Metagame SV Ubers UU Metagame Discussion (Zacian Ban @ Post #671)

Zekrom being Uubers is really unfortunate, as it is a proper Ubers box legendary, and has gone down in usage due to being outclassed by better dragons (bike duo primarily), not because it's bad in the slightest.

And yeah, Zekrom after a single DD has essentially no check whatsoever. Loaded Dice Scale Shot Zekrom can 2hko virtually anything that can tank Bolt Strike.

To demo power of Zekrom after a single DD.

+1 252 Atk Teravolt Zekrom Bolt Strike vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Zacian: 313-369 (96.3 - 113.5%) -- 75% chance to OHKO

Scarfed Deoxys and Scarfed Mewtwo are not real sets. Zekrom is also quite bulky for the power it got (100/120/100).

Zekrom is also an exceptional tera user. Tera Fairy Zekrom loses weakness to ground, converts dragon weakness to immunity, gains resistance to dark, fighting and bug, while being weak to only Poison and Steel (two bad offensive typings, and Zekrom has Earth Power for both, and Brick Break for steels)

As it stands, Zekrom has no business in Ubers UU, and should be considered for quickban ASAP.

Being outclassed by better Pokémon does indeed mean you are bad by proxy, at least in regards to the metagame, and thats the only aspect that matters here
Zekrom being Uubers is really unfortunate, as it is a proper Ubers box legendary, and has gone down in usage due to being outclassed by better dragons (bike duo primarily), not because it's bad in the slightest.

And yeah, Zekrom after a single DD has essentially no check whatsoever. Loaded Dice Scale Shot Zekrom can 2hko virtually anything that can tank Bolt Strike.

To demo power of Zekrom after a single DD.

+1 252 Atk Teravolt Zekrom Bolt Strike vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Zacian: 313-369 (96.3 - 113.5%) -- 75% chance to OHKO

Scarfed Deoxys and Scarfed Mewtwo are not real sets. Zekrom is also quite bulky for the power it got (100/120/100).

Zekrom is also an exceptional tera user. Tera Fairy Zekrom loses weakness to ground, converts dragon weakness to immunity, gains resistance to dark, fighting and bug, while being weak to only Poison and Steel (two bad offensive typings, and Zekrom has Earth Power for both, and Brick Break for steels)

As it stands, Zekrom has no business in Ubers UU, and should be considered for quickban ASAP.
Physically defensive :great_tusk: can stand up to it if it is only +1, which is neat.

:landorus-therian: + :great_tusk: is the only combo of mons that work well, but stacking ice weaknesses in a :kyurem-white: metagame is just god awful.

Scarf :dragapult: has both infiltrator and outspeeds +2 :zekrom:, and OHKOs with draco meteor, making it by far the best revenger.

If you like trolling, theres also Iron Defense :iron_treads:, Cotton Guard:whimsicott: and Iron Defense :magnezone:, but all of these are smoked by tera or Earth Power coverage.
I've been seeing Zekrom and I think the issue is loaded dice... Hear me out.

Zekrom's coverage is quite limited, being just Dragon and electric, with its dragon stab being quite weak, meaning in theory it's vulnerable to bulky Ground types, because a +1 Dragon Claw would struggle to even 2HKO your pokémon, and indeed it used to be that way... Enter loaded dice. Now with that you have to worry from both the Dragon and Electric type, which is almost impossible to cover at the same time outside literal 2 pokémon. Here's what I'm referring to using something that used to check Zekrom back in the day: Scarf Landorus-T, who can OHKO Zekrom after rocks and is immune to electric and spikes.

-1 252 Atk Teravolt Zekrom Dragon Claw vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Landorus-Therian: 106-126 (33.1 - 39.3%) -- 100% chance to 3HKO

252 Atk Landorus-Therian Earthquake vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Zekrom: 306-360 (89.4 - 105.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

-1 252 Atk Teravolt Zekrom Scale Shot (5 hits) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Landorus-Therian: 165-200 (51.5 - 62.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Similar numbers are gotten with Great Tusk btw. What used to be an universal answer is no longer a good answer, and due to tera IT NEEDS to be able to survive 2 hits, otherwise you cant revenge kill this thing. Kyurem-White is in a similar boat, only being handled due to 95 speed being mediocre for UUbers standards but it's straight up unwallable and the answers like Ho-Oh are just not there.
Physically defensive :great_tusk: can stand up to it if it is only +1, which is neat.

:landorus-therian: + :great_tusk: is the only combo of mons that work well, but stacking ice weaknesses in a :kyurem-white: metagame is just god awful.

Scarf :dragapult: has both infiltrator and outspeeds +2 :zekrom:, and OHKOs with draco meteor, making it by far the best revenger.

If you like trolling, theres also Iron Defense :iron_treads:, Cotton Guard:whimsicott: and Iron Defense :magnezone:, but all of these are smoked by tera or Earth Power coverage.

For Dragapult, that's where tera fairy comes in. Zekrom with well timed tera fairy is virtually unbeatable. Fortunately it's banned now so nobody has to suffer this monster
Why is great tusk unranked?
Hazards are pretty major in this format, and while it has slightly better options than OU in Girathina and cyclizar, as well as Gholdengo being slightly less prevalent, it would still have some degree of usage right?
Why is great tusk unranked?
Hazards are pretty major in this format, and while it has slightly better options than OU in Girathina and cyclizar, as well as Gholdengo being slightly less prevalent, it would still have some degree of usage right?

It isn't ranked for the same reason powerful forces like Deoxys, Mewtwo and Necrozma-Dawn-Wings aren't and it is because the council haven't gotten to ranking the new mons in the DLC yet as Ubers UU only got these Pokemon this Monday.
So....Is there a chance of Necrozma-Dawn-Wings and Kyurem-White coming down to OU please? I don't see why not
1. This isn't the place to talk about that, this teir has almost nothing to do with ou

2.NDW, a mon that's amazing in this teir, would absolutely wreck ou, it has amazing bulk, cm, ddance, stored power, reliable recovery, and the option to tera fighting/fairy tera blast to smoke anything that doesn't get OHKO'd by one it's stabs coming off of 157 spa

2. regular kyurem is of questionable brokenness in ou (mostly because of the specs set), giving it 40 more spa, and a fire move isn't helping
1. This isn't the place to talk about that, this teir has almost nothing to do with ou

2.NDW, a mon that's amazing in this teir, would absolutely wreck ou, it has amazing bulk, cm, ddance, stored power, reliable recovery, and the option to tera fighting/fairy tera blast to smoke anything that doesn't get OHKO'd by one it's stabs coming off of 157 spa

2. regular kyurem is of questionable brokenness in ou (mostly because of the specs set), giving it 40 more spa, and a fire move isn't helping
Where is the OU tier thread please? And ddance not so great on it because its speed is amongst the worst of all Uber pokes.... good other points though
Ahead of the Ubers UU Open and other tournaments finally switching to the January drop I wanted to share my thoughts on the January Radar Report and the position I feel some of the mons have in the meta. I'm happy with the radar and I would like others to also share their thoughts!

Really not much to add to what was already said about Zekrom. I liked seeing it being rampant in an already offensive meta and the reactions it received were fast and warranted. It also must've been the hardest to revenge kill because of the different Tera it could use.

I was really surprised of Palkia-Origin being on the radar but the reasons why are understandable. The mon itself is great offensively and easy(?) to put on a team, and although its two main STABS can be unreliable at times it can still be a menace. Just a good mon in general and I always found it to be good for the meta; the kind of regulator the meta needs to keep others in check often times. Relying on Substitute to secure its position and less from anything else (except maybe from being Modest nature but I have yet to see that) are why I believe this mon is known well enough to not warrant its place on the radar as of right now. Hazard in Spikes and Sticky Web also factor in why this mon can be taken advantage of. Though, thoughts from others can always show otherwise so please share your thoughts about this mon!

I find it much more as an utility mon at the moment.

I haven't seen much from Mewtwo but I know what it is capable of. Its Speed, movepool, and support from Tera is enough to make it problematic. The moment people put their eyes on this mon I would not be surprised it being gone

I still don't believe in Necrozma-Dawn-Wings. A Dusk-Mane wannabe if I could say. Yes it's strong, yes it's bulky, but I feel like it still doesn't do enough for a team that can just use a similar mon. It's slow, its double typing puts it at risk and makes it reliant on Tera to progress. It excels at nothing else except maybe Trick Room or being a Choice Specs user. The kind of mon you have to use carefully in a match to benefit from but its place on the radar is justified. Hoping to see more of what it can do.

I would not mind Kingambit being gone to be honest. You can't go wrong having it on your team and have to carefully play around it when your opponent has it: Got your mons chipped enough? You lost. You let it SD after Supreme Overlord? You lost. It's about to Tera? You lost; you never want to play passively against it.

Though it is in a very good place right now, I can understand it being a problem.
Also more people should use it with Low Kick.

Deoxys is fine right now. A flexible mon that is able to keep up with other treats. Arguably every decent team has something for it, though it can be dangerous. It's more of an opportunity mon that doesn't want to go for a move when it doesn't need to. Relying on it is also not very good.

Not really impressed by Kyurem-White right now but it being up there is fair. Item and Coverage reliant mon that struggles against other treats and doesn't do anything else. I want to believe it's an ideal Sticky Web mon or even a cool Aurora Veil mon.
funny calc 252+ SpA Life Orb Kyurem-White Blizzard vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Arceus-Dark: 269-317 (60.7 - 71.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

No strong feeling about Ogerpon-Hearthflame. It's still that mon you can autolose to when not being careful. It's not able to do much when unboosted and is frail and weak to hazard. Sun teams are able to use it well, though. It's a great cleaner when sun is up and Tera +1 Atk helps it hit hard enough. Another mon I would not mind being gone.

Maybe it will get back on track soon enough but I haven't seen Arceus-Electric put in work like it used to. It's still a solid Calm Mind user but it doesn't like the new power level. Or maybe is it because of new toy syndrome? I find the mon itself problematic but kind of being overshadowed right now.
I still don't believe in Necrozma-Dawn-Wings. A Dusk-Mane wannabe if I could say. Yes it's strong, yes it's bulky, but I feel like it still doesn't do enough for a team that can just use a similar mon. It's slow, its double typing puts it at risk and makes it reliant on Tera to progress. It excels at nothing else except maybe Trick Room or being a Choice Specs user. The kind of mon you have to use carefully in a match to benefit from but its place on the radar is justified. Hoping to see more of what it can do.
I believe that the main issue with Dawn wings is how easy it is to set up with Tera. Without Tera it is not anything special, but with Tera fairy, for example, it becomes a pain to play against due to it flipping the matchup on dark types (gaining STAB tera blast too), and having two weaknesses which get helped with its ability

Also more people should use it with Low Kick.
Gambit has a bit of a 4MMS, since it can't run SD + Iron head (For Zacian, for Magearna), Dark stab, sucker punch and Low Kick. Low Kick means it doesn't get walled by Zamazenta, who otherwise completely destroys Gambit even if it teras.
Good morning, afternoon or whatever...

Have you ever thought about the word "pointless"? Its meaning its one who, the more you think about it, the harsher it becomes, being arguably the biggest sin a game can be. It is something who lacks purpose, utility and in general a reason to exist. A bland cashgrab like BD/SP or Overwatch 2, our Wisdom tooths at this point in history, those telebovelas/soap operas who do a disservice to society, and this week's report to an extent. Seriously, now there's too little info to get precise data, yet is still too much to dive into the teams. If that wasn't bad enough, the numbers are from essentially a legacy format, meaning they are not teams worth taking considering all the new defensive and offensive threats in the tier.

But enough complaining, there's still a lot of info to deliver.

Round 5

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- + ------ +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  | Net WR |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- + ------ +
| 1    | Zacian-Hero        |   43 |  58.11% |  48.84% |     -1 |
| 2    | Magearna           |   37 |  50.00% |  51.35% |     +1 |
| 3    | Palkia-Origin      |   23 |  31.08% |  47.83% |     -1 |
| 4    | Gholdengo          |   21 |  28.38% |  57.14% |     +3 |
| 5    | Landorus           |   20 |  27.03% |  60.00% |     +4 |
| 6    | Cyclizar           |   18 |  24.32% |  44.44% |     -2 |
| 7    | Dragapult          |   16 |  21.62% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 8    | Garchomp           |   15 |  20.27% |  46.67% |     -1 |
| 9    | Giratina           |   13 |  17.57% |  69.23% |     +5 |
| 9    | Arceus-Poison      |   13 |  17.57% |  69.23% |     +5 |
| 11   | Dialga             |   12 |  16.22% |  75.00% |     +6 |
| 11   | Slowking-Galar     |   12 |  16.22% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 11   | Arceus-Fire        |   12 |  16.22% |  33.33% |     -4 |
| 11   | Arceus-Dark        |   12 |  16.22% |  33.33% |     -4 |
| 11   | Sneasler           |   12 |  16.22% |  16.67% |     -8 |
| 16   | Rillaboom          |   11 |  14.86% |  18.18% |     -7 |
| 17   | Dondozo            |   10 |  13.51% |  60.00% |     +2 |
| 18   | Chi-Yu             |    9 |  12.16% |  66.67% |     +3 |
| 19   | Dragonite          |    8 |  10.81% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 20   | Corviknight        |    6 |   8.11% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 20   | Ursaluna           |    6 |   8.11% |  33.33% |     -2 |
| 22   | Arceus-Grass       |    5 |   6.76% |  80.00% |     +3 |
| 22   | Arceus-Dragon      |    5 |   6.76% |  60.00% |     +1 |
| 22   | Zamazenta-Crowned  |    5 |   6.76% |  40.00% |     -1 |
| 22   | Dialga-Origin      |    5 |   6.76% |  40.00% |     -1 |
| 22   | Mamoswine          |    5 |   6.76% |  40.00% |     -1 |
| 27   | Palafin            |    4 |   5.41% |  75.00% |     +2 |
| 27   | Masquerain         |    4 |   5.41% |  75.00% |     +2 |
| 27   | Volcarona          |    4 |   5.41% |  75.00% |     +2 |
| 27   | Roaring Moon       |    4 |   5.41% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 27   | Arceus-Rock        |    4 |   5.41% |  25.00% |     -2 |
| 27   | Meowscarada        |    4 |   5.41% |  25.00% |     -2 |
| 27   | Milotic            |    4 |   5.41% |  25.00% |     -2 |
| 34   | Samurott-Hisui     |    3 |   4.05% | 100.00% |     +3 |
| 34   | Ogerpon-Wellspring |    3 |   4.05% |  66.67% |     +1 |
| 34   | Moltres            |    3 |   4.05% |  66.67% |     +1 |
| 34   | Garganacl          |    3 |   4.05% |  66.67% |     +1 |
| 34   | Ceruledge          |    3 |   4.05% |  66.67% |     +1 |
| 34   | Zamazenta-Hero     |    3 |   4.05% |  33.33% |     -1 |
| 34   | Bellibolt          |    3 |   4.05% |  33.33% |     -1 |
| 34   | Espathra           |    3 |   4.05% |   0.00% |     -3 |
| 42   | Cinderace          |    2 |   2.70% | 100.00% |     +2 |
| 42   | Blissey            |    2 |   2.70% | 100.00% |     +2 |
| 42   | Clefable           |    2 |   2.70% | 100.00% |     +2 |
| 42   | Arceus-Ice         |    2 |   2.70% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 42   | Cresselia          |    2 |   2.70% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 42   | Indeedee           |    2 |   2.70% |   0.00% |     -2 |
| 42   | Armarouge          |    2 |   2.70% |   0.00% |     -2 |
| 42   | Espeon             |    2 |   2.70% |   0.00% |     -2 |
| 50   | Mandibuzz          |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Cutiefly           |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Toedscruel         |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Iron Valiant       |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Jirachi            |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Torkoal            |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Walking Wake       |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Tornadus-Therian   |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Hoopa-Unbound      |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Ursaluna-Bloodmoon |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Pelipper           |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Urshifu-Rapid-Strike |  1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Heatran            |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Palkia             |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Tyranitar          |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Spectrier          |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Enamorus           |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Urshifu-Single-Strike|  1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Sandy Shocks       |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Iron Moth          |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Iron Hands         |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Gastrodon          |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 0    | Total              |  444 | 600.00% |  50.00% |      0 |
[Moves and teammates][Team Combos][Leads]

As a small reminder, you search for specific text using "Shift + F".

ProfilePokémonUsesUsage | of variant %Winrate (Net WR)
71.62 %​
49.06 % (-1)​
17.57 | 24.53 %
16.22 | 22.64 %
16.22 | 22.64 %
6.76 | 9.62 %
6.76 | 9.62 %
5.41 | 7.69 %
2.70 | 3.85 %​
32.43 %​
45.83 % (-2)​
31.08 | 95.83 %
1.35 | 4.17 %​
22.97 %​
64.71 % (+5)​
16.22 | 70.59 %
6.76 | 29.41 %​
75.00 % (+6)
40.00 % (-1)​
10.81 %​
37.50% (-2)​
6.76 | 62.50 %
4.05 | 37.50 %​
40.00 % (-1)
33.33 % (-1)​
9.46 %​
42.86 % (-1)​
8.11 | 85.71 %
1.35 | 14.29 %​
33.33 % (-2)
100.00% (+1)​
2.70 %​
0.00 % (-2)​
1.35 | 50.00 %
1.35 | 50.00 %​
0.00 % (-1)
0.00 % (-1)​

Round Spotlight
  • Zacian had become the most popular pokémon in Ubers UU, even if for a brief moment. Palafin had A MASSIVE dropoff, from top 10 to not even reacing top 25. Gholdengo bypassed Dialga in terms of usage and is now top 5, even if we combine it with the Origin form. Mamoswine is now oddly common, while Clefable has dropped to an all-time low of 2.
  • The most effective pokémon this week were Giratina, Arceus-Poison and Dialga.
    • In the case of Giratina and Arceus-Poison, it's very likely those are jusy product of statistical variability.
    • In the case of Dialga it is likely because of Dialga-Origin taking roles of Dialga in general.
  • The worst performing pokémon were Rillaboom and Sneasler, and is Not even close. The likely explanation is because people was this week in particular catching up the combo of grass and poison with pokémon like Gholdengo, Giratina and Arceus-Poison.
  • Lead-wise, The 2 most common by far were Magearna and Garchomp. Mamoswine and Dragapult follow them, and after there's Palafin, Masquerain and Arceus-Dark.
  • Team-wise, there's not a single team with more than 3 uses. That being said, if we go to 5-members structures, there's actually 2 cores who stand out.
    • Arceus-Fire / Giratina / Mamoswine / Palkia-Origin / Zacian-Hero: This is a Mamoswine lead core, which had become quite popular lately. Mamoswine in general is less of a lead and more of an anti-lead, because it's almost impossible to resist Ground + Ice and Many popular leads like Garchomp, Cyclizar, Dragapult or Magearna are actually weak to one of those moves; seems on brand for Mamoswine and I'm sure it was played this way in gen 4 Ubers. The rest are part of a bulky offense core with 3 powerful attackers and defensive backbone in Giratina. Last pokémon in this team was either Corviknight or Bellibolt... more on that later.
    • Dialga / Dondozo / Landorus / Magearna / Zacian-Hero: This is a more generic Balance core who uses double fairy, Landorus to break, Dondozo to check Zacian, Roar Dialga for general utility, Zacian to sweep... You get the point, just lots of good mons with type synergy with eachother. The team goes slightly more offensive with Cinderace, an offensive support, or more defensive with Giratina.
Team of the Round (TotKR)




Bellibolt / Corviknight​




Flare Blitz
Extreme Speed
Swords Dance​
Discharge / Brave Bird
Volt Switch / U-turn
Slack off / Roost
Toxic / "Defog"​
Draco Meteor
Defog / "Roar"
Ice Shard
Icicle Spear / Icicle Crash
Stealth Rock​
Hydro Pump
Spacial Rend
Fire Blast
Play Rough
Close Combat
Psychic Fangs
"Tera Blast"​
/ Pressure​
Intrepid sword​
Flame Plate​
Leftovers / "Rocky Helmet"​
Heavy-Duty Boots​
Focus Sash​
Lustrous Globe​
Choice Band​
Tera type
Poison / "Water"​
Grass / "Ground"​

This time it is a double prize. Both are a variation of this team. Warning Movesets are highly speculative, because they, while have the same shell, have some key differences and therefore you can't assume a moveset transfers to other flawlessly.
  1. Giratina is using Draco Meteor over Hex. This makes sense considering only Giratina can inflict status, making Hex unreliable for damage output.
  2. The Donphan in the room. One of the teams is using Bellibolt. BELLIBOLT, A FREAKING PALTA FROG (That's how they're called in my country the Avocados). Why this over Zapdos, who has more defensive utility overall, it can outspeed stuff and isn't vulnerable to ground? The answer seems to be Toxic. Because of Dexit, Toxic is now a rare move, and Bellibolt happens to be one of the few electric types who have this move.
  3. Team Bellibolt seems more willing to take risks and lure. They're using Icicle Spear on Mamoswine and Their tera type of choice in Zacian is Grass.
This team would be qualified as bulky offense, which means it has a solid defensive backbone but prefers to have the initiative. I think that in this ocassion Mininarga explained this better than I could. In its own words and as a TL;DR, the team relies mostly on pickups, of forcing exchanges of pokémon to gain an advantage due to removing key checks to another one of our pokémon, with our defensive pokémon being there so the offense is in great conditions as long as possible.

Well, this wasn't a very productive week. Luckily next week the sample size should be low enough so I can put attention to individual teams. Also, there it will be a massive meta shift. Now Mewtwo is in the game, alongside many other very relevant pokémon. The tournament now will begin a version 2 of the meta... which will be mixed with an unofficial tournament as well, which are the same meta, meaning that it'll be interesting to see how both share the same data yet develop differently because of just being different players.

As always, here it is the previous weeks of this work so you can compare data more easily:

Anyways, I guess that would be it. Farewell and oh my god, the cruiser arc was so awesome.

PS: Some clarity fixes.
Last edited:
Round 5

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- + ------ +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  | Net WR |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- + ------ +
| 1    | Zacian-Hero        |   43 |  58.11% |  48.84% |     -1 |
| 2    | Magearna           |   37 |  50.00% |  51.35% |     +1 |
| 3    | Palkia-Origin      |   23 |  31.08% |  47.83% |     -1 |
| 4    | Gholdengo          |   21 |  28.38% |  57.14% |     +3 |
| 5    | Landorus           |   20 |  27.03% |  60.00% |     +4 |
| 6    | Cyclizar           |   18 |  24.32% |  44.44% |     -2 |
| 7    | Dragapult          |   16 |  21.62% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 8    | Garchomp           |   15 |  20.27% |  46.67% |     -1 |
| 9    | Giratina           |   13 |  17.57% |  69.23% |     +5 |
| 9    | Arceus-Poison      |   13 |  17.57% |  69.23% |     +5 |
| 11   | Dialga             |   12 |  16.22% |  75.00% |     +6 |
| 11   | Slowking-Galar     |   12 |  16.22% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 11   | Arceus-Fire        |   12 |  16.22% |  33.33% |     -4 |
| 11   | Arceus-Dark        |   12 |  16.22% |  33.33% |     -4 |
| 11   | Sneasler           |   12 |  16.22% |  16.67% |     -8 |
| 16   | Rillaboom          |   11 |  14.86% |  18.18% |     -7 |
| 17   | Dondozo            |   10 |  13.51% |  60.00% |     +2 |
| 18   | Chi-Yu             |    9 |  12.16% |  66.67% |     +3 |
| 19   | Dragonite          |    8 |  10.81% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 20   | Corviknight        |    6 |   8.11% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 20   | Ursaluna           |    6 |   8.11% |  33.33% |     -2 |
| 22   | Arceus-Grass       |    5 |   6.76% |  80.00% |     +3 |
| 22   | Arceus-Dragon      |    5 |   6.76% |  60.00% |     +1 |
| 22   | Zamazenta-Crowned  |    5 |   6.76% |  40.00% |     -1 |
| 22   | Dialga-Origin      |    5 |   6.76% |  40.00% |     -1 |
| 22   | Mamoswine          |    5 |   6.76% |  40.00% |     -1 |
| 27   | Palafin            |    4 |   5.41% |  75.00% |     +2 |
| 27   | Masquerain         |    4 |   5.41% |  75.00% |     +2 |
| 27   | Volcarona          |    4 |   5.41% |  75.00% |     +2 |
| 27   | Roaring Moon       |    4 |   5.41% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 27   | Arceus-Rock        |    4 |   5.41% |  25.00% |     -2 |
| 27   | Meowscarada        |    4 |   5.41% |  25.00% |     -2 |
| 27   | Milotic            |    4 |   5.41% |  25.00% |     -2 |
| 34   | Samurott-Hisui     |    3 |   4.05% | 100.00% |     +3 |
| 34   | Ogerpon-Wellspring |    3 |   4.05% |  66.67% |     +1 |
| 34   | Moltres            |    3 |   4.05% |  66.67% |     +1 |
| 34   | Garganacl          |    3 |   4.05% |  66.67% |     +1 |
| 34   | Ceruledge          |    3 |   4.05% |  66.67% |     +1 |
| 34   | Zamazenta-Hero     |    3 |   4.05% |  33.33% |     -1 |
| 34   | Bellibolt          |    3 |   4.05% |  33.33% |     -1 |
| 34   | Espathra           |    3 |   4.05% |   0.00% |     -3 |
| 42   | Cinderace          |    2 |   2.70% | 100.00% |     +2 |
| 42   | Blissey            |    2 |   2.70% | 100.00% |     +2 |
| 42   | Clefable           |    2 |   2.70% | 100.00% |     +2 |
| 42   | Arceus-Ice         |    2 |   2.70% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 42   | Cresselia          |    2 |   2.70% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 42   | Indeedee           |    2 |   2.70% |   0.00% |     -2 |
| 42   | Armarouge          |    2 |   2.70% |   0.00% |     -2 |
| 42   | Espeon             |    2 |   2.70% |   0.00% |     -2 |
| 50   | Mandibuzz          |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Cutiefly           |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Toedscruel         |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Iron Valiant       |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Jirachi            |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Torkoal            |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Walking Wake       |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Tornadus-Therian   |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Hoopa-Unbound      |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Ursaluna-Bloodmoon |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Pelipper           |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Urshifu-Rapid-Strike |  1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Heatran            |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Palkia             |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Tyranitar          |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Spectrier          |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Enamorus           |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Urshifu-Single-Strike|  1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Sandy Shocks       |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Iron Moth          |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Iron Hands         |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Gastrodon          |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 0    | Total              |  444 | 600.00% |  50.00% |      0 |
[Moves and teammates][Team Combos][Leads]

Round Spotlight
  • Zacian had become the most popular pokémon in Ubers UU, even if for a brief moment. Palafin had A MASSIVE dropoff, from top 10 to not even reacing top 25. Gholdengo bypassed Dialga in terms of usage and is now top 5, even if we combine it with the Origin form. Mamoswine is now oddly common, while Clefable has dropped to an all-time low of 2.

This data is so interesting. Cyclazar dropped off hard, Dragapult and Garchomp are on the top 10, and obviously Mamoswine. I blame Poshi for popularizing that team. Palkia-Origin claiming the top 3 like it always wanted, and Zacian overtaking Magearna are interesting things to look at

Here is the paste btw
This data is so interesting. Cyclazar dropped off hard, Dragapult and Garchomp are on the top 10, and obviously Mamoswine. I blame Poshi for popularizing that team. Palkia-Origin claiming the top 3 like it always wanted, and Zacian overtaking Magearna are interesting things to look at

Here is the paste btw
  1. Cyclizar still seems fairly popular to me. Not top 5 but still almost 25% usage. It seems that people is abusing less cheese strats.
  2. I'm sure I put the link of said team before, which was modified.
  3. Teams, Plural. There were 2, the original one and the one who uses Iono's Avocado... My Arceus does that sound bad.
  4. Good catch on Garchomp. Guess being a reliable hazard setter really pays out when Gliscor is out.
Last edited:
working on climbing the ladder, for now here are my thoughts on the radar guys

:necrozma-dawn-wings: - absolutely needs to go, its mere existence invalidates balance and stall and it's just too obscenely powerful with very good bulk to boot. yeah its typing sucks but it can tera into an actually usable typing so it can clean house better. fairy, ground, and dark are all good options but i also like steel so it can wall mandibuzz, one of its few checks, and surprise zacian as well. forcing everything to run dark/ghost coverage also sucks ass.
:palkia-origin: - on one hand, it's near impossible to switch into short of spdef solgaleo (who's pretty solid, but still), and zacian being overall worse in the meta is a huge boon. on the other hand, it's stuck in the crowded 120 speed tier, which isn't exactly fast anymore as the tier begins to suffer from speed creep. scarf kyurem-white being a thing does it no favors either. overall i'm on the fence about this thing being in the tier, should def be looked at but also not quickbanned either.
:mewtwo: - another very borderline mon, though i think it might warrant a ban. not 100% sure though, as psychic is a weak overall typing and it gets kinda murked by scarfers. it doesn't help that most variants are walled by the popular arceus-dark, though i think fighting coverage is rather underexplored. still, absurd coverage combined with fantastic immediate power makes for a terrifying threat, and i'd imagine it'll be a lot better once competition like necrozma-dawn is removed.
:kingambit: - haven't seen enough of to form a strong opinion yet, but seems alright, if a somewhat strong option. could be problematic later down the line but we'll have to see.
:deoxys: - mewtwo with more immediate power and better tools to deal with dark-types at the cost of bulk, feels fine atm but like mewtwo may become more problematic once stuff like ndw is gone.
:kyurem-white: - it's kinda like arceus-fire where it'd be broken if hazards didn't exist. it hits like a hydrogen bomb but hazards make it a lot less bulky than its stats would suggest, and that ice typing really hurts it. it doesnt like holding boots either since it really needs specs' power boost or scarf's speed boost, especially with its 95 base speed seeming almost slow in this speed-crept meta.
:arceus-electric: - the more games i play against it, the more i understand why it landed on the radar. boltbeam coverage with those stats is insane and mono electric isn't too shabby defensively. only reason it's not more problematic is cause there's more crunk shit like ndw around. once it goes i'd like to see it suspected
:ogerpon-hearthflame: - don't understand why this is on the radar, the tier is full of dragons and it has to choose between losing to those or fires. yes it's strong but the meta is pretty unkind to it overall.
Last edited:
Another survey, another time to share my opinions that nobody really asked for!

:Necrozma-Dawn-Wings: 5: I think this thing has to go asap. I dislike how it makes Tera more unfun to play since the thing that holds this pokemon back (The fact that it can't hit darks and its 3x weakness to it) gets thrown out the window when it teras into a fairy type or a fighting type and suddenly your dark type doesn't do anything. Also, it makes Dark types almost a requirement nowadays. It currently has a choking point on the Metagame. Its set variety is also off the roof, considering that it can run a myriad of moves that all have a lot of good traits, like Meteor beam, Calm mind, Recovery on Moonlight, Stealth rock, good stab options on Moongeist beam and Photon Geiser, Future sight, Earth power, and Tera blast.

:Mewtwo: 4: Mewtwo isn't nearly as strong as I originally thought, but that is mainly because of Dawn Wings pretty much overshadowing it (and actually being a good check against it). I think it is pretty much a problematic pokemon on its own right considering that it doesn't really need NP to deal a lot of damage, and it makes Stall's life hell considering it has the combination of traits of being completely immune to Blissey. I think this will need to go once Dawn Wings leaves

:Deoxys: 2: This guy is made of paper. The fact that it needs to invest on a mixed set means Dark Types pretty reliably stop him even with superpower. It is vulnerable to Hazards, its own life orb cheap damage, and just any stray moves. It can barely swap in, meaning it is at best a great revenge killer or dependant on U turn and Volt switch to swap in.

:Arceus-Electric: 1: Too slow. Its CM sets are too slow to get going, and its physical sets are so bad. I dont think it is nearly as strong as I expected it to be. I think it is fine to stay for now until more metagame adaptation

:Kingambit: 1: It is fine. and I don't want this to go rn because it is one of the few reliable-ish check to Dawn Wings. I can see why people hate it, but I don't think it needs to go at the moment.

:Kyurem-White: 1: I do not get the hype surrounding this guy. I think Chi-yu is a way better scarfer, and as a result I think its better sets are HDB or Specs instead of scarf.

:Zacian: 2: I haven't seen him almost at all since the DLC, and Solgaleo is one of its best counters since even if it is SPDEF it will always win without Tera

:Palkia-Origin: 4: Probably my most controversial take. This has been doing Palkia-O things since its inception, and it is still really strong. I personally think it still needs to go eventually, but I bet this is an unpopular opinion

:Arceus-Fire: 2: With the myriad of Stealth rock pokemon we got, its weaknesses to Hazards are way more problematic. So I think this is fine so far, but it can become problematic eventually

:Arceus-Poison: 4: I just dislike this thing. Its set variety is still insane, and even though I know this isn't going to get banned (especially with the newest psychic types), I don't like how it can run away with the game for one turn

:Cyclazar: 1: I don't think this is problematic. With the increase on power this has been used less. And even on the tournament it hasn't been doing that well

:gothitelle: 5: I don't like shadow tag. It is uncompetitive and it can break down teams extremely easily. I want this gone asap

:Dugtrio: 1:I think the traits that Dugtrio has are way more competitive than Goth. It is frail, and has a lot less targets. I've always liked the possibility of team styles where you take out the enemy's steel type to let a pokemon like Arceus-Poison, Espathra or Zacian win the game, because Dugtrio cannot take out the checks for these pokemon on its own

:Espathra: 1: This is fine. I think that it has seen better days, especially with NDW, all stored power users have disappeared except itself funnily enough

Tera 1: I think this is mostly an issue of NDW being one of the best abusers of Tera. I do believe that without it, Tera is fine.

:Zekrom: 5. I hated playing against it. And even playing it was kinda braindead since you had so many tools to abuse with it. It was nuts and I am glad it is gone.
Good morning, afternoon or whatever...

Have you ever thought about the word "pointless"? Its meaning its one who, the more you think about it, the harsher it becomes, being arguably the biggest sin a game can be. It is something who lacks purpose, utility and in general a reason to exist. A bland cashgrab like BD/SP or Overwatch 2, our Wisdom tooths at this point in history, those telebovelas/soap operas who do a disservice to society, and this week's report to an extent. Seriously, now there's too little info to get precise data, yet is still too much to dive into the teams. If that wasn't bad enough, the numbers are from essentially a legacy format, meaning they are not teams worth taking considering all the new defensive and offensive threats in the tier.

But enough complaining, there's still a lot of info to deliver.

Round 5

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- + ------ +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  | Net WR |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- + ------ +
| 1    | Zacian-Hero        |   43 |  58.11% |  48.84% |     -1 |
| 2    | Magearna           |   37 |  50.00% |  51.35% |     +1 |
| 3    | Palkia-Origin      |   23 |  31.08% |  47.83% |     -1 |
| 4    | Gholdengo          |   21 |  28.38% |  57.14% |     +3 |
| 5    | Landorus           |   20 |  27.03% |  60.00% |     +4 |
| 6    | Cyclizar           |   18 |  24.32% |  44.44% |     -2 |
| 7    | Dragapult          |   16 |  21.62% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 8    | Garchomp           |   15 |  20.27% |  46.67% |     -1 |
| 9    | Giratina           |   13 |  17.57% |  69.23% |     +5 |
| 9    | Arceus-Poison      |   13 |  17.57% |  69.23% |     +5 |
| 11   | Dialga             |   12 |  16.22% |  75.00% |     +6 |
| 11   | Slowking-Galar     |   12 |  16.22% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 11   | Arceus-Fire        |   12 |  16.22% |  33.33% |     -4 |
| 11   | Arceus-Dark        |   12 |  16.22% |  33.33% |     -4 |
| 11   | Sneasler           |   12 |  16.22% |  16.67% |     -8 |
| 16   | Rillaboom          |   11 |  14.86% |  18.18% |     -7 |
| 17   | Dondozo            |   10 |  13.51% |  60.00% |     +2 |
| 18   | Chi-Yu             |    9 |  12.16% |  66.67% |     +3 |
| 19   | Dragonite          |    8 |  10.81% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 20   | Corviknight        |    6 |   8.11% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 20   | Ursaluna           |    6 |   8.11% |  33.33% |     -2 |
| 22   | Arceus-Grass       |    5 |   6.76% |  80.00% |     +3 |
| 22   | Arceus-Dragon      |    5 |   6.76% |  60.00% |     +1 |
| 22   | Zamazenta-Crowned  |    5 |   6.76% |  40.00% |     -1 |
| 22   | Dialga-Origin      |    5 |   6.76% |  40.00% |     -1 |
| 22   | Mamoswine          |    5 |   6.76% |  40.00% |     -1 |
| 27   | Palafin            |    4 |   5.41% |  75.00% |     +2 |
| 27   | Masquerain         |    4 |   5.41% |  75.00% |     +2 |
| 27   | Volcarona          |    4 |   5.41% |  75.00% |     +2 |
| 27   | Roaring Moon       |    4 |   5.41% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 27   | Arceus-Rock        |    4 |   5.41% |  25.00% |     -2 |
| 27   | Meowscarada        |    4 |   5.41% |  25.00% |     -2 |
| 27   | Milotic            |    4 |   5.41% |  25.00% |     -2 |
| 34   | Samurott-Hisui     |    3 |   4.05% | 100.00% |     +3 |
| 34   | Ogerpon-Wellspring |    3 |   4.05% |  66.67% |     +1 |
| 34   | Moltres            |    3 |   4.05% |  66.67% |     +1 |
| 34   | Garganacl          |    3 |   4.05% |  66.67% |     +1 |
| 34   | Ceruledge          |    3 |   4.05% |  66.67% |     +1 |
| 34   | Zamazenta-Hero     |    3 |   4.05% |  33.33% |     -1 |
| 34   | Bellibolt          |    3 |   4.05% |  33.33% |     -1 |
| 34   | Espathra           |    3 |   4.05% |   0.00% |     -3 |
| 42   | Cinderace          |    2 |   2.70% | 100.00% |     +2 |
| 42   | Blissey            |    2 |   2.70% | 100.00% |     +2 |
| 42   | Clefable           |    2 |   2.70% | 100.00% |     +2 |
| 42   | Arceus-Ice         |    2 |   2.70% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 42   | Cresselia          |    2 |   2.70% |  50.00% |      0 |
| 42   | Indeedee           |    2 |   2.70% |   0.00% |     -2 |
| 42   | Armarouge          |    2 |   2.70% |   0.00% |     -2 |
| 42   | Espeon             |    2 |   2.70% |   0.00% |     -2 |
| 50   | Mandibuzz          |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Cutiefly           |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Toedscruel         |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Iron Valiant       |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Jirachi            |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Torkoal            |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Walking Wake       |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Tornadus-Therian   |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Hoopa-Unbound      |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Ursaluna-Bloodmoon |    1 |   1.35% | 100.00% |     +1 |
| 50   | Pelipper           |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Urshifu-Rapid-Strike |  1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Heatran            |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Palkia             |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Tyranitar          |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Spectrier          |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Enamorus           |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Urshifu-Single-Strike|  1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Sandy Shocks       |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Iron Moth          |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Iron Hands         |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 50   | Gastrodon          |    1 |   1.35% |   0.00% |     -1 |
| 0    | Total              |  444 | 600.00% |  50.00% |      0 |
[Moves and teammates][Team Combos][Leads]

As a small reminder, you search for specific text using "Shift + F".

ProfilePokémonUsesUsage | of variant %Winrate (Net WR)
71.62 %​
49.06 % (-1)​
17.57 | 24.53 %
16.22 | 22.64 %
16.22 | 22.64 %
6.76 | 9.62 %
6.76 | 9.62 %
5.41 | 7.69 %
2.70 | 3.85 %​
32.43 %​
45.83 % (-2)​
31.08 | 95.83 %
1.35 | 4.17 %​
22.97 %​
64.71 % (+5)​
16.22 | 70.59 %
6.76 | 29.41 %​
75.00 % (+6)
40.00 % (-1)​
10.81 %​
37.50% (-2)​
6.76 | 62.50 %
4.05 | 37.50 %​
40.00 % (-1)
33.33 % (-1)​
9.46 %​
42.86 % (-1)​
8.11 | 85.71 %
1.35 | 14.29 %​
33.33 % (-2)
100.00% (+1)​
2.70 %​
0.00 % (-2)​
1.35 | 50.00 %
1.35 | 50.00 %​
0.00 % (-1)
0.00 % (-1)​

Round Spotlight
  • Zacian had become the most popular pokémon in Ubers UU, even if for a brief moment. Palafin had A MASSIVE dropoff, from top 10 to not even reacing top 25. Gholdengo bypassed Dialga in terms of usage and is now top 5, even if we combine it with the Origin form. Mamoswine is now oddly common, while Clefable has dropped to an all-time low of 2.
  • The most effective pokémon this week were Giratina, Arceus-Poison and Dialga.
    • In the case of Giratina and Arceus-Poison, it's very likely those are jusy product of statistical variability.
    • In the case of Dialga it is likely because of Dialga-Origin taking roles of Dialga in general.
  • The worst performing pokémon were Rillaboom and Sneasler, and is Not even close. The likely explanation is because people was this week in particular catching up the combo of grass and poison with pokémon like Gholdengo, Giratina and Arceus-Poison.
  • Lead-wise, The 2 most common by far were Magearna and Garchomp. Mamoswine and Dragapult follow them, and after there's Palafin, Masquerain and Arceus-Dark.
  • Team-wise, there's not a single team with more than 3 uses. That being said, if we go to 5-members structures, there's actually 2 cores who stand out.
    • Arceus-Fire / Giratina / Mamoswine / Palkia-Origin / Zacian-Hero: This is a Mamoswine lead core, which had become quite popular lately. Mamoswine in general is less of a lead and more of an anti-lead, because it's almost impossible to resist Ground + Ice and Many popular leads like Garchomp, Cyclizar, Dragapult or Magearna are actually weak to one of those moves; seems on brand for Mamoswine and I'm sure it was played this way in gen 4 Ubers. The rest are part of a bulky offense core with 3 powerful attackers and defensive backbone in Giratina. Last pokémon in this team was either Corviknight or Bellibolt... more on that later.
    • Dialga / Dondozo / Landorus / Magearna / Zacian-Hero: This is a more generic Balance core who uses double fairy, Landorus to break, Dondozo to check Zacian, Roar Dialga for general utility, Zacian to sweep... You get the point, just lots of good mons with type synergy with eachother. The team goes slightly more offensive with Cinderace, an offensive support, or more defensive with Giratina.
Team of the Round (TotKR)

View attachment 589941
View attachment 589911
View attachment 589912
Flare Blitz
Extreme Speed
Swords Dance​
Discharge / Brave Bird
Volt Switch / U-turn
Slack off / Roost
Toxic / "Defog"​
Draco Meteor
Defog / "Roar"
Ice Shard
Icicle Spear / Icicle Crash
Stealth Rock​
Hydro Pump
Spacial Rend
Fire Blast
Play Rough
Close Combat
Psychic Fangs
"Tera Blast"​
/ Pressure​
Intrepid sword​
Flame Plate​
Leftovers / "Rocky Helmet"​
Heavy-Duty Boots​
Focus Sash​
Lustrous Globe​
Choice Band​
Tera type
Poison / "Water"​
Grass / "Ground"​

This time it is a double prize. Both are a variation of this team. Warning Movesets are highly speculative, because they, while have the same shell, have some key differences and therefore you can't assume a moveset transfers to other flawlessly.
  1. Giratina is using Draco Meteor over Hex. This makes sense considering only Giratina can inflict status, making Hex unreliable for damage output.
  2. The Donphan in the room. One of the teams is using Bellibolt. BELLIBOLT, A FREAKING PALTA FROG (That's how they're called in my country the Avocados). Why this over Zapdos, who has more defensive utility overall, it can outspeed stuff and isn't vulnerable to ground? The answer seems to be Toxic. Because of Dexit, Toxic is now a rare move, and Bellibolt happens to be one of the few electric types who have this move.
  3. Team Bellibolt seems more willing to take risks and lure. They're using Icicle Spear on Mamoswine and Their tera type of choice in Zacian is Grass.
This team would be qualified as bulky offense, which means it has a solid defensive backbone but prefers to have the initiative. I think that in this ocassion Mininarga explained this better than I could. In its own words and as a TL;DR, the team relies mostly on pickups, of forcing exchanges of pokémon to gain an advantage due to removing key checks to another one of our pokémon, with our defensive pokémon being there so the offense is in great conditions as long as possible.

Well, this wasn't a very productive week. Luckily next week the sample size should be low enough so I can put attention to individual teams. Also, there it will be a massive meta shift. Now Mewtwo is in the game, alongside many other very relevant pokémon. The tournament now will begin a version 2 of the meta... which will be mixed with an unofficial tournament as well, which are the same meta, meaning that it'll be interesting to see how both share the same data yet develop differently because of just being different players.

As always, here it is the previous weeks of this work so you can compare data more easily:

Anyways, I guess that would be it. Farewell and oh my god, the cruiser arc was so awesome.

PS: Some clarity fixes.

Hiya I just wanted to respond to this part about the Bellibolt team. I used it because Bellibolt is a funny pokemon and I like it a lot.
:Kyurem-White: 1: I do not get the hype surrounding this guy. I think Chi-yu is a way better scarfer, and as a result I think its better sets are HDB or Specs instead of scarf.

I think Scarf is pretty nice on this mon honestly, it's got a decent speed tier at +1 and the moves it gets do big damage to a lot of targets. I feel that Scarf is quite prediction reliant, but if you get the predicts right you can put some serious pressure on whatever your opponent switched in to tank it. I do agree that Specs is better tho, because this mon is bulky enough to take some hits and the raw power of Specs Ice Beam is really nice.
I think Scarf is pretty nice on this mon honestly, it's got a decent speed tier at +1 and the moves it gets do big damage to a lot of targets. I feel that Scarf is quite prediction reliant, but if you get the predicts right you can put some serious pressure on whatever your opponent switched in to tank it. I do agree that Specs is better tho, because this mon is bulky enough to take some hits and the raw power of Specs Ice Beam is really nice.

My issue with Scarf is that really it is just Chi-yu without taking advantage of what makes Kyurem distinct from it. It is a pokemon with arguably worse stab types, higher coverage, worse speed, but higher bulk. As a result, using scarf sounds good on paper, but you end up on the fact that in my opinion it barely brings anything more than Chi-yu. And even then Chi-yu has better traits in my opinion since it is a dark type, which nowadays are almost mandatory due to NDW and the psychic types running around,
:necrozma-dawn-wings: 5
I genuinely thought it would be mid but I was so wrong, this thing feels near immortal and also has 157 base SpA and high BP stab. It abuses tera so well too, it can easily bypass checks by clicking tera.

:Deoxys: 1
Deoxys is really really good, but it's not broken. Though it's strong enough to 2hko most of the metagame, a 2hko isn't enough for Deoxys because it's incredibly frail. Sash Lead is absolutely amazing though, guaranteed hazards and probably a KO as well if you click Psycho Boost. Lorb is nice as well, it's so frail the chip doesn't even matter, but lorb very much requires the team to be built around it in order to get consistent value.

:mewtwo: 3
Mewtwo is really powerful, with an excellent speed tier sitting just above the crowded 120 benchmarks, high BP stab, Good Bulk, and an AMAZING movepool to boot, this thing has more sets than Arceus-Poison(not really tho). With all that said, Dark Types are really good in this metagame rn, with Kingambit and Darkceus being extremely powerful thanks to the fairies in the tier getting significantly worse with the new drops, along with an excessive amount of psychic type drops.

:zap plate: 1
Eleceus is really good, but it's definitely not overpowered. BoltBeam coverage is great but Ice Beam doesn't hit very hard, and the fact it can't run taunt hurts it a lot. We got so many new grounds and miscellaneous mons that can threaten it out. Definitely worth keeping an eye on but its definitely not a problem right now.

:kingambit: 1
This metagame has a ton of checks to gambit, like Tusk, Skarm, Zacian, Arceus-Fire, Chi-Yu etc. It doesn't have the same ability to run away with games here as it does in OU.

:kyurem-white: 1
This mon is pretty good. It is similar to Chi-Yu but thanks to it's typing it manages to differentiate itself from the goldfish enough that it can't really be said it is outclassed. It's definitely not an issue because it's week to hazards and Solgaleo smashes it.

:zacian: 1
I wasn't pro-ban pre drops and nothing has changed. With the addition of Skarmory and Solgaleo, 2 amazing Zacian walls were gifter to us by the drops. Additionally, Deoxys being in the metagame hurts Zacian further, as it can outspeed and KO it with psycho boost. I will say that Darks being so strong right now thanks to Dawn Wings does benefit it, but that doesn't outweigh what Zacian lost this month.

:flame plate: 1
I don't have an issue with this mon, the drops hurt it a lot. We have more rockers now, and real grounds like Tusk and Lando-T which can check it pretty well. E-Killer can't even tera to beat tusk, as it just gets CCd and dies.

:toxic plate: 1
I never had an issue with this mon, it was usually pretty clear what it was running based on the team surrounding it. It's unironically way worse now. Pre-Drops, poison was an amazing type since there weren't many grounds or psychics running around, but now there are plenty of both and poisonceus is worse as a result. It doesn't help that the fairies it used to wall also got worse with drops.

:cyclizar: 1
Shed tail has never been an issue pre-drops, and that continues to be the case this month.

:gothitelle: :dugtrio: 1
lumping these two together because my thoughts are more or less the same for both. They're hard to fit and they don't have great stats for this format.

:espathra: 1
I don't think this is an issue at all. Stored power sweepers haven't been all that great in this format, no point in banning stored power.

:zekrom: 5
images (53).jpeg
Hiya, here is the paste for the Bellibolt team since I lost and won't be playing the tier again lol. Basically Bellibolt was really good in the meta due to lack of strong ground presences, has considerably better bulk than Zapdos enabling it to live 2 hits from Zacian, while slacking off in its face for static paralysis+discharge. Tera poison covers most of the main mons you are looking to check with it and it has good enough natural special bulk that it can also be used defensively there too. It is less good in the current climate with Lando-T, Mamoswine and Tusk all rising in usage. Toxic is great for dissuading setup sweepers, particularly Lugia to deny it from keeping its multiscale available. I altered the sample team a fair bit to suit my needs. I made Giratina offensive while also keeping it bulky for defog/will-o wisp shenanigans. This offensive spread allows it to OHKO Palkia-O instead of losing to it. It went like 15-0 when I was testing it on ladder but the meta has adjusted so I think it's slightly less strong/has room for optimisation. I made Zacian tera Grass as the team was lacking in Ground resists but everyone called me stupid for that so there's room to change that also. Is the team good? Idk probably not but it is fun to use so if you wanna mess around with a silly team then this is one. OH YEAH I was running Icicle Spear on Mamo to beat the obnoxious sash mons/Multiscale Lugia. It really doesn't matter if you only get 2 or 3 hits with it as usually that puts them into range of Ice Shard and, more importantly, it cannot miss like Icicle Crash can. It is also really FUNNY when you get 5 hits and kill something you totally shouldn't have. Mamoswine is super expendable so if you roll a 2 and die its whatever.

Also I made a funny Maushold team too.

This team feels kinda legit ngl it's winning a lot. Tera Dark Beat Up OHKO's NDW so I haven't really had any issues with that mon in particular but it does seem strong. Tera Dark covers Photon Geyser+Moongeist Beam so it's relatively safe to do but it is expensive to use your tera. Pop Bomb 2hko's a lot of defensive mons like Dondozo who would want to switch in after a Tidy Up. If you DO get a Tidy Up off you outspeed most of the meta and can OHKO nearly everything with Pop Bomb/Beat Up. Scarf Lando leads to scout and Magearna is a fairly solid expendable defensive pivot. Once again there is definitely room for optimisation because I don't know what I'm doing, I don't play any ladder and this UUbers Kickoff Tour is the only tour I've ever played in but it is a very FUNNY team to use.

IDK if this is the right thread for it but here's my silly teams hope y'all enjoy.
Good morning, afternoon, or whatever.

How are you going? I traveled 12 hours in two equally unconfortable buses to the capital, including a walk at 1 AM to my home, because of graduation of my brother. My opinion of the city hasn't changed too much in all those years: dislike like the car noise, don't like the cheap apartment I had to sleep on, despise the place being a natural 30 °C oven (85° in freedom units) prone to serious smog issues, disliked the center in general as a concrete jungle, liked the more traditional buildings, like the restaurants, the touristic sites like San Cristobal hill, to take photos of the places I went to, loved the metro, indifferent to the bus I traveled 6 hours in twi...

Oh wait, you don't care about this, you care about Ubers UU and that's why I'm here today. Let's start, shall we?

Ubers UU tournament week 6

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- + ---- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |Net WR|
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- + ---- +
| 1    | Zacian-Hero        |   17 |  53.12% |  29.41% |   -7 |
| 2    | Necrozma-Dawn-Wings |  12 |  37.50% |  58.33% |   +2 |
| 3    | Palkia-Origin      |   11 |  34.38% |  54.55% |   +1 |
| 4    | Arceus-Dark        |    9 |  28.12% |  55.56% |   +1 |
| 5    | Galvantula         |    7 |  21.88% |  71.43% |   +3 |
| 5    | Solgaleo           |    7 |  21.88% |  57.14% |   +1 |
| 5    | Magearna           |    7 |  21.88% |  42.86% |   -1 |
| 8    | Kyurem-White       |    6 |  18.75% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 8    | Ogerpon-Hearthflame |   6 |  18.75% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 8    | Deoxys             |    6 |  18.75% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 8    | Arceus-Fire        |    6 |  18.75% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 12   | Landorus           |    5 |  15.62% |  60.00% |   +1 |
| 12   | Dragapult          |    5 |  15.62% |  40.00% |   -1 |
| 12   | Kingambit          |    5 |  15.62% |  40.00% |   -1 |
| 15   | Palafin            |    4 |  12.50% |  75.00% |   +2 |
| 15   | Sneasler           |    4 |  12.50% |  75.00% |   +2 |
| 15   | Slowking-Galar     |    4 |  12.50% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 15   | Great Tusk         |    4 |  12.50% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 19   | Landorus-Therian   |    3 |   9.38% | 100.00% |   +3 |
| 19   | Chi-Yu             |    3 |   9.38% |  66.67% |   +1 |
| 19   | Zamazenta-Hero     |    3 |   9.38% |  66.67% |   +1 |
| 19   | Arceus-Grass       |    3 |   9.38% |  66.67% |   +1 |
| 19   | Skarmory           |    3 |   9.38% |  66.67% |   +1 |
| 19   | Arceus-Electric    |    3 |   9.38% |  66.67% |   +1 |
| 19   | Volcarona          |    3 |   9.38% |  33.33% |   -1 |
| 19   | Mewtwo             |    3 |   9.38% |  33.33% |   -1 |
| 19   | Smeargle           |    3 |   9.38% |   0.00% |   -3 |
| 28   | Zamazenta-Crowned  |    2 |   6.25% | 100.00% |   +2 |
| 28   | Ursaluna-Bloodmoon |    2 |   6.25% | 100.00% |   +2 |
| 28   | Gholdengo          |    2 |   6.25% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 28   | Alomomola          |    2 |   6.25% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 28   | Blissey            |    2 |   6.25% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 28   | Dondozo            |    2 |   6.25% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 28   | Urshifu-Single-Strike | 2 |   6.25% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 28   | Rillaboom          |    2 |   6.25% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 28   | Mamoswine          |    2 |   6.25% |  50.00% |   ±0 |
| 28   | Mandibuzz          |    2 |   6.25% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 28   | Arceus-Ice         |    2 |   6.25% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 28   | Spectrier          |    2 |   6.25% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 28   | Dialga-Origin      |    2 |   6.25% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 28   | Dragonite          |    2 |   6.25% |   0.00% |   -2 |
| 42   | Regieleki          |    1 |   3.12% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 42   | Maushold-Four      |    1 |   3.12% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 42   | Lugia              |    1 |   3.12% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 42   | Arceus-Dragon      |    1 |   3.12% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 42   | Weezing-Galar      |    1 |   3.12% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 42   | Slowking           |    1 |   3.12% | 100.00% |   +1 |
| 42   | Garganacl          |    1 |   3.12% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 42   | Tentacruel         |    1 |   3.12% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 42   | Giratina           |    1 |   3.12% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 42   | Bellibolt          |    1 |   3.12% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 42   | Milotic            |    1 |   3.12% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 42   | Arceus-Poison      |    1 |   3.12% |   0.00% |   -1 |
| 0     | Total             |  192 | 600.00% |  50.00% |   ±0 |

As a reminder, you have to use "Ctrl + F" to search a specific name or word.

ProfilePokémonUsesUsage | of variant %Win % (Net Winrate)
52.00 % (+1)​
28.13 | 36.00 %
18.75 | 24.00 %
9.38 | 12.00 %
9.38 | 12.00 %
6.25 | 8.00 %
3.13 | 4.00 %
3.13 | 4.00 %​
55.56 %(+1)
50.00 % (±0)
66.67 % (+1)
66.67 % (+1)
0.00 % (-2)
100.00 % (+1)
0.00 % (-1)​
75.00% (+4)​
15.62 | 62.50 %
9.38 | 37.50 %​
60.00% (+1)
100.00% (+3)​
15.63 %​
80.00% (+3)​
9.38 | 60.00 %
6.25 | 40.00 %​
66.67% (+1)
100.00% (+2)​
15.63 %​
60.00% (+3)​
12.50 | 80.00 %
3.13 | 20.00 %​
50.00% (±0)
100.00% (+1)​

Now that I REALLY need to take a long shower this night, I think I'll talk about what those numbers suggest.

New Meta
Well, I think that, better than explaining the difference because the data is quite small at this point, It would be better I explain the new members, from most to least relevant.
  • Necrozma-Dawn-Wings is subject of a current suspect test, and is not difficult to see why considering how strong the pokémon showed to be. The stats are kinda average for a legendary, it is slow but quite good bulk and special attack. Moongeist beam is quite difficult to resist, has access to moonlight for recovery and the threat of Tera blast dissuades the theoretical counters of this pokémon in dark types. While It was only 2nd in Popularity It was 1st in effectiveness, in sheer amount of victories.
  • Galvantula is now the web setter of choice and seems more effective than the current tier list would suggest, likely due to outspeeding neutral 120 and the base 100. Won all matches it was a lead, and also was the most popular lead overall.
  • Solgaleo is basically occupying Magearna and Dialga's role when Spikes aren't desired because of access to morning sun, knock off and being the only viable teleport user. Incredible performance.
  • Kyurem-White is similar to Dawn-Wings, with better stat distribution overall and coverage but very lacking in the endurance department. It had a solid performance for a first week but not overbearing.
  • Ogerpon-Hearthflame is basically used as an option instead of Arceus-Fire, stronger but frailer overall. Good but not groundbreaking numbers.
  • Deoxys is our new fastest relevant pokémon, being useful as either spikes lead or Kamikazee wallbreaker. Same numbers as Kyurem and Ogerpon.
  • Kingambit is the best Check to Dawn-Wings we have, although vulnerable to tera it is able to sweep entire teams with boosted sucker punch. Unspectacular numbers.
  • Great Tusk is our new premier spinner, with it also being the strongest viable ground type of the tier if we consider Headlong rush, with access to the coveted knock off.
  • Smogo... I mean Landorus-Therian is a new bulky ground type with access to U-turn, intimidate and the strongest earthquakes of the tier.
  • Arceus-Electric is mostly a calm mind sweeper using BoltBeam, with some attempts at being physical. For a pokémon coming from a ban the numbers are underwhelming.
  • Mewtwo is technically the ultimate life form, but is struggling to use all its arsenal due to Kingambit and Dawn-Wings being so common.
  • Smeargle is the Web setter with Spore. Seen some questionable move choices (Why spikes over ceaseless edge?) and most seem to run rapid spin to remove opposing hazards.
  • Regieleki is a noob bait which best function is being a screen lead who can explode, instead of using BoltBeam. Only used once to literal die first turn.
  • Lugia is a defensive psychic type in a tier where Ghost and Dark are quite plentiful on offense. Oddly functional as a calm mind sweeper due to its high bulk and speed, but too vulnerable to toxic to be reliable in that.
  • Tentacruel is a fast toxic spikes setter with access to Rapid Spin. Not something that should be your first option.
  • Reshiram is completely outclassed by Chi-Yu, Palkia-Origin and Kyurem-White.
TotKR/Team of the round







Calm Mind
Bug Buzz
Sticky Web
Thunder Wave
Draco Meteor
Ice Beam
Flash Cannon
Fusion Flare
Moongeist Beam
Earth Power
Calm Mind
Stealth Rock
Ivy Cudgel
Play Rough
Swords Dance
Body Press
Iron Defense
MultitypeCompound eyesTurboblazePrism ArmorMold BreakerDauntless Shield
Dread PlateFocus SashLife OrbHeavy-Duty-BootsHearthflame Mask-
Tera type

Normally I don't like to post teams without some unusual pick, but I'll make an exception because it's the first week using new pokémon.
This is the most common web team used in this round, with quite straightforward concept: Use webs to enable strong but somewhat slow wallbreakers. Dawn Wings can outspeed Arceus if slowed down even if going modest, Kyurem-white outspeeds the entire tier if going timid, and even if not it can outspeed dragapult, and regardless of nature Ogerpon can outspeed the entire tier.

The moveset seems quite standard all things considered. Arceus-Dark is your typical monoattacker, Galvantula is using Thunder waves who don't miss and 91% accurate thunders in case it survives the web setting, Kyurem uses Ice + Fire + Dragon to hit the entire tier at least neutrally, with Flash cannon for the prevalent Zacian, Dawn Wings is an offensive support with Ground + Ghost to abuse the fact there's no good dark type who resists ground in this tier, Ogerpon is your standard setup sweeper with Trailblaze and Play rough for dragons, and Zamazenta is a fast IronPress user.

From what I've noticed, the team struggles quite a bit against Landorus-Incarnate. It's immune to thunder wave and Sticky web, it's faster than Kyurem-White and has access to nasty plot to threaten an easy sweep. Otherwise it seems an amazing team to consider.

The meta is just wild. I never expected the new best pokémon to be Dawn Wings considering how awful it has been in every uber-like meta and that low 77 speed; Even in BH it is worse than Lunala.
But I guess that's something great about this tier, it's a place who allows underwhelming Ubers to shine, like Deoxys-Normal, Kyurem-White, Solgaleo, Magearna, Chi-Yu, Dialga, Shed Tail, Lesser Arceus forms, Hearthflame or Mewtwo (then there's Reshiram who has no saving due to losing roost). This tier was made so the cubic guy was able to play Dialga, and got momentum because replicating basically gen 4 Ubers with modern mechanics is a desire of many players.

Oh, and before forgetting, Here are the links to all the previous weeks.

Anyways, that would be it. Farewell and both this and my Mewtwo analysis went oddly smooth... Oh yeah, I also made a Mewtwo analysis last week.
Here is the link for the interested in the ultimate life form and how it plays in battle... Hope this doesn't violate any norm of this forum.

PS: Goodbye Olivia7.
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- + ---- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Use | Usage % | Win % |Net WR|
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- + ---- +
| 1 | Zacian-Hero | 17 | 53.12% | 29.41% | -7 |

What the hell happened with Zacian. How can you not mention this horrible performance.

Honestly I am shocked it is still the most popular pokemon, considering the new toys. But I am even more surprised to its 30% win rate. That is the lowest I've ever seen a pokemon used this much. I know it fell off because of things like Deoxys who outspeed it, or how Solgaleo is a wonderful check to it, but I didn't think it'd be that bad.