Ladder tour is over so now I'll drop some noms for the meta as I see it rn.

Magearna -> S/S+
Magearna is ahead of everything else imo, best mon currently with the most versatility. I pretty much never left it off a team because even if it's just clicking spikes and volt it's checking strong attackers like pao and dragons while being most of the current hazard metagame alone. Offensive sets can just autowin games too since it's really hard to position around the setup moves it has, with your own magearna clicking encore being one of the better responses. If moved to S+ I'd probably put darkceus in S, it's the clear #2 for me rn.

Arceus-Dark -> S-/S
I think it's the second best mon rn, it only really uses support rocks or cm but that's kinda all it has to do. Safest stab judgment in the meta rn while also being one of the few answers to dawn wings, and also resisting dark in a meta where pretty much only magearna and other treasures of ruin do so. The most splashable arc by quite a bit, I just defaulted to it unless I was going out of my way to use smth like poison or grass.

Solgaleo -> B/B+
I really don't see what this thing does, it loses to the strong dark types, competes with mag and zama for a steel but doesn't have the same potential in both long and short games, and isn't strong enough to threaten the things it wants to wall while also not having good enough set up to 1v1 a lot of things. Honestly might even be lower, I don't rate this thing at all.

Great Tusk-> B

Landorus-Therian -> A
Tusk just has it hard, it doesn't really wall anything and is just a spin bot that is usually worse than terapagos at it. Scarf is probably the best set but that's only if you really need spin or knock and even then it has 4mss, both landos scarfed are better. Defensive Lando-T is very good, it soft checks zac and chips a lot with helmet while being a reliable rocker and good in the hazard war with taunt. Scarf is fine too, competes with incarnate form but still strong with more powerful u-turns. Just a better mon at almost everything compared to tusk.

Palafin -> B+/A-
Hard to get going sometimes and really wants to just spam jet punch, but mons like pex and grassceus along with teras and rocky helmet just hurt it a lot. Hazards are also really annoying to deal with since you have to switch at least once which gives up a lot of momentum. Not terrible but not that good.

Blissey -> B- or smth idk
This mon is bad, only usable on stall and I haven't seen enough stall winning to think it's worth, should be with the other stall exclusives like dozo (also put that in B- or lower, same w stuff like clef corv skarm etc.).


Pelipper -> C
Rain is not that good, needs a lot of turns and gives up momentum pretty easily. Bad into a lot of mons and hazards but still usable, just not that high.

Dialga -> C+
This mon is also bad, idk what it's doing up there. There are a lot of better steels.

Ursaluna Bloodmoon -> B
Good CM mon, really bulky and pairs well with hazards and other breakers / pivots like urshifu to get it in. It can just run max hp some speed rest in spatk cm stabs moonlight and wall a ton of stuff with tera, good mon.

Urshifu -> A-
This mon is super good, idk why it's so low. SD can just rip through teams, wicked blow is stronger than a pao crunch and it doesn't have to hold boots bc it's not rocks weak so it can go for glasses on sd sets. Scarf is also super good, it's 1 point faster than deo n so only really eleki outruns it unboosted and it's one of the most threatening pivots to switch into so u-turns are kinda free. Good revenge killer to pao and can run coverage for zacian and others, very strong pick rn.







Lokix -> UR (Torkoal can maybe stay C- or smth)
None of these mons are good, First 2 are probably the most usable but the rest just aren't. Trick Room is really bad for how much it's used, cheese strategy that doesn't really work rn or at least no consistent ones have been made, and that's all I see the first 2 on. Maybe sun is usable idk, can stick around in case. Ursaluna can maybe be C- too if people keep using trick room I just don't think it's good and bloodmoon is just better. Rest of these just don't do anything worthwhile.



Walking Wake,

Roaring Moon,




Ninetales-Alola -> Lower
All kinda mid so I just listed a few I think suck, they should be lower and don't really work rn. A lot of the B/B- mons are super fraud, didn't wanna list out specifically where I'd put all these but they should all be dropped imo.
There are some other random things that are less impactful like I think palk-o should drop a bit, the A- mons don't feel A- good but idk if anything does maybe grassceus and poisonceus can take the place of most of them and they go down, and I'm not sold on stuff like gholdengo deo-s exca or bugceus either, but the lower ranks fall off hard imo. Maybe stuff like alo and eleki could go up too idk.
Also terapagos can go in like A or smth good mon. Dawn wings is an even better mon can go in A+ probably or just like above mewtwo, either move that down or S- dawn wings but both sounds good since dawn wings is top 5 and mewtwo is probably just below the other guys.