I love playing webs. Like a lot. It’s my favorite playstyle by far. Any meta where webs is good is automatically a good meta in my book. Wouldn’t you know it, Ribombee got released in DLC1! Webs are good again! And so, I immediately set out to create the best webs RMT DLC1 will ever see.
However, this is when tragedy struck.
Taka beat me to the punch, creating this fire webs RMT.
I was heartbroken. This was supposed to be MY JOB in DLC1. And now it had been STOLEN from me.
I couldn’t let this go. I sought revenge. But to get revenge, I needed a perfect team to counter Taka’s.
And then, it hit me. The idea to build a team around.
(i don’t have any beef with taka lmao I just needed a narrative)
Caly-I getting High Horsepower back in DLC1 was of great interest to me. Equipped with High Horsepower, Caly-I can finally do what it has longed to do since it was released in Home: it can 2HKO Skeledirge without needing to commit to Tera Ground. This is massive, because Skeledirge was the only viable mon capable of standing up to a +2 Caly-I in Trick Room during Home (for the last time Shitbozo is a fraud and completely unviable). However, now that Caly-I has High Horsepower, Dirge can no longer take it on. This seemed great for a team stacking some of the most broken physical threats around, oh and it has this minor perk of basically soloing Taka Webs which is always great because I crave vengeance. Thus, I decided to go ahead and build around it.
Proof of Peak
Building Process

Building started with the duo of Caly-I + Korai. I like these two together because they can wear down their checks for each other while both being terrifying game-enders in their own right.

Next I wanted a Koraidon and Zacian check. At the time Alomomola seemed kinda cool with Scald, Flip Turn, and Wish support, so that’s what I slapped on next.

To continue, I wanted both a Mirai check and a priority user to stop Scale Shot Korai from spiraling out of control too easily. Since Ting-Lu is busted and I was going for physical stack with this team, Ting-Lu and Ekiller joined the team.

For my last slot, I had no idea what to add, and my policy when building phys stack is “when in doubt, slap on specs miraidon.”

Yeah I have no idea why I thought Mola was a good idea. I realized after a couple tests I was too Fairy weak courtesy of having no resists so I replaced Mola with Pex. Pex is goated man.

This change was actually made quite recently (wrote this part in late October) but I changed the Korai and Mirai sets to Scarf and CM Taunt respectively, and loved it. Scarf Korai gave me a great predetermined lead and near-infinite momentum, and CM Taunt helped in the matchup vs the bulkier styles that became popular.
And with that change, we have reached the current version of this team, so let’s go over it in finer detail, shall we?
The Team Itself

(click on any of the 6 sprites for the paste)

Calyrex-Ice @

Ability: As One (Glastrier)
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Def
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Glacial Lance
- Swords Dance
- High Horsepower
Are you sure you won't get outmaneuvered
Again and again, my friend?
The star of the team and what this team was built around in the first place. Basically all my sets on this team are standard so I’m just gonna explain exactly what the mon does and how to use it. So, Caly-I. This thing is a great breaker that uses Trick Room and its breathtaking offensive profile to facilitate its assault. The most effective method of setting up Trick Room is by bringing Caly in on a weak mon like Ting-Lu or Arceus, or Tera Firing vs. something like Zacian. Afterwards just go to town with Caly. Show no mercy.

Koraidon @

Ability: Orichalcum Pulse
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- U-turn
- Low Kick
- Dragon Claw
- Flare Blitz
You think you got your game
Planned out to a T
Yet I'm two steps ahead, yeah
Open the game with lead U-turn. There are only a few options for the opponent to realistically go to: Toxapex, Skeledirge, Giratina, Shitbozo, Kyogre, Eternatus: Go Miraidon and Calm Mind or attack. Arceus-Fairy, Landorus-T, Great Tusk, Arceus-Ground: Go Calyrex-Ice and click Trick Room or Glacial Lance. Zacian-Crowned: Go Toxapex and Haze. Groudon: Go Miraidon and immediately start attacking. Staying in with Ribombee: Go Calyrex-Ice and Swords Dance, then Trick Room. Use good judgment and take note of the U-turn roll, and you really can’t go wrong.

Toxapex @

Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Recover
- Haze
- Toxic
- Infestation
It's not an accident that no one hears your cries
As your last strength seems to dissolve
Pex, the goated Zacian and Koraidon check. This set is the only good set. All other sets are unviable. Infestation and Rocky Helmet are a funny chip duo and help this thing be not a 100% passive blob. Bring this thing in against an unboosted physical attacker that isn’t Groudon, Groundceus, or Rayquaza, and click whatever move best fits the situation. Not really much else to say, it’s Pex.

Ting-Lu @

Ability: Vessel of Ruin
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Careful Nature
- Earthquake
- Ruination
- Spikes
- Whirlwind
But you sure ain't got a clue how bad
This will go, don't you know, know my art? (art of war)
Ting is broken and thus is the chosen Mirai check. It’s the mon you’re going to switch into a myriad of dangerous special attackers, including but not limited to Eternatus, Groundceus, Ghostceus, and of course, Miraidon itself. Ting also gets extremely easy Spikes, making my insane attackers impossible to switch into. And that’s. Funny. By the way if the opponent switches their Ting into your Ting, switch to Caly or Korai before Ting gets up a fucktillion Spikes.

Arceus @

Ability: Multitype
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 128 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Extreme Speed
- Shadow Claw
- Taunt
You'll never see it coming
You'll see that my mind is too fast for eyes
Extreme Killer, my chosen revenge killer. Also it’s absurd in its own right, especially with Spikes down. Ekiller isn’t exactly a defensive behemoth so you mainly want to bring it out for revenge killing purposes, or after the enemy Mirai does something like kill one of your mons with Draco Meteor or Overheat.

Miraidon @

Ability: Hadron Engine
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Parabolic Charge
- Draco Meteor
- Calm Mind
- Taunt
Why just a picosecond ago, clear blue skies?
But now lightning's struck your last resolve
Calm Mind Miraidon is a great mon to pair with Scarf Koraidon thanks to being incredibly difficult for stall teams to handle, as well as being a terrifying threat to nearly every slower Pokemon (y’know, basically every mon in the tier LMAO) Anyways, bring this set in after a U-turn from Scarf Koraidon when applicable, such as vs Groudon. This is also a fine lead vs webs and Glimmora because it’s got a faster Taunt and recovery in Parabolic Charge. Don’t be too hasty about using this Miraidon, and you can’t go wrong.

No thank you to Taka for stealing my job and forcing me to retaliate with Caly-I the goat. Taka, you’re done in. By the time it hits you… your last surprise.
However, I will be thanking you, the reader, for reading this RMT through to the end! Have a wonderful day and remember that revenge is always good motivation for anything.
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