently Working With:Empoleon
Current Ladder Standing:1360 #70

Hah. I never realized there was a questionnaire. Here goes:


Togekiss @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 220 HP / 36 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Roost
- Heal Bell
- Air Slash

How did you choose your Dark Horse Pokemon for this project? What lead you to choose the Pokemon you did? Did you have regrets or were you happy with your selection?

The better question, really, is why I DIDN’T choose my Dark Horse. There are perhaps many reasons why people wouldn’t use Togekiss, but alas, my tastes are different. I believed that Togekiss is a potential team supporter and stall breaker when given the chance, which surprisingly is alot, given the amount of defensive teams everywhere. With Togekiss, I’m virtually able to come out on top against many of the metagame’s top defensive threats (I’m looking at you Gliscor, Jellicent, BLISSEY, CHANSEY), and if the tide is too high, support my offensive teammates by using Heal Bell. It takes some knowing and getting used to this Togekiss for many people. I’m glad I gave it a chance.

How did you go about building a team for your Dark Horse Pokemon? Which kinds of teammates did you consider? What factors contributed to the team you created?

Well, I should get this out of the way first: my team isn’t based around supporting Togekiss; rather, it’s a team in which Togekiss can synergize well with other offensive teammates in addition to holding out on its own. The first thing someone would consider when building a team with Togekiss is providing it with paralysis support, which, in actuality, isn’t as much a necessity as beating Tyranitar, Terrakion, and Electric-types.

I figured that if Togekiss was using Heal Bell, there should be offensive teammates that can batter the opposition (and counters if possible) in addition to benefiting from the removal of status. Paralysis support is also pretty fun, so SubPara Jirachi is there to sponge common attacks and pivot off everything in site. It didn’t matter if my Choice Band Dragonite was burned while rampaging; Togekiss can fix it. Paralysis on my ScarfMence? Togekiss. Additionally, since the majority of my team is focused on straightforward attacking, it’s also fairly weak to stall, an area where Togekiss can come in and inflict ruin.

Do you think it is more difficult or less difficult to ladder with a Dark Horse Pokemon? Why?
Does the element of surprise play a factor in your battles? Is it easier to fight with a "highly used"" team or with Pokemon that are less common?

I can’t really answer this question properly because I hate using what everybody else uses. I mean sure, you’re free to use that Volt Turn core that 90% of battlers out there are using now, but, in a way, it’s kinda...well...unfulfilling. Augh. Perhaps there is a better word that fits the context, but w/e. Sure beats using metagame-tailored stuff like Bulk Up Breloom.

Anyways, I feel that difficulty is linked to one’s level of conformity with the Pokemon used in his/her team. I feel perfectly content knowing that Togekiss works, and I can use it regularly outside of Dark Horse practices. I guess the closest answer to the last question is “Yes”; I do, in fact, find that pairing Togekiss with certain popular threats make it more effectively. Some of these Pokemon ARE standard for a reason.

(For Hall of Fame members only)How did you reach the Hall of Fame? Was it easy or difficult? Did having a Dark Horse Pokemon on your team benefit you? What advice would you give to those laddering with Dark Horse Pokemon?

Oh, it was easy. Like ssmm said, the ladder is pretty much easy to predict around (or in his own words, “shit”). As long as you don’t lose your motivation and keep your stuff together when you do lose, you are virtually able to reach the hall of fame whenever you want. It’s not about being at the top; it’s about knowing that you ARE good with the Pokemon you like, and whether or not you know exactly when the team needs adjustments. (And no screw you I don't want to use Refresh + CM Latias because Scizor exists)
Yo, I'm taking back back my Hydregion, as I no longer have access to that alt and I don't feel like starting over with Hydregion. Rather, I would like to change to Zoroak if at all possible.
Pokemon Online Username: ThisTrainerIsAZoroak
Hall of Fame Standing: I'm bad at pokemon, so nope.
Dark Horse Pokemon Currently Working With: Zoroak
Current Ladder Standing: 1000
Pokemon Online Username: shitass
Hall of Fame Standing:
Dark Horse Pokemon Currently Working With: hitmontop
Current Ladder Standing: 1000

Pokemon Online Username: shitass
Hall of Fame Standing:
Dark Horse Pokemon Currently Working With: spiritomb
Current Ladder Standing: 1000
Pokemon Online Username: Metal Bagon
Hall of Fame Standing: N/A
Dark Horse Pokemon Currently Working With: Darmanitan
Current Ladder Standing: 1000
Quit Nidoqueen. Using Empoleon.

considering that Nidoqueen was on my team that I got into the Hall of Fame with im not sure why. Its a solid pokemon and one of the best Terrakion counters around. I just chucked it with a few pokemon that enjoyed Toxic Spikes support and off I went.

Man just saw these questions now, here goes!

How did you choose your Dark Horse Pokemon for this project? What lead you to choose the Pokemon you did? Did you have regrets or were you happy with your selection?

Virizion has always been fairly underrated as a pokemon which is sad cos it fucks up Rain 100%. I picked SD Virizion cos it fucked up M Dragon Rain Stall which is still pretty common, and with Lum I don't have to worry about Rotom W predicting the switch and burning me. SD Virizion just fucks up so many cores its not funny. I remember playing a Rain Team and the battle took something like 4 turns, I sent in Virizion, lured in Dragonite, set up SR and then brought Virizion in and sweept with no problems. I also liked Virizion cos it did o.k against Volt Turn so it was a good all round pokemon for my team.

How did you go about building a team for your Dark Horse Pokemon? Which kinds of teammates did you consider? What factors contributed to the team you created?

Its funny cos I first used Calm Mind Virizion (in an earlier version of the team (ie before the Dark Horse Thread was posted) and found Focus Blast missing was a pain. I tested Swords Dance Virizion and found that not much actually liked switching in on it, and lots of people assumed it was Calm Mind. (I remember many people switching to Chansey as I Swords Danced on a switch, and then were promptly forced out again as I got a second Swords Dance). I knew that Scizor and Skamory were bothersome pokemon to it so I introduced a Specs Heatran into the Team.

The Team really wanted Skarmory weakened so I shoved in CB Dragonite to fuck shit up and weaken Physical Walls that might hinder Virizion sweeping cleanly, then realised I had Terrakion problems as well as problems with physical sweepers so dropped in NIDOQUEEN.

Nidoqueen gave me Toxic Spikes Support to help me more against stall and more balanced teams, and I used Sub Hydreigon (really underrated) which could handle Blissey with Toxic Spikes support. Finally I needed Stealth Rock and a check for Lati@s so I ran Specially Defensive Metagross and the team was perfect. You can check out my RMT which features a similar core but is prolly the better version of the team featuring Virizion) if you want to see how the team worked.

Do you think it is more difficult or less difficult to ladder with a Dark Horse Pokemon? Why? Does the element of surprise play a factor in your battles? Is it easier to fight with a "highly used"" team or with Pokemon that are less common?

I think using a Dark Horse Pokemon is just more fun to use. Running the same old shit gets boring, plus, trying new stuff can sometimes shift the Metagame which is always good. Adding diversity into a metagame is always fun for all people concerned. I don't believe that its more or less difficult to ladder with a Dark Horse Pokemon. I think that if your team is strong enough then everything should be fine although it does reach a point where your Dark Horse is so shit (like, idk Luvdisk) then no matter how good your team is, your handicapping yourself.

(For Hall of Fame members only) How did you reach the Hall of Fame? Was it easy or difficult? Did having a Dark Horse Pokemon on your team benefit you? What advice would you give to those laddering with Dark Horse Pokemon?

Reaching the Hall of Fame was difficult for me because I get haxed a lot. Like, o.k, everyone says that but I actually do lol. I am sure however, that anyone else could have used my team and got highier, but I am proud of where I got. My Dark Horse Pokemon did not have the team "built around it" really, (it was more built around Specs Tran and CB Nite core) but it fitted into the team really well so that was nice I guess. If anyone wants advice on getting to the Hall of Fame, don't hesitate to ask for assistance! I am slightly lucky since I can put my old rating techniques to use when I teambuild however I still spent long hours bothering people on IRC is there was ANYTHING that could improve my team. So yeah, don't hesitate to ask for help and the cliche don't ever give up is my lame ass messages for you to take away.
Pokemon Online Username: SupaDarkHorseNinja
Hall of Fame Standing: ....
Dark Horse Pokemon Currently Working With: Togekiss
Current Ladder Standing: 1150ish

Woohoo! Now I can use the pokemon I always wanted, Togekiss. (changing Rhyperior to Togekiss).
PO Username: Pwnemon
hall of fame standing: penis
Registered Pokemon: Slowbro
current ladder standing: 1355
Might as well give this a try.

PO Username: plopper
hall of fame standing: N/A
Registered Pokemon: Raikou, Tornadus, Shaymin
current ladder standing: 1156

((I added Shaymin and Tornadus to my team after a few battles. Do I need to register with a different nick?))
Pokemon Online Username: haters gonna hate
Hall of Fame Standing: #1 last time :)
Dark Horse Pokemon Currently Working With: Tornadus (I just realized I couldn't use Gastrodon because it eclipsed the 5% usage mark!)
Current Ladder Standing: 1315
PO Username: MeowGoesCat
Hall of fame standing: N/A
Dark Horse Pokemon Currently Working With: Lanturn
Current Ladder Standing: 1000

PO Username: MeowGoesCat
Hall of fame standing: N/A
Dark Horse Pokemon Currently Working With: Cobalion
Current Ladder Standing: 1000

I didn't give this a try last round, but it seems like a lot of fun!
Pokemon Online Username: Katakiriteer
Hall of Fame Standing:N/A
Dark Horse Pokemon Currently Working With: Cobalion (With Virizion & Terrakion)
Current Ladder Standing: 1000
Here we go again, SPINDA:

Pokemon Online Username: onlyusemeSPINDAagain
Dark Horse Pokemon: Spinda
Screenshot of Top 80 Ladder Ranking: N/A
Dark Horse Pokemon Complete Set: N/A (testing)
Pokemon Online Username: Gambitess
Dark Horse Pokemon: Dugtrio
Hall of fame standing: Round 1
Current Ladder Standing: 1000 -> 1352 -> 1455(feb 11th).

Proof of Top 80

Final ladder peak
Set I used:

(M) @ Focus Sash Trait: Arena Trap
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Reversal

Full team:
Politoed (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Scald
- Toxic
- Perish Song
- Protect
Jirachi @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Thunder
- Water Pulse
- Substitute
Dugtrio (M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Arena Trap
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Reversal
Dragonite (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Multiscale
EVs: 252 HP / 62 Def / 16 SDef / 180 Spd
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Dragon Claw
- Substitute
- Roost
- Dragon Dance
Latios (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Draco Meteor
- Surf
- Trick
- Thunder
Tentacruel (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Rain Dish
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Protect
- Scald
- Rapid Spin
- Toxic Spikes

Link to my RMT:
Pokemon Online Username: A Thousand Years.


Hall of Fame Standing: First person to get there.


Dark Horse Pokemon Currently Working With: Hippowdon, Latias, and Stoutland.



Current Ladder Standing: 1363.

Pokemon Online Username: 2400
Hall of Fame Standing: none
Dark Horse Pokemon Currently Working With: Latias
Current Ladder Standing: 1374
hmph, might as well give this a go (again).

PO Username: asphalt cocktail
Hall of Fame Standing: Not in (yet!)
Dark Horse Pokemon: Manectric
Current Ladder Standing: 1203
Pokemon Online Username: Anchormon92
Hall of Fame Standing: None
Dark Horse Pokemon Currently Working With: Sigilyph
Current Ladder Standing: 1100


Working with Cosmic Power Sigi, just like last month. Solum's Core with SD Scizor instead of Garchomp was working pretty nicely, but I'm trying to come up with my own team instead. I experimented a little at the end of last month, but not much came of it. Suggestions for teammates for this guy would be great! I'm also using Cloyster currently (I started with him at the bottom of the ladder, so I don't know if I should register him too, but I'm focusing mostly on Sigi).
Changing Rotom C to Zapdos
Pokemon Online Username: LeafBl2
Hall of Fame Standing: None
Dark Horse Pokemon Currently Working With: Zapdos, Azelf
Current Ladder Standing: 1125
Pokemon Online Username: Revolver Ocelot
Hall of Fame Standing: N/A
Dark Horse Pokemon Currently Working With: Virizion
Current Ladder Standing: 1000
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