Art by MiniArchitect
Welcome to the Balanced Hackmons Open!
Tournament Rules:
StitChuu vs XxSevagxX
Idkwhutimdoin vs adem [*DNP]
willdbeast vs DuckeryDoodle
Mr.Bossaru vs cityscapes
AlFab vs DugZa
memedose46 vs Ballfire
Nikephore vs Beka
lepton vs beauts
ItsChew. vs ExcitedRaichu
chechnya6 vs markosmml [*DNP]
Jqlove vs Chazm
anaconja vs Tea Guzzler
dinosaur3.O vs Wizrd [*DNP]
TTTech vs richied198
RTM vs StuffedRavioli
gucci medium vs JGZ [*DNP]
Gastlies vs zee
Alien145 vs TheS3afarer
coolmann2049 vs opfish
ChibiEevee vs LoboValdez03 [*DNP]
crying vs Shing'n Streets
Uber45 bad vs damflame 3
Nihilslave vs luisin
lph vs sugarhigh
Inferno-the-bear vs martinvtran
Fc vs liloofyvert
LuckyMCgirl vs Black Belt Stupid [*DNP]
TheGr8Evil vs Dragonillis
Kabilapok vs idea
UT vs dawnfallstar
txitxas vs Y0M1
Redflix vs giove97
LBDC vs Wubben
ToiriX vs Ivar57
arn.av136 vs Quantum Tesseract
Kris vs eu
Nittya vs Ren
a loser vs Darkrai Retribution
quojova vs DerpyBoi
Cirno Fumo vs DuGuo
PandaDoux vs Bye 3
Onyx Onix 7 vs Bye 4
cleber957585 vs Career Ended
zioziotrip vs Bye 6
hidden vs Bye 7
TectonicDestroyer vs Bye 8
Fardin vs Bye 9
Deadline is Sunday, January 30th, at 11:59 PM EST (UTC -5).

Tournament Rules:
- General tournament rules and regulations.
- OM Grand Slam VII information.
- The banlist for this tournament is the same as the Balanced Hackmons ladder on the Smogon University server of Pokemon Showdown, and can be found on Smogon's strategy dex.
- Best of three, single elimination.
- If metagame changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
- Battles must take place on Pokemon Showdown!.
- Sw/Sh cartridge win conditions are in place; there are no ties.
- Replays are recommended to prevent disputes.
StitChuu vs XxSevagxX
Idkwhutimdoin vs adem [*DNP]
willdbeast vs DuckeryDoodle
Mr.Bossaru vs cityscapes
AlFab vs DugZa
memedose46 vs Ballfire
Nikephore vs Beka
lepton vs beauts
ItsChew. vs ExcitedRaichu
chechnya6 vs markosmml [*DNP]
Jqlove vs Chazm
anaconja vs Tea Guzzler
dinosaur3.O vs Wizrd [*DNP]
TTTech vs richied198
RTM vs StuffedRavioli
gucci medium vs JGZ [*DNP]
Gastlies vs zee
Alien145 vs TheS3afarer
coolmann2049 vs opfish
ChibiEevee vs LoboValdez03 [*DNP]
crying vs Shing'n Streets
Uber45 bad vs damflame 3
Nihilslave vs luisin
lph vs sugarhigh
Inferno-the-bear vs martinvtran
Fc vs liloofyvert
LuckyMCgirl vs Black Belt Stupid [*DNP]
TheGr8Evil vs Dragonillis
Kabilapok vs idea
UT vs dawnfallstar
txitxas vs Y0M1
Redflix vs giove97
LBDC vs Wubben
ToiriX vs Ivar57
arn.av136 vs Quantum Tesseract
Kris vs eu
Nittya vs Ren
a loser vs Darkrai Retribution
quojova vs DerpyBoi
Cirno Fumo vs DuGuo
PandaDoux vs Bye 3
Onyx Onix 7 vs Bye 4
cleber957585 vs Career Ended
zioziotrip vs Bye 6
hidden vs Bye 7
TectonicDestroyer vs Bye 8
Fardin vs Bye 9
Deadline is Sunday, January 30th, at 11:59 PM EST (UTC -5).
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