![:ss/tapu koko:](/dex/media/sprites/xy/tapu-koko.gif.m.1733184910)
Tapu Koko
Base Stats: 70 HP/ 115 Atk/ 85 Def/95 Spa/75 SpD/130 Spe
Level Up
-Quick Attack
-Thunder Shock
-Fairy Wind
-False Swipe
-Shock Wave
-Mean Look
-Nature's Madness
-Wild Charge
-Brave Bird
-Power Swap
-Electric Terrain
-Thunder Punch
-Hyper Beam
-Giga Impact
-Thunder Wave
-Light Screen
-Steel Wing
-Rain Dance
-Power Swap
-Volt Switch
-Electro Web
-Electric Terrain
-Eerie Impulse
-False Swipe
-Sleep Talk
-Hyper Voice
-Iron Defense
-Calm Mind
-Brave Bird
-Iron Head
Grass Knot
-Electro Ball
-Stored Power
-Work Up
-Wild Charge
-Dazzling Gleam
Transfer Only
-Double Team
-Aerial Ace
-Echoed Voice
-Psych Up
-Nature Power
-Sky Attack
-Quick Attack
-Thunder Shock
-Fairy Wind
-False Swipe
-Shock Wave
-Mean Look
-Nature's Madness
-Wild Charge
-Brave Bird
-Power Swap
-Electric Terrain
-Thunder Punch
-Hyper Beam
-Giga Impact
-Thunder Wave
-Light Screen
-Steel Wing
-Rain Dance
-Power Swap
-Volt Switch
-Electro Web
-Electric Terrain
-Eerie Impulse
-False Swipe
-Sleep Talk
-Hyper Voice
-Iron Defense
-Calm Mind
-Brave Bird
-Iron Head
Grass Knot
-Electro Ball
-Stored Power
-Work Up
-Wild Charge
-Dazzling Gleam
Transfer Only
-Double Team
-Aerial Ace
-Echoed Voice
-Psych Up
-Nature Power
-Sky Attack
Notable Moves
-Volt Switch
-Wild Charge
-Brave Bird
-Thunder Wave
-Dazzling Gleam
-Grass Knot
-Calm Mind
-Light Screen
-Nature's Madness
-Electric terrain is great team support for ignoring random sleep status entirely or increasing the power of your teammate's electric coverage.
-Tapu Koko sits at a very respectable 130 base speed, placing it above the majority of the unboosted offensive metagame, only being outsped by Pult, Zeraora and Pheromosa, and speedtying Spectrier.
-Koko possesses access to both pivot moves and has plenty of support options to aid its teammates beyond fast pivoting, including Nature's Madness, Screens, Taunt, and Defog.
-Koko is, on paper, very difficult to volt block due to its access to respectably strong fairy stab for Zyg, Chomp, and Lando, and Grass knot for Hippo.
-Quite good at wearing down Heatran and abusing bulky Waters for momentum, which is always nice.
-Koko's unique typing provides it with valuable defensive utility, mostly notably resisting Dark and Fighting while taking neutral damage from Steel, that it can consistently maintain with Roost due to its perfectly usable bulk.
-Dragapult is incredibly rough competition for Koko due to its greater speed tier, greater offensive capabilities, greater set variety, equally solid if not better defensive utility, and getting the jump on Koko itself with its powerful Ghost stab and Electric resist.
-Tapu Koko struggles due to the loss of Hp Ice because, compared to gleam, Hp ice is much more effective at immediately punishing the pokemon that want to block Koko's stabs, namely Landorus.
-Koko really does not like wearing down Bliss compared to the AV tangs used last gen due to its total hazard immunity (assuming it isn't knocked), and pokemon like Excadrill and Spdef Ttar being at least solid do not do it any favors either.
-It can struggle to net Kos vs things it cannot hit super effectively due to its lackluster power without Specs.
Potential Movesets
Tapu Koko @ Choice Specs
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt/Discharge
- Dazzling Gleam
- U-turn/Volt Switch
- Roost/Grass Knot
Specs Koko, while extremely prediction reliant, has the potential for huge damage due to its difficult to block electric stab and potential to run roost for added longevity. Obviously Grounds cause more noticeable issues without HP ice to turn all of them into dust but dazzling gleam does 2hko the majority of them, so it could be much worse. Discharge annoys Heatran much more, Gleam is pretty much Mandatory, and U-turn allows for less prediction and more safety vs Pokémon like Hippo or Gastro without Grass Knot and Drill in general. Roost lets you keep yourself healthy to check things such as Lucha, while Gknot lets you, well, nuke the few grounds that take a gleam.
Tapu Koko @ Light Clay
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- U-turn/Volt Switch
- Taunt/Thunderbolt
A very typical screens setter Tapu Koko, this is pretty self explanatory frankly. Scare away defoggers, set terrain for any Hawlucha or tbolt users you might have, and set screens. Tbolt lets you remain more of a threat yourself but Taunt shuts down every single fogger and Mew leads.
Tapu Koko @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt/Discharge
- Dazzling Gleam/Grass Knot/Nature's Madness
- U-turn
- Roost/Nature's Madness/Grass Knot/Defog/Taunt
Think Zeraora but much stronger at the cost of noticeably worse coverage, the inability to outpace Pult, and no elec immunity. HDB extents Koko's longevity greatly and allows for pretty much impossible to punish pivot spam, while Koko's electric stab shreds most pokemon that take it neutrally, with its stab/Gknot taking care of anything immune. U-turn is much preferred here due to Roost being extremely hard to give up for extra coverage/utility, though Nature's madness is pretty good support if you don't value Koko's healthpool a ton admittedly. Defog can be used if your team wants a secondary offensive defogger and Taunt in combination with Nature's madness is very annoying for fatter teams with Blissey, Heatran, etc.
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