Terrakion (Rock) QC: 0/2


name: Choice Scarf (Rock)
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Poison Jab/ Megahorn
move 4: Earthquake
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk/ 252 Spe/ 4 SpD


Terrakion serves a vital role on offensive Rock teams, providing excellent physical coverage and speed control. Base 108 speed is an excellent speed tier, and with a Choice Scarf, Terrakion can outspeed and KO dangerous setup sweepers, such as Dragonite, and common Choice Scarf users like Tapu Lele and Galarian Zapdos, and big offensive threats like Mega Lopunny, Mega Alakazam, Greninja, and Tapu Koko. Close Combat is very spammable and allows Terrakion to threaten key threats on Steel teams, hitting Heatran, Excadrill, and Ferrothorn for massive damage. Close Combat also helps break through Normal teams, destroying Blissey, Porygon2, and Mega Lopunny. It also provides Terrakion the ability to clean up Dark teams in the late game. Stone Edge is a powerful STAB that allows Terrakion to hit most Pokémon otherwise unaffected by Close Combat, like Staraptor, Mega Sableye, and Zapdos. Earthquake allows Terrakion to threaten Toxapex and Aegislash, which shrug off Terrakion's STABs. Finally, Poison Jab allows for Terrakion to improve its matchup against Fairy teams by hitting Clefairy, Tapu Bulu, and Azumarill hard. Alternatively, Megahorn can be used to improve Terrakion’s matchup against Psychic teams by letting it hit Slowbro super effectively.

Terrakion’s ability to revenge kill faster threats and threaten Steel types is greatly appreciated by its teammates, many of which struggle to KO Steel types that Terrakion has no problem removing from the field. Shuckle’s hazard support helps Terrakion immensely, with Sticky Web in particular slowing down faster scarfers, like Greninja, so that Terrakion can outspeed and KO them as well. Shuckle’s Encore allows it to force a set-up sweeper into its setup moves, allowing Terrakion to switch in and pick them off. Mega Diancie helps break physical walls that Terrakion can’t, like Toxapex and Mega Sableye, and can help soften walls like Celesteela, which allows Terrakion to sweep Flying and Steel teams late-game. Nihilego threatens Fairy types and bulky Water types that Terrakion struggles with, like Clefable, Tapu Bulu, and Slowbro. Tyranitar’s sand helps bolster Terrakion's special bulk, and it traps troublesome Psychic-types like Scarf Latias with STAB Pursuit. Alolan Golem and Coalossal deal with Steel types like Scizor and Celesteela that Terrakion struggles to break.


Other Options

* Double Dance sets with Swords Dance, Rock Polish, Stone Edge, Earthquake, and Rockium Z can potentially provide more flexibility than scarf sets in some matchups, such as the Poison and Ghost matchup. In particular, a Swords Dance boosted Continental Crush can OHKO physically defensive Mega Venusaur. The lack of immediate speed ultimately hurts Terrakion’s ability to be a successful and threatening revenge killer, as it can no longer outspeed and threaten targets like Mega Lopunny and Choice Scarf Tapu Lele. The lack of coverage also hurts Terrakion’s ability to target Pokémon that can wall it, and it also has a hard time setting up due to its poor bulk and terrible defensive typing, so setup sets usually require Shuckle Encore support in order to succeed. Choice Band sets can provide Terrakion a much greater damage output, allowing it to 2HKO physically defensive walls like Corviknight and physically defensive Mega Venusaur after Stealth Rock, but they leave Terrakion open to be immediately revenge killed by a faster threat, like Mega Lopunny.


- Written by: [[Khahara userid1]]
- Type analysis by: [[Khahara, userid1]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
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AMQC, apply only what you want
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name: Choice Scarf (Rock)
move 1: Stone Edge Close Combat
move 2: Close Combat Stone Edge (based on how you formed the analysis)
move 3: Poison Jab / Megahorn (I think Iron Head > Poison Jab, if only because Azumarill will likely kill you with Aqua Jet, but OHKOing M.Dia even with Terrain could be valuable...)
move 4: Earthquake
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk/ 252 Spe/ 4 SpD

Paragraph 1:

- role that the Pokemon plays
- coverage moves that affect its role

- EV spread in one sentence or less

Terrakion serves a vital role on offensive Rock teams, providing excellent physical coverage and speed control. Base 108 speed is an excellent speed tier, and wWith a Choice Scarf, Terrakion can consistently outspeed and KO dangerous setup sweepers such as Dragonite, and common Choice Scarf users scarfers, such as Dragonite, Tapu Lele, and Galarian Zapdos, while also outspeeding and big offensive threats like Mega Lopunny, Mega Alakazam, Greninja, and Tapu Koko. Close Combat is very spammable and allows Terrakion to tear through Steel teams, hitting Heatran, Excadrill, and Ferrothorn for massive damage (I think you can add that it also helps vs Normal- you delete M.Lop with it + you don't actually tear through steel teams with terrak, Melmetal and Mega Scizor will live one and threaten to OHKO Terrak, while Aegis is immune to it, you can also add that it can clean opposing Dark, Normal, and Steel teams late game tho maybe?). Stone Edge is a powerful STAB that allows Terrakion to hit most Pokémon otherwise unaffected by Close Combat, like Staraptor, Mega Venusaur (you don't deal enough), and Mega Sableye (I think you can add that it hits stuff like Zappy / Rotom-W that tend to come in on it). Earthquake allows Terrakion to threaten hit vital targets like Toxapex and Aegislash, Klefki, and Jirachi (they get 2HKO'ed either way) which can shrug off Terrakion's STABs. Finally, Poison Jab allows for Terrakion to improve its matchup against Fairy teams by hitting Clefairy, Tapu Bulu, and Azumarill hard. Alternatively, Megahorn can be used to improve Terrakion’s matchup against Psychic teams by letting it hit Slowbro, Latias (this is usually scarfed tho-), and Celebi (is rarely seen) super effectively.

Paragraph 2:
- brief example of teammates that benefit from the Pokemon's presence
- brief example of foes that the Pokemon is vulnerable to + teammates to help cover them

Terrakion’s ability to revenge kill faster threats and threaten Steel types is greatly appreciated by its teammates, many of which struggle to KO Steel types that Terrakion has no problem removing from the field. Shuckle’s hazard support helps Terrakion immensely, with Sticky Web in particular slowing down faster scarfers, like Greninja, so that Terrakion can outspeed and KO them as well. Shuckle’s Encore also potentially allows it Shuckle to force a set-up sweeper into its setup moves, allowing Terrakion to switch in easily and pick them off. Mega Diancie helps breaks physical walls that Terrakion can’t, like Toxapex, and Mega Sableye, and can soften walls such as Celesteela, allowing Terrakion to sweep Flying and Steel teams late game. , and Mega Venusaur, while also providing Magic Bounce utility to prevent Terrakion from getting inflicted with status. Mega Diancie can also help to soften up Celesteela, letting Terrakion pick it off later on. Nihilego can also help Terrakion by KOing threatens Fairy types and bulky Water types that Terrakion struggles with to OHKO, like (Insert Fairy-type here) and Slowbro. Alolan Golem and Coalossal help to alleviate some pressure from Terrakion by dealing deals with Steel types like Scizor and Celesteela that Terrakion struggles to break. Tyranitar’s sand provides Sand, allowing it to take special attacks (?) and can trap pesky Psychic-types such as Choice Scarf Latias with Pursuit. Dark typing helps Terrakion immensely by providing it some extra bulk and trapping Psychic types with STAB Pursuit. (I think Ttar should be higher than Coal + A.Golem, move this sentence up)


Other Options

Double Dance sets with Swords Dance, Rock Polish, Stone Edge, and Earthquake, and used in conjunction with Rockium Z can potentially provide more flexibility than Choice Scarf sets in some matchups (mention which matchups), thought the lack of immediate speed ultimately hurts Terrakion’s ability to be a successful and threatening revenge killer (it would be nice to mention what does Terrak miss out, eg. being able to revenge kill M.Lop, or something). The lack of coverage also hurts Terrakion’s ability to target Pokémon that can wall it, while adding coverage comes at the cost of a setup move. Terrakion and it also has a hard time setting up due to its poor bulk and terrible defensive typing, so setup sets usually require Shuckle Encore support in order to succeed. (removed bullet point) Choice Band sets can provide Terrakion a much greater damage output (would be nice if you mentioned which mons does CB Terrak OHKO/2HKO that Choice Scarf cannot), but they leave Terrakion open to be immediately revenge killed by a faster threat (mention which threats [eg. Mega Lopunny]. These sets flat-out require Sticky Web to be on the field, which can be difficult given that Rock only has one hazard setter.


- Written by: [[Khahara userid1]]
- Type analysis by: [[Khahara, userid1]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
most changes implemented, but im still of the firm opinion of poison jab > iron head since killing tapu bulu and azumarill is something that every other rock mon barring nihilego struggles with. with azu in particular, the game is already over if it has a bd up, so any potential to kill it before the bd is crucial. rock also has other options, usually w/ specially defensive t-tar, to kill mega diancie reliably, but the others are harder to kill