Resource SV UU Quality Control Team

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C&C Leader
Posted below is the SV UU Quality Control (QC) Team. Users listed here are responsible for checking analyses and making sure your content is consistent with our quality standards. If you need something checked or approved, these are the people to hit up.

List of current QC members:
Estarossa (mod)
Lily (mod)
Monky25 (mod)
Mystras Leoxses (mod)


Note that if you plan on doing AM checks for our analysis section, QC members will have the final say on whether your check or certain parts of it should be implemented. If you have any questions hit up one of our mods or talk to us on the UU Discord!
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Hilomilo has stepped down from his position as a UU QC moderator, although he will be staying as a QC member for now.

Thank you for everything you've done for this section for so many years, you've been a fantastic role model for every contributor to UU C&C for as long as I've been here and i'm super grateful for everything you did for me and so many others!
Sulo has stepped down from the QC team, thank you for your work in previous releases! romanji and Rae will be joining as full QCers now, congratulations and welcome!

We are very much looking for new qc members, so highly encourage people to get involved with AM checking and writing, and if you are interested absolutely speak to me about getting more involved!
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