Hello and welcome to the DLC 2 Scarlet and Violet UU Viability Rankings!
For those who are unfamiliar, in the Viability Rankings we come together as a community with a goal to rank every viable Pokemon within the SV UU metagame into ranks indicating their dominance and effect in the tier. This can serve as a great resource for teambuilding by essentially being a threat list, helping newer players understand which is the best Pokemon to use and what to account for while building. Any user is encouraged to post in this thread and share their thoughts on rankings that should be changed, which our lovely viability ranking team will read and discuss as we schedule VR updates. There is no set schedule for VR updates, but rather when we determine that the current rankings may be an inaccurate representation of the current metagame. There also is the possibility of mini updates which can be quick metagame changes that should directly happen without needing to conduct a full slate. The current viability council is below:
The current VR team is:
- Monky25 (host)
- Lily (host)
- Lyssa
- umbry
- Estarossa
- Mossy Sandwich
- Askov
- ThatOneApple
- Twilight
- cheru
- Queen of Bean
The ranking descriptions for what each rank means and what the characteristics are of Pokemon in these ranks are in the below spoiler:
S and S-: The best of the best Pokemon, being extremely splashable and versatile, having high consistency, and shaping the tier’s development. Their dominance has a notable effect on teambuilding and the dynamics of the tier. S- Pokemon are Pokemon that are a step above the rest of the A+ Pokemon but may not be as centralizing or potent as another S tier.
A+ and A: Great and metagame defining Pokemon that have exceptional prowess and must be accounted for while building. They are not as defining as S rank Pokemon, but are still strong Pokemon that most teams should make use of. A rank Pokemon have similar traits to A+ Pokemon but may be held back due to performance or usage.
A- and B+: These are Pokemon that still have an impactful role in the metagame and should still be accounted for, but lack the consistency and/or potency to be ranked any higher. Pokemon in B+, while part of the metagame, do not always have to necessarily be accounted for at times due to their limited presence.
B: Generally the lowest ranking of Pokemon considered to be solid and potent options in the tier, these Pokemon operate decently within the metagame but have enough notable flaws to keep them from being tier staples. This rank may also feature Pokemon that have potential for potency in the metagame, but are too unexplored to warrant a higher rank.
B-: Pokemon in this rank are without a doubt viable, but have noticeable flaws and restrictions that limit splashability and usage in the tier while not being too consistent either. Still, they have potent enough niches to avoid being ranked in the lowest of ranks.
C: These Pokemon have roles in the metagame that are generally outclassed for the most part, but still have enough relevance and usefulness in the metagame to warrant a ranking. Still, they could be subject to simple removals from the VR at any time.
D: Lastly, Pokemon in D rank are UU by usage but completely unviable. Discussion on D rank Pokemon is prohibited.
A+ and A: Great and metagame defining Pokemon that have exceptional prowess and must be accounted for while building. They are not as defining as S rank Pokemon, but are still strong Pokemon that most teams should make use of. A rank Pokemon have similar traits to A+ Pokemon but may be held back due to performance or usage.
A- and B+: These are Pokemon that still have an impactful role in the metagame and should still be accounted for, but lack the consistency and/or potency to be ranked any higher. Pokemon in B+, while part of the metagame, do not always have to necessarily be accounted for at times due to their limited presence.
B: Generally the lowest ranking of Pokemon considered to be solid and potent options in the tier, these Pokemon operate decently within the metagame but have enough notable flaws to keep them from being tier staples. This rank may also feature Pokemon that have potential for potency in the metagame, but are too unexplored to warrant a higher rank.
B-: Pokemon in this rank are without a doubt viable, but have noticeable flaws and restrictions that limit splashability and usage in the tier while not being too consistent either. Still, they have potent enough niches to avoid being ranked in the lowest of ranks.
C: These Pokemon have roles in the metagame that are generally outclassed for the most part, but still have enough relevance and usefulness in the metagame to warrant a ranking. Still, they could be subject to simple removals from the VR at any time.
D: Lastly, Pokemon in D rank are UU by usage but completely unviable. Discussion on D rank Pokemon is prohibited.
When nominating changes to happen in this VR PLEASE avoid personal biases and instead use information such as trends working for or against this Pokemon as well as usage to support your claim. Note usage does not always equal viability. There is a correlation, but just because Donphan got more usage last month than Toxapex on the ladder does not mean it is a better Pokemon; tournament usage stats are generally better support for nominations. For nominating unranked Pokemon to be ranked, consider a few things: Does this have enough of a distinguishable niche in the metagame? (meaning does what it performs act differently enough from another ranked Pokemon). Also, should the first criteria be met, is this niche relevant enough in the current metagame? A good nomination of an unranked Pokemon would be here. Replays are also great tools to help support a nomination and are required to nominate an unranked Pokemon. And with that, here are our viability rankings! Happy posting!
S Rank

A+ Rank

A Rank

A- Rank

B+ Rank

B Rank

B- Rank

C Rank

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