Team RKO

Ive Been Using this team on The TU Server and it been doin pretty well for me just need to see if there need to be any improvements. This team took me quite a while to put together but all in all I think Ive done a pretty good job with the team. I Built this team around MixNite, so the idea is to Eliminate or slow down some of Nite counters so that he can come in and clean up. This Team is for WIFI And Shoddy


Azelf@ Colbur Berry
Ability: Levitate
Jolly nature (+Spe, -SpA)
EVs: 8 HP/140 Att/144 SpD/252 Spe
-Stealth Rock
As Suggested by Faladran. So after testing Azelf works better in the lead spot. Now, personally I do not really like suicide leads like Azelf but this one seem to get the job done better then empoleon. Lays out SR And go Boom depending on the situation. U-turn and Taunt allow you to escape from unfavorable match-ups and shut down slower leads, respectively.


Dragonite (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 16 Atk/252 Spd/240 SAtk
Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Superpower
- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower
- Extremespeed
This guy is my mix-sweeper and can take many guys down with Draco Meteor guys like swamperts and hippowdon. Flamethrower is there to take care of the steel pokemon such as scizor,bronzong, and skarmory. Extremespeed for Priority.Superpower for Blisseys/Clefables<------- Which seem to be getting used more and more now


Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature
- Iron Head
- Ice Punch
- Trick
- Thunder Punch

Suggested by Faladran.This set is quite simple, it's a revenge killer for various threats in this metagame today. Dragonite get a Dragon Dance? No problem, send in rachi and ice punch it for the revenge kill. Iron Head is for stab damage and taking care of many threats like gengar,and roserade. Rachi also get a 60% chance for flinch hax, so that's always nice. Thunder Punch can be used in place of trick for Gyarados (outspeeds after one Dragon Dance). Also, He my Dragon Resist pokemon.


Infernape (M) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 Atk/192 Spd/64 SAtk
Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Close Combat
- U-Turn
- Mach Punch
- Overheat
Infernape is the wall breaker on this team. Many teams find themselves in a pickle confronting this guy after their Pokemon have been weakened. Close Combat covers Blissey and does a significant amount of damage to many neutral Pokemon. U-Turn for scouting Switches. Stone Edge for Gyrados and Dragonites an Overheat, another stab Move. Expert Belt to Bluff BAND


Clefable (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 44 HP/80 Def/92 Spd/42 SAtk/252 SDef
Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Softboiled
- Seismic Toss
- Flamethrower/Ice Beam
- Thunder Wave
Wow what can I say. Clefable here helps me in many ways, she is my spdf wall. She here to help D-Nite Sweep. Slowing down somethings that are faster than Nite. The EV Spread i took from Fast Blissey in the smog # 11 and Modifyed them a little to help here survive. Softboiled is there to help her with her health when low, S-Toss to deal with Non-Ghost Pokes, Flamethrower to deal with Scizor even though i might just switch it for Ice Beam to dael with Dragons and Gliscor.


Gliscor (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 252 HP/40 Def/216 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Taunt
- Earthquake
- Roost
- Toxic
This guy's beautiful. His fast Taunt walks all over Skarmory and Blissey (I've seen two so far with Ice Beam, though, which was very lame.) EQ, Taunt, and Toxic form a potent duo, because essentially everything in OU that resists Toxic (steels and poisons) die to EQ except maybe Bronzong, Gengar, and Roserade. Roost is for survivability.

So that pretty much all i have to say so hopefully i get some good feedback from the Community so that it can be even more successful. Thanks In Advance.

P.S. I Need a replacement for Rotom-W On WIFI So if anyone can help with that i would appreciate it.

P.P.S. One thing i seem to be stuggling with is DD Tars after he set up a DD Gliscor can take it some what then i have to Revenge with Nite Or Rotom
(I'm in a hurry right now so i'll mini-rate)

Offensive Dragonite
Offensive Gyarados

How they can be threats:
Once they pull off a Dragon Dance, they can easily sweep your team. Especially Dragonite, a moveset of ExtremeSpeed/Outrage/Earthquake will kill most of your guys.

How to take care of those threats:
Switching Choice Specs on Rotom for Choice Scarf, to effectively revenge kill Gyarados and Dragonite using Thunderbolt, or you can replace Rotom with ScarfRachi which IMO is a better revenge killer.

Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
252 Atk / 4 HP / 252 Spe
- Iron Head
- ThunderPunch
- Fire Punch
- Ice Punch
(I'm in a hurry right now so i'll mini-rate)

Offensive Dragonite
Offensive Gyarados

How they can be threats:
Once they pull off a Dragon Dance, they can easily sweep your team. Especially Dragonite, a moveset of ExtremeSpeed/Outrage/Earthquake will kill most of your guys.

How to take care of those threats:
Switching Choice Specs on Rotom for Choice Scarf, to effectively revenge kill Gyarados and Dragonite using Thunderbolt, or you can replace Rotom with ScarfRachi which IMO is a better revenge killer.

Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
252 Atk / 4 HP / 252 Spe
- Iron Head
- ThunderPunch
- Fire Punch
- Ice Punch

I Will try both of them out But i used to have Scarf Rotom in that spot so IDK About that but i will try out that Jirachi set. Thanks for the Rate
Also, if you're still using Scarf Rachi, I'd recommend you get Trick in there somewhere. It helps stop those lategame sweepers, and Blissey. Over one of the punches. U-Turn is also a good move if you want more Scouting.
Agility Lucario can sweep you're whole team late game, and SD Luke can too, if Gliscor is weak. I Reccomend putting Mach Punch on Infernape. Maybe over Stone Edge or U-Turn.
Also, if you're still using Scarf Rachi, I'd recommend you get Trick in there somewhere. It helps stop those lategame sweepers, and Blissey. Over one of the punches. U-Turn is also a good move if you want more Scouting.
Agility Lucario can sweep you're whole team late game, and SD Luke can too, if Gliscor is weak. I Reccomend putting Mach Punch on Infernape. Maybe over Stone Edge or U-Turn.

Haven't really faced to many Agility Lucarios. Gliscor is mainly there to Toxic Stall and Taunt slower opponents and is usually concealed to Mid-Game after clefable has been seen by my opponent. I Will try Mach Punch of Infernape but most likely will keep SE For Other D-Nite that have not set up a DD Yet. Thanks for the Rate
Notable Problems
  • Lead Machamp
While Empoleon matches up favorably with a majority of common leads, Anti-Lead Machamp has grown substantially more popular in the current metagame. Chople Berry may seem that it helps to fix this problem, but the confusion hax still makes it difficult for your team to play around. Keep in mind that Rotom and Gliscor will be hit by Payback and Ice Punch, respectively, if they switch in. Hydro Pump from Emploleon will only deal 57% - 67.2% damage to the standard Machamp lead, meaning that it will always survive to hit something on your team hard no matter which move you use.
  • Dragon Dancers
This has been mentioned already, but Dragon Dance users such as Gyarados and Dragonite are very major offensive threats to your team. While Rotom can easily OHKO the former, it is outsped after a Dragon Dance and can be taken out after some prior damage. Dragonite, on the other hand, has little trouble 2HKOing your entire team after a single turn of setup.

  • Replace Empoleon
Since your team appears to be primarily offensive-based, I'd recommend switching out Empoleon for a simpler, more effective lead such as Colbur Azelf:

Azelf @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Levitate
Jolly nature (+Spe, -SpA)
EVs: 8 HP/140 Att/144 SpD/252 Spe
-Stealth Rock

This will clear up your problems with Machamp leads by allowing you to survive Payback + Bullet Punch, safely set up Stealth Rock, and then use Explosion. U-turn and Taunt allow you to escape from unfavorable match-ups and shut down slower leads, respectively.
  • Switch to Scarf Rotom
Specs Rotom is a great set to use, but I feel that the revenge killing abilities of Scarf Rotom would be much more useful on your team. To clear up your Dragon Dancer weakness, a moveset of Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Hidden Power Ice, and Trick should work nicely, as it is able to outspeed and revenge kill both +1 Gyarados and Dragonite with the Choice Scarf's speed boost.

Good luck with your team!
Colbur Berry Azelf is awesome, but there are other leads that beat Machamp:

~Machamp: Give it about 40 speed, something no one else will do, then you always beat other champs.
~Jirachi: Iron Head ftw. Most of the time you dont take any damage.
~Metagross(with Lum): Always beats it because Meteor Mash will always hit, and Lum prevents confusion.

Those are just some leads that beat machamp without exploding^^^
Lum Metagross is a viable choice in the lead position as well. Machamp and Jirachi, however, are not as effective as leads currently. Good players tend to be very well prepared for both, and using Iron Head on Jirachi to flinch opposing Machamp to death is often unreliable. The main reason I suggested Azelf was because it served the simplest function out of any of the leads listed above, and matched up favorably against a majority of opposing leads, which is the entire purpose.
Thanks for the Rate Faladran. I Will try that Lead Azelf not really to fond of Suicide leads as that always put me down 1 poke depending if they switch to someone to resist the Explosion.

Another thing How can Rotom-W Revenge Nite unless it has HP Ice it a 2HKO with any other move. If I T-Bolt that leave as Pursuit bait for T-Tar/Scizor. Then Rotom-W is gone .
Revenge killing means finishing off weakened foes nicely and quickly, Rotom can do that using Thunderbolt (or shadow ball) if Dragonite is weakened enough.

It's true that Rotom is very Pursuit-able, but don't all Rotoms fear Pursuit ?
Revenge killing means finishing off weakened foes nicely and quickly, Rotom can do that using Thunderbolt (or shadow ball) if Dragonite is weakened enough.

It's true that Rotom is very Pursuit-able, but don't all Rotoms fear Pursuit ?

Hmmmm, This whole time ive been thinking of Revenge killing as somethin else thanks for the head up on revenge Killing. Newb Me. Now i know how Revenge Killing Works
1 question, if you use a fast Blissey spread on your Clefairy which use as a special wall then why don't just use Blissey.

Clefable, takes no Prior damage from SR-SPIKES-SS-OR TOXIC. While blissey does have more HP AND SP.D, Clefable has better DEF THAN Blissey. makin it sort of a Mixed Wall
Clefable, takes no Prior damage from SR-SPIKES-SS-OR TOXIC. While blissey does have more HP AND SP.D, Clefable has better DEF THAN Blissey. makin it sort of a Mixed Wall

252 HP/252 Def+ Bold Blissey takes physical hits and special hits significantly better than Clefable. Entry hazards aren't too much of a concern for Blissey because she has a reliable recovery move and stupid bulk. She also has natural cure so status won't bother her too much.
252 HP/252 Def+ Bold Blissey takes physical hits and special hits significantly better than Clefable. Entry hazards aren't too much of a concern for Blissey because she has a reliable recovery move and stupid bulk. She also has natural cure so status won't bother her too much.

Ok, Honestly i dont lie a team made up of Full OU Pokes, so that really the Main reason why Clefable is there.
Why use white herb? Life orb is significantly better. Yes you can overheat twice, but there's not much that needs to be overheated twice since it is a mainly physical set. Boosting close combat is much more useful, and you need more power on stone edge to beat gyarados.

Azelfs Evs are at 544, spe should be at 216.

I know you don't want to use blissey, but blissey 90% outclasses clefable. Natural cure makes up for toxic, and blissey does far better against powerful OU attackers like heatran. Blissey's 255 HP lets it take physical hits better too. You are also using the exact same moves fastbliss does.
Why use white herb? Life orb is significantly better. Yes you can overheat twice, but there's not much that needs to be overheated twice since it is a mainly physical set. Boosting close combat is much more useful, and you need more power on stone edge to beat gyarados.

Azelfs Evs are at 544, spe should be at 216.

I know you don't want to use blissey, but blissey 90% outclasses clefable. Natural cure makes up for toxic, and blissey does far better against powerful OU attackers like heatran. Blissey's 255 HP lets it take physical hits better too. You are also using the exact same moves fastbliss does.

Honestly I Have no IDEA Y I Put it there. But i will switch back to the Expert Belt.

Clefable, will not be switched im not using blissey thats the end of that. Even tough i may use it in the nest match that i do cuz i know he gonna be using a team full of OU Pokes.