BH The Balanced Hackmons Open - Finals [Won by XxSevagxX]

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Dr. Phd. BJ

is a Past SCL Champion
Art by MiniArchitect
Welcome to the Balanced Hackmons Open!

Tournament Rules:
  • General tournament rules and regulations.
  • OM Grand Slam VII information.
  • The banlist for this tournament is the same as the Balanced Hackmons ladder on the Smogon University server of Pokemon Showdown, and can be found on Smogon's strategy dex.
  • Best of three, single elimination.
  • If metagame changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
  • Battles must take place on Pokemon Showdown!.
  • Sw/Sh cartridge win conditions are in place; there are no ties.
  • Replays are required to prevent disputes.
Round 6

damflame 3 vs Ren
damflame 3 vs XxSevagxX
Ren vs XxSevagxX

Deadline is Sunday, March 6th, at 11:59 PM EST (UTC -5).
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damflame 3 vs Ren
damflame 3 vs XxSevagxX
Ren vs XxSevagxX

I'm picking sevag to take the crown here. They've definitely had the toughest road to the finals compared to the other two here and have been the most impressive of the finalists, winning each of their series in two games (even winning a series in one game as well). XxSevagxX (i hate typing this entire thing) has also been passing teams to Ren, who got a bye into round three of this tournament, so we'll see what teams Ren manages to accumulate in the week leading up to their Sunday matchup. It should be an interesting series and might go to three games but I think sevag will take it fairly comfortably unless Ren has RNG on his side (or brings something really cheesy).

damflame has been playing solidly this tournament as well as seems to have a lot of teams to pick from. This makes it tougher to expect what they'll bring but I think sevag will bring something ugly like Spin Sap PH Xern again and this will help him outplay damflame if the games drag out. I think the Ren vs damflame game will happen before the weekend and that Ren will come out on top in a close series.

I'm praying this bracket won't reset. Good luck to all and see you Sunday I guess!
won in 2, ggs

Also a quick shout out to Onyx Onix 7 , Nihilslave , Quantum Tesseract , cityscapes , lph , Ivar57 , and TTTech for all the teambuilding help / team selection. It was much appreciated.

Sad for Penguin loss but great run buddy! Commemorative image for the run celebration and good luck for future tours ^_^


Lastly, I'd like to shoutout Aethernum for this post from last year. I brought it home this time chief ^^
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