Hello, I’m Dece1t, also known as Stun, and this RMT is a huge deal for me. Not only is ORAS coming to a close, but it’ll also be my 1K post (see showhide below), as well as my 18th Birthday. With that I decided to RMT one of the best teams I have as the generation comes to an end. It’s had some of the best accomplishments I’ve had on any of my teams, including the following: a 24-0 winstreak, Top 10 on the Monotype Ladder on multiple occasions, and even 90 GXE at one point. In the community I am known as one of the best Ground mains, and being regarded as such is so humbling to me that I grew so much as a person and player compared to my early days on PS!. Earning staff in the community was also a huge step, it just goes to show that everyone deserves a second chance at something; believe me I wasn’t always looked up to like I am now. To be totally truthful I used to be pretty stupid, often shitposting without realizing, I had a terrible attitude, and even back in 2012 I was “permabanned” from the server because of my stupidity (thankfully this was eventually lifted as you can imagine). It also brings a tear in my eye to look back on those days, and to comprehend where I am standing now in the community. With my rambling set aside, I would like to present my biggest, and final RMT for the generation, Terminus.
I’ve had this team for a little more than a half of a year, which in itself is a real testament to its long term success. Aside from that, the original aim was to create a Hyper Offensive Ground team, something that from my knowledge has never been properly attempted. For this to be possible I had to have pivots which I could rely on, and Pokemon capable of opening up plenty of opportunities to sweep. With all of that in mind, I began putting things together.
Hippowdon was who I added first, with the intent to set Sandstorm for Excadrill and set up Stealth Rocks. For the sake of it being a Defensive Pivot, I gave it the Eject Button to be able to pass on some slow momentum once, allowing whoever I switch into typically not have to take damage. This allows me to easily gain the upper hand in a match rather early, and pound with loads of offensive pressure.
With Sand now in my artillery, I added Excadrill. He is arguably one of the most dangerous sweepers in Monotype, reaching an incredible speed tier thanks to its ability Sand Rush, and equipped with a Choice Band to dish maximum damage, while not having to worry about Life Orb recoil.
Camerupt was immediately my Mega of choice. Not only is it what I’m known for running on a lot of my teams, but it’s part Fire typing brings some great buffs to Ground teams including: powerful STAB Fire Coverage for Grass and Ice types, immunity to Wil-O-Wisp, and it’s one of the only options for a strong Special Wallbreaker besides Landorus-I. Though defensively it’s typing does not benefit me against Water nor opposing Ground attacks, this actually comes to my advantage. It can make to be a great lure for a lot of common threats, such as Azumarill, Landorus-T, Gyarados, and Breloom, and burn them upon switchin.
Initially I knew I wanted Mamoswine to give me a great win con against Flying, Dragon, and Grass, as well as a brilliant form of priority in Ice Shard. It functions as my Physical Wallbreaker, and general switchin to Ice attacks thanks to Thick Fat.
Once I had that decided, I needed a good late game sweeper, as well as something to help in my Water matchup. Gastrodon and Seismitoad deemed to be too passive, and more or less a momentum drainer for the rest of the team, so I used Zygarde. I got introduced to this set a while ago, and since then I haven’t left it behind. With access to Dragon Dance, and neutrality to Water attacks, he proved to be incredibly reliable.
Outside of Excadrill in the Sand and a boosted Zygarde, I had no form of immediate speed. At first I was debating on Landorus-T since I’ve used it in the past as a Choice Scarfer, but I realized then I was severely lacking on Special Attackers. That’s why the team is finalized with Landorus! With incredibly strong Sheer Force boosted attacks further powered by Life Orb, Landorus proves to be a force to be reckoned with. It also semi solves my weakness to Fighting teams, and gave me a good check to Mega Venusaur. After vigorous teambuilding in an attempt to make a Ground team under the archetype of Hyper Offense, this is what I was left with in the end.
Hippowdon was who I added first, with the intent to set Sandstorm for Excadrill and set up Stealth Rocks. For the sake of it being a Defensive Pivot, I gave it the Eject Button to be able to pass on some slow momentum once, allowing whoever I switch into typically not have to take damage. This allows me to easily gain the upper hand in a match rather early, and pound with loads of offensive pressure.
With Sand now in my artillery, I added Excadrill. He is arguably one of the most dangerous sweepers in Monotype, reaching an incredible speed tier thanks to its ability Sand Rush, and equipped with a Choice Band to dish maximum damage, while not having to worry about Life Orb recoil.
Camerupt was immediately my Mega of choice. Not only is it what I’m known for running on a lot of my teams, but it’s part Fire typing brings some great buffs to Ground teams including: powerful STAB Fire Coverage for Grass and Ice types, immunity to Wil-O-Wisp, and it’s one of the only options for a strong Special Wallbreaker besides Landorus-I. Though defensively it’s typing does not benefit me against Water nor opposing Ground attacks, this actually comes to my advantage. It can make to be a great lure for a lot of common threats, such as Azumarill, Landorus-T, Gyarados, and Breloom, and burn them upon switchin.
Initially I knew I wanted Mamoswine to give me a great win con against Flying, Dragon, and Grass, as well as a brilliant form of priority in Ice Shard. It functions as my Physical Wallbreaker, and general switchin to Ice attacks thanks to Thick Fat.
Once I had that decided, I needed a good late game sweeper, as well as something to help in my Water matchup. Gastrodon and Seismitoad deemed to be too passive, and more or less a momentum drainer for the rest of the team, so I used Zygarde. I got introduced to this set a while ago, and since then I haven’t left it behind. With access to Dragon Dance, and neutrality to Water attacks, he proved to be incredibly reliable.
Outside of Excadrill in the Sand and a boosted Zygarde, I had no form of immediate speed. At first I was debating on Landorus-T since I’ve used it in the past as a Choice Scarfer, but I realized then I was severely lacking on Special Attackers. That’s why the team is finalized with Landorus! With incredibly strong Sheer Force boosted attacks further powered by Life Orb, Landorus proves to be a force to be reckoned with. It also semi solves my weakness to Fighting teams, and gave me a good check to Mega Venusaur. After vigorous teambuilding in an attempt to make a Ground team under the archetype of Hyper Offense, this is what I was left with in the end.
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 160 HP / 252 SpA / 96 Spe
Modest Nature
Camerupt is, and has been, my personal favorite mega to run on Ground teams. It’s also what I’m most known for, considering its been on an older team of mine from about a year and a half back. Camerupt is supposed to function as the team's Special Wallbreaker, and there’s a few reasons why I actually prefer to run it over Garchomp. Firstly its fire coverage is insanely powerful, with very little walls being able to avoid a 2KO from a Sheer Force STAB boosted Fire Blast from an overwhelming base 145 Special Attack stat. Secondly it acts as a burn absorber, being able to directly switchin to common Will-O-Wisp users such as Sableye and Mew. Lastly it is an incredibly deceptive lure thanks to its traditionally poor Defensive typing, being able to surprise burns onto Gyarados, Azumarill, Dragonite, and other threatening Physical Attackers on switchin, which proves to be incredibly nifty. As far as the rest of its moveset goes, Fire Blast and Earth Power are the STAB attacks, and Rock Slide is preferred to effectively check Mega Charizard Y and boosted Volcarona (which Ancient Power can oftentimes fail to KO otherwise after 1 Quiver Dance, otherwise the perfect accuracy can come in handy on the contrary). The EV spread given allows it to creep base 30 Pokemon such as Ferrothorn and Slowbro, while giving it maximum power and some bulk investment.
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 112 HP / 216 Atk / 4 SpD / 176 Spe
Adamant Nature
Most of my Ground teams I build tend to carry Mamoswine, and with plausible reason. To start things off, it's part Ice typing gives me a good edge against Dragon, Flying, and Grass--things that I would more than likely struggle against otherwise. Thick Fat is also an incredible asset to have, now giving me a 2x resistance to Ice attacks. This allows it to act as an emergency switchin to a variety of Ice type attacks, preferably non-STAB so it takes as little damage as possible. Aside from that, Earthquake is the primary STAB given for strong general damage, and Icicle Spear is given over Icicle Crash because of 100% accuracy and the fact that it’s a multi-hit attack (this allows it to break subs while still dealing some damage, and giving it a small chance to 2KO Skarmory). It’s good to mention here that Freeze-Dry would be a very viable option to have, being able to easily threaten un-mega’d Gyarados, Rotom-Wash, and Slowbro (for those you would need 112 Special Attack investment). Ice Shard is used for priority, which is incredibly potent to have; it allows me to get easy revenge kills without having to be overly reliant on Excadrill (which also includes having to rely on Sandstorm being up by that time). Superpower is given for Fighting coverage, allowing it to hit Air Balloon Heatran, and nail 2KO’s on Chansey and Porygon2 (the ladder it has to be after Stealth Rock and Sandstorm damage). The EV spread is a little odd, but it's meant to give it a high amount of Attack investment to be able to guarantee a 2KO on Porygon2 without side effects, and give it enough speed to outpace Adamant Breloom and Bisharp. A Jolly Nature can be used to be able to check Breloom entirely, however I feel it’s too much of a power drainer and hinders it as a Physical Wallbreaker (avoiding a lot of 2KOs I would otherwise nail with an Adamant nature). The rest was put into HP for general bulk. The Life Orb is given so it is free to switch in between attacks, which otherwise it wouldn’t with a Choice Band, while giving it a substantial power boost at the cost of minimal recoil per turn.
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 144 Def / 112 SpD
Impish Nature
Hippowdon plays a huge role on this team, as it acts as the team’s lead and weather setter throughout matches. The really neat thing about the set I’m running, which is the feature I abuse the most, is Eject Button. This allows me to snag momentum at any given moment, by switching it in to take damage, and soon after pivot into the corresponding Pokemon I need in a given situation (6 times out of 10 I’ll pivot into Excadrill so it can abuse its 4 maximum turns of Sand to the fullest extent). Other than that, this is a pretty basic lead set, with EVs to live a +1 Mega Gyarados Waterfall at full health, and Special Defense investment to avoid 2KO’s from common HP Ice users (primarily Thundurus or Magnezone).
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
Excadrill is the primary sweeper of the team, hitting a whopping 550 Speed with Sandstorm up, and a monstrous 608 Attack stat thanks to Choice Band. That being said it is incredibly dangerous, and often times than not difficult to check effectively without strong priority such as Mach Punch. Earthquake is its strongest STAB, boasting a boosted 100 base power. Iron Head is the other STAB it has, proving to be extremely effective at checking Ice and Fairy types. Rock Slide is coverage given so it is able to hit things that resist both of its STABs, such as Zapdos and Gyarados. X-Scissor may seem like a silly coverage choice aside from the fact that it can hit Grass super-effectively, but the reason I run it is to be able to 2KO both Slowbro and Latios while Choice Locked, so I won’t have to get into a nasty predicting game against Psychic. With all of that settled the EVs are pretty basic, however the reason I am not running Life Orb is because I tend to pivot it into weak attacks to give me an upper edge immediately in a match (good examples being into a Togekiss Air Slash, or coverage Energy Ball)--that being aforementioned it’s understandable how additional Life Orb recoil would only hinder it as a sweeper.
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
Zygarde is arguably the most unconventional Pokemon on this team, however it plays a pretty significant role. It’s part Dragon typing gives it a neutrality to Water and Grass attacks, allowing it often times than not to be my pivot into them. Along with that and great bulk, it has the ability to somewhat easily boost against Water teams, giving me a much more reliable win con than I would get with Seismitoad or Gastrodon, while also not being a momentum drainer. That being said, he’s supposed to be a late game sweeper, with Outrage and Earthquake as the main STABs, and Stone Edge for coverage (the biggest niche from that being to check Mega Charizard Y, which it’s good to have a back up knowing Camerupt gets 2KO’d by Solar Beam). From there however, the set itself is surprisingly basic, the only other thing worth mentioning would be Lum Berry is used to evade Outrage confusion as well as burns. You could run other options such as Coil, or Extreme Speed over Stone Edge, but those never proved nearly as effective as Dragon Dance. Coil, while giving me a pretty handy defense boost, doesn’t serve well for me, considering a speed boost makes it much more threatening. It would also annoy me that it has no reliable recovery outside of Rest--that off the bat was a flaw I wanted to avoid. That is why in the end, Dragon Dance ended up being the pick of the litter. Extreme Speed, while the additional priority is very handy, Zygarde is more than likely to be walled by defensive walls that haven’t been taken out yet (Togekiss being a primary example), not to mention Stone Edge serves as backup coverage against mega Charizard Y. So while Extreme Speed is definitely a great option, I tend to nudge towards Stone Edge.
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
Landorus may seem like a tad bit of an odd choice to have for the team, given I already have a very effective Special Wallbreaker, however as I mentioned in the Teambuilding Process I was severely lacking on immediate Speed and Special Attackers. That being said, Landorus holds that very important key role on the team. Earth Power is the STAB given, doing incredible loads of damage thanks to Life Orb and Sheer Force boosts. Psychic is given since I noticed my team struggled considerably against Fighting, and it proved to be a nice check to Mega Venusaur. Focus Blast is given for strong general coverage, proving to be incredibly useful against Steel types that are neutral or immune to the Ground STABs on the team. Calm Mind is something that isn’t seen very often on most Landorus sets, however it decisively makes it levels more dangerous, and it allows it to effectively break a much larger array of walls it otherwise wouldn’t, such as Gliscor, Zapdos, and even Chansey. Previously I’ve ran Gravity as a means to ground anything immune to Ground attacks, but that truthfully only benefitted me in my Flying and Electric matchups (which aside from Mega Gyarados I usually have a distinguishable advantage against them), so it almost seemed redundant to run that after a while. I also tried Sludge Wave, Rock Slide, and Knock Off for additional coverage, but those never really served me nearly as well as Calm Mind has in my personal experience.
Water Teams, especially Swift Swim ones, are extremely challenging to face. Especially with no Mega Garchomp, I lose to this the most unfortunately. Zygarde is your best way to attempt to win, save him as late game as possible, and keep it away from anything with potential Ice coverage. Otherwise, Landorus and Excadrill also prove to be potent offensive forces to hopefully get you the win.
Breloom is a very unique case, especially considering the fact that it 9 times out of 10 carries a Focus Sash, allowing it to either get free damage against someone, or use Spore. How I deal with this is to get Sand or Stealth Rock up as early as possible, so its sash is broken early on, and have either Zygarde or Landorus revenge kill it.
Combined with unexpected bulk, speed, and a deadly movepool, Keldeo can often be a hassle to get around. Your best bet is to either have Excadrill get into it safely and OHKO it after a little Sandstorm/Stealth Rock damage, if not, have Zygarde boosted to +1 to ensure a quick and easy OHKO.
Gyarados on flying notoriously can often be excruciating to face if it has already boosted. Usually either Excadrill or Zygarde can take care of it if it's handled early (since most do not run max speed). Upon switchin though, Camerupt can lure it in and hopefully get a burn on it. Be careful however if it is the RestTalk set, which can remedy its ailments.
Charizard is a Pokemon that I consider an undeniable threat that must always be checked on almost all of my Ground teams. Coupled with a good speed tier, threatening offensive attacks (Fire Blast and Solar Beam in particular), and Drought (which deactivates sandstorm), it's understandable as to why I'm often scared facing this thing. Camerupt and Zygarde are the checks I have prepared, and they’re often enough to throw it under the rug.
The immunity to ground can be pretty annoying, along with the exceptional speed tier, and finicky coverage attacks. Excadrill however, can usually handle this, just be careful especially if it has Surf.
Kyurem tends to be a challenge, especially predicting its set. If it's scarf, that's typically easy to take care of, since you can quickly send in Hippowdon to sponge an attack and switch to Excadrill immediately after, and it'll be choice locked. Life Orb however if a different story, since it has the ability to at least 2KO everyone on the team. Exadrill however can check it, and on both types Excadrill is difficult to switch into. If it so happens to Life Orb, landorus also has the ability to check it, but compared to Excadrill due to Focus blast accuracy, that tends to be slightly more unreliable. On Dragon, Kyurem usually come in on Mamo to take an Ice attack, so be mindful of that when playing against it.
With a defensive spread, it's hard to 2KO at times, and with an offensive spread, it can easily 2KO Excadrill. It's no wonder why this is a considerable threat to note.. Landorus is your best way of dealing with it, with Psychic being able to nail a 2KO on most variants. If that plan backfires, Zygarde, Excadrill, and Camerupt can often take care of it. It's good to note though that under sand, Synthesis only heals 1/3 of its HP as opposed to 1/2.
90 GXE:
24-0 Winstreak:
Top 10:
(This was ~#8-6 on the Ladder at that occasion)
24-0 Winstreak:
Top 10:
(This was ~#8-6 on the Ladder at that occasion)
Camerupt-Mega @ Cameruptite
Ability: Solid Rock
EVs: 160 HP / 252 SpA / 96 Spe
Modest Nature
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- Rock Slide
- Will-O-Wisp
Mamoswine @ Life Orb
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 112 HP / 216 Atk / 4 SpD / 176 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Icicle Spear
- Ice Shard
- Superpower
Hippowdon @ Eject Button
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 144 Def / 112 SpD
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Whirlwind
- Slack Off
Excadrill @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Iron Head
- X-Scissor
Zygarde @ Lum Berry
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Stone Edge
- Outrage
Landorus @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Earth Power
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
- Calm Mind
Considering the circumstances of which I am writing this, I put a lot of effort into this to make this as special of an RMT as possible. Terminus means a new era, or a new beginning, which applies to me in a plentiful amount of ways. It’s the end of ORAS, and the beginning of SUMO, which I am extremely excited for. From this day forth I’ll be an “official” adult, which is a huge undertaking that I can only imagine, now that my childhood will come to an abrupt end. One Thousand posts is also a big accomplishment, and it really shows how I’ve grown as a user in the course of that time, and from there hopefully it will be exponential as time continues. I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading this, because I’ve definitely taken in every sweat-filled second of writing/formatting this over the course of about a month. What’s most quintessential about this is the team itself, which I really hope you make good use out of come Generation 7, or to cherish the runs I’ve had with this. Thank you immensely to everyone who has been on my side every step of my journey over the course of 4+ years, and I give the best of wishes to everyone reading!
Detailed Shoutouts:
scpinion I mention you in all of my RMT’s, but you have no idea how much of a great friend and role-model to me you are. A lot of you don’t know this, but he is one of the biggest reasons why I’m apart of roomstaff. He supported me entirely even when I didn’t always support myself, he gave me criticism plenty when I needed it, and he brought up my case on multiple counts when staff was personally biased against me because of my rough past. He constantly guided me through how I should act and improve as a user, in the room and on the forums. For that I am eternally grateful to you always, and you are one of the people that influenced me the strongest. Thank you so much, you’re simply amazing to put it short, and I would not be the person I am today without you. You’ll be a great Other Metagames leader, considering the phenomenal work you put in to make Monotype one of the most homely and fun communities on PS!
StarBlim You’re my cripple you know! But, hey, you’re a great friend, especially with being my partner in crime, or co host for a lot of events, most notably for CCATs and LTLC. You keep me level headed when my ideas may be growing out of their breeches, or my mouth dominates in discussions. You’re a great dude, and I’m so happy to have you as a friend.
ChildOfDisorder It’s weird we just started really becoming buddies not until recently. Although now, it’s strange to think we weren’t even talking every day until the past couple months or so. Thank you for helping me out with my RMT (especially with my banner and spell/grammar checking), and all in all being an extremely chill guy to talk to!
Other general shoutouts:
The GoD Squad: MiyoKa juleocesar Mateeus_1 The Excadrill Granpapi madman404 iLlama WishingJirachi7 truedrew dusk raimon Formidable Kryxes Sundar KGBanter (Credits to him for helping me with the name of the RMT, which fun fact, he came up with it was unrelated to the fact that I am running Zygarde!)
Room Staff: Vid Paleo Acast Bondie Eien Clearly Snowyyy BlackSchwan Zarif Misaka Mikoto czim 6ti Dirpz Former Hope
Miscellaneous: terrors Zyo Jo' Z Confluxx Ticktick Attribute Oberyn Wanka Izaya
scpinion I mention you in all of my RMT’s, but you have no idea how much of a great friend and role-model to me you are. A lot of you don’t know this, but he is one of the biggest reasons why I’m apart of roomstaff. He supported me entirely even when I didn’t always support myself, he gave me criticism plenty when I needed it, and he brought up my case on multiple counts when staff was personally biased against me because of my rough past. He constantly guided me through how I should act and improve as a user, in the room and on the forums. For that I am eternally grateful to you always, and you are one of the people that influenced me the strongest. Thank you so much, you’re simply amazing to put it short, and I would not be the person I am today without you. You’ll be a great Other Metagames leader, considering the phenomenal work you put in to make Monotype one of the most homely and fun communities on PS!
StarBlim You’re my cripple you know! But, hey, you’re a great friend, especially with being my partner in crime, or co host for a lot of events, most notably for CCATs and LTLC. You keep me level headed when my ideas may be growing out of their breeches, or my mouth dominates in discussions. You’re a great dude, and I’m so happy to have you as a friend.
ChildOfDisorder It’s weird we just started really becoming buddies not until recently. Although now, it’s strange to think we weren’t even talking every day until the past couple months or so. Thank you for helping me out with my RMT (especially with my banner and spell/grammar checking), and all in all being an extremely chill guy to talk to!
Other general shoutouts:
The GoD Squad: MiyoKa juleocesar Mateeus_1 The Excadrill Granpapi madman404 iLlama WishingJirachi7 truedrew dusk raimon Formidable Kryxes Sundar KGBanter (Credits to him for helping me with the name of the RMT, which fun fact, he came up with it was unrelated to the fact that I am running Zygarde!)
Room Staff: Vid Paleo Acast Bondie Eien Clearly Snowyyy BlackSchwan Zarif Misaka Mikoto czim 6ti Dirpz Former Hope
Miscellaneous: terrors Zyo Jo' Z Confluxx Ticktick Attribute Oberyn Wanka Izaya
For some reason my actual message counter is inaccurate. All of the posts listed above including this actually does equal 1,000 if you add them up.
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-441588263 Vs. Water
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-442240779 Vs. Psychic
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-354475972 Vs. Dark
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-354468507 Vs. Dragon
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-354447542 Vs. Flying
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-353506870 Vs. Bug
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-438963974 Vs. Fighting
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/monotype-425079624 Vs. Fairy
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/origin-monotype-286959 Vs. Ice
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