One thing I found extremely surprising was the absence of Chinchou on the ranking. I think chinchou is an extremely good mon, and arguably one of the best bulky water types in little cup. Chinchou is at its best when it is supporting regenerator cores and especially compliments mienfoo, arguably the best mon in the metagame. It acts as an excellent flying counter, and if run with a regenerator mon, can switch back in, taking hits in order to reposition your team and heal up your regenerator users.
this is all amazing, but if it was only A pivot mon and flying counter, that wouldn’t be too powerful. Chinchou’s edge over other Pokemon is that it is a pivot mon with 14 def and spdef, whilst also having an excellent typing. Electric water is an excellent typing with only two weaknesses: ground and grass. Grass is a decent type, but nothing that you should have too much difficulty finding a switch in for, and ground has difficulty switching in on Chinchou, since scald is so damaging. Even if you have a non ground type mon that has ground coverage, chinchou is likely to live the hit, then volt switch out since the mon isn’t ground type.
chinchou also acts as a good support mon for types weak to water or electric due to volt/water absorb. Volt absorb compliments vullaby quite well, and removes the need to have a ground type to block magnetite and other chinchou, whilst water absorb defends vulpix and ponyta, helps prevent ground and rock types like onix and diglett from getting revenge killed. In addition the opponent can never be fully sure which you have.
in addition, much like woobat, chinchou gets an (admittedly smaller) power up when placed within two feet of the monkey. Grookey threatens ground types for woobat, and can switch in against grass moves before pivoting out with u-turn, and leaving behind grassy terrain. Most bulky mon enjoy the healing from grassy terrain, but as an added bonus, chinchou now can live stab earthquake from diglett, its biggest check. In addition, because chinchou lends itself to regenerator pivot teams, grookey will be switching in and out every thirty seconds, meaning grassy terrain is up most of the time. Suddenly, a significant amount of ground types are now losing the chinchou matchup.
In order for Chinchou to maximise on its defenses it needs to take a big hit in power and speed, which severely limits its ability to actually threaten anything. You don't want Chou being slower than +0 Vullaby, ever. Besides, it doesn't have the reliable recovery that a defensive threat needs in this meta, nor a gimmick outside of an unhelpful ability to help keep it afloat.
Grass is an extremely relevant type rn with Grookey everywhere and Foongus/Ferroseed on most teams as a useful defensive option. Ground-types aren't switching into Chou unless choice-locked but Chou isn't switching in on them, either. That Electric typing gets in the way, and on average those Ground-types are hurting Chou much harder than vice-versa.
I have done a bit of research, (and by research I mean I took a break and found a good set like a week ago) I found this guy with a really good archer set and here it is:
Prehistoric borb (Archen) @ Berry Juice
Ability: Defeatist
Level: 5
EVs: 56 HP / 180 Atk / 76 SpD / 196 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Acrobatics
- Crunch
- Rock Slide
- Stealth Rock
Its very good at Cleaning up opposing threats like vullaby and foongus with rock slide and acrobatics. The juice is for recovery so it gets out of defeatist range and so acrobatics does double damage, effectively making a hyper offensive Mon for the rest of the match.
So, I'd say archen should be in solid A Tier bit I'd like to see what you guys think.
Honestly I was gonna rebuttle what you said but ur making sense tbh.archen is definitely not an A tier mon. if u compare it to what would also be in A tier, idt it compares to the best webs setter (dewp), one of the best fight resists in the meta rn (koffing), a fatmon that has 2 actual resists in the current meta (pory), or a 19 speed breaker (staryu). it is also much worse than mons in A- or B+ like foongus, magnemite, pix, abra, and trapinch (random examples, idt it's better than even the mons i haven't listed, for the most part).
even w/o considering the other mons in tiers above it, i think that archen struggles right now. one of its main niches, which is that it is a better flying check than vullaby, is p much moot considering vull knocks off bj, rendering archen useless, and that wingull spams water move and ohkos archen. additionally, archen has little to no reliable ways of getting past a lot of its checks and counters: common flying resists like onix and pawniard take an earthquake and ohko back with a rock move or iron head, respectively, it doesn't break defensive cores in the same way that vullaby can (with knock), and it is offensively checked by the multitude of 19 speed mons that we have right now. archen still does cool things but i think that staying in B+ or even dropping to B would be more fitting for it.
finally ur set is. not the best. dual wingbeat is a better flying stab than acrobatics for the most part, as you can actually threaten flying weaks without having to be weakened yourself. if you do want a dark type move, knock off is miles better than crunch. rock blast is also a better stab move than rock slide, as you will do more damage the majority of the time because of how multihit damage calculations work in lc (also a reason to run dual wingbeat over acrobatics). finally, having earthquake would help your archen a lot, helping it beat ground weaks (which it fails to do as-is).
A+ ———> A-
Mareanie atm isn’t stronger than before. People prefer playing koffing or foongus as fight and grookey checks which with mare you can’t do it well (cuz sometimes you will face foo + dig and mare is easily trapped). Mare usages dropped also because of fire’s drop and koffing’s rise.
Unranked ———-> B-
A lot of people are using in lcwcop screener natu. Natu has a good niche thanks to its ability, its moves and its good speed. It is the best setup screener of the meta with also abra. Also it helps better against webs mu. I think we should rank it.
A ——————-> A-
Webs atm are less strong. That’s because people prefer using screens instead of it. It is more difficult to put up webs instead of using screens cuz of staryu, rblast onix, tyrunt, taunt foo, natu, dual wing moves, that are the reasons why it has less usage rn.
Unranked ——————> B-
This mon is powerful under screens. Bdrum + vital spirit means you can setup freerly on foong, also it has a good speed (outspeeding most of the mons except diglett) and good coverage fpunch, tpunch, mpunch. I think this should be added also.
A ——————-> A+
This is the best fighting check atm, it gives you both solid stats and good speed (mare and spritz are too passive). Neutralizing gas is really cool on this mon, blocking regencore is always an advantage. Also it has an amazing coverage wow is really cool against its counters onix and mud. Koffing had a rise up in usages thanks to grookey’s usages, vulpix and abra drops. Also in this meta there are less grounds thanks to grassy terrain. Also it is really good against the core grookey + woobat.
A- ——————-> A
Foong is the other good fighting resist atm thanks to vulpix, abra drops and because atm there are less usages for flying-type (only vulla is good atm). It has good stats and a good type. It counters half of the meta, I think it needs to rise up
B+ ———————->A-
This mon is really good atm better than before. It works well against both balanced and offensive teams. Trapping grookey, ferro, pawn, abra, onix, mite, pony and ponyg is always good. It has good solid stats. Having the most powerful priority in the game is the reason why he is so strong atm. This priority can help you to trap and kill mons like staryu, nplot vulla, woobat or scraggy if they are in range.
Also mare’s drop helped this to have more impact on the meta. I think it deserves A-.
Unranked mons:
Prob all of these should be unranked, never seen in any tours, I think they are bad atm, zig couldn’t setup well cuz of ferro, onix, timb, fi trapinch, grookey. Corp isn’t good because there are a lot of grookey and foongus and it is hard to setup easily that is also because of the ground’s lack. Croagunk is still bad because of diglett, koffing, trapinch, prob in webs could work fine but who would change foo or scraggy for this mon.
Amaura isn’t good, you can’t setup well veil cuz of its bad speed, 15 is so bad for putting up veil that is why people prefer natu instead of this. Also hail teams seems not so good atm cuz also of koffing’s ability.
Anyway I agree about dropping archen, I found it really bad atm, never useful. Prob I will give less usage for wingull putting it in b+, never seen it in tours atm probably because of grookey spam, pawn and tyrunt. It is likely to be that pory will increase more, I still think it is kinda strong atm and prob will rise up to a+ but I’m not sure about that.
Cool screens setter, natu is much better but I feel like that speaks more of how good natu is than how unviable amaura is. It has a pretty cool offensive movepool, even though it's typing is complete trash defensively and it's way too slow to reliably set up veil. Honestly just put natu into B and this into B-, I don't think it's bad enough to be UR.
Well, let’s consider you playing amaura. You can use it with sash, light clay and scarf sets. Let’s analyze the sash set which is the most common.
Sash is p cool on amaura, it helps better for putting veil up. You will often lead with amaura. Your oppo starts with foo (taunt set could be annoying), fake out and hjk next turn. You set up screens for just 4 turns (cuz the first is when you set up it). Are those enough for sweep? The answer is no. You’d better have more turns which with natu you can.
If you use light clay amaura, you will be ohked by all mons, I have tried it no way to put up veil.
Scarf set is the same, you put up veil only for 4 turns.
In my opinion it is unviable mostly of its speed and also because all mons atm beat him like foo, vulla can defog and koff is like 2ohko, diglett traps it p easy, grook ohkos it, mareanie scalds it and after can put up tspikes which could be annoying for the sweepers, onix rblast and fuck sash set, pawniard can flinch it or also puts off veil with brick break, scraggy sets up on it, dewp puts up webs, staryu ohkos, foong can spore and blizzard doesn’t ohko, so you can see most of the used mons are too good against him. Also amaura outspeeds few mons (mare, scraggy or dewp) but all of them can sets up on it (tspike, ddance, webs), so you will anyway lose some turns of veil.
The other reason why amaura isn’t so good atm is for its type and ability (hail is annoying for most of the sweepers). Compared to natu it can do nothing. Natu is better because of its speed and mostly its ability. Both rocks and webs fuck amaura while natu isn’t hurt by those cuz its ability and flying type. Its type is also good for putting up screens, you can do it against more used mons (grookey, mareanie, koffing, timb, bulk foo). Also you will have access to more turns of veil thanks to 17 speed and a free light clay and access to teleport that is interesting against who tries to decrease screens’ turns, also you can set up screens more than once time which with amaura you can’t. As you can see there are a lot of reasons why amaura isn’t good and it is really hard to set up veil (and if you can, you will do it only one time and for 4 turns which means you can’t sweep).
I have tried all sets but honestly no way to use it and abuse of it except if your oppo doesn’t play well against.
Well, let’s consider you playing amaura. You can use it with sash, light clay and scarf sets. Let’s analyze the sash set which is the most common.
Sash is p cool on amaura, it helps better for putting veil up. You will often lead with amaura. Your oppo starts with foo (taunt set could be annoying), fake out and hjk next turn. You set up screens for just 4 turns (cuz the first is when you set up it). Are those enough for sweep? The answer is no. You’d better have more turns which with natu you can.u
If you use light clay amaura, you will be ohked by all mons, I have tried it no way to put up veil.
Scarf set is the same, you put up veil only for 4 turns.
I've been recently messing around with more of a robbery set of team. I have no idea if its necessarily good but in practice I've done pretty well. (I tried to do poke paste but my WiFi is garbage rn)
Issa birdie (Vullaby) @ Berry Juice
Ability: Weak Armor
Level: 5
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 236 Atk / 236 SpD / 36 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Knock Off
- Defog
- Thief
Lancelot (Pawniard) @ Berry Juice
Ability: Defiant
Level: 5
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 236 Atk / 36 Def / 196 SpD / 36 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Thief
- Iron Head
- Sucker Punch
- Thunder Wave
Yeet (Meowth) @ Normal Gem
Ability: Technician
Level: 5
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 236 Atk / 36 SpD / 196 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- Covet
- U-turn
I mostly Wanna focus on the moms that I gave thief, covet, etc and I propose this To be a setup worth looking into because of the viability in the beginning of the game. Use a fast Mon like meowth to fake out then take the other mons item and switch out accordingly. It could also help the longevity of the Mon because of the dominance of eviolite and berry juice among the meta game. also if used on the right Mon, it could get powerful items such as choice band and life orb to amp up the users power and have more kill confirms than it usually had access to from base sets. I don't really have a detailed ranking moms like this should be in but they should be at least recognized for there crippling capability
Truth be told you probably want a U-turn if you're using berry juice over eviolite on Vullaby, so ditching knock off would probably be more ideal, even though thief objectively worse than knock off in almost every way. Thiefing something useful can be kind of tough depending on what kind of teamstyle your opponent is running, like if you're opponent is using a mon like eviolite chinchou as their best vullaby switchin, even if you're almost guranteed to yoink an eviolite from it as long as you've lost your berry juice, running both knock off and U-turn is far more reliable, since it gurantees that you'll remove the eviolite 100% of the time, while also keeping U-turn and all of it's benefits.
Pawniard really needs a reliable dark type move so that it doesn't have to rely on sucker punch as it's strongest dark stab, since thief is so weak that it barely even counts, especially since pawniards typing is so weak defensively that it's hard to reliably get within berry juice range unless you purposely limit pawniard in some way (which you're already doing, given that you have to ditch eviolite, making pawniards slightly above average at best). I'm not saying that berry juice pawniard is garbage, but using it over eviolite solely for the minimal utility thief provides is kind of gimmicky. Finally, sacrificing the extra utility the fourth moveslot provides for the sake using both knock off and thief is pointless, especially since spamming knock off is more consistent.
And finally, Meowth really needs the extra power from life orb, since you're using a pretty lackluster item in the normal gem for the chance of yoinking an item from your opponent, which can range from a useful item such as a life orb (though why not run it from the start), to something kinda pointless like an eviolite or a berry juice, give meowths inability to switch into much of anything, to something useless like a choice scarf or a focus sash. Covet is also very easy to switch into by a large part of the metagame, given that meowths base 45 attack isn't threatening without a boost and the risk of losing an item isn't as detremental as it may seem (though it can be very sucky depending on the matchup).