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Resource team archive by craing ;_;7

hi i was bored so i made some teams. this metagame is a lot more diverse compared to home and dlc1 so it gave me enough motivation to attempt something like this again. sorry in advance for the dull tone as opposed to my usual artistic flair, but teambuilding is pretty much the only thing i still enjoy and am passionate about in regards to smogon these days so this post won't be as cringe high effort compared to my previous iterations. with that being said, i hope ya'll enjoy :blobthumbsup:

Team 1


finiland core with dragon breakers in chomp and hydra - hydra was originally dd kyu-b before it kicked the bucket but hydra has surprisingly proven its excellence given its superior defensive typing and the sets surprise factor. mosa and metal are glue mons that give the team some speed and bulk without losing out on offense. fire blast on chomp is meant to snipe buzz, ferro and skarm on the switch and mosa has shock wave to snipe and ko peli since rain can be an issue for weatherless offense teams like this. the ev spread on mosa allows it to take a banded glide from rilla from full while still killing peli. scarf fini is great since it cripples fat walls to allow for easier set up and outspeeds +spe mosa, though i prefer surf>hydro pump since it still kos nido and ace without risking accuracy.

Team 2


sub cm spectrier bo - this team is all about status spam while breaking down defensive cores so that spectrier can sweep. i've tested nasty plot and found it to be unnecessary considering it's already strong enough as is especially with its ability. calm mind is more useful in allowing it to set up easier and have its sub not be broken by weaker moves like clef moonblast, tran earth power and zap volt switch after +1. the spread allows its sub not to be broken by a burnt mandi foul play and burnt pex and clef knock off. the speed outspeeds torn and the rest is put in sp atk for easier revenge killing. the tran set is also somewhat special, sub taunt allows it to maximize its stallbreaking potential. avoiding status and knock off via substitute allows it to easily dispatch of annoying mons like clef, pex and bliss and can afford forgoing toxic to hit its usual targets since metal and pex can compensate on that front.

Team 3


celepex and zapert - defensive cores that i was inspired to build with from adv and sm respectively and complement each other extremely well. pert and zap cover each others weaknesses splendidly while also functioning as a potent momentum core. the pert spread avoids the 2hko from specs spectrier and nido after protect while zap can take a band wicked blow from jolly shifu at full if necessary and outspeed. pert is also a nice backup bulky water that can handle things that pex would otherwise struggle with like tran and zap. celepex is standard with poison jab to be able to 1v1 cmfini and clef while ace gives the team some offensive pressure and benefits from the momentum pert and zap provide. scarf cm clef gives the team a means to cripple fat and potent win con, with enough speed to revenge sdchomp and shifu.

Team 4


koko screens with broken set up sweepers in qdmosa and ddmag - lucha is complementary and is also an extremely potent win con especially vs offense, which is even better now that land can't threaten it with z fly or hp ice. scarf fini gives the team some extra speed which helps vs the spectrier, mosa and rain match up while also crippling fat to ease set up. it also has calm mind to abuse screens and function as an early game softener for its partners. land is suicide rocks, but also has defog since sometimes leading koko and setting screens is ideal as well and setting up screens has opportunity cost in usually allowing your opponent to set up hazards, so defog is there to negate that.

Team 5


eleki screens with dual ground sweepers - eleki has a surprising niche as a dual screener in that it can outspeed pretty much everything while also being able to threaten almost every defogger. while it is by nature extremely one dimensional, it does force your opponent into making very telegraphed plays like leading or switching into a ground type which is extremely easy to capitalize off of. shifu-r is able to take advantage of that pretty well and can generate momentum and do damage as a decent anti lead and offensive pivot, especially since people usually expect shifu-s at team preview. sd chomp and land act as a one-two punch that weakens each others checks and counters and can also snowball by also being able to boost speed. moltres-g acts as a mini yveltal and is pretty difficult to kill under screens thanks to its immense bulk. i prefer rest>agility since the usual way to deal with this mon is via status and also being able to potentially activate berserk twice. its also a pretty good spectrier punish and the rest of the members can threaten its counters pretty well.

Team 6


future sight bro with aoa shifu and specs lati - really standard bulky offense that supports this dynamic pretty well. both are extremely difficult to switch into, and with future sight it pretty much guarantees that they will make progress in some capacity. the rest of the team is pretty self-explanatory so i don't feel the need to get that into it.

Team 7


np torn balance with status spam - this team is somewhat similar to the spectrier bo but has some differences in team members. pult has some steep competition compared to spectrier atm, but what it does have over it is infiltrator to bypass sub and screens, twave>wisp and better defensive typing. gastro is also a pretty antimeta pick that is similar to pert but with reliable recovery and a water immunity. clear smog is used to be able to beat cm fini especially with rocky helmet. scarf cm clef is a back up emergency revenge killer/sweeper which complements torn pretty well. torn's spread allows it to live ice beam from nido and stone edge from scarf land while ohkoing spdef ttar at +2.

Team 8


sand semistall - this team is pretty antimeta in that it deals with opposing weather pretty handily while also being able to keep most top threats in check. spdef ttar is a reliable rocker that can keep rocks on the field pretty easily, with toxic being helpful to lure ground types for zap and exca. exca on this team is scarf since keeping sand up is pretty unreliable and scarf is helpful to surprise revenge kill offensive threats and pivots outside of sand. buzz, zap and amoong patch up defensive weaknesses and cover for each other relatively well with scarf cm clef crippling fat and functioning as a potent win con. the clef spread on this team only outspeeds nido so it can cripple it with trick since buzz can deal with chomp and shifu while amoong has occa to be able to check ace and tran.

Team 9


sand offense - i believe this is a team made by ruft but i adapted to my liking. the only important changes i made were making ttar smooth rock to maximize sand turns for sand sweepers and pex>slowking since i thought it fit better and future sight was a bit difficult to pull off while maintaining sand abuse. pex is also eject button to give zolt and exca free momentum and maximum sand turns with buzz and molt patching up defensive weaknesses. exca is also balloon for extra insurance vs ground types which troubles both it and zolt, but especially for being able to pivot into nido.

Team 10


rain balance - not particularly a traditional rain team in that its much more balanced>offensive, but it has good defensive synergy (which is asking a lot for rain) and strong breakers to boot. ferro is even more of a hassle to deal with in this gen and protect+leech seed allows it to stay almost unkillable with rain. clef and molt patch up weaknesses with scarf cm clef being able to cripple annoying walls like pex and bliss whilst functioning as a good late game sweeper. heliolisk is a somewhat fringe option, but it gives the team a ghost and water immunity as well as good speed control since no swift swimmer.

Team 11


rain offense - also a slightly unconventional version of rain but one that is absolutely relentless. np torn in rain is pretty busted in that it ohkos/2hkos everything in the metagame after +2, with life orb superpower ohkoing spdef ttar and 2hkoing blissey. most flying resists in the tier drop to a +2 weather ball which is basically secondary stab in rain which is kind of stupid. pert and corv are slow defensive pivots to bring in skewda and torn safely, with corv also being eject button to maximize rain turns and allow safe momentum. skewda has crunch as filler to threaten slow twins, lati and pult while boots volcanion is a great trapper that can eliminate pex and fini without a hitch. it also has the benefit of threatening teams that rely on ferro as their sole water resist.

Team 12


hail offense - i didn't think hail was viable until i got swept by this demon. arctozolt in hail is basically a kyu-b that doesn't need to boost dd and can outspeed and threaten every unboosted mon under hail. i definitely prefer it over dracozolt since icicle crash+freeze dry lets it deal with every ground type which paves way for bolt beak spam. band kart makes a pretty potent offensive partner that helps soften checks like ferro and buzz that would otherwise trouble it. tran, land and hydra patch up weaknesses, with land being special scarf to lure opposing threats like land, lucha and mosa with weather ball and psychic. hydra is also eject button to maximize hail turns and allow for safe momentum, though i prefer fire spin>dark pulse for extra pex insurance.

Team 13


sun offense - storm zone and ox the fox sun team that i adapted to my liking. i only made a couple changes with giga drain>sludge bomb on venu since having the longevity with giga drain is extremely necessary since venu is often chipped when setting up, to the point it gets revenged or is useless since its too low and also threatening ground types better which generally trouble sun. ancient power>flash cannon on heatran to screw over peli and molt, with the latter being more of a priority now that venu can't hit it with sludge bomb. clef is also scarf cm (yes i know i have a boner for this set but trick is busted and isn't passive vs offensive/fat) over phys def helm which allows it to revenge sd chomp and shifu while crippling huge threats in nido and thund. hydra is also eject button to maximize sun turns and allow for safe momentum.

Team 14


nido balance with wishport clef - if there is one mon that i universally fear facing with any team in this generation it would undoubtedly be modest nidoking (hopefully this doesn't convince people to not use timid even though its ass). it gets free switches on clef, threatens phys def pex and tran with the guaranteed ohko and can 2hko/ohko everything in the metagame. the only exceptions are blissey which is 4hkod by sludge wave and is shut down with taunt and slowking which faces steep competition with slowbro. ice beam is not as necessary since there is no zyg, mega lati or glisc and flamethrower is preferred to threaten ferro and corv. the rest of the team patches up defensive weaknesses and this tran is flash fire>flame body to be able to pivot into ace pyro ball and outspeed and kill with scarf earth power (flame body is usually better unless you're extremely fire weak imo since u can usually bluff flash fire).

Team 15


healing wish ho - if you guys don't know the power of healing wish in this generation i recommend you watch the recent snake finals game of talah vs garak oak. this team is somewhat inspired by the team talah brought, which is basically threats+healing wish. the way this mechanic works is that healing wish won't work immediately if you send in a mon that is already healthy, so it will always be delayed until you send in a mon that is already chipped and/or statused. nido and shifu complement each other really well and are primed to dismantle fat with taunt. specs koko is a threatening fast offensive pivot that is pretty underrated especially since there aren't much grass types in the tier and ground types don't like switching into a specs dazzling gleam or grass knot. ace can also abuse terrain with terrain boosted electro ball which ohkos 0 iv - spe bro while still 2hkoing pex, low kick is also preferred over hjk since it still kills tran and shifu with life orb without risking accuracy. land and lati make up the rest of the members and offer bulk and speed control.

Team 16


specs koko and specs zone - offensive koko is a mon that people don't give much credit after it lost hp ice, despite things like glisc and tang being gone. pairing it with zone however makes it all the more potent. specs rising voltage from zone in terrain 2hkos ferro and bliss which are just two more things stopping koko that it doesn't have to deal with (it can also trap and one shot av metal and spdef tran which is just obscene). sd chomp pairs well forming the potent dragmag duo and mandi and bro are there to patch up defensive weaknesses. teleport bro also has the advantage of forcing momentum by bringing in koko and ace safely or a trap with zone.

Team 17


band rilla and scarf kart - having these two is probably the closest you can get to screwing over offense but they don't offer that much beyond the revenge killing aspect. grassy terrain support on the other hand is pretty beneficial, especially for mons with unreliable recovery like tran and pert giving them much needed staying power especially with protect. zap and pert provide potent momentum for rilla and kart with scarf cm clef (i swear this is the last one) to cripple fat and function as a potent win con.

Team 18


cm fini with bandshifu and ace - pretty generic bulky offense team with good offensive and defensive synergy and potent win cons. cm taunt fini with draining kiss can get out of hand real fast and this mon is pretty much the reason why i run poison jab on almost all my pex. ace and shifu provide offensive pressure to deal with steels that would trouble it like ferro and metal with the rest of the members patching up general weaknesses.

Team 19


unwallable trio - if there is anything that can counter/check nido, shifu and spectrier lmk. the combination of these three mons cover each others checks and counters exceptionally well to the point that the rest of the team just needs to patch up their defensive weaknesses. encore clef is necessary to prevent opposing set up and provide safe switches while pex is also eject button to get safe momentum into said threats. this team is all about forcing the right match ups and guaranteeing damage to set up for any of said three to steamroll.

Team 20


trapshifu-r and vincune - you know how i said that nidoking was the scariest mon in the metagame? well i lied, apparently vincune is actually broken if you eliminate pex. this team is undefeated and is probably the best i've made this generation, but that's moreso a testament to suicune being able to subject the opposition to force lose scenarios with no way to handle it. i'm being 100% sincere when i say that a well played vincune can sweep you if you give it even the slightest opportunity to set up, in fact all the teams i posted in this dump will have issue with it lol. the team supports it pretty well, with tspikes nido keeping ferropex at bay and helping with sub tect strats, encore clef to deter set up and eject button corv providing safe momentum. the shifu-r set in particular is designed to eliminate pex while in general being able to force damage with taunt. band mosa provides the team some speed and offensive pressure and throat chop as filler to snipe spectrier and shedinja.

Bonus Team


trap stall - i want to preface this by saying that i think stall this generation actually sucks, it struggles so hard with any combination of cores and means of breaking that the only reason it is still viable is because pex exists. stall however usually has trouble with opposing stall match ups and tends to result into infinite switch loops since neither team can break the other. losing pursuit especially sealed the nail in the coffin, but there's still hope. if anybody knows me they know i use untraditional stall teams, but i like to refer it as non passive stall. this stall team actually has a way of breaking down the opposition while still managing to keep most things in check. block spite pex is a set you don't see to often, as its relatively niche and can only really trap and pp stall one mon due to low pp. so while you may be able to trap a ferro, that still doesn't help you deal with the hypothetical clef or pex in the back. lunar dance cress however fixes that issue and allows it to force a 2 for 1 trade and checkmate scenario, with cress also coming with trick which can help speed up the process. the rest of the team is logical in terms of defensive synergy, with shedinja having trick as a way to deal with opposing trick users.


i realize that most of the value in the teams i posted are dependent on the surprise factor to be used effectively which is part of the reason why i build constantly. be that as it may, a team is only as good as the person using it and if anything i hope i've inspired others to make their own creations and try to come to their own conclusions on what's good or not based on their own experiences. if you want to be a better player and understand the game on a deeper level, building and appropriating ideas from others is something i encourage as the tier and metagame won't progress if people don't experiment. it's also one of the reasons why i prefer the current generation compared to past gens as the metagame is always undergoing constant development. if there's anything to take away from this message, its that you can make literally anything work if you support it well enough, so don't let your dreams be memes :psywoke:
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Team 19


unwallable trio - if there is anything that can counter/check nido, shifu and spectrier lmk. the combination of these three mons cover each others checks and counters exceptionally well to the point that the rest of the team just needs to patch up their defensive weaknesses. encore clef is necessary to prevent opposing set up and provide safe switches while pex is also eject button to get safe momentum into said threats. this team is all about forcing the right match ups and guaranteeing damage to set up for any of said three to steamroll.
I feel like your trio does get walled by Blissey + Bold Clef. Taunt Nidoking can help vs Blissey, but I feel like it can leave at 46% at best, but with many mons in your team that can let it heal, you'd have to double switch a lot into Urshifu to keep it low. Instead, I can suggest you a tech that works better vs Blissey in my opinion, which is Focus Punch.
4 Atk Life Orb Nidoking Focus Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 517-611 (72.4 - 85.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Sludge Wave vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Blissey: 168-199 (23.5 - 27.8%) -- 78.6% chance to 4HKO
You can catch Blissey on the switch with it or simply predict Rocks or Soft Boiled and Sludge Wave should pick it off 90% of the time but you can always chip it off beforehand to turn it into a 100%. I know that Taunt has lots of utility, and that it's not there as an anti-blissey measure but if you really want your core to be unwallable Focus Punch is the way to go imo.
I feel like your trio does get walled by Blissey + Bold Clef. Taunt Nidoking can help vs Blissey, but I feel like it can leave at 46% at best, but with many mons in your team that can let it heal, you'd have to double switch a lot into Urshifu to keep it low. Instead, I can suggest you a tech that works better vs Blissey in my opinion, which is Focus Punch.
4 Atk Life Orb Nidoking Focus Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 517-611 (72.4 - 85.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Sludge Wave vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Blissey: 168-199 (23.5 - 27.8%) -- 78.6% chance to 4HKO
You can catch Blissey on the switch with it or simply predict Rocks or Soft Boiled and Sludge Wave should pick it off 90% of the time but you can always chip it off beforehand to turn it into a 100%. I know that Taunt has lots of utility, and that it's not there as an anti-blissey measure but if you really want your core to be unwallable Focus Punch is the way to go imo.
oh no, vietnam flashbacks intensify
I feel like your trio does get walled by Blissey + Bold Clef. Taunt Nidoking can help vs Blissey, but I feel like it can leave at 46% at best, but with many mons in your team that can let it heal, you'd have to double switch a lot into Urshifu to keep it low. Instead, I can suggest you a tech that works better vs Blissey in my opinion, which is Focus Punch.
4 Atk Life Orb Nidoking Focus Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 517-611 (72.4 - 85.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Sludge Wave vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Blissey: 168-199 (23.5 - 27.8%) -- 78.6% chance to 4HKO
You can catch Blissey on the switch with it or simply predict Rocks or Soft Boiled and Sludge Wave should pick it off 90% of the time but you can always chip it off beforehand to turn it into a 100%. I know that Taunt has lots of utility, and that it's not there as an anti-blissey measure but if you really want your core to be unwallable Focus Punch is the way to go imo.

if your facing blissey that mon inherently gives up momentum and can't do much regardless. i would gladly give up hp on nido to trade for bliss since nido can take 3 stosses at full. if nido is too low then switching to helm clef after you taunt it also works since you can also encore it into stoss and have it take more chip. taunt is more useful to negate recovery and prevent set up and is situationally more useful than a coverage slot that is only meant to hit one mon which taunt can also cover for. that team fears offense more than it does stall so i wouldn't be too concerned if you face a blissey.

also slight change to team 15. i wanted to try to capture every viable playstyle/mon in ou in this team dump, but unfortunately blaziken is actually godawful so i had to replace it with mixed cinderace which is much better due to higher speed and it not needing to set up in order to do work. and i suppose team 2 i made pex scald>tspike since ferro and tran are annoying and burning and doing more damage vs it is nice.

EDIT: also fixed team 16, made it cinderace and mandibuzz>grimmsnarl and moltres which has definitely performed better

craing ;_; nooooooooo you left without saying anything. this is. so sad.

imagine still playing pokemon in 2020 lol get a fucking life nerds
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This might be a bit of an awkward question craing ;_; , but are we allowed to "steal" some of the teams in your archives for ladder/tournaments or is this just meant as a showcase? i'd feel bad just taking someone teams without explicit permission ^^
Amazing team dump! Does anyone feel like they could explain the EVs used on this Melmetal set?


Melmetal @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 88 HP / 216 Atk / 156 SpD / 48 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Double Iron Bash
- Earthquake
- Protect
- Toxic
I have to thank you for these teams. I've tested the last Trap Stall quite extensively and it got me to 1800s pretty easily. I have 1 question tho: what is this hydreigon set specifically for? Other than that it feels like this team can beat pretty much every type of team.
being the perfectionist that i am, i optimized all of the teams here i think are still worth using or have some sort of value to it variety wise. also removed the ones that i didn't think were worth keeping and added some new ones that i made or appropriated from others that i thought were good/interesting. might post more team dumps here infrequently if the metagame is still interesting to me so look forward to that i guess? i'm too lazy to edit the original post so here, just copy paste this to backup/restore teams in your teambuilder for convenience if you wanna have a go at them or use them for inspiration.


Amazing team dump! Does anyone feel like they could explain the EVs used on this Melmetal set?

+1 252 SpA Choice Specs Spectrier Shadow Ball vs. 88 HP / 156 SpD Melmetal: 366-432 (84.5 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

survive specs spectrier after it revenge killed something at full, leftovers number, speed creeps toxapex

I have to thank you for these teams. I've tested the last Trap Stall quite extensively and it got me to 1800s pretty easily. I have 1 question tho: what is this hydreigon set specifically for? Other than that it feels like this team can beat pretty much every type of team.

its standard defensive hydreigon, its helpful to deal with heatran and spectrier specifically and also keeps future sight users at bay. if its a hazard setter with reliable recovery, pp stalling it with toxapex first is ideal so you can defog after to guarantee hazards off for the rest of the game.
being the perfectionist that i am, i optimized all of the teams here i think are still worth using or have some sort of value to it variety wise. also removed the ones that i didn't think were worth keeping and added some new ones that i made or appropriated from others that i thought were good/interesting. might post more team dumps here infrequently if the metagame is still interesting to me so look forward to that i guess? i'm too lazy to edit the original post so here, just copy paste this to backup/restore teams in your teambuilder for convenience if you wanna have a go at them or use them for inspiration.


Just wanna thank you again for this dump, some pretty great stuff - I can't help but ask, what's the goal of the Trubbish (and Eldegoss to a lesser degree, I see it's a spinner) sets? Perma-Eviolite is cool (and a straight-up Trick immunity), and Corrosive Gas to remove items is annoying for sure. Is it just role compression as a durable (Toxic) Spikes setter? Pretty great nonetheless.
Just wanna thank you again for this dump, some pretty great stuff - I can't help but ask, what's the goal of the Trubbish (and Eldegoss to a lesser degree, I see it's a spinner) sets? Perma-Eviolite is cool (and a straight-up Trick immunity), and Corrosive Gas to remove items is annoying for sure. Is it just role compression as a durable (Toxic) Spikes setter? Pretty great nonetheless.
It helps with the stall match up, corrosive still works if the opponent switches out, pain split(having low base hp helps)+wishfable allows it to be durable in the stall match up, and possibly, outlive the defogger so that the team can go to town with hazards later on, it is also great as a knock off switch, Eldegoss can remove scald burns, so there's not much toxapex, mandibuzz, clefable and blissey can do.


sub endeavor kyurem hazard stack offense - pretty offensive bulky offense team that takes advantage of some huge threats in the metagame. specs kyurem is a bit too prediction reliant and sub roost is a bit too passive for my taste, so i opted for this set. what it does is basically wallbreak as much as possible and threatens a sweep with salac, while also guaranteeing the kill on impenetrable walls like clefable and blissey with endeavor. this means that no matter what kyurem will always threaten a kill or heavy damage for the rest of my breakers to go in. boots eleki complements it well providing spin support and baiting ground types for kyurem. ace and shifu provide additional offensive pressure with lando and ferro as defensive backbones. shoutouts to steez ibanez for the team, kyurem is somewhat difficult to support atm but the payoff is worth considering ou's lack of good switchins.



hippowdon sand balance - dedicate this team to hippo enthusiast empoor :3 . i'm not really a fan of hippo team archtypes in this metagame, but i'm happy with this one since it has great defensive synergy and offensive potency. hippo skarm pex are standard with exca functioning as hazard control and as a lategame sweeper. stallbreaker koko is preferred over the generic clef for the very welcome speed control while also forcing damage on fat special walls to set up for metronome hydra to go in. hydra behind a sub is a pretty threatening mon due to its long lasting defensive attributes and lack of reliable defensive counterplay so try to make the most of it whenever possible.



grassy terrain vincune with trapper heatran - its somewhat rare that i like a team enough that i don't feel the need to even make any changes to it. this team is ox the fox's so props to him for also being a suicune using scumbag ;w; . grassy terrain support makes cune and tran have much longer staying power which pretty much doubles their potency. this tran in particular goes all in on stallbreaking by forgoing earth power since ep only hits opposing trans which rest chomp and knock off/trick can cover for. sticky barb cm clef is cune's partner in crime and acts as a secondary win con that can help dismantle fat walls with trick and boosted moonblasts with rilla and torn to provide some offense and speed control.



toxic stall with sd protect blaziken - despite coming to terms with the fact that blaziken is indeed outclassed by cinderace, i still wanted to make a team that makes the most of its strengths. its main advantage over it was still swords dance, however despite being a monster after getting one the opportunity cost was a still a bit too high for it so it was necessary to alleviate its set up as much as possible. double teleport from bro and bliss offer it the best chances of getting in safely, with blaze also being a potent future sight abuser and toxic staller with protect. chomp and weezing fit best and patches up defensive issues, weezing in particular being able to check shifu and rilla while also absorbing tspikes. this chomp is not scorching sands since its better to spread toxic instead of burns as this team's clef answer is toxic stall and slow tp from bliss to weezing to negate magic guard. neutralizing gas has been surprisingly helpful in beating fat as it also negates regenerator. rilla provides the team with the necessary grassy terrain support, which is especially important as this team has no ground immunity. overall a very fun team that overcompensates on giving blaze the best possible chance at success, but if played correctly can be devastating.



offensive buzzwole and nidoking stall - i wanted to try my hand at buzzwole again since on paper it seemed really effective in the current metagame and in general really slept on. the defensive set for me personally was a bit too predictable and do nothing and overcompensated on its already amazing bulk, so i went with roost 3 attacks. leech life eq poison jab deals with most of its general switchins with metronome allowing it to secure 2hkos on key targets like clef pex and bro. this does leave it susceptible to birds, which the rest of the team covers for. despite the very tanky look of this team, it's not meant to be played passive at all and is all about positioning yourself to getting in the right threats at the right time. aside from that the team is pretty self explanatory, strong offensive prowess that's enabled by a sturdy defensive core.



triple ground offense with magnezone - despite the title of this team, it originally started out with me trying to build around cm fini. seeing as ferro was its biggest issue, zone was a no brainer especially since they generally don't run body press anymore. it also has the advantage of eliminating skarm and corv which opened a lot of possibilities in terms of potential partners. diggersby seemed strong enough, being able to ohko mandi bro and hippo after +2 with mega kick is obscene while also keeping spectrier and pult at bay especially with misty terrain to avoid burns. lando and chomp are utility sets to patch up weaknesses with banded kart offering additional breaking power and speed control.



life orb spam hyper offense - this team is literally just spam broken shit and win lol. unwallable threats that cover for each other while threatening sweeps of their own or for others, doesn't get any easier than that (granted you have to play well and more proactively than usual but yeah if you like using op shit and not trash like trubbish this team is for you).



sub cm spectrier with banded dragapult - with mosa gone, the next two fastest threats in ou definitely have opportunities to capitalize and they just so happen to work pretty well together. ignoring the dumbass horse since we all know what it does, banded pult has definitely been my favorite pult set as of late. specs pult is just a worse specs spectrier and lati as its hitting off its worse sp atk, but banded can make use of spammable drawbackless dragon stab in dragon darts and a strong uturn. granted it does have traditional counters in bulky steel and fairy types, but those are just pex and melmetal food. being able to outspeed and ohko/2hko every nonresist/immune in the tier is a characteristic of a mon that is worth building around and supporting, with the additional benefit of bypassing sub and screens. pex by nature is passive, but also invites other passive mons so being able to trap and eliminate annoying walls like ferro pex and clef definitely helps its teammates break more efficiently. hydra melmetal and lando patch up additional weaknesses, with draco meteor on hydra mostly to snipe opposing hydra, but also isn't bad secondary stab.

its pretty restricting to build atm with spectrier, urshifu and magearna in the tier so going to take a slight break for now, or at least until i can figure out what else to build with. hopefully we don't waste another couple of months figuring out what to do about them as i will probably resent this metagame and leave out of spite if this shit will persist just let me use trubbish viably pls ;_;
Hi craing ;_; I'm a big fan of your team archives as I really like your style of building. It's incredibly insightful to me and to most teambuilders I'm sure especially when it comes to EVs. So I have a few questions :D

- What's your spread on SubCM Spectrier tackling? I know on one team you had it speed creeping Tornadus-T and on another Adamant/Modest Dragapult, but what are you targeting with 112 HP specifically? Personally I use 144 HP / 112 SpA / 252 Spe on my Spectrier as I like keeping the speed tie with Koko and other spectriers while also going bulky. 144 HP specifically for a burnt mandibuzz not breaking sub with Foul Play.

0- Atk burned Mandibuzz Foul Play vs. 144 HP / 0 Def Spectrier: 79-94 (20.9 - 24.9%) -- guaranteed 5HKO

I know it makes Spectrier hit less hard, but I find making Mandibuzz into set up bait worth it

- On one of your Rillaboom's I saw you running 56 HP / 4 SpD banded Rillaboom and was wondering what that is for.

I appreciate these posts because I think my style is similar to yours when it comes to BO/Balance/SemiStall (can't build HO for shit tho ;-;), although I can improve even more. Some of these teams are orgasmic I must say