Metagame SV Ubers UU Metagame Discussion (Zacian Ban @ Post #671)

Good Morning, evening, afternoon or whatever your time is.

Some of you might recognize if you followed the BH money tournament. That being said I'm sure most of you don't so I'll present myself.
Good (insert time of the day), I'm Eelstartega, a very quirky (not in a cute way btw, in the slightly worrisome way) Chilean data analysis entusiast who loves to talk about a game they're currently in, is way too good at leaving an impression on people and wants to help people to understand how the meta goes.
Why I'm doing this registers of the tournament? Well, I think I said it, entusiasm for data analysis and just want people to get the benefits of the fact there's available if you investigate, and I feel helping others is the best way I have to get friends, because despite my lifestyle and awkwardness I'm not an introvert at all, I just don't like the groupal disorder.

But that's enough of me, I'm here to talk about this tournament and the many pokémon that were present during the first week. Before doing this I think I should clarify some stuff
  • Profile: Image who tries to represent the subject in question. Not always 100% accurate.
  • Pokémon: Name of specie or variant of said specie.
  • Usage: The amount of times something was used.
  • Usage | of variant %: It's on percentage usage compared to the total of either teams or the specie in question.
  • Net winrate: The amount of wins the pokémon bringed on compared to the loses it had. I feel this one can reflect better meta trends and how impactful or detrimental they can be... But it takes hours to get.
Now, the usage rate.
ProfilePokémonUsageUsage | of variant %Net winrate
(Wins - Loses)
Jesus Christ.jpg
22.20 | 34.42 %
11.92 | 18.48 %
11.45 | 17.75 %
10.51 | 16.30 %
4.673 | 7.246 %
2.103 | 3.261 %
0.701 | 1.087 %
0.467 | 0.725 %
0.234 | 0.362 %
0.234 | 0.362 %​
60.28 %​
45.09 %​
28.04 %​
26.87 %​
Espacio - copia.jpg
23.83 | 88.70 %
3.037 | 11.30 %​
25.23 %​
21.03 | 83.33 %
4.206 | 16.67 %​
20.09 %​
19.16 %​
17.52 %​
16.12 %​
9.346 | 57.97 %
6.776 | 42.03 %​
15.89 %​
15.19 %​
14.25 %​
13.55 %​
12.85 %​
11.92 %​
11.45 %​
10.51 %​
Roaring Moon​
9.813 %​
9.813 %​
6.075 | 61.90 %
3.738 | 38.10 %​
8.645 %​
8.411 %​
7.710 %​
7.710 %​
7.009 %​
6.776 %​
6.542 %​
6.308 %​
6.075 %​
5.841 %​
Walking Wake​
5.841 %​
5.607 %​
3.038 | 54.17 %
2.570 | 45.83 %​
5.374 %​
3.505 %​
3.271 %​
3.037 %​
Iron Moth​
3.037 %​
2.570 %​
2.570 %​
2.570 %​
2.103 %​
2.103 %​
1.869 %
0.234 %​
2.103 %​
1.869 %​
1.869 %​
1.869 %​
1.869 %​
1.636 %​
1.402 %​
1.402 %​
1.402 %​
1.402 %​
1.168 %​
Iron Valiant​
1.168 %​
1.168 %​
0.935 %​
0.935 %​
0.701 %​
0.701 %​
0.701 %​
0.701 %​
0.701 %​
0.701 %​
0.701 %​
0.701 %​
0.467 %​
0.467 %​
0.467 %​
0.467 %​
0.467 %​
0.467 %​
0.467 %​
0.467 %​
0.467 %​
Sandy Shocks​
0.467 %​
0.467 %​
0.467 %​
0.467 %​
0.467 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
Slither Wing​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​
0.234 %​

With that now visible now we can move to what I like to call...

Weekly data spotlight
  • The website I use for analysis data fails to register period in case of Zacian, Urshifu and Zamazenta and would crash if the server was shut down, which happened a lot; also does not work with Office work due to the space character. Didn't though I would need reverse engineering here, but I needed to, even to ask a player who did not bringed on its Zamazenta and it was exhausting.
  • They do shut down the website even before the round ends for some reason, and when that happens you lose all your progress in your commentary. Glad I saved those in Office despite the inefficiency.
  • The best performing pokémon according to the net winrate are Dondozo, Zacian-Hero, Dialga, Cinderace, Garchomp and Arceus-Poison. We have a newly implemented Hazard structure people of low elo tend to struggle with, 2 of the best Zacian checks and Zacian itself... Naturally the course of action should be banning Palkia-Origin according to this thread which reminds me of "better nerf Irelia" or "Nerf the miner" of my dark f2p past.
  • The worst performing pokémon on the other hand are Palafin, Cyclizar, Arceus-Fire, Urshifu, Espathra, Zamazenta-Hero and Ursaluna Bloodmoon... I think we raised the wrong doggo from B to A tier last week, because the shield one only got 2 legit non-mirror victories out of 18 matches. The thematic here are pokémon reliant on setup but can't raise their speed nor cannot switch freely, which sounds like a consequence of so many fast wallbreakers, most notably Palkia-Origin and Zacian.
    • That beins said, the criteria of net winrate isn't as effective on negative numbers. At least in the case of Arceus-Fire, the simple explanation is the rise of the bozo and hazard-heavy teams, both of which punish Arceus-Fire hard.
  • The most popular leads are Cyclizar, Magearna, Palafin, Dialga and Garchomp. Due to sheer use rate there's also a high number of Landorus, Rillaboom, Dragapult, Arceus-Fire and Zacian as leads even if they're not particularly used or even discouraged to be one.
  • EVERY SINGLE URSALUNA had a Magearna, no exception, and the same could be said for Cinderace. 3 out of 4 Dragonites have a Zacian, even more Sneasler have a Rillaboom, almost half of Dondozo teams have Giratina and Dialga, the latter is in 9 out of 10 Cinderace teams, almost every Torkoal has Walking wake and Chi-Yu, and almost every Hoopa-Unbound has Cinderace, Ursaluna and Magearna. Most might seem like obvious synergies but not all of them... and this explains all the almost all creepy mod's usernames on discord except the Clefable one.
  • The most common teams were the following; do note that using this will not cure your lack of skill, the only solution for that is to get good:
    • Arceus-Dragon / Magearna / Rillaboom / Sneasler / Ursaluna / Zamazenta-HERO. This might be a big factor on why Zamazenta-hero had a much better performance than the Crowned form, and same for Ursaluna and Arceus-Dragon. I've seen variations of this team using Roaring Moon but seems most people stuck to the original.
    • Dragapult / Dragonite / Garchomp / Gholdengo / Magearna / Zacian-hero. This is one of those hazard teams I was talking about. Garchomp is oddly good at the role of Hazard lead, Gholdengo is as obnoxious as it is in OU at blocking defog giratina, and this team really abuses tera to avoid their seemingly exploitable weaknesses due to type overlap.
    • Cinderace / Cresselia / Dialga / Hoopa-Unbound / Magearna / Ursaluna. Yes, this is a second constructed team for Ursaluna; People at top level really love to build around the bear, which is maybe due to the love of the playstyle or the fact ground is so good in this meta. Also, yes, that's Cresselia and Hoopa-Unbound, which suddenly explains that relatively high usage and performance of the former.
    • Arceus-Fire / Cyclizar / Magearna / Palafin / Roaring Moon / Zacian-Hero.This suddenly explains why Arceus-Fire, Cyclizar and Palafin had such low numbers, because this kind of Hyper offense with no defensive backbone like screens Dragapult or even reliable recovery is just a recipee for disaster, especially after the drop of Dondozo and Giratina. DO NOT USE THIS TEAM, it's not updated for December.
      • All 4 described teams are from the UUbers sample teams, which I think they describe those teams better than I can. I'm also seeing many of the most used teams there, like the sun team, the Meowscarada + Gholdengo one who isn't working too well, that Stall team with Quagsire and Garganacl or many Clefable Balance teams with varying degrees of sucess. That being said, no one picked the TTar stall team because everyone almost everyone knows TTar stinks more than a pigsty abandoned for a week.
Final words

And... that would be it. I don't have much more to say outside I was indeed part of the tournament but got disqualified round 1 due to both bad planning and bad RNG; seriously, there's few things more frustrating than getting that your opponent will use Psychic fangs, tera your Arceus out of the poison type so it will survive, and die anyways due to a random crit. Oh, and this took me like 12 hours of work, including working up until 4 AM, so my head hurts; I told you my passion for data analysis is strong. Normally here I would add links to the previous weeks but... It's the first one, so there's nothing.

Farewell and I think I'll faint on my bed after this, It was exhaustin...

Ubers UU

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Magearna           |  253 |  58.56% |  51.78% |
| 2    | Zacian-*           |  188 |  43.52% |  53.19% |
| 3    | Cyclizar           |  126 |  29.17% |  45.24% |
| 4    | Palkia-Origin      |  103 |  23.84% |  49.51% |
| 5    | Arceus-Fire        |   95 |  21.99% |  45.26% |
| 6    | Dialga             |   92 |  21.30% |  54.35% |
| 7    | Palafin            |   89 |  20.60% |  44.94% |
| 7    | Rillaboom          |   89 |  20.60% |  44.94% |
| 9    | Landorus           |   76 |  17.59% |  46.05% |
| 10   | Sneasler           |   74 |  17.13% |  48.65% |
| 11   | Dragapult          |   63 |  14.58% |  55.56% |
| 12   | Chi-Yu             |   61 |  14.12% |  50.82% |
| 13   | Gholdengo          |   59 |  13.66% |  52.54% |
| 14   | Giratina           |   55 |  12.73% |  49.09% |
| 15   | Arceus-Poison      |   53 |  12.27% |  58.49% |
| 16   | Arceus-Grass       |   52 |  12.04% |  55.77% |
| 17   | Garchomp           |   49 |  11.34% |  61.22% |
| 18   | Dondozo            |   48 |  11.11% |  62.50% |
| 19   | Clefable           |   47 |  10.88% |  42.55% |
| 20   | Arceus-Dark        |   44 |  10.19% |  54.55% |
| 21   | Zamazenta-*        |   43 |   9.95% |  46.51% |
| 22   | Roaring Moon       |   41 |   9.49% |  53.66% |
| 23   | Ursaluna           |   39 |   9.03% |  58.97% |
| 24   | Garganacl          |   38 |   8.80% |  57.89% |
| 25   | Dragonite          |   35 |   8.10% |  51.43% |
| 26   | Volcarona          |   33 |   7.64% |  51.52% |
| 26   | Slowking-Galar     |   33 |   7.64% |  48.48% |
| 28   | Spectrier          |   31 |   7.18% |  35.48% |
| 29   | Blissey            |   29 |   6.71% |  55.17% |
| 29   | Espathra           |   29 |   6.71% |  31.03% |
| 31   | Ursaluna-Bloodmoon |   28 |   6.48% |  32.14% |
| 32   | Cinderace          |   27 |   6.25% |  66.67% |
| 32   | Corviknight        |   27 |   6.25% |  48.15% |
| 34   | Urshifu            |   26 |   6.02% |  26.92% |
| 35   | Cresselia          |   25 |   5.79% |  64.00% |
| 35   | Walking Wake       |   25 |   5.79% |  40.00% |
| 37   | Torkoal            |   23 |   5.32% |  47.83% |
| 38   | Arceus-Dragon      |   21 |   4.86% |  66.67% |
| 39   | Dialga-Origin      |   18 |   4.17% |  44.44% |
| 40   | Iron Moth          |   16 |   3.70% |  56.25% |
| 41   | Hoopa-Unbound      |   14 |   3.24% |  57.14% |
| 41   | Moltres            |   14 |   3.24% |  35.71% |
| 43   | Palkia             |   13 |   3.01% |  53.85% |
| 43   | Alomomola          |   13 |   3.01% |  53.85% |
| 45   | Meowscarada        |   11 |   2.55% |  54.55% |
| 45   | Masquerain         |   11 |   2.55% |  54.55% |
| 45   | Gothitelle         |   11 |   2.55% |  54.55% |
| 48   | Quagsire           |    9 |   2.08% |  66.67% |
| 48   | Arceus-Psychic     |    9 |   2.08% |  55.56% |
| 48   | Milotic            |    9 |   2.08% |  55.56% |
| 48   | Donphan            |    9 |   2.08% |  44.44% |
| 52   | Tornadus-Therian   |    8 |   1.85% |  75.00% |
| 52   | Amoonguss          |    8 |   1.85% |  37.50% |
| 52   | Ninetales-Alola    |    8 |   1.85% |  37.50% |
| 55   | Ogerpon-Wellspring |    7 |   1.62% |  28.57% |
| 55   | Klefki             |    7 |   1.62% |  28.57% |
| 57   | Ceruledge          |    6 |   1.39% |  66.67% |
| 57   | Mandibuzz          |    6 |   1.39% |  66.67% |
| 57   | Darkrai            |    6 |   1.39% |  50.00% |
| 57   | Baxcalibur         |    6 |   1.39% |  16.67% |
| 61   | Iron Valiant       |    5 |   1.16% |  80.00% |
| 61   | Gastrodon          |    5 |   1.16% |  40.00% |
| 61   | Tyranitar          |    5 |   1.16% |  20.00% |
| 64   | Heatran            |    4 |   0.93% |  75.00% |
| 64   | Houndstone         |    4 |   0.93% |  25.00% |
| 66   | Crawdaunt          |    3 |   0.69% |  66.67% |
| 66   | Pelipper           |    3 |   0.69% |  66.67% |
| 66   | Regidrago          |    3 |   0.69% |  66.67% |
| 66   | Kommo-o            |    3 |   0.69% |  66.67% |
| 66   | Enamorus           |    3 |   0.69% |  33.33% |
| 66   | Arceus-Bug         |    3 |   0.69% |  33.33% |
| 66   | Mew                |    3 |   0.69% |  33.33% |
| 66   | Espeon             |    3 |   0.69% |   0.00% |
| 66   | Weezing-Galar      |    3 |   0.69% |   0.00% |
| 66   | Sandy Shocks       |    3 |   0.69% |   0.00% |
| 66   | Indeedee           |    3 |   0.69% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Gallade            |    2 |   0.46% | 100.00% |
| 77   | Dugtrio            |    2 |   0.46% | 100.00% |
| 77   | Lilligant-Hisui    |    2 |   0.46% | 100.00% |
| 77   | Arceus-Ice         |    2 |   0.46% |  50.00% |
| 77   | Azumarill          |    2 |   0.46% |  50.00% |
| 77   | Mimikyu            |    2 |   0.46% |  50.00% |
| 77   | Electrode-Hisui    |    2 |   0.46% |  50.00% |
| 77   | Goodra-Hisui       |    2 |   0.46% |  50.00% |
| 77   | Zapdos             |    2 |   0.46% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Spiritomb          |    2 |   0.46% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Armarouge          |    2 |   0.46% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Gengar             |    2 |   0.46% |   0.00% |
| 89   | Samurott-Hisui     |    1 |   0.23% | 100.00% |
| 89   | Torterra           |    1 |   0.23% | 100.00% |
| 89   | Toedscruel         |    1 |   0.23% | 100.00% |
| 89   | Jirachi            |    1 |   0.23% | 100.00% |
| 89   | Forretress         |    1 |   0.23% | 100.00% |
| 89   | Qwilfish-Hisui     |    1 |   0.23% | 100.00% |
| 89   | Magnezone          |    1 |   0.23% | 100.00% |
| 89   | Ninetales          |    1 |   0.23% | 100.00% |
| 89   | Rotom-Wash         |    1 |   0.23% | 100.00% |
| 89   | Gligar             |    1 |   0.23% | 100.00% |
| 89   | Hawlucha           |    1 |   0.23% |   0.00% |
| 89   | Tauros-Paldea-Aqua |    1 |   0.23% |   0.00% |
| 89   | Zoroark-Hisui      |    1 |   0.23% |   0.00% |
| 89   | Arceus-Fighting    |    1 |   0.23% |   0.00% |
| 89   | Arcanine-Hisui     |    1 |   0.23% |   0.00% |
| 89   | Cloyster           |    1 |   0.23% |   0.00% |
| 89   | Overqwil           |    1 |   0.23% |   0.00% |
| 89   | Arceus-Rock        |    1 |   0.23% |   0.00% |
| 89   | Coalossal          |    1 |   0.23% |   0.00% |
| 89   | Weavile            |    1 |   0.23% |   0.00% |
| 89   | Sableye            |    1 |   0.23% |   0.00% |
| 89   | Sylveon            |    1 |   0.23% |   0.00% |
| 89   | Slither Wing       |    1 |   0.23% |   0.00% |
| 89   | Thundurus-Therian  |    1 |   0.23% |   0.00% |
Moves and Teammates | Combos [4] [5&6] | Leads

Did stats for R1 of the Kickoff tour for those who are curious.

AND ALL OF IT FOR NOTHING... oh wait, she did made a mistake. I think I'll need to talk with a fairy after this. Hope it turns out well.

PS: Didn't knew A Fairy was a girl... Cool to see, especially considering what happened certain other girl in the past; that being said Pokémon tends to attract both girls and boys almost equally, even if for different reasons. Also, minor edits and the talk I mentioned ended up in a sucess.
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Physical Lugia incoming. . But regardless, can Lugia do anything that Giratina can't now?
it's better at dying

well, it's got reliable recovery, which is nice. and future sight is a neat tool for putting some pressure on opposing teams—although it generally loses out to glowking in this regard, future sight + whirlwind is a potentially lethal combo because it removes the opponent's capability of voluntarily switching into future sight. you could also run some sort of janky stallbreaker nonsense with whirlpool and psychic noise, or some less janky (but probably not good on lugia) stallbreaker nonsense with trick and a choice item
Not really relevant right now, but terrible news folks. Lugia has been nerfed badly

It lost Defog, Toxic and Thunder Wave. Instead, got Brave Bird and Acrobatics.
Isn't lugia like, the 2nd worst box Legendary out there?
Seriously, why would they nerf such a bad pokémon? And why there's still no roost TM?

That being said, there's 29 new moves so technically the meta is changing a tiny bit. I'll show you the ones I feel that could be relevant:

Pain Split
This is the first time GF put recovery in this game. This is more important for Mew and rotom-Wash who can use this sustain, but is definitely fringe.

Double edge
While I don't think the move is good, is one of those cases where the move is so widespread it might find some unexpected niche; almost every pokémon back in gen 1 could learn this move, and I don't expect this to be too different.

Just as fringe as pain split, we have this soft-trapping move. It might see use on Slowking and specially Dialga-Origin, the former having a bit of a free 4th moveslot anyways.

Supercell Slam
This is a new Electric move. For the description of its functionality and power it's basically electric jump kick, which is a huge boon for all pokémon who want a physical electric move... yes, finally a good physical electric move. The problem? Idk who can actually learn this, but seems that it could be somewhat widespread considering the text doesn't ask too much, but it needs to be nimble afaik.

Triple axel
We all know this move, being a focus blast ice type move, although more consistent. The main user of this move is Weavile, who could become an actual meta threat due to this move helping him out to deal with fast dragons. Wouldn't be surprised if Iron Valiant got this move as well, due to both Gardevoir and Gallade learning it, and you know how Fighting types love to have Ice moves.

Sludge wave
Landorus-Incarnate got an upgrade from sludge bomb, which is neat I guess. Outside of that scenario sludge wave is a worse sludge bomb due to lower poison rate.

Scorching Sands
We all know how good this move was back in Sword/Shield and this shouldn't be different. Many fire and ground types like to spread burns in a more reliable way, most notably for current UUbers being Moltres, Cinderace and Heatran.

Future Sight
Future sight is the kind of move who is just difficult to estimate its impact, because it's either incredibly good or kinda outclassed... And now that I think of it, Future sight as a tm is not relevant afaik.

Meteor Beam
Now that's an impactful addition. Meteor Beam + Power Herb is a combo who has opened a lot of options for pokémon like Celesteela or Nihilego in the past. If a pokémon like Dialga can learn this (Wouldn't be surprised with that gem in the chest) it would open many offensive options for the timelord, maybe even becoming too good.

Throat chop
Another STAB option... if it wasn't because knock off is so widespread. Still, it's something to take into account if one of the pokémon who can learn throat chop like Pheromosa ends up in this tier.

Btw, I don't think you're allowed to use those during round 2.
it's better at dying

well, it's got reliable recovery, which is nice. and future sight is a neat tool for putting some pressure on opposing teams—although it generally loses out to glowking in this regard, future sight + whirlwind is a potentially lethal combo because it removes the opponent's capability of voluntarily switching into future sight. you could also run some sort of janky stallbreaker nonsense with whirlpool and psychic noise, or some less janky (but probably not good on lugia) stallbreaker nonsense with trick and a choice item
Its probably like Darkrai rank garbage ngl, no defog or toxic is yikes, and I still think its offenses aren't good enough for the tier, especially considering we will likely get fat monsters like Dawn Wings and Solgaleo down there that hit hard too and do lugia's job better
View attachment 573902
damn that’s crazy
Cutiefly and crocalor in the same tier as darkrai and dialga-origin
dialga origin is worse dialga, darkrai has many issues in the metagame, such as its frailty and competition to other, cutiefly is one of the many web setters in the tier, though i disagree with it's ranking i understand, crocalor is the 4th best unaware mon in the metagame, it's very good and it counters non-tera ground Zacian
Good Morning, afternoon, evening or whatever.

I'm here to talk about the details you can conclude about the data of week 2. For that (And to not get redundant data) I decided to contact with A Fairy so she would send me the data asap so I could analyze it in minute detail. Keep in mind this data is prone to human error and I'm certain that she missed 5 battles. I made the maths and I got those.

Week 2

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Magearna           |  186 |  57.41% |  47.31% |
| 2    | Zacian             |  159 |  49.07% |  49.69% |
| 3    | Cyclizar           |   94 |  29.01% |  50.00% |
| 4    | Dialga             |   88 |  27.16% |  55.68% |
| 5    | Palkia-Origin      |   72 |  22.22% |  44.44% |
| 6    | Palafin            |   68 |  20.99% |  54.41% |
| 7    | Arceus-Fire        |   66 |  20.37% |  43.94% |
| 8    | Gholdengo          |   57 |  17.59% |  50.88% |
| 9    | Dragapult          |   55 |  16.98% |  52.73% |
| 10   | Landorus           |   53 |  16.36% |  47.17% |
| 11   | Garchomp           |   50 |  15.43% |  58.00% |
| 11   | Rillaboom          |   50 |  15.43% |  54.00% |
| 13   | Arceus-Poison      |   49 |  15.12% |  30.61% |
| 14   | Sneasler           |   48 |  14.81% |  52.08% |
| 15   | Chi-Yu             |   43 |  13.27% |  48.84% |
| 15   | Giratina           |   43 |  13.27% |  37.21% |
| 17   | Arceus-Dark        |   42 |  12.96% |  57.14% |
| 18   | Dondozo            |   41 |  12.65% |  58.54% |
| 19   | Roaring Moon       |   30 |   9.26% |  33.33% |
| 20   | Arceus-Grass       |   29 |   8.95% |  51.72% |
| 21   | Ursaluna           |   27 |   8.33% |  48.15% |
| 22   | Volcarona          |   26 |   8.02% |  53.85% |
| 22   | Spectrier          |   26 |   8.02% |  42.31% |
| 22   | Clefable           |   26 |   8.02% |  34.62% |
| 25   | Dragonite          |   25 |   7.72% |  48.00% |
| 26   | Zamazenta          |   24 |   7.41% |  45.83% |
| 27   | Slowking-Galar     |   22 |   6.79% |  54.55% |
| 27   | Cinderace          |   22 |   6.79% |  54.55% |
| 29   | Garganacl          |   20 |   6.17% |  50.00% |
| 30   | Urshifu            |   18 |   5.56% |  66.67% |
| 31   | Arceus-Dragon      |   17 |   5.25% |  70.59% |
| 32   | Gothitelle         |   16 |   4.94% |  75.00% |
| 32   | Corviknight        |   16 |   4.94% |  62.50% |
| 32   | Blissey            |   16 |   4.94% |  43.75% |
| 35   | Meowscarada        |   15 |   4.63% |  66.67% |
| 35   | Iron Valiant       |   15 |   4.63% |  53.33% |
| 35   | Ursaluna-Bloodmoon |   15 |   4.63% |  53.33% |
| 35   | Espathra           |   15 |   4.63% |  33.33% |
| 39   | Walking Wake       |   14 |   4.32% |  35.71% |
| 40   | Torkoal            |   13 |   4.01% |  38.46% |
| 40   | Cresselia          |   13 |   4.01% |  30.77% |
| 42   | Donphan            |   10 |   3.09% |  70.00% |
| 42   | Dialga-Origin      |   10 |   3.09% |  50.00% |
| 44   | Hoopa-Unbound      |    9 |   2.78% |  44.44% |
| 45   | Arceus-Psychic     |    8 |   2.47% |  75.00% |
| 45   | Iron Moth          |    8 |   2.47% |  37.50% |
| 45   | Milotic            |    8 |   2.47% |  25.00% |
| 48   | Arceus-Rock        |    7 |   2.16% |  71.43% |
| 49   | Baxcalibur         |    6 |   1.85% |  66.67% |
| 49   | Moltres            |    6 |   1.85% |  50.00% |
| 49   | Quagsire           |    6 |   1.85% |  33.33% |
| 52   | Manaphy            |    5 |   1.54% | 100.00% |
| 52   | Tornadus-Therian   |    5 |   1.54% |  80.00% |
| 52   | Darkrai            |    5 |   1.54% |  80.00% |
| 52   | Toedscruel         |    5 |   1.54% |  60.00% |
| 52   | Alomomola          |    5 |   1.54% |  60.00% |
| 52   | Ogerpon-Wellspring |    5 |   1.54% |  40.00% |
| 52   | Masquerain         |    5 |   1.54% |  20.00% |
| 59   | Leavanny           |    4 |   1.23% | 100.00% |
| 59   | Arceus-Ice         |    4 |   1.23% |  75.00% |
| 59   | Pelipper           |    4 |   1.23% |  75.00% |
| 59   | Ninetales-Alola    |    4 |   1.23% |  50.00% |
| 59   | Ceruledge          |    4 |   1.23% |  25.00% |
| 64   | Espeon             |    3 |   0.93% | 100.00% |
| 64   | Vikavolt           |    3 |   0.93% | 100.00% |
| 64   | Crawdaunt          |    3 |   0.93% |  66.67% |
| 64   | Amoonguss          |    3 |   0.93% |  33.33% |
| 64   | Scizor             |    3 |   0.93% |  33.33% |
| 69   | Indeedee           |    2 |   0.62% | 100.00% |
| 69   | Armarouge          |    2 |   0.62% | 100.00% |
| 69   | Jirachi            |    2 |   0.62% | 100.00% |
| 69   | Breloom            |    2 |   0.62% | 100.00% |
| 69   | Enamorus-Therian   |    2 |   0.62% | 100.00% |
| 69   | Tyranitar          |    2 |   0.62% | 100.00% |
| 69   | Arcanine-Hisui     |    2 |   0.62% | 100.00% |
| 69   | Palkia             |    2 |   0.62% |  50.00% |
| 69   | Magnezone          |    2 |   0.62% |  50.00% |
| 69   | Arceus-Bug         |    2 |   0.62% |  50.00% |
| 69   | Orthworm           |    2 |   0.62% |  50.00% |
| 69   | Polteageist        |    2 |   0.62% |  50.00% |
| 69   | Kommo-o            |    2 |   0.62% |  50.00% |
| 69   | Cloyster           |    2 |   0.62% |  50.00% |
| 69   | Cutiefly           |    2 |   0.62% |  50.00% |
| 69   | Lilligant-Hisui    |    2 |   0.62% |  50.00% |
| 69   | Weavile            |    2 |   0.62% |  50.00% |
| 69   | Crocalor           |    2 |   0.62% |   0.00% |
| 69   | Forretress         |    2 |   0.62% |   0.00% |
| 69   | Klefki             |    2 |   0.62% |   0.00% |
| 69   | Iron Hands         |    2 |   0.62% |   0.00% |
| 69   | Volcanion          |    2 |   0.62% |   0.00% |
| 69   | Azumarill          |    2 |   0.62% |   0.00% |
| 69   | Empoleon           |    2 |   0.62% |   0.00% |
| 93   | Weezing-Galar      |    1 |   0.31% | 100.00% |
| 93   | Heatran            |    1 |   0.31% | 100.00% |
| 93   | Iron Thorns        |    1 |   0.31% | 100.00% |
| 93   | Gastrodon          |    1 |   0.31% | 100.00% |
| 93   | Samurott-Hisui     |    1 |   0.31% | 100.00% |
| 93   | Haxorus            |    1 |   0.31% | 100.00% |
| 93   | Trevenant          |    1 |   0.31% | 100.00% |
| 93   | Mandibuzz          |    1 |   0.31% | 100.00% |
| 93   | Greninja-Bond      |    1 |   0.31% | 100.00% |
| 93   | Maushold-Four      |    1 |   0.31% | 100.00% |
| 93   | Kleavor            |    1 |   0.31% |   0.00% |
| 93   | Slither Wing       |    1 |   0.31% |   0.00% |
| 93   | Electrode-Hisui    |    1 |   0.31% |   0.00% |
| 93   | Sandy Shocks       |    1 |   0.31% |   0.00% |
| 93   | Maushold           |    1 |   0.31% |   0.00% |
| 93   | Conkeldurr         |    1 |   0.31% |   0.00% |
| 93   | Hydreigon          |    1 |   0.31% |   0.00% |
| 93   | Regidrago          |    1 |   0.31% |   0.00% |
| 93   | Enamorus           |    1 |   0.31% |   0.00% |
| 93   | Ninetales          |    1 |   0.31% |   0.00% |
| 93   | Dugtrio            |    1 |   0.31% |   0.00% |
| 93   | Goodra-Hisui       |    1 |   0.31% |   0.00% |
| 93   | Golem              |    1 |   0.31% |   0.00% |
| 93   | Qwilfish-Hisui     |    1 |   0.31% |   0.00% |
| 0     | Total             | 1944 | 600.00% |  50.00% |

| A | All Arceus | 224 | 69.14% | 49.11% |

| B | All Dialga | 98 | 30.25% | 55.10% |

| C | All Palkia | 74 | 22.84% | 44.59% |

| D | All Ursaluna| 42 | 12.96% | 50.00% |

| E |Zamazenta-Crowned| 15 | 4.63% | 40.00% |
| F | Zamazenta-Hero | 9 | 2.78% | 55.56% |

| G | Urshifu-Rapid-Strike| 10 | 3.09% | 70.00% |
| H | Urshifu-Single-Strike| 8 | 2.47% | 62.50% |

| I | All Ninetales | 5 | 1.54% | 40.00% |

| J | All Enamorus | 3 | 0.93% | 33.33% |

| K | All Maushold | 2 | 0.62% | 50.00% |

More Info:
[Leads] | [Moves and Teammates] | Combos [2 & 3] [4, 5 & 6]

Before reaching the conclussions, I have to give my gratitude and credits to A Fairy for agreeing with me in this proyect. Seriously, without you this wouldn't have been possible.
Data spotlight
  • The most efficient pokémon this week in terms of net winrate are Dialga, Garchomp, Dondozo, Arceus-Dragon, Palafin and... sigh, Gothitelle.
    • Dialga is just a silently powerful pokémon, with as much special attack as Palkia, good defensive type alongside 100 | 120 | 100 bulk and lots of options in general, both on offense and on defense.
    • Garchomp, also here last week, is the main Hazard setter on Gholdengo Teams, and the crucial 102 speed allows it to use earthquake against many pokémon in the base 100.
    • Dondozo was the most sucessful pokémon of last week and the demand of teamslots stopping dragon dance and swords dance sets did not drop.
    • Arceus-Dragon is doing similar stuff to Garchomp but for Sneasler + Rillaboom teams instead and the added benefit of recovery, and already had good numbers last week.
    • Palafin, the pokémon who bleed the most amount of defeats last week, is now one of the better ones, which seems mostly product of better teambuilding around it: Better use of Magearna and Cyclizar, more Palkia and Chi-Yu, more Arceus-Dark, Grass and Psychic, less Arceus-Fire and Poison... you get the idea.
    • I did not want to believe it, but Gothitelle teams became arguably the strongest structure in this format. This will be explained later how it happened.
  • The worst performing pokémon were Arceus-Poison and Fire, Magearna, Giratina-Altered, Roaring Moon, Clefable and Palkia-Origin
    • Arceus-Poison's performance was just embarrasing this week. The reason being likely the passivity of many sets and more importantly, overreliance on setup to work due to weak base moves. It also has terrible synergy with Magearna due to both sharing ground weakness, while using it with Giratina is asking the sweeper of turn to setup said sweep or the local Gothic girl to trap you until death.
    • Giratina is a common partner with Arceus-Poison on stall teams, and in general Stall is very vulnerable to the latest meta development.
    • Roaring Moon just feels unfit for this meta full of Zacian, Dialga-Origin and Magearna.
    • Magearna is here due to allying with Arceus-Poison and Giratina in what I like to call glue-effect (I'm sure you on smogon have a name for it), where people put the glue pokémon iin teams it has 0 business going into, like stacking ground weakness so a Landorus can easily sweep you.
    • Arceus-Fire is as prepared for as last week, and what it lacks on Ursalunas, Garganacl and bad players using it as a lead, it more than Makes up for in Palafin, Garchomp teams and Tera-Water in general.
    • Clefable was underperforming last week and still does bad performance today. On the physical side Dondozo is just better in almost every way, and there's just not a lot of special setup sweepers outside Gholdengo, which I hope i don't need to explain why Clefable doesn't check, but the worst part is that Clefable has overlap with the 2 best pokémon in UUbers.
    • Palkia-Origin is being very well prepared for with Zacian, maybe a bit too much but I think it is worth doing for considering its prevalence. According to proplayers is more banworthy than Zacian btw.
  • In terms of pairing, the most popular combos, the one who does not involve Magearna or Zacian is Rillaboom-Sneasler. Arceus-Dark rarely pairs up with the best 2 fairies, preferring to go with Slowking-Galar and Dondozo, and Same for Clefable who prefers to opt with Palkia-Origin and Cyclizar. People still bring Magearna with every single Ursaluna, but there it was 1 person who bringed on Cinderace without Magearna. Dragapult with Dragonite is still fairly common. Finally, not a single Gothitelle team uses Magearna, instead using Dialga as steel and Zacian as fairy.
  • In terms of leads the most popular 4 by far are Garchomp, Palafin, Cyclizar and Magearna, with a high frequency of Meowscarada, Dialga, Dragapult, Landorus-Incarnate, Zacian-Hero and Slowking-Galar.
    • In terms of change between last week and the current one, there's more Meowscarada and Slowking-Galar but less Arceus-Fire and Rillaboom, which were indeed terrible leads and a reason they were underperforming last week.
  • The most popular teams were the following. Do not use them expecting to scale if you still let you sweep by an Iron Valiant:
    • Dragapult / Dragonite / Garchomp / Gholdengo / Magearna / Zacian-Hero. This is your standard hazard stacking offense team and the 2nd most popular team last week. It has very consistent hazard tools, anti-hazard measures, Sweepers, wallbreakers and really uses tera to patch its redundant typing.
    • Arceus-Dark / Clefable / Cyclizar / Dragapult / Palkia-Origin / Slowking-Galar. This is a mix of balance and semistall, with 2 supports, 3 walls (Arceus Dark is both wall and support) and 2 offensive pokémon. Its claim to fame is its longevity due to double regeneration and its hability to enable sweeps due to Palkia-Origin's raw power and coverage, but it can be a bit too passive at times.
    • Arceus-Fire / Cyclizar / Magearna / Palafin / Roaring Moon / Zacian-Hero. Some habits just refuse to die, because the team was popular yet ineffective last week, and is still so in this week due to the same issues of overrelying on Magearna and Cyclizar for Survivability and how vulnerable their team is to Rocks.
    • Cyclizar / Dialga / Gholdengo / Magearna / Meowscarada / Zacian-Hero. This is yet another spikes offense team, this time with Meowscarada. The Idea is similar to the first team, but its leader is more reliable, has have more power overall and easier setup at the cost of having less speed control and survivability.
    • Dialga / Garchomp / Gothitelle / Rillaboom / Sneasler / Zacian-Hero: This is the most popular Gothitelle team and the team with the most victories in the entire round 2 with 6. This offensive (In many ways) team wants to trap an unassuming target, then switch choice scarf like a Giratina or Defensive Dialga, then make the other 5 wallbreakers/Sweepers wreck havoc, with the help of offensive support garchomp and Dialga.
  • Trapping is just incredible when you have strong disrupting tools like trick, taunt and encore, and is very prone to create non-games, like some of you saw with Kinesquare's round 1. Due to this tournament Gothitelle skyrocketed in popularity, and its playstyle is honestly kinda toxic due to negating natural counterplay, even forcing you to use Struggle if it wants to. I know many said Shadow tag was fine according to the survey, but this one was made during week 1 when Gothitelle was kind of useless due to lacking a proper team.
    • With that being said, I still don't have issues with Dugtrio. Gothitelle is an issue due to trick shenanigans locking enemies, stuff Dugtrio lacks. Furthermore, Dugtrio is ridiculously frail at only 35 | 50 | 70, meaning it can't really play the stall game even if it wants to and forcing it to a duel 1v1 which you should have tools to deal with due to Terastalization, unlike previous gens where Dugtrio could target easily key defensive targets like Heatran, making said 1v1 something the player cannot cheese and be like an honorable duel, even if forced.
Team of the week (TotKW)

I want to mention what's the most destacable team of this week, which was the Gothitelle one but I don't want to puke my "once" (that's how we call the "Sunset breakfast". Local things of my country). While there's 4 teams who had 3-0 during the round 2, only 1 of them featured multiple unique pokémon, in this case Leavanny and Manaphy, with the rising star of Iron Valiant. Here's said team:





Iron Valiant


Gunk Shot
Swords Dance
Extreme Speed​
Dark Pulse
Nasty Plot
Tera Blast​
Make it Rain
Shadow Ball
Nasty Plot
Knock off
Destiny Bond
Sticky Web
Knock off
Tail Glow
Stored Power
Tera type
Toxic Plate​
Heavy-Duty Boots​
Booster Energy​
Focus Sash​

The team is quite straightforward, being Leavanny lead with sash to put web and maybe something else like knocking off items, then try to figure out how to set up against certain enemy composition and destroy them, with 4 powerful setup sweepers.
Arceus goes with 3 attacks + Swords dance, potentially Adamant. Chi-Yu is Nasty Plot which reminds me of the Discord meme they were sending a week ago. Gholdengo is Nasty plot, likely with Covert Cloak considering it's not baloon, choice item or boots. Iron Valiant is very fast, faster than even the mighty dragapult, making it a great revenge killer with a respald plan. Finally Manaphy is leftovers and Tail Glow + Stored power Manaphy, likely a double dance set but using tail glow instead of take hearth.
The team needs to be able to deal with the main hazard controllers of Cyclizar, Corviknight and Giratina, which is the main reason to use Nasty plot Chi-Yu, Iron Valiant and Gholdengo. It's also kinda weak to trick room because it becomes a 5.5 vs 6, but overall it has all the tools HO needs to suceed.

During this week I've learned a few things.
  1. UUbers is not getting changed up until january 1st outside some few new moves. I guess that's for the better because the tier would be quite chaotic with many of the new legendaries roaming around.
  2. My country is basically like gen 9 OU, complaining a lot for changes yet not knowing what they want, wasting everyone's time and resources.
  3. Working on publishing pokémon is exhausting, specially when the pokémon in question is uninteresting. My respects for most of the mods for doing it in a daily basis.
  4. Spy X Family is definitely my kind of show. Makes sense considering the amount of half newpews I have (If I remember correctly there's over 50, almost all of them kids), and my liking for chaotic slice of lifes. I didn't knew it up until now due to me trying to avoid weebs, and me not liking arcane that much due to the show relying on subtle gestures I constantly miss.
  5. Teamwork is truly an awesome thing. Again, most of the data compilation was made by A Fairy, the tournament's organizer, so I was able to get the details of this in a single day instead of tumbling during an entire week trying to fix stuff.
Anyways, I think that's all, but before that, I would want to send the previous work for anyone curious.

Now would be it. Farewell and Please do something about Shadow Tag Gothitelle.

PS: Some minor edits.
Last edited:
Good morn... Is there anyone here? Seriously, this place feels like the Sea Mauville (The abandoned ship for emerald fanboys). I know OU and Ubers have new shiny toys, but I don't think the situation is so bad there's 0 reason to at least speculate about potential new additions.

Anyways, here is the usage of the regular tournament, starting with usage
Ubers UU tournament Round 3

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- + ---- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |Net WR|
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- + ---- +
|  1   | Magearna           |  108 |  55.10% |  50.93% |  +2  |
|  2   | Zacian             |   94 |  47.96% |  51.06% |  +2  |
|  3   | Cyclizar           |   54 |  27.55% |  48.15% |  -2  |
|  4   | Dialga             |   47 |  23.98% |  42.55% |  -7  |
|  5   | Palkia-Origin      |   43 |  21.94% |  51.16% |  +1  |
|  5   | Landorus           |   43 |  21.94% |  46.51% |  -3  |
|  7   | Arceus-Fire        |   40 |  20.41% |  52.50% |  +2  |
|  8   | Palafin            |   38 |  19.39% |  52.63% |  +2  |
|  9   | Rillaboom          |   36 |  18.37% |  63.89% | +10  |
| 10   | Arceus-Dark        |   35 |  17.86% |  62.86% |  +9  |
| 10   | Gholdengo          |   35 |  17.86% |  48.57% |  -1  |
| 12   | Sneasler           |   33 |  16.84% |  57.58% |  +5  |
| 12   | Dondozo            |   33 |  16.84% |  57.58% |  +5  |
| 14   | Garchomp           |   29 |  14.80% |  55.17% |  +3  |
| 15   | Chi-Yu             |   27 |  13.78% |  37.04% |  -7  |
| 16   | Arceus-Poison      |   26 |  13.27% |  50.00% |  ±0  |
| 17   | Dragapult          |   24 |  12.24% |  70.83% | +10  |
| 18   | Arceus-Grass       |   21 |  10.71% |  52.38% |  +1  |
| 18   | Giratina           |   21 |  10.71% |  52.38% |  +1  |
| 20   | Ursaluna           |   20 |  10.20% |  50.00% |  ±0  |
| 21   | Slowking-Galar     |   19 |   9.69% |  68.42% |  +7  |
| 22   | Corviknight        |   17 |   8.67% |  47.06% |  -1  |
| 23   | Roaring Moon       |   16 |   8.16% |  43.75% |  -2  |
| 24   | Arceus-Dragon      |   15 |   7.65% |  53.33% |  +1  |
| 25   | Volcarona          |   14 |   7.14% |  57.14% |  +2  |
| 26   | Cinderace          |   13 |   6.63% |  46.15% |  -1  |
| 27   | Zamazenta-Hero     |   12 |   6.12% |  66.67% |  +4  |
| 27   | Garganacl          |   12 |   6.12% |  41.67% |  -2  |
| 29   | Dragonite          |   11 |   5.61% |  45.45% |  -1  |
| 30   | Blissey            |   10 |   5.10% |  40.00% |  -2  |
| 31   | Milotic            |    9 |   4.59% |  77.78% |  +5  |
| 31   | Zamazenta-Crowned  |    9 |   4.59% |  33.33% |  -3  |
| 33   | Clefable           |    8 |   4.08% |  50.00% |  ±0  |
| 33   | Dialga-Origin      |    8 |   4.08% |  50.00% |  ±0  |
| 33   | Spectrier          |    8 |   4.08% |  37.50% |  -2  |
| 33   | Walking Wake       |    8 |   4.08% |  37.50% |  -2  |
| 33   | Torkoal            |    8 |   4.08% |  37.50% |  -2  |
| 33   | Gothitelle         |    8 |   4.08% |  25.00% |  -4  |
| 39   | Ursaluna-Bloodmoon |    7 |   3.57% |  71.43% |  +3  |
| 39   | Pelipper           |    7 |   3.57% |  42.86% |  -1  |
| 39   | Masquerain         |    7 |   3.57% |  42.86% |  -1  |
| 39   | Meowscarada        |    7 |   3.57% |   0.00% |  -7  |
| 43   | Espathra           |    6 |   3.06% |  66.67% |  +2  |
| 43   | Amoonguss          |    6 |   3.06% |  50.00% |  ±0  |
| 43   | Cresselia          |    6 |   3.06% |  33.33% |  -2  |
| 46   | Urshifu-Single-Strike | 5 |   2.55% |  80.00% |  +3  |
| 46   | Darkrai            |    5 |   2.55% |  60.00% |  +1  |
| 46   | Arceus-Psychic     |    5 |   2.55% |  40.00% |  -1  |
| 49   | Barraskewda        |    4 |   2.04% |  50.00% |  ±0  |
| 49   | Ceruledge          |    4 |   2.04% |  50.00% |  ±0  |
| 49   | Hoopa-Unbound      |    4 |   2.04% |  25.00% |  -2  |
| 49   | Donphan            |    4 |   2.04% |  25.00% |  -2  |
| 49   | Quagsire           |    4 |   2.04% |  25.00% |  -2  |
| 49   | Palkia             |    4 |   2.04% |   0.00% |  -4  |
| 56   | Ogerpon-Wellspring |    3 |   1.53% | 100.00% |  +3  |
| 56   | Alomomola          |    3 |   1.53% | 100.00% |  +3  |
| 56   | Tornadus-Therian   |    3 |   1.53% |  66.67% |  +1  |
| 56   | Vikavolt           |    3 |   1.53% |  66.67% |  +1  |
| 56   | Crawdaunt          |    3 |   1.53% |  66.67% |  +1  |
| 56   | Azelf              |    3 |   1.53% |  33.33% |  -1  |
| 56   | Iron Moth          |    3 |   1.53% |  33.33% |  -1  |
| 56   | Mamoswine          |    3 |   1.53% |  33.33% |  -1  |
| 56   | Tyranitar          |    3 |   1.53% |  33.33% |  -1  |
| 56   | Moltres            |    3 |   1.53% |  33.33% |  -1  |
| 56   | Indeedee           |    3 |   1.53% |  33.33% |  -1  |
| 56   | Baxcalibur         |    3 |   1.53% |   0.00% |  -3  |
| 68   | Samurott-Hisui     |    2 |   1.02% | 100.00% |  +2  |
| 68   | Breloom            |    2 |   1.02% | 100.00% |  +2  |
| 68   | Arceus-Ice         |    2 |   1.02% | 100.00% |  +2  |
| 68   | Armarouge          |    2 |   1.02% |  50.00% |  ±0  |
| 68   | Espeon             |    2 |   1.02% |  50.00% |  ±0  |
| 68   | Overqwil           |    2 |   1.02% |  50.00% |  ±0  |
| 68   | Iron Hands         |    2 |   1.02% |   0.00% |  -2  |
| 68   | Toedscruel         |    2 |   1.02% |   0.00% |  -2  |
| 68   | Iron Valiant       |    2 |   1.02% |   0.00% |  -2  |
| 68   | Jirachi            |    2 |   1.02% |   0.00% |  -2  |
| 68   | Manaphy            |    2 |   1.02% |   0.00% |  -2  |
| 68   | Mimikyu            |    2 |   1.02% |   0.00% |  -2  |
| 68   | Weavile            |    2 |   1.02% |   0.00% |  -2  |
| 68   | Arceus-Bug         |    2 |   1.02% |   0.00% |  -2  |
| 68   | Cutiefly           |    2 |   1.02% |   0.00% |  -2  |
| 68   | Enamorus           |    2 |   1.02% |   0.00% |  -2  |
| 84   | Gastrodon          |    1 |   0.51% | 100.00% |  +1  |
| 84   | Mandibuzz          |    1 |   0.51% | 100.00% |  +1  |
| 84   | Zapdos             |    1 |   0.51% | 100.00% |  +1  |
| 84   | Leavanny           |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |  -1  |
| 84   | Cloyster           |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |  -1  |
| 84   | Ninetales-Alola    |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |  -1  |
| 84   | Urshifu-Rapid-Strike  | 1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |  -1  |
|  0   | Total              | 1176 | 600.00% |  50.00% |  ±0  |

ProfilePokémonUsesUsage | of variant %Win% (Net winrate)
76.53 %​
53.33 % (+10)​
20.41 | 26.67 %
17.86 | 23.33 %
13.27 | 17.33 %
10.71 | 14.00 %
7.65 | 10.00 %
2.55 | 3.33 %
2.04 | 2.67 %
1.02 | 1.33 %
1.02 | 1.33 %​
52.50 % (+2)
62.86 % (+9)
50.00 % (±0)
52.38 % (+1)
53.33 % (+1)
40.00 % (-1)
25.00 % (-2)
100.00 % (+2)
0.00 % (-2)​
28.06 %​
43.63 % (-7)​
23.98 | 85.45 %
4.08 | 14.55 %​
42.55 % (-7)
50.00 % (±0)​
23.98 %​
46.81 % (-3)​
21.94 | 91.49 %
2.04 | 8.51 %​
51.16 % (+1)
0.00 % (-4)​
13.78 %​
55.56% (+3)​
10.20 | 74.07 %
3.57 | 25.93 %​
50.00 % (±0)
71.43 % (+3)​
52.38% (+1)​
6.12 | 57.14 %
4.59 | 42.86 %​
66.67 % (+4)
33.33 % (-3)​
3.06 %​
66.67 % (+2)​
2.55 | 83.33 %
0.51 | 16.67 %​
80.00 % (+3)
0.00 % (-1)​

More info: [Moves and teammates] | [Combos] | [Leads]

Boy was this a messy week to get info. Apparently due to a coding error it only saved data from the last page while still suggesting there it was 97 pokémon. Don't know how that's even possible... Whatever, there's still data to highlight.

Data Spotlight
  • Now there's somewhat clear tendencies in terms of rising and drop in usage. On the Rise there's Arceus-Dark, Arceus-Dragon, Garchomp, Dialga, Landorus, Zamazenta-Hero, Slowking-Galar, Masquerain, Milotic, Corviknight, Dondozo and Zacian. The latter now has over 50% PR, and all the other raises mostly indicates a shift towards more Balanced teams over offense.
    • In terms of drops there's Magearna, Arceus-Fire, Ursaluna-Bloodmoon, Clefable, Spectrier, both Urshifus, Zamazenta-Crowned, Espathra, Walking Wake, Ninetales-Alola and Iron Moth. This mostly suggests a lower viability of weather teams, Hyper offense in general and people now understands better what does and does not work.
  • Lead-wise, while the 5 most popular ones are Cyclizar, Magearna, Palafin, Dialga and Landorus, with a high amount of Garchomp, Masquerain, Rillaboom, Slowking-Galar, Meowscarada and Palkia-Origin.
    • The increase of Landorus and Palkia-Origin suggest a more anti-lead approach, while Masquerain is more webs. There's less Dragapult and specially Zacian though, the former being explainable with a higher usage of sets who prefer to be used during the midgame and the latter is about the meta adapting to keep Zacian in check better. This also explains the underpe
  • The best performing Pokémon are Rillaboom, Dragapult, Arceus-Dark and Slowking-Galar.
    • Dragapult is just a wild card who can shapeshift into a lot of weird holes a team might have.
    • Rillaboom went from an underwhelming grass type to a very good one. It seems mostly as a result of players getting better at using Offensive grass types and grassy terrain, as well as a drop of Arceus-Fire's usage.
    • Both Arceus-Dark and Slowking-Galar show a picture of balance teams in general improving significantly, which is usually the case when the meta becomes more stable.
  • The worst ones in terms of performance this week were Dialga, Chi-Yu and Meowscarada.
    • Dialga gained a lot of popularity, and naturally with popularity there it comes lures and poor, in this case expecting this pokémon to be a good lead when it's more of a midgame player.
    • Meowscarada went 0-7 this week. Considering the abundance of Magearna leads it's not difficult to see where the numbers came from.
    • Chi-Yu seems vulnerable to the increased popularity of Sneasler teams and Hazard stacking teams as well, neither being good matchups for the standard Scarf variant.
  • The most common teams used are the following:
    • Arceus-Dragon / Magearna / Rillaboom / Sneasler / Ursaluna / Zamazenta-Hero. This team is a classic at this point and a symbol of UUbers. You know the deal, it's an offense semi trick room team with both Ursaluna and Grassy terrain combo. After being relatively absent for a week it came back with vengeance.
    • Arceus-Dark / Dondozo / Landorus / Milotic / Slowking-Galar / Zacian-Hero. This team is a Semistall team (Yes it is semistall, It has 4 defense and 2 offense while Balance is 3 & 3) where you are kinda guaranteed to win on the long run. It has lots of survivability, 4 pair of boots and 2 of the best wallbreakers. Odd to see one of those being so popular.
    • Arceus-Poison / Ceruledge / Garchomp / Gholdengo / Masquerain / Roaring Moon. Yes, you are reading right, it is a team using Ceruledge. As you might guess it's one of those offensive sticky web teams who love to stack hazards, keep them with Gholdengo and then sweep, this time with Dragon Dance Roaring Moon, Calm mind + 3 Attacks Arceus-Poison and Swords Dance Ceruledge.

Team of the Round (TotKR)
Because "team of the week" apparently has copyright issues.






Calm Mind
Earth Power
Sludge Bomb
Smack Down
Stealth Rock​
Dragon Tail
Sludge Bomb
Future Sight
Toxic Spikes
Chilly Reception​
Play Rough
Tera Blast
Swords Dance​
Dread Plate​
Heavy-Duty Boots​
Life Orb​
Heavy-Duty Boots​
Heavy-Duty Boots​
Heavy-Duty Boots​
Sheer Force​
Marvel Scale​
Intrepid Sword​
Tera Type
It might be the 2nd most popular team of the week, but it's still worth talking about. First of all, you could improve the team a tiny bit by using Sludge Wave instead considering it's now available as a DLC move. Aside from that it is one of the most resilient teams I've seen; 4 Heavy-Duty Boots, 2 users of recover, a regenerator, 2 phasers, a pokémon with Rest + Unaware and even Scald bur...
I guess I have to adress the sea serpent in the room. WHY MILOTIC? Don't get me wrong, I love Milotic, but I know this pokémon usually is more of a RU threat, not something you use alongside box legendaries. Here I have a video explaining why (Please forgive his awful modulation) but the TL;DR of it is being incredibly bulky and still having Scald when most pokémon lost it because it was too good of a move; In the context of UUbers, this tier is really lacking in ways of threatening Water types outside Rillaboom, which dies to Sludge bomb Landorus and Avalanche Dondozo, and Milotic is the bulkiest water type with recover after Arceus-Water, with the added benefit of negating boosts with Dragon tail or Haze.
Aside from that we have Calm mind + Roar Arceus-Dark with tera poison to check most setup sweepers and be a wincon in a pinch, Avalanche Dondozo for the aforementioned Rillaboom, Smack down Landorus to get flying types like oppposing Landorus hit by earth power, Toxic Spikes Slowking-Galar for residual poison damage this team is very good at abusing and inducing via phasing, and Tera Blast Fire Zacian to deal with the pesky steel types and Rillaboom.
The objective of this team is quite complicated, because it is either to soften the opponent enough so one of your faster pokémon can sweep, or to outlast them, and you can't really do both considering your faster pokémon outside Arceus don't have recovery, but this team is good at switching that priority depending of what you might need.

Well, this was an oddly quiet week. I know people is busy with family reunions and such but this feels lonely, almost like a ghost city, and I'm definitely not a fan of it considering I love to talk about metagames...

Anyways, as always, here are the links to the previous weeks so you understand the changes of the meta that slowly happen each week. Once again, thanks to a fairy for giving me this info.

And I guess that's it. Farewell and seriously, It feels so lonely this place.
Last edited:
Thoughts on the best fourth move for Palafin in this meta? Ever since december it's kinda fallen off its top 5-contending placement. I think of these as the viable options (besides wave crash jet punch and close combat):
1. Flip turn as all-purpose pivot
2. Ice punch for arceus grass/rillaboom
3. Grass knot for dondozo (uninvested 2hkos)
4. Outrage for giratina/palkia

I ranked them by how often I see them, but I'm convinced outrage is actually so good. any thoughts?
Thoughts on the best fourth move for Palafin in this meta? Ever since december it's kinda fallen off its top 5-contending placement. I think of these as the viable options (besides wave crash jet punch and close combat):
1. Flip turn as all-purpose pivot
2. Ice punch for arceus grass/rillaboom
3. Grass knot for dondozo (uninvested 2hkos)
4. Outrage for giratina/palkia

I ranked them by how often I see them, but I'm convinced outrage is actually so good. any thoughts?

Outrage is kinda terrible... That being said I'm a terrible Palafin Player and Grass knot fails to 2HKO Dondozo quite often so...
depends on the team your running, grass knot is funny but is only for 1 mon and if dozo is spdef it doesnt kill and being locked into knot on band is horrifying so its a no go there. Same time I am not sold being locked into outrage in a zacian/mageanra meta is a good idea
If I am reading stats right, shit looks insane with drops lol
Newly dropping pokémon that I find relevant:
Iron Threads
Great Tusk
Gouging Fire
Raging Bolt
Iron Bouldder

The rest don't seem relevant
Writing this post to talk about some of the dropped mons, I encourage other people to do this as well to get a good idea of the community's opinion.

:zekrom: - This guy has some crazy offense, if you give it one turn to setup it can easily spiral out of control and a unique thing to note is that Electric/Ground is almost unresisted in this tier for the most part. The even better thing about running Tera Ground Tera Blast is that the combination of Bolt Strike, Dragon Claw and Tera Blast will hit all of the relevant Roar/Whirlwind users super effectively.

:arceus-electric: - Was unbanned and The Set seems very strong on it, I've only tried an offensive set similar to Zekrom though with Supercell Slam + Earthquake. This is kind of just Zekrom with different stats, nothing much to say except if Zekrom gets banned this guy should probably go too.

:regieleki: - Another insane Electric-type threat, I honestly think of it as irrelevant when Zekrom and Arceus-Electric are in the tier though but the speed it brings is nice and it is a hazard remover.

:annihilape: - This Pokemon is very difficult to use in this meta, in weaker tiers like post home OU it terrorized the tier as max bulk in HP and Special Defense would be enough to fend off the special attackers in the tier whilst Bulk Up handled physical ones. In contrast, this is Ubers UU which now has so many threats running around and Annihilape has a large problem of being weak to Psychic-types which we have an abundance of good ones. Due to this, it is a tera hog at most yet will still take a lot of damage from the powerful threats.

:kingambit: - I think this guy is balanced but it is just the first day, it is very good at countering the abundance of offensive Psychic-types but they all have access to ways to beat Kingambit so I'd be careful while using it. Tera Fighting/Fairy can be utilised by Deoxys and Mewtwo to not get ohkoed by Sucker Punch then hit Kingambit with a big Superpower or Aura Sphere respectively and the traditional Tera Blast Fighting can be used by Espathra.

:mewtwo:/:deoxys: - Two powerful Psychic-type threats who have very similar roles, they have incredible coverage and insane damage, making them one of the strongest stall breakers in the tier.

:necrozma-dawn-wings: - This Psychic-type differentiates itself from Mewtwo and Deoxys, being slow and having good bulk whilst having an absurd 157 Special Attack and two 100 base power stabs. Yeah this guy is kinda insane, paired with a great ability he could be banned.

:reshiram: - Worse Chi-Yu I'd say? Definitely has its niche but I'd say it is outclassed for the most part.

:kyurem-white: - Does a lot of damage and feels very powerful on Sticky Webs, I like this Pokemon and how it plays in the metagame. Very cool, no complaints about this guy.

:great tusk:/:landorus-therian:/:iron treads: They do like basically the same thing, but they fill the roles of actual Ground-types in the tier that aren't frail like Landorus-I and Garchomp.

The rest are cool primarily defensive picks which I think will bring a lot to those types of playstyles or offensive Pokemon that I don't think are really relevant. As I said it is day one and things could change, but I'm liking how the metagame is shaping up right now.
Last edited:
Good whatever it is at your place.

How was your new year? Mine was a bit busy, being wombo-comboed in UNO like a new/bricked YGO player, listening Tommy Rey's "Un año más" for the 20th year in a row or so, struggling to sleep properly due to my brother playing up until 2 AM, hearing scared dogs due to obnoxious and illegal fireworks, fumbling pretty badly a tour match's scheduling multiple times through the week, traveling to meet some members of my Vin Diesel/gypsy-sized family, getting addicted to the Forger's hearthwarming fake family, tense game of lies and somehow actual kids in animation (Even with proper babbling for Anya, while still clear in message. I'm actually impressed by that one considering english didn't got it)...

Whatever, It was tiresome so I REALLY thank a Fairy for helping me out in this one. Without further ado, let's see the matches...

Week 4

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- + ----- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |Net WR|
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- + ----- +
| 1    | Magearna           |   65 |  55.08% |  43.08% |   -9 |
| 2    | Zacian-Hero        |   59 |  50.00% |  50.85% |   +1 |
| 3    | Dialga             |   30 |  25.42% |  30.00% |  -12 |
| 4    | Landorus           |   29 |  24.58% |  51.72% |   +1 |
| 5    | Rillaboom          |   26 |  22.03% |  46.15% |   -2 |
| 6    | Cyclizar           |   24 |  20.34% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 6    | Palkia-Origin      |   24 |  20.34% |  45.83% |   -2 |
| 8    | Sneasler           |   22 |  18.64% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 9    | Gholdengo          |   21 |  17.80% |  66.67% |   +7 |
| 9    | Dondozo            |   21 |  17.80% |  47.62% |   -1 |
| 11   | Arceus-Dark        |   20 |  16.95% |  55.00% |   +2 |
| 11   | Dragapult          |   20 |  16.95% |  45.00% |   -2 |
| 13   | Slowking-Galar     |   19 |  16.10% |  68.42% |   +7 |
| 13   | Arceus-Poison      |   19 |  16.10% |  63.16% |   +5 |
| 13   | Giratina           |   19 |  16.10% |  47.37% |   -1 |
| 13   | Palafin            |   19 |  16.10% |  36.84% |   -5 |
| 17   | Arceus-Fire        |   15 |  12.71% |  40.00% |   -3 |
| 18   | Garchomp           |   14 |  11.86% |  78.57% |   +8 |
| 29   | Chi-Yu             |   13 |  11.02% |  61.54% |   +3 |
| 20   | Arceus-Grass       |   12 |  10.17% |  41.67% |   -2 |
| 21   | Ursaluna           |   11 |   9.32% |  54.55% |   +1 |
| 22   | Corviknight        |    9 |   7.63% |  55.56% |   +1 |
| 22   | Arceus-Dragon      |    9 |   7.63% |  55.56% |   +1 |
| 24   | Masquerain         |    8 |   6.78% |  75.00% |   +4 |
| 24   | Roaring Moon       |    8 |   6.78% |  62.50% |   +2 |
| 24   | Zamazenta-Crowned  |    8 |  6.78% |  62.50% |   +2 |
| 24   | Zamazenta-Hero     |    8 |   6.78% |  62.50% |   +2 |
| 28   | Garganacl          |    7 |   5.93% |  71.43% |   +3 |
| 28   | Milotic            |    7 |   5.93% |  71.43% |   +3 |
| 28   | Ursaluna-Bloodmoon |    7 |   5.93% |  28.57% |   -3 |
| 28   | Cinderace          |    7 |   5.93% |   0.00% |   -7 |
| 32   | Ceruledge          |    6 |   5.08% |  83.33% |   +4 |
| 32   | Blissey            |    6 |   5.08% |  66.67% |   +2 |
| 32   | Dragonite          |    6 |   5.08% |  66.67% |   +2 |
| 32   | Volcarona          |    6 |   5.08% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 32   | Espathra           |    6 |   5.08% |  33.33% |   -2 |
| 37   | Meowscarada        |    5 |   4.24% |  60.00% |   +1 |
| 37   | Moltres            |    5 |   4.24% |  40.00% |   -1 |
| 37   | Clefable           |    5 |   4.24% |  20.00% |   -3 |
| 40   | Gastrodon          |    4 |   3.39% |  75.00% |   +2 |
| 40   | Arceus-Psychic     |    4 |   3.39% |  75.00% |   +2 |
| 40   | Ogerpon-Wellspring |    4 |   3.39% |  75.00% |   +2 |
| 40   | Samurott-Hisui     |    4 |   3.39% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 40   | Spectrier          |    4 |   3.39% |  25.00% |   -2 |
| 45   | Dialga-Origin      |    3 |   2.54% | 100.00% |   +3 |
| 45   | Arceus-Rock        |    3 |   2.54% | 100.00% |   +3 |
| 45   | Torkoal            |    3 |   2.54% |  33.33% |   -1 |
| 45   | Walking Wake       |    3 |   2.54% |  33.33% |   -1 |
| 45   | Gothitelle         |    3 |   2.54% |  33.33% |   -1 |
| 50   | Quagsire           |    2 |   1.69% | 100.00% |   +2 |
| 50   | Tornadus-Therian   |    2 |   1.69% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 50   | Arceus-Ice         |    2 |   1.69% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 50   | Palkia             |    2 |   1.69% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 50   | Articuno           |    2 |   1.69% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 50   | Quaquaval          |    2 |   1.69% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 50   | Amoonguss          |    2 |   1.69% |  50.00% |  ±0 |
| 50   | Cresselia          |    2 |   1.69% |  50.00% |    ±0 |
| 50   | Zapdos             |    2 |   1.69% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 50   | Pelipper           |    2 |   1.69% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 50   | Baxcalibur         |    2 |   1.69% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 50   | Ninetales-Alola    |    2 |   1.69% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 50   | Breloom            |    2 |   1.69% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 50   | Vikavolt           |    2 |   1.69% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 50   | Crawdaunt          |    2 |   1.69% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 50   | Alomomola          |    2 |   1.69% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 66   | Arceus-Fighting    |    1 |   0.85% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 66   | Indeedee           |    1 |   0.85% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 66   | Armarouge          |    1 |   0.85% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 66   | Espeon             |    1 |   0.85% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 66   | Urshifu-Single-Strike | 1 |   0.85% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 66   | Mandibuzz          |    1 |   0.85% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 66   | Dugtrio            |    1 |   0.85% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 66   | Urshifu-Rapid-Strike |  1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 66   | Sandy Shocks       |    1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 66   | Mamoswine          |    1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 66   | Hoopa-Unbound      |    1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 66   | Donphan            |    1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 66   | Darkrai            |    1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 66   | Iron Moth          |    1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 66   | Barraskewda        |    1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 66   | Heatran            |    1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
|  0   | Total              |  708 | 600.00% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
[Moveset & Teammates] [Combos] [Leads]

Before continuing, I need to say some important stuff.
  1. To find something specific I recommend you to use Ctrl + F to search a pokémon name or move. That should help you to get the info you want because the pastebin is quite big all things considered.
  2. Yes, my name is Fernando. Whatever, that's a VERY common name in my country. The dangerous thing would actually be to tell one of my surnames, which is actually scarce outside my family, even in my country.
  3. Sorry for not telling you before, A Fairy, but I feel I can handle this going forward with smaller datasets, that's why I'm using the data I extracted instead of yours. Thanks to you I've learned how to use Pastebin, and also became more aware of the faults of the website. I'm very thankful for this and I swear I'll continue doing those up until the finals, because I'm a man of word.

ProfilePokémonUsageUse | of variant %Winrate% (Net WR)
55.29% (+9)​
16.95 | 23.52 %
16.10 | 22.35 %
12.71 | 17.65 %
10.17 | 14.11 %
7.63 | 10.59 %
3.38 | 4.71 %
2.54 | 3.53 %
1.69 | 2.35 %
0.85 | 1.18 %​
55.00 % (+2)
63.16 % (+5)
40.00 % (-3)
41.67 % (-2)
55.56 %(+1)
75.00 % (+2)
100.00 % (+3)
50.00 % (±0)
100.00 % (+1)​
27.97 %​
36.36% (-9)​
25.42 | 90.91 %
2.54 | 9.09 %​
30.00 % (-12)
100.00 % (+3)​
46.15% (-2)​
20.34 | 92.31 %
1.69 | 7.69 %​
45.83 % (-2)
50.00 % (±0)​
44.44% (-2)​
9.32 | 61.11 %
5.93 | 38.89 %​
54.55 % (+1)
28.57 % (-3)​
62.50 % (+4)​
6.78% | 50.00 %
6.78% | 50.00 %​
62.50 % (+2)
62.50 % (+2)​
50.00% (±0)​
0.85% | 50.00%
0.85% | 50.00%​
100.00% (+1)
0.00% (-1)​

After all of this, I think a summary of all those numbers into easier to undersand data should be helpful.
Stats spotlights
  • It's becoming pointless to get data from usage at this point, but it's also too large to get all teams a proper report, not to mention they're mostly the same due to the lack of meta shake. The middle weeks are just the worst for this kind of content.
  • The best performing pokémon are Garchomp, Gholdengo, Slowking-Galar and Arceus-Poison.
    • Garchomp is just a great hazard setter, with a great stat distribution and hability to play outside the lead slot due to all-rounded stats and defensive utility.
    • Gholdengo is just an evil pokemon, the ultimate spinblocker made to create a nasty hazard envorinment created so Gamefreak would convince people to switch into Scarlet/Violet over regular 1v1.
    • Slowking-Galar is a big reason why Balance works, if not the main one due to its sheer resiliance on the special side and access to future sight + slow pivoting.
    • Arceus-Poison just matches very well against a lot of the meta, most notably Zacian, Rillaboom, Sneasler and Magearna if packing ground moves.
  • The worst performing pokémon were Dialga, Magearna and Cinderace.
    • The former 2 suggest there's a bit of glue syndrome of people putting pokémon on suboptimal teams, which is to be expected with those kind of swiss knifes, as well as a result of the high amount of Landorus-Incarnate on the round specifically to target those two.
    • Cinderace being this low suggests there's an adaptation who is indirecty targetting it, either via +speed Arceus, bulkier teams or more dragons (specially Garchomp) who eat this thing alive.
  • Lead-wise, now Dialga became the most popular one, overtaking Magearna and Cyclizar, and so kinda did Landorus-I. In terms of leads who actually win Landorus-I, Magearna and Masquerain are the best ones. Outside of that we're still seeing Garchomp, Palafin, Cyclizar and Rillaboom like always.
  • The most common teams are unironically the same as the week prior, all 3 with 5 victories btw.
    • Arceus-Dragon / Magearna / Rillaboom / Sneasler / Ursaluna / Zamazenta-Hero. This is the same team as always, the semi trick room team with Ursaluna and Rillaboom who can be very fast or very slow at will.
    • Arceus-Poison / Ceruledge / Garchomp / Gholdengo / Masquerain / Roaring Moon. This team was mentioned last week, the Ceruledge webs team as before, literally sticky due to Gholdengo and 3 potential sweepers.
    • Arceus-Dark / Dondozo / Landorus-Incarnate / Milotic / Slowking-Galar / Zacian-Hero. The semistall team I mentioned before and dedicated like 3 hours of my life to understand. 4 Boots, 2 powerful wallbreakers, double water, regenerator.

Team of the round (TotKR)







Stone Edge
Extreme Speed
Draco Meteor
Heavy Slam
Thunder Wave
Dragon Dance
"Extreme Speed"
Dragon Tail
Scale Shot
Stealth rock​
Fleur Cannon
Volt Switch
Thunder Wave​
Stone Plate​
Adamant Crystal​
Focus sash​
Air Baloon​
Rough skin​
Soul Hearth​
Tera type

First of all, this is not technically the team who deserves to be in that podium, but the would be team of the round, Milotic Semistall, was already covered last week. Also, I feel I have to answer 3 things before proceeding.
  1. Yes, it's indeed 4 dragon types. No, It's not a team made by an 8-year old, nor by Seto Kaiba (A multimillionaire with a 8-year old mind who made a Blue-eyes JET dragon). The reason is that the main answers to dragon types lack reliable recovery, therefore can be brute-forced with coverage. Its triple weaknesses to ground, Dragon, Ice and Fairy are cleverly covered.
  2. You might be wondering, WTH IS DIALGA-ORIGIN DOING HERE?! Well, this needs a bit of explanation, but I think I have it. Dialga-Origin has stronger Draco Meteors, and being able to OHKO Palafin is no joke. Second, it's heavier, reaching better base damage on Zamazenta, Dragonite, Roaring moon, Baxcalibur and Garganacl with heavy slam (Although against every other relevant target it is worse due to lower attack). Aside from that it's your typical Adamant Orb Dialga with slightly better stat distribution. That being said, I'm more of a Flash cannon fan with Dialga origin due to its guaranteed OHKO against Zacian, but I'm one of the losers who got kicked out round 1 so...
  3. Why out of all types of good Arceus types are we using ROCK, let alone physical with Stone Miss? Likely because of how underwhelming earth power can be at times and wanting strong extreme speeds, and they wanted a fast wallbreaker with QuakeSlide who wasn't weak to rocks.
Aside from that is another offense team; wouldn't call it HO due to its high base resiliance of their individual members and 2 pokémon being likely to have recovery. It packs physical Arceus-Rock with EdgeQuake + Extreme Speed, Tera Fairy Dialga-Origin, Double Status Infiltrator Dragapult, Dragonite, Focus Sash Dragon Tail + Scale Shot Garchomp and Encore Air Baloon Magearna.

From what I've noticed, the team doesn't seem very reliant on Tera, and in fact it oftentimes seemed to prefer its original typing; If I had to guess it's because tera is used defensively to deal with clear checks, like many "pseudo gym leader" teams do, and in most cases those weaknesses were irrelevant because it relies more on 2HKOs and just beating most stuff reliably in a 1v1.
Seems like a rather intuitive team in terms of gameplay, with Dialga and Garchomp for leads, Magearna and Dragapult for support, Arceus and Dragonite for setup, and relies on basic resistances for switches. Also and if my logic doesn't fail me, that arceus is running swords dance while Dragonite is using roost and extreme speed and Dragapult Dragon Darts, but that are just suppositions.

This was the end of a year. While the tournament will not change, the meta will. The process of making those will, and my life itself, mostly learning about myself and why I'm the way I am. I think no analysis will be complete without quoting the previous weeks.

And that would be it. Farewell and sorry for causing a mess in QotD due to insisting on my point; even if it was true, one should not try to cause aggressive conflict, because no one wins in a war... Yeah, I watched too much anime last week.
Good whatever it is at your place.

How was your new year? Mine was a bit busy, being wombo-comboed in UNO like a new/bricked YGO player, listening Tommy Rey's "Un año más" for the 20th year in a row or so, struggling to sleep properly due to my brother playing up until 2 AM, hearing scared dogs due to obnoxious and illegal fireworks, fumbling pretty badly a tour match's scheduling multiple times through the week, traveling to meet some members of my Vin Diesel/gypsy-sized family, getting addicted to the Forger's hearthwarming fake family, tense game of lies and somehow actual kids in animation (Even with proper babbling for Anya, while still clear in message. I'm actually impressed by that one considering english didn't got it)...

Whatever, It was tiresome so I REALLY thank a Fairy for helping me out in this one. Without further ado, let's see the matches...

Week 4

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- + ----- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |Net WR|
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- + ----- +
| 1    | Magearna           |   65 |  55.08% |  43.08% |   -9 |
| 2    | Zacian-Hero        |   59 |  50.00% |  50.85% |   +1 |
| 3    | Dialga             |   30 |  25.42% |  30.00% |  -12 |
| 4    | Landorus           |   29 |  24.58% |  51.72% |   +1 |
| 5    | Rillaboom          |   26 |  22.03% |  46.15% |   -2 |
| 6    | Cyclizar           |   24 |  20.34% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 6    | Palkia-Origin      |   24 |  20.34% |  45.83% |   -2 |
| 8    | Sneasler           |   22 |  18.64% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 9    | Gholdengo          |   21 |  17.80% |  66.67% |   +7 |
| 9    | Dondozo            |   21 |  17.80% |  47.62% |   -1 |
| 11   | Arceus-Dark        |   20 |  16.95% |  55.00% |   +2 |
| 11   | Dragapult          |   20 |  16.95% |  45.00% |   -2 |
| 13   | Slowking-Galar     |   19 |  16.10% |  68.42% |   +7 |
| 13   | Arceus-Poison      |   19 |  16.10% |  63.16% |   +5 |
| 13   | Giratina           |   19 |  16.10% |  47.37% |   -1 |
| 13   | Palafin            |   19 |  16.10% |  36.84% |   -5 |
| 17   | Arceus-Fire        |   15 |  12.71% |  40.00% |   -3 |
| 18   | Garchomp           |   14 |  11.86% |  78.57% |   +8 |
| 29   | Chi-Yu             |   13 |  11.02% |  61.54% |   +3 |
| 20   | Arceus-Grass       |   12 |  10.17% |  41.67% |   -2 |
| 21   | Ursaluna           |   11 |   9.32% |  54.55% |   +1 |
| 22   | Corviknight        |    9 |   7.63% |  55.56% |   +1 |
| 22   | Arceus-Dragon      |    9 |   7.63% |  55.56% |   +1 |
| 24   | Masquerain         |    8 |   6.78% |  75.00% |   +4 |
| 24   | Roaring Moon       |    8 |   6.78% |  62.50% |   +2 |
| 24   | Zamazenta-Crowned  |    8 |  6.78% |  62.50% |   +2 |
| 24   | Zamazenta-Hero     |    8 |   6.78% |  62.50% |   +2 |
| 28   | Garganacl          |    7 |   5.93% |  71.43% |   +3 |
| 28   | Milotic            |    7 |   5.93% |  71.43% |   +3 |
| 28   | Ursaluna-Bloodmoon |    7 |   5.93% |  28.57% |   -3 |
| 28   | Cinderace          |    7 |   5.93% |   0.00% |   -7 |
| 32   | Ceruledge          |    6 |   5.08% |  83.33% |   +4 |
| 32   | Blissey            |    6 |   5.08% |  66.67% |   +2 |
| 32   | Dragonite          |    6 |   5.08% |  66.67% |   +2 |
| 32   | Volcarona          |    6 |   5.08% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 32   | Espathra           |    6 |   5.08% |  33.33% |   -2 |
| 37   | Meowscarada        |    5 |   4.24% |  60.00% |   +1 |
| 37   | Moltres            |    5 |   4.24% |  40.00% |   -1 |
| 37   | Clefable           |    5 |   4.24% |  20.00% |   -3 |
| 40   | Gastrodon          |    4 |   3.39% |  75.00% |   +2 |
| 40   | Arceus-Psychic     |    4 |   3.39% |  75.00% |   +2 |
| 40   | Ogerpon-Wellspring |    4 |   3.39% |  75.00% |   +2 |
| 40   | Samurott-Hisui     |    4 |   3.39% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 40   | Spectrier          |    4 |   3.39% |  25.00% |   -2 |
| 45   | Dialga-Origin      |    3 |   2.54% | 100.00% |   +3 |
| 45   | Arceus-Rock        |    3 |   2.54% | 100.00% |   +3 |
| 45   | Torkoal            |    3 |   2.54% |  33.33% |   -1 |
| 45   | Walking Wake       |    3 |   2.54% |  33.33% |   -1 |
| 45   | Gothitelle         |    3 |   2.54% |  33.33% |   -1 |
| 50   | Quagsire           |    2 |   1.69% | 100.00% |   +2 |
| 50   | Tornadus-Therian   |    2 |   1.69% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 50   | Arceus-Ice         |    2 |   1.69% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 50   | Palkia             |    2 |   1.69% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 50   | Articuno           |    2 |   1.69% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 50   | Quaquaval          |    2 |   1.69% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 50   | Amoonguss          |    2 |   1.69% |  50.00% |  ±0 |
| 50   | Cresselia          |    2 |   1.69% |  50.00% |    ±0 |
| 50   | Zapdos             |    2 |   1.69% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 50   | Pelipper           |    2 |   1.69% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 50   | Baxcalibur         |    2 |   1.69% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 50   | Ninetales-Alola    |    2 |   1.69% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 50   | Breloom            |    2 |   1.69% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 50   | Vikavolt           |    2 |   1.69% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 50   | Crawdaunt          |    2 |   1.69% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 50   | Alomomola          |    2 |   1.69% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 66   | Arceus-Fighting    |    1 |   0.85% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 66   | Indeedee           |    1 |   0.85% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 66   | Armarouge          |    1 |   0.85% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 66   | Espeon             |    1 |   0.85% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 66   | Urshifu-Single-Strike | 1 |   0.85% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 66   | Mandibuzz          |    1 |   0.85% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 66   | Dugtrio            |    1 |   0.85% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 66   | Urshifu-Rapid-Strike |  1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 66   | Sandy Shocks       |    1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 66   | Mamoswine          |    1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 66   | Hoopa-Unbound      |    1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 66   | Donphan            |    1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 66   | Darkrai            |    1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 66   | Iron Moth          |    1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 66   | Barraskewda        |    1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 66   | Heatran            |    1 |   0.85% |   0.00% |   -1 |
|  0   | Total              |  708 | 600.00% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
[Moveset & Teammates] [Combos] [Leads]

Before continuing, I need to say some important stuff.
  1. To find something specific I recommend you to use Ctrl + F to search a pokémon name or move. That should help you to get the info you want because the pastebin is quite big all things considered.
  2. Yes, my name is Fernando. Whatever, that's a VERY common name in my country. The dangerous thing would actually be to tell one of my surnames, which is actually scarce outside my family, even in my country.
  3. Sorry for not telling you before, A Fairy, but I feel I can handle this going forward with smaller datasets, that's why I'm using the data I extracted instead of yours. Thanks to you I've learned how to use Pastebin, and also became more aware of the faults of the website. I'm very thankful for this and I swear I'll continue doing those up until the finals, because I'm a man of word.

ProfilePokémonUsageUse | of variant %Winrate% (Net WR)
55.29% (+9)​
16.95 | 23.52 %
16.10 | 22.35 %
12.71 | 17.65 %
10.17 | 14.11 %
7.63 | 10.59 %
3.38 | 4.71 %
2.54 | 3.53 %
1.69 | 2.35 %
0.85 | 1.18 %​
55.00 % (+2)
63.16 % (+5)
40.00 % (-3)
41.67 % (-2)
55.56 %(+1)
75.00 % (+2)
100.00 % (+3)
50.00 % (±0)
100.00 % (+1)​
27.97 %​
36.36% (-9)​
25.42 | 90.91 %
2.54 | 9.09 %​
30.00 % (-12)
100.00 % (+3)​
46.15% (-2)​
20.34 | 92.31 %
1.69 | 7.69 %​
45.83 % (-2)
50.00 % (±0)​
44.44% (-2)​
9.32 | 61.11 %
5.93 | 38.89 %​
54.55 % (+1)
28.57 % (-3)​
62.50 % (+4)​
6.78% | 50.00 %
6.78% | 50.00 %​
62.50 % (+2)
62.50 % (+2)​
50.00% (±0)​
0.85% | 50.00%
0.85% | 50.00%​
100.00% (+1)
0.00% (-1)​

After all of this, I think a summary of all those numbers into easier to undersand data should be helpful.
Stats spotlights
  • It's becoming pointless to get data from usage at this point, but it's also too large to get all teams a proper report, not to mention they're mostly the same due to the lack of meta shake. The middle weeks are just the worst for this kind of content.
  • The best performing pokémon are Garchomp, Gholdengo, Slowking-Galar and Arceus-Poison.
    • Garchomp is just a great hazard setter, with a great stat distribution and hability to play outside the lead slot due to all-rounded stats and defensive utility.
    • Gholdengo is just an evil pokemon, the ultimate spinblocker made to create a nasty hazard envorinment created so Gamefreak would convince people to switch into Scarlet/Violet over regular 1v1.
    • Slowking-Galar is a big reason why Balance works, if not the main one due to its sheer resiliance on the special side and access to future sight + slow pivoting.
    • Arceus-Poison just matches very well against a lot of the meta, most notably Zacian, Rillaboom, Sneasler and Magearna if packing ground moves.
  • The worst performing pokémon were Dialga, Magearna and Cinderace.
    • The former 2 suggest there's a bit of glue syndrome of people putting pokémon on suboptimal teams, which is to be expected with those kind of swiss knifes, as well as a result of the high amount of Landorus-Incarnate on the round specifically to target those two.
    • Cinderace being this low suggests there's an adaptation who is indirecty targetting it, either via +speed Arceus, bulkier teams or more dragons (specially Garchomp) who eat this thing alive.
  • Lead-wise, now Dialga became the most popular one, overtaking Magearna and Cyclizar, and so kinda did Landorus-I. In terms of leads who actually win Landorus-I, Magearna and Masquerain are the best ones. Outside of that we're still seeing Garchomp, Palafin, Cyclizar and Rillaboom like always.
  • The most common teams are unironically the same as the week prior, all 3 with 5 victories btw.
    • Arceus-Dragon / Magearna / Rillaboom / Sneasler / Ursaluna / Zamazenta-Hero. This is the same team as always, the semi trick room team with Ursaluna and Rillaboom who can be very fast or very slow at will.
    • Arceus-Poison / Ceruledge / Garchomp / Gholdengo / Masquerain / Roaring Moon. This team was mentioned last week, the Ceruledge webs team as before, literally sticky due to Gholdengo and 3 potential sweepers.
    • Arceus-Dark / Dondozo / Landorus-Incarnate / Milotic / Slowking-Galar / Zacian-Hero. The semistall team I mentioned before and dedicated like 3 hours of my life to understand. 4 Boots, 2 powerful wallbreakers, double water, regenerator.

Team of the round (TotKR)

View attachment 586825
View attachment 586827
Stone Edge
Extreme Speed
Draco Meteor
Heavy Slam
Thunder Wave
Dragon Dance
"Extreme Speed"
Dragon Tail
Scale Shot
Stealth rock​
Fleur Cannon
Volt Switch
Thunder Wave​
Stone Plate​
Adamant Crystal​
Focus sash​
Air Baloon​
Rough skin​
Soul Hearth​
Tera type

First of all, this is not technically the team who deserves to be in that podium, but the would be team of the round, Milotic Semistall, was already covered last week. Also, I feel I have to answer 3 things before proceeding.
  1. Yes, it's indeed 4 dragon types. No, It's not a team made by an 8-year old, nor by Seto Kaiba (A multimillionaire with a 8-year old mind who made a Blue-eyes JET dragon). The reason is that the main answers to dragon types lack reliable recovery, therefore can be brute-forced with coverage. Its triple weaknesses to ground, Dragon, Ice and Fairy are cleverly covered.
  2. You might be wondering, WTH IS DIALGA-ORIGIN DOING HERE?! Well, this needs a bit of explanation, but I think I have it. Dialga-Origin has stronger Draco Meteors, and being able to OHKO Palafin is no joke. Second, it's heavier, reaching better base damage on Zamazenta, Dragonite, Roaring moon, Baxcalibur and Garganacl with heavy slam (Although against every other relevant target it is worse due to lower attack). Aside from that it's your typical Adamant Orb Dialga with slightly better stat distribution. That being said, I'm more of a Flash cannon fan with Dialga origin due to its guaranteed OHKO against Zacian, but I'm one of the losers who got kicked out round 1 so...
  3. Why out of all types of good Arceus types are we using ROCK, let alone physical with Stone Miss? Likely because of how underwhelming earth power can be at times and wanting strong extreme speeds, and they wanted a fast wallbreaker with QuakeSlide who wasn't weak to rocks.
Aside from that is another offense team; wouldn't call it HO due to its high base resiliance of their individual members and 2 pokémon being likely to have recovery. It packs physical Arceus-Rock with EdgeQuake + Extreme Speed, Tera Fairy Dialga-Origin, Double Status Infiltrator Dragapult, Dragonite, Focus Sash Dragon Tail + Scale Shot Garchomp and Encore Air Baloon Magearna.

From what I've noticed, the team doesn't seem very reliant on Tera, and in fact it oftentimes seemed to prefer its original typing; If I had to guess it's because tera is used defensively to deal with clear checks, like many "pseudo gym leader" teams do, and in most cases those weaknesses were irrelevant because it relies more on 2HKOs and just beating most stuff reliably in a 1v1.
Seems like a rather intuitive team in terms of gameplay, with Dialga and Garchomp for leads, Magearna and Dragapult for support, Arceus and Dragonite for setup, and relies on basic resistances for switches. Also and if my logic doesn't fail me, that arceus is running swords dance while Dragonite is using roost and extreme speed and Dragapult Dragon Darts, but that are just suppositions.

This was the end of a year. While the tournament will not change, the meta will. The process of making those will, and my life itself, mostly learning about myself and why I'm the way I am. I think no analysis will be complete without quoting the previous weeks.

And that would be it. Farewell and sorry for causing a mess in QotD due to insisting on my point; even if it was true, one should not try to cause aggressive conflict, because no one wins in a war... Yeah, I watched too much anime last week.

im pretty sure i have the pokepaste for the team you outlined here
(credit to NJNP as he created this team)
In case you are not in the discord, I wanted to make this post to address a certain pokemon

:Zekrom: has been getting out of hand, currently looking to be the closest thing to being banned at the moment.

The reason is simply that after a dragon dance, it is too strong and too fast for most of the tier. Its incredibly good stab combination is so threatening that the only pokemon that properly resists it is Iron Treads and Excadrill. This means it threatens a huge amount of the metagame, even our newest toys.

Its attack stat, after a dragon dance, is so high it can realistically 2hko the entire metagame, especially after a spike or stealth rock. If it wasn't bad enough, due to it effectively having Mold Breaker, it will go through unaware checks like Dondozo, meaning they are usually forced to either Tera, hold the ability shield, or both. As a result, Stall is currently unplayable as Zekrom has no reliable counter.

Additionally, even the previously mentioned Treads and Exca really do not like facing it, as they have a lack of recovery, and they cannot threaten it properly outside of EQ. This means a tera flying will pretty reliably take their counterplay out, especially since Zekrom learns Brick Break or Focus Punch to threaten them. Additionally, this makes Landorus-T unreliable as most Landos I've seen run Taunt or Crunch as their last move, which means it can't touch Zekrom if it tera flyings. Not to mention the possibility of offensive Teras, like Water or Ground to threaten them. Great tusk is a great option, as it can't get 2hko'd if fully physdef by +2 Dragon Claw, but it can't 2hko with Ice spinner, meaning if it is Tera flying then Tusk is too slow to finish the job.

Other options like Physdef Solgaleo can struggle as they can't threaten it outside of a roar or Earthquake (both options which are really, really hard to fit in Solgaleo's 4 moves). Physdef Dialga is something I came up with which is a good answer but it doesn't do much outside of check Zekrom, and MAYBE Mewtwo without Aura Sphere.

Additionally, Zekrom has a lot of flexibility due to it needing bolt strike and dragon dance. This means its two moves are incredibly flexible. Brick break gets past Excadrill, Treads, and Dialga. Tera blast gives it a good option, and Stealth rock gives it a way to make progress even if it isn't sweeping the match at the beginning (why does it get stealth rock???), and even do its best Palkia-O impression and run substitute to prevent status and avoid intimidate cycling. It can run multiple items, like Heavy Duty Boots to avoid hazard chip and Sticky Web, and loaded dice. Loaded dice in particular gives it access to scale shot which makes it deal a lot more damage and help its speed. It also resists most of the priority of the tier, except newcomer Kingambit's sucker punch. Other options that haven't been explored as much is Lum Berry to counter Will-o-Wisp from Defensive Arceus sets, Life orb to give it extra power, or Zap/Draco Plate to boost its stab moves to a new limit.

Its main weakness is the fact that it cannot outspeed most scarf pokemon at +1, which makes it vulnerable to pokemon like Landorus-Incarnate, and Kyurem-White. But even then they are both easily played around with Tera or simply swapping.

All of this result in Zekrom being talked a lot about being either suspected or Quickbanned. I want to know the thoughts of the people here since the Discord has been talking about it a lot.
In case you are not in the discord, I wanted to make this post to address a certain pokemon

:Zekrom: has been getting out of hand, currently looking to be the closest thing to being banned at the moment.

The reason is simply that after a dragon dance, it is too strong and too fast for most of the tier. Its incredibly good stab combination is so threatening that the only pokemon that properly resists it is Iron Treads and Excadrill. This means it threatens a huge amount of the metagame, even our newest toys.

Its attack stat, after a dragon dance, is so high it can realistically 2hko the entire metagame, especially after a spike or stealth rock. If it wasn't bad enough, due to it effectively having Mold Breaker, it will go through unaware checks like Dondozo, meaning they are usually forced to either Tera, hold the ability shield, or both. As a result, Stall is currently unplayable as Zekrom has no reliable counter.

Additionally, even the previously mentioned Treads and Exca really do not like facing it, as they have a lack of recovery, and they cannot threaten it properly outside of EQ. This means a tera flying will pretty reliably take their counterplay out, especially since Zekrom learns Brick Break or Focus Punch to threaten them. Additionally, this makes Landorus-T unreliable as most Landos I've seen run Taunt or Crunch as their last move, which means it can't touch Zekrom if it tera flyings. Not to mention the possibility of offensive Teras, like Water or Ground to threaten them. Great tusk is a great option, as it can't get 2hko'd if fully physdef by +2 Dragon Claw, but it can't 2hko with Ice spinner, meaning if it is Tera flying then Tusk is too slow to finish the job.

Other options like Physdef Solgaleo can struggle as they can't threaten it outside of a roar or Earthquake (both options which are really, really hard to fit in Solgaleo's 4 moves). Physdef Dialga is something I came up with which is a good answer but it doesn't do much outside of check Zekrom, and MAYBE Mewtwo without Aura Sphere.

Additionally, Zekrom has a lot of flexibility due to it needing bolt strike and dragon dance. This means its two moves are incredibly flexible. Brick break gets past Excadrill, Treads, and Dialga. Tera blast gives it a good option, and Stealth rock gives it a way to make progress even if it isn't sweeping the match at the beginning (why does it get stealth rock???), and even do its best Palkia-O impression and run substitute to prevent status and avoid intimidate cycling. It can run multiple items, like Heavy Duty Boots to avoid hazard chip and Sticky Web, and loaded dice. Loaded dice in particular gives it access to scale shot which makes it deal a lot more damage and help its speed. It also resists most of the priority of the tier, except newcomer Kingambit's sucker punch. Other options that haven't been explored as much is Lum Berry to counter Will-o-Wisp from Defensive Arceus sets, Life orb to give it extra power, or Zap/Draco Plate to boost its stab moves to a new limit.

Its main weakness is the fact that it cannot outspeed most scarf pokemon at +1, which makes it vulnerable to pokemon like Landorus-Incarnate, and Kyurem-White. But even then they are both easily played around with Tera or simply swapping.

All of this result in Zekrom being talked a lot about being either suspected or Quickbanned. I want to know the thoughts of the people here since the Discord has been talking about it a lot.

Just wanted to mention some of the insane Zekrom "countermeasures" people are thinking of in the Discord:
- Scarf Mewtwo/Deoxys, which seem to be able to reliably weaken it and threaten it even if it Teras.
- Trick Room in general, especially with the monstrous Dawn Wings Necrozma which seemingly eats every hit ever.
- Tera Ground/Fairy on random things that really would prefer a different Tera (like Mewtwo and Dawn Wings, for example).
- Walking Wake in Sun
- someone mentioned Mudsdale which is an insane liability just to beat one mon but I guess it works against many Zekrom sets lol
- a host of things that involve sacrificing one or more mons just to possibly deal with Zekrom

As Leo has said in their post, the various Tera options and item options that Zekrom has makes any real counterplay selective at best and niche at worst, which is why I believe Zekrom is the single most problematic element in the meta. Mons with a speed tier of 130 and 150 should not be running Choice Scarf just to be damage control if Zekrom sets up a single DDance. Now, having a threat that must be considered when teambuilding is not broken on its own, but the extent to which Zekrom influences the meta in both the game and teambuilder is, in my opinion, very unhealthy. Additionally, winning with Zekrom isn't difficult or requiring extreme skill - it has enough bulk that you can kind of throw it around in the game a bit and still have enough in the tank for a sweep later if needed, and those terrifying dual STABs rip through anything after you weaken the supposed "checks." And Arceus forbid you let this monster get 2 Dragon Dances, at that point your best option is to forfeit and save your time.
Zekrom being Uubers is really unfortunate, as it is a proper Ubers box legendary, and has gone down in usage due to being outclassed by better dragons (bike duo primarily), not because it's bad in the slightest.

And yeah, Zekrom after a single DD has essentially no check whatsoever. Loaded Dice Scale Shot Zekrom can 2hko virtually anything that can tank Bolt Strike.

To demo power of Zekrom after a single DD.

+1 252 Atk Teravolt Zekrom Bolt Strike vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Zacian: 313-369 (96.3 - 113.5%) -- 75% chance to OHKO

Scarfed Deoxys and Scarfed Mewtwo are not real sets. Zekrom is also quite bulky for the power it got (100/120/100).

Zekrom is also an exceptional tera user. Tera Fairy Zekrom loses weakness to ground, converts dragon weakness to immunity, gains resistance to dark, fighting and bug, while being weak to only Poison and Steel (two bad offensive typings, and Zekrom has Earth Power for both, and Brick Break for steels)

As it stands, Zekrom has no business in Ubers UU, and should be considered for quickban ASAP.
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