Client Team selector updates incorrectly after creating teams


Robot Empress
is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Battle Simulator Moderatoris a Metagame Resource Contributor Alumnus
What type of bug are you reporting? Client

What is the bug?
Your team was rejected for the following reasons:

- This format requires you to use your own team.
- If you're not using a custom client, please report this as a bug.

Are you able to replicate it? If so, how?
this happens anytime I create a new box in the teambuilder. I didn't set it to a format or anything like that, I just clicked new box and then "find match" in any format that requires a team, and this happened
Update: not just new box, new teams as well. As long as it's not set to a format, it looks like the client will attempt to auto-select it, and throw the error
Just posting to check if this also fixes the bug on team selectors in tournaments. I assume so, but it's better to be sure before we merge