the 3 dragons. thoughts on how OP they really are

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I see people discussing garchomp over and over and feel its time to really see whether garchomp is as OP as people say it is compared to the other dragons and their respective power up moves, as well as how the type effects them in combat.
firstly rocks.
salamence and dragonite both take 25% from the rocks on switch, while garchomps type makes rocks do minimal but is effected by spikes and toxic spikes while the others aren't

it depends what is in play, toxic spikes could be worse in the long run (damage scaling) but rocks could mean that extra bit of hp needed to survive is gone.
thunder wave.

garchomp is immune.
dragonite and salamence set ups can be stopped by thunder wave, dragon dance may be good on paper for dragonite but thunder wave brings it down to earth with a bump. salamence has a higher base speed and so runs swords dance, which is in terms of TW just as effective, speed is not going to happen under para unless the pokemon is ridiculously slow.

garchomp here has advantage of switching in on a predicted thunder wave

base stats
they all equal 600 but in different distribution
hp 108
attack 130
defence 95
special attack 80
special defence 85
speed 102

hp 91
attack 134
defence 95
special attack 100
special defence 100
speed 80

hp 95
attack 135
defence 80
special attack 110
special defence 80
speed 100

salamence is the attack based one with highest attack stats and, dragonite has the best of the defence stances (except for hp which garchomp has more of) while garchomp is the fastest.

nothing broken here as its more personal preferance to what someone would need.

types. we know all 3 are dragon but what of other types...
salamence and Dnite are both flying (hence the rocks doing 25% and spike immunity) the drawback to this is it loses its resistance to electricity and stone edge (both used often due to other flyers) and a 4x weakness to ice, it does gain the x.25 to grass. garchomp is ground and has other immunity losses, it has no water resistance (not a big problem) but only weakness is 4x ice with no x.25 resistances.

here garchomp has a huge advantage over the other dragons, only one weakness while the others have 2 and lose a resistance to a commonly used type (electric).

weather. every one of the dragons is effected by the weather in the usual way except for garhcomp who gains evasion and takes no damage from sandstorms.

garchomp is one step ahead here however, weather is a small part of the game and sandstorm can easily be changed.


garchomp: sand veil - a very strong ability when in sandstorm, garchomp gains the advantage of something could miss that otherwise wouldn't. however out of sandstorm garchomps power is useless.

dragonite: inner focus - flinch prevention while not really a big power, in itself can come in handy to get a hit off especially fighting serene grace pokemon with flinch moves.

salamence: intimidate - always good to have an attack reducing power but it only works when salamence comes into battle and is useless against special attackers

the abilitys are not overpowered and can be dismissed easily in battle (except for garchomps in a sandstorm of course) i say garchomp has the best due to the annoyance the evasion can cause.

of the 3 garchomp is the best of the 3 no question.

now if garchomp were put in ubers, would salamence and dragonite be as strong filling in? with the Twave weakness the annoying sweeping potential has gone as it can be slowed plus more chances of getting that super effective hits.
here garchomp has a huge advantage over the other dragons, only one weakness while the others have 2 and lose a resistance to a commonly used type (electric).
Garchomp has two weaknesses and the others have three.
Forgot Dragon weakness.
If Garchomp moved to Ubers, Salamence and Dragonite would not magically get stronger. They would be walled by the same things theyre walled by now. If anything, they would be even easier to counter since teams wouldn't have to rely on needing two pokemon dedicated to stopping Garchomp.

Also, you forgot to mention Mence/Draggy's SR weakness and Spikes/TSpikes immune as differences with Garchomp. Also, you say Intimidate "can be dismissed easily". That isn't true. Intimidate is one of the best abilities in the game, especially in the extremely physical-based OU environment.
What about Flygon or Altaria?
Maybe you should mention a few of the most used movesets so you can have a more comprehensive veiw (Specs Mence, LO Mence, Chain Chomp, DDNite...)

This kinda seems more like a Garchomp rules thread then an analysis on dragon pokemon.
"I see people discussing garchomp over and over and feel its time to really see whether garchomp is as OP as people say it is compared to the other dragons and their respective power up moves, as well as how the type effects them in combat."

"of the 3 garchomp is the best of the 3 no question."

Question answered?

"salamence has a higher base speed and so runs swords dance"

Salamence can't learn swords dance AFAIK.

Then there's always the fact that one is used as a multi-role poke to leave the opponant guessing, and is hit-n-run usually (salamence). One is a late game sweeper which usually stats up and then sweeps late-game (dragonite). The final one is usually a scarf/bander, who uses and abuses its ability in sandstorm with a "novelty" set (Garchomp). IMO you're kinda comparing magnazone, dugtrio and wobuffet here [Figure of speech].

And yeah, Even if Garchomp was uber, that wouldn't mean mence/Dragonite rush to take its place.
Without adding in moves it's difficult to analyze the three. Dragonite, for example has access to Dragon Dance and Outrage, which IMO, makes Dragonite the best Dragon candidate for a physical sweeper.
dragon weakness is obvious, however 4x ice isn't that obvious at first.

well intimidate can be dismissed once the mence is in play it doesn't work.
SR was covered by the 25% thing its not fully weak or it would take 50%.
think of it this way, those 2 can be walled chomp cant in truth be counteredby anything because of yache berry ;)

i was thinking about possible moves but each one gets a differant stat booster, move sets people should know already. its not a garchomp love thread its just a comparison based on stats common used moves and abilitys to see which acctually is the best of the 3.
I don't see the point of this topic. You pretty much restated everything that has been said in every one of these topics and then said they would get stronger if chomp went up.
How can you ignore movesets when deciding which is the best?
Also your dismissal of Intimidate makes no sense. If Salamence switches into a physical attacker, he will usually get a free hit in as an opponent switches. Also, Dragonite can occasionally survive unSTABed Ice Beams/HP Ice's b/c most people EV their dragon counters to kill chomp. And what do you mean by different Stat booster? Mence + Nite get DD and Chomp gets SD.
"well intimidate can be dismissed once the mence is in play it doesn't work."

*facepalm* And garchomp's isn't useless when there's no sandstorm?

"think of it this way, those 2 can be walled chomp cant in truth be counteredby anything because of yache berry ;)"

And you can't put a yache berry on 'Mence or Dragonite? And a garchomp can be walled, anything can...

"i was thinking about possible moves but each one gets a differant stat booster, move sets people should know already."

And a stat booster isn't part of the moveset?

I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but a lot of what you say is either contradictory, not detailed enough, or just downright makes no sense.
.......flygon same weaknesses as chomp. but with levaite. so no spikes damage and no toxic spikes porblem. and it has no SR problem either.

you should mention it.
i am comparing the big 3, if garchomp was uber maybe flygon would come into it.
and i said all 3 powers can be bad, but sandstorm can easily be restarted. adding the other dragons means i have to start throwing in altaria and kingdra as well

you can put a yache on dnite and mence yes but they have that added rock weakness.
i am not repeating movesets that people should already know. if i must add them i will link to them
IMO you're kinda comparing magnazone, dugtrio and wobuffet here [Figure of speech].
No, those are too far apart. While the three dragons can share the same role in some cases, all three can do different role given certain conditions.
I'm also acknowledging your figure of speech.

This topic would be like comparing Celebi, Exeggutor, and Tangrowth.
While one definitely has an advantage over the other on one side of the spectrum, the other one can fill a completely different role in the other side of the spectrum.

Think of it like..

Specsmence ------------------ Yachechomp ------------------ DDnite
Exeggutor --------------------- Tangrowth -------------------- Celebi

Both Eggy and specsmence can sweep specially under certain conditions.
Yachechomp and Tangrowth both rely on weather to live up to their fullest potential, and can sweep physically and be defensive.
DDnite and Celebi can both sweep (under certain conditions) and are defensively oriented. They can also support the team if they want, and have good stats all around.

I hope this post makes sense to everyone. it made sense to me, it's just hard to explain it on paper though :p
you're probably going to be disappointed that i closed this but there really isn't anything groundbreaking to discuss about these three and you should really have done your homework before posting that salamence gets swords dance and forgetting that dragon is weak to dragon

lurk more before attempting any threads like this
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