Project Teams of the Week

Welcome to Teams of the Week!
(approved by ND mods)
This is a new project between the NatDex subforum and the NatDex OU chat on PS! that aims to share successful teams. Each week the hosts will pick 2 to 6 teams and showcase them in the National Dex OU chat on PS! This thread will be used mostly for archive purposes.

How can I participate?

To participate you can send a private message to the hosts either on PS! or Smogon Forums with your team. The current host of the project is hidin on Smogon / hidin on PS! / hidinn on Discord. Alternatively you may send your team to any other staff member of the National Dex OU chat.

Make sure your team has been tested before sending it and to include a brief description if possible. The purpose of this project is not for users to share their entire builder, so we would appreciate if participants limit the number of teams they submit to 2 or 3 per week.
Have fun! This project is made with the intent of allowing everyone's teams to get more exposure. We hope everyone has a good time with this project.

Teams Showcased
:mawile-mega: :rotom-wash: :cinderace: :slowking-galar: :landorus-therian: :samurott-hisui:
:glimmora: :ogerpon-wellspring: :ceruledge: :scizor-mega: :iron-valiant: :dragonite:
:zapdos: :slowking-galar: :samurott-hisui: :gliscor: :ferrothorn: :tapu-lele:
:celebi: :gliscor: :scizor-mega: :toxapex: :sneasler: :tornadus-therian:
:moltres: :garchomp: :garganacl: :jirachi: :kyurem: :lopunny-mega:
:diancie-mega: :dragonite: :iron-valiant: :iron-moth: :kartana: :urshifu-rapid-strike:
:diancie-mega: :tornadus-therian: :ferrothorn: :zamazenta: :toxapex: :gliscor:
:tapu-lele: :kartana: :tyranitar-mega: :zapdos: :ferrothorn: :gliscor:
Amstan and autumn
:sceptile-mega: :heatran: :landorus-therian: :slowking: :ting-lu: :iron-valiant:
:hippowdon: :excadrill: :dracozolt: :tornadus-therian: :scizor-mega: :urshifu-rapid-strike:
:iron-crown: :urshifu-rapid-strike: :tyranitar-mega: :gliscor: :hydrapple: :tornadus-therian:
:gouging-fire: :iron-boulder: :iron-valiant: :iron-jugulis: :landorus-therian: :scizor-mega:
:tapu-bulu: :heatran: :alomomola: :zapdos: :ursaluna: :zamazenta:
:gardevoir-mega: :alomomola: :zamazenta: :iron-crown: :tornadus-therian: :garchomp:
:corviknight: :tapu-fini: :gliscor: :venusaur-mega: :tornadus-therian: :clefable:
:kyurem: :ogerpon-wellspring: :diancie-mega: :iron-treads: :moltres: :slowking-galar:
:volcarona: :rillaboom: :hatterene: :hawlucha: :raging-bolt: :landorus-therian:
:meowscarada: :tapu-lele: :landorus-therian: :alomomola: :heatran: :zamazenta:
:medicham-mega: :gliscor: :alomomola: :tapu-lele: :iron-crown: :clefable:

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Teams for Week 1

:mawile-mega: :rotom-wash: :cinderace: :slowking-galar: :landorus-therian: :samurott-hisui:
Mega Mawile + Encore Hisuian Samurott BO by adem
This team is built around Mega Mawile, a Pokemon that's been increasing in usage because of how easy it is to exploit defensive Pokemon like Slowking-Galar and Alomomola with it. Rotom-Wash is the speed control of the team and prevents win-conditions like Swords Dance Gliscor and Garganacl from getting out of control and Cinderace provides decent hazard control with Court Change. Slowking-G and Landorus-T is the defensive backbone of the team, and Encore Hisuian Samurott compliments Mega Mawile with its ability to stack up Spikes and hit hard, while also locking passive Pokemon like Alomomola and Toxapex into a move.

:glimmora: :ogerpon-wellspring: :ceruledge: :scizor-mega: :iron-valiant: :dragonite:
Ceruledge + Dragonium Z Dragonite HO by Nashrock
Because of the Teal Mask expansion, Ceruledge was gifted Poltergeist, which lets it deal absurd damage to Pokemon that would check it in the past like Landorus-T, Garchomp, and Moltres. Otherwise, its a standard HO team with a Glimmora lead and abusers like Ogerpon-W an Iron Valiant, with a spunky Dragonium Z Dragonite in the back to immediately delete its checks like Alomomola and Garganacl.

:zapdos: :slowking-galar: :samurott-hisui: :gliscor: :ferrothorn: :tapu-lele:
Choice Band Hisuian Samurott + Future Sight BO by Amstan
This team is built around Choice Band Hisuian Samurott, a very powerful wallbreaker that manages to be both annoying in one turn and long-term with Ceaseless Edge and Knock Off. However, Hisuian Samurott can have problems clicking buttons against Pokemon like Alomomola and Dondozo. Slowking-G solves this problem by pressuring the aforementioned with Future Sight, allowing Hisuian Samurott to click buttons more freely.

:celebi: :gliscor: :scizor-mega: :toxapex: :sneasler: :tornadus-therian:
Celebi + Air Balloon Sneasler Balance by thebestever543
"Celebi on a team of the week?" You might be thinking, but it turns out the little onion pixie has a use of checking Pokemon like Ogerpon-W and Urshifu-R while not being too bad of a defensive pivot in general. With Pokemon like Gliscor, Toxapex, and Mega Scizor in the back as a defensive backbone as well, along with great win conditions in Sneasler and Nasty Plot + Flyinium Z Tornadus-T, the team has a good composition, even though there's a Celebi on it.

Remember to send me teams until December 3rd! I'll announce Week 2 teams then.​
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Teams for Week 2

:moltres: :garchomp: :garganacl: :jirachi: :kyurem: :lopunny-mega:
Curse Garganacl + Choice Scarf Jirachi BO by peap
Garganacl is a tried-and-true wincon with Curse, and with the support from teammates like Kyurem, Garchomp, and Mega Lopunny, it makes Garganacl's purpose way more easier to fulfil. Jirachi is a niche but workable pick on this team, as it checks Tapu Lele and provides decent speed control in general. Here's a replay featuring the team!

:diancie-mega: :dragonite: :iron-valiant: :iron-moth: :kartana: :urshifu-rapid-strike:
All-out Attacker Iron Moth HO by Nish the Great
Standard HO featuring a Mega Diancie lead and a Swords Dance Kartana; while it may seem that Swords Dance Kartana may be outclassed by Swords Dance Ogerpon, the slightly better defensive profile and its larger Attack can be useful. Iron Moth is using a set without Energy Ball or Substitute and is instead using Tera Blast Ground and Psychic, to make sure Pokemon like Galarian Slowking and Toxapex cannot wall it.

:diancie-mega: :tornadus-therian: :ferrothorn: :zamazenta: :toxapex: :gliscor:
Swords Dance Gliscor + Heavy-Duty Boots Zamazenta Balance by Ineros
Swords Dance Gliscor is a very basic but very effective bulky wincon. With most Pokemon that can threaten Swords Dance Gliscor being frail, Zamazenta is a good teammate as it decently strong and quite fast. Ferrothorn and Toxapex form a good defensive backbone, with Tornadus-T being your usual Defog pivot with a Mega Diancie in the back to dismantle opposing balance teams.

Remember to send me teams until December 10th! I'll announce Week 3 teams then.​
Sorry for the delay, I've been busy in real life and as such inconsistent with these projects, and it doesn't help that the submissions have been minimal. However, I'm back now and it's time to open up a new submission slate! Remember to send me teams before this Sunday! Send me teams either on here, Discord, or on PS!
Teams for Week 5
To make up for the hiatus there's a lot more teams this time!

:gardevoir-mega: :alomomola: :zamazenta: :iron-crown: :tornadus-therian: :garchomp:
Teleport Mega Gardevoir BO by Ineros

:corviknight: :tapu-fini: :gliscor: :venusaur-mega: :tornadus-therian: :clefable:
Substitute + Bulk Up Corviknight Balance by adem

:kyurem: :ogerpon-wellspring: :diancie-mega: :iron-treads: :moltres: :slowking-galar:
Choice Specs Kyurem + AV Iron Treads Offense by Dead by Daylight

:volcarona: :rillaboom: :hatterene: :hawlucha: :raging-bolt: :landorus-therian:
Grassy Terrain Offense by sealoo

:meowscarada: :tapu-lele: :landorus-therian: :alomomola: :heatran: :zamazenta:
AV Tapu Lele and IDBP Zamazenta + Meowscarada BO by Sulo

:medicham-mega: :gliscor: :alomomola: :tapu-lele: :iron-crown: :clefable:
Mega Medicham + Tapu Lele Balance by Nashrock

Remember to send me teams until February 11th! I'll announce teams then.​
Because of how early most submissions are and how busy I was during the week, I forgot some of the names of the people who built teams featured here. Please let me know if you built something but your name isn't showcased!

Teams for Week 7

Mega Mawile + Rillaboom Balance by sealoo

Iron Defense + Body Press Zamazenta + Mega Latias Fat by Ineros

Mega Latios + Swords Dance Gliscor BO by adem

Mega Altaria + Choice Specs Darkrai Balance by Illouri

Mega Mawile + Dragonium Z Raging Bolt BO by Unknown

Moltres-Galar HO by Thedeathsofbeings234

Submissions are open and will end this Sunday! Be sure to send me teams by then.​