Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Kyurem suspect now up]

How often will that come up where you Fake Out a Rillaboom and KO it while cleaning? Like it doesn't even do that much to Rillaboom
252 Atk Normal Gem Hitmonlee Fake Out vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Rillaboom: 59-70 (17.3 - 20.5%) -- possible 7HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
You'd need to have done like +80% damage to Rillaboom prior and you'd need to use Fake Out on Rillaboom and no other Pokemon. And yeah Fake Out does nothing to Kingambit anyways. Plus you get +1 Def with Grassy Seed, which means you have a chance to survive Grassy Glide at full health and makes Sucker Punch a 3HKO.
252+ Atk Supreme Overlord 5 allies fainted Kingambit Sucker Punch vs. +1 0 HP / 0 Def Hitmonlee: 107-126 (44.3 - 52.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
252+ Atk Choice Band Rillaboom Grassy Glide vs. +1 0 HP / 0 Def Hitmonlee in Grassy Terrain: 208-246 (86.3 - 102%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO
oh and btw it's a 3HKO if you Tera Poison
252+ Atk Choice Band Rillaboom Grassy Glide vs. +1 0 HP / 0 Def Tera Poison Hitmonlee in Grassy Terrain: 104-123 (43.1 - 51%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
252+ Atk Choice Band Rillaboom Grassy Glide vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Tera Poison Hitmonlee in Grassy Terrain: 156-184 (64.7 - 76.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Grassy Terrain recovery
So I REALLY don't think this tech would be all that useful if you're using Hitmonlee, unless of course you're doing that challenge where you get random Pokemon to make a team with.
Sometimes, 20% is enough to stop a sweep. To be fair, it won't be enough most of the time, but sometimes it can be good. I think I mostly think this because I've used it on iron hands to stop a setup sweeper by switching in and out, usually when its their last mon.
Btw, what do people think of iron hands? Assault vest has worked for me in DLC1, but it didn't really gain any new tools (supercell slam is awful.)
Absolutely. Serperior’s main draw is that it is a paralysis spreading machine that doubles as a late-game wincon. Only a few mons in the tier are immune to Glare. A competent Serp user will just Glare your Roaring Moon on the switch in. Now you have a crippled Roaring Moon and your opponent switches out Serp for minimal opportunity cost.
Okay so it has utility as well as being able to be a late game wincon. At the same time, what are some good offensive checks to it if it can just hit its switch ins on the switch with glare?
Okay so it has utility as well as being able to be a late game wincon. At the same time, what are some good offensive checks to it if it can just hit its switch ins on the switch with glare?
Anything with limber, Galvantula I guess, Electrode-H I also guess, Mowtom and Heattom could go hard, probably some others that I'm not thinking of but my dex search was filtered, in this order by: Limber, Electric Type
because that's all I know that is immune to paralysis. I think gengar might also work but I don't know if ghost types are immune to glare so
Haven't said anything here in a hot minute but I've been enjoying the meta so I thought I would talk about my survey answers now that I've built some teams and played around with all the mons.

I gave the meta enjoyment an 8. There are a lot of fun tools to mess with and I'm very biased as someone who loves dragon types that I can put 2-3 on every team with OU having, let me see here, 13 viable dragon types. Heck I've stayed around 1800 elo with and it's been great. Fun tier, just pulled down a bit by how many teams are just 5/6 boots and that's what building bulkier archetypes comes down to most of the time.

I gave the competitiveness a 6. I'm finding a lot of games ending in sucker/thunderclap/encore/sub/protect mindgames, mon gets setup on switch into tera into kill 2-3 pokemon into win, volcarona gets the turn and has the right tera, etc. There's also the issue of boots spam balance teams which are defining a lot of tier right now and I don't think that whoever clicks knock off the most times winning is a great way to measure skill. Personal opinion of course, you are free to disagree.

:Deoxys Speed: I think it needs to go. Mixed sets in particular I find to be quite strong, they really tear through most defensive cores. It is answerable with priority, booster mons, and hazards + life orb chip, but there are really no solid answers to it defensively. Psycho boost is a nuke and takes away unaware as an answer, nasty plot means if you make one bad switch you can lose multiple mons, and fighting coverage lets it break things like bliss and darks. Not to mention that screens sets are obnoxious and lead is still definitely viable. I don't like this mon being in the tier. 5.

:Kyurem: Another mon that really doesn't have any consistent answers. Specs has very few switch-ins, all of which lose to mixed/dd. DD mops up offense and balance without too much effort, and can easily tech options to beat just about whatever it wants (I've been running dd/spear/scale/freeze dry for example to beat dondozo). It's in a similar boat to deos where hazards are an issue for it, but from my experience it generally takes at least a few mons with it most games before that happens. 4-5.

:Serperior: Weird case, this thing feels top 1 some games and garbage others. I feel like the combo of sub glare, as well as leaf storm having low pp and not perfect accuracy just makes this a slot machine. Tera ground has settled in as the main set, expensive cost (tera) but that removes most answers. If the meta didn't have like 10 dragons and multiple mons over like 500 speed, I think it would be an issue. As it is, I still don't like it in the tier, it feels like a matchup fish that has very little counterplay when it hits. Tera stellar is worse than ground but can still pop up and rob games. Glare + sub (especially with leech seed) can chip half of a team down if it gets a few lucky turns. 4 from me.

:Gouging Fire: Fine for now. Not too much to say, it's a strong dd mon with decent coverage and stabs. All the strong moves having drawbacks holds it back, but good bulk/move variety/tera variety make it quite potent. Also can do things on sun. Gave it a 3, it's fine rn but I think down the line especially if some other bans happen it could be an issue.

:Raging Bolt: Similar boat to gouging. Strong setup mon, I don't think specs is any good and AV is a decent pivot. It does what it's supposed to, and the answers to it are strong. It's always chunking something if it gets the turn right but it does have to get plays right or burn tera for anything crazy. Maybe down the line it will do something crazy but rn it's very fine. 2-3 probably.

:Iron Boulder: This is just valiant 2. I don't like how fast it is, a lot of offensive teams can lose to this really easily if one or two turns go wrong. Feels cheap to me, I don't like it. 4, it's not that good into bulkier styles but it farms offense and I don't like that.

:Gholdengo: I still don't know what to think about dengo. I've seen so much discussion from both sides, and I've come to the conclusion that it's not great for the tier. Would banning it solve the hazard problem? No, I don't think it would, however it would help. It would also open up bulkier teams to run less specific spdef mons, and would let offensive teams better utilize moves like taunt and encore to help vs bulkier teams. I gave it a 4, I'm still not confident removing it would be a huge benefit but I do think it should happen.

:Enamorus: This thing is serp but you can scarf it much easier. Fairy/ground is obnoxious and then it clicks tera and spams stellar blast. This thing is half the reason that balloon dengo is on every HO I build. Really annoying pokemon, 3-4.

:Roaring Moon: It does what it's always done. Guess wrong between taunt and coverage and you lose a mon at best, the game at worst. Hate this thing's presence in the tier, get it out. 5.

:Volcarona: Matchup moth yada yada. You know the drill. Gets the matchup it wants gets a dance clicks tera wins. There are more checks now but it's just a robbery machine, it adds nothing to the tier besides more matchup fishing. 4-5.

I'm mixed on the kokoloko method. As you can see from my votes, I do think a lot of mons are potentially problematic for the tier, especially with how a lot of them check each other. The meta feels a bit too volatile for my liking, even as a player who builds and runs a lot of hyper offense. I don't think it's necessary to do it in any capacity, but I would not oppose it if that were an option presented.
Anything with limber, Galvantula I guess, Electrode-H I also guess, Mowtom and Heattom could go hard, probably some others that I'm not thinking of but my dex search was filtered, in this order by: Limber, Electric Type
because that's all I know that is immune to paralysis. I think gengar might also work but I don't know if ghost types are immune to glare so
Ghost types aren't immune to glare. Mowtom and heattom are weird rn but could probably do something. Galv is only for webs teams and htrode kinda sucks. The best offensive switch-in (unless serp tera's) is gholdengo as it's blanket immune to glare and leech seed and resists leaf storm with enough bulk to take multiple and recover. Otherwise, offensive teams kinda just have to let something get glared. Serp is strong for a reason, you aren't killing it without taking a risk or sacking something to para if it keeps getting in.
Anything with limber, Galvantula I guess, Electrode-H I also guess, Mowtom and Heattom could go hard, probably some others that I'm not thinking of but my dex search was filtered, in this order by: Limber, Electric Type
because that's all I know that is immune to paralysis. I think gengar might also work but I don't know if ghost types are immune to glare so
ghost types were only immune to glare in gens 2 & 3. it's such a stupid fucking move but as a certified snivy line enjoyer i'll use the shit out of it nonetheless
Ghost types aren't immune to glare. Mowtom and heattom are weird rn but could probably do something. Galv is only for webs teams and htrode kinda sucks. The best offensive switch-in (unless serp tera's) is gholdengo as it's blanket immune to glare and leech seed and resists leaf storm with enough bulk to take multiple and recover. Otherwise, offensive teams kinda just have to let something get glared. Serp is strong for a reason, you aren't killing it without taking a risk or sacking something to para if it keeps getting in.
look Galv was absolutely a stretch BUT it has qualities worth considering as a 6th slot mon to check specifically serperior. Electric Bug coverage is fantastic, sticky web is a good move even if you aren't dedicating your entire team around it, it's fast, like 98% accurate thunder, giga drain. Thing was designed to lay webs and kill serperior, and it's scared of clicking webs. H-Trode sucks ass but in theory it does just explode after clicking leaf storm
Anything with limber, Galvantula I guess, Electrode-H I also guess, Mowtom and Heattom could go hard, probably some others that I'm not thinking of but my dex search was filtered, in this order by: Limber, Electric Type
because that's all I know that is immune to paralysis. I think gengar might also work but I don't know if ghost types are immune to glare so
I google searched it and it said that ghost types can be hit by glare, which is a shame. However I do think that gholdengo is probably immune to glare so that could be a potential switch in I guess.
SV OU is in great shape imo, but nevertheless here's my opinion:

:deoxys-speed: 4, imo suicide leads are weak, best sets are NP + 3 attacks
:kyurem: 5, just ban the thing already
:volcarona: 2, its just cheese bro, deal with it
:roaring-moon: 3, strong but not ban worthy
:gouging-fire: 2, walking wake is better
:serperior: 2, lol 75 spa stop crying
:raging-bolt: 1, a worse kingambit
:iron-boulder: 2, fast but that's it.
:enamorus: 2, stellar is kinda meh tbh but whatever
:gholdengo: 5, this thing has eluded the banhammer for so long, it should be a priority ban
:kingambit: 3, i'm neutral about it. Go ahead and suspect it, idk

I absolutely hate posts that dumb down opinions. Like "why do you think rayquaza is busted in OU? It's weak to rocks and not even that fast" Yeah well it's rayquaza, has great offenses, dd, and a spamable stab with coverage. Stop pretending to be cool.

Saying serp has 75spa is so purposefully missing the mark that you might as well go to another archery range all together. "Fast but that's it" :: ignores cleave, SD, and the ability to revenge kill basically the whole tier given chip.
Okay so it has utility as well as being able to be a late game wincon. At the same time, what are some good offensive checks to it if it can just hit its switch ins on the switch with glare?
Zapdos resists Leaf Storm, is immune to Tera Ground and Glare, and can threaten with Heat Wave or Hurricane.
Thanks a lot. Should I run a specially offensive set for zapdos? And is Tera stellar Tera blast something zapdos can handle? I’m asking because I’ve never used zapdos before.
Zapdos is a bulky pokemon but it can't take boosted stellar tera blasts very well. You ideally want to come in on a glare and hope that 70% of the time hurricane hits 100% of the time. (calcs with defensive set for context)
+2 252 SpA Tera Stellar Serperior Tera Blast (100 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Zapdos: 198-234 (51.5 - 60.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Tera Stellar Serperior Tera Blast (100 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Zapdos: 100-118 (26 - 30.7%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
0 SpA Zapdos Hurricane vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tera Stellar Serperior: 300-354 (103 - 121.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
0 SpA Zapdos Heat Wave vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tera Stellar Serperior: 172-204 (59.1 - 70.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
I absolutely hate posts that dumb down opinions. Like "why do you think rayquaza is busted in OU? It's weak to rocks and not even that fast" Yeah well it's rayquaza, has great offenses, dd, and a spamable stab with coverage. Stop pretending to be cool.

Saying serp has 75spa is so purposefully missing the mark that you might as well go to another archery range all together. "Fast but that's it" :: ignores cleave, SD, and the ability to revenge kill basically the whole tier given chip.
exactly, serperior hits like a wet sock without a boost, but it's got the tools it needs to set up situations to be able to throw out a leaf storm and go crazy from there.
Thanks a lot. Should I run a specially offensive set for zapdos? And is Tera stellar Tera blast something zapdos can handle? I’m asking because I’ve never used zapdos before.

The most common is a defensive set. Even the defensive set OHKOs with Hurricane and 2HKOs with Heatwave. Zapdos also doesn't take much from Tellar Blast until Serp is +4.

0 SpA Zapdos Hurricane vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tera Stellar Serperior: 300-354 (103 - 121.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

0 SpA Zapdos Heat Wave vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tera Stellar Serperior: 172-204 (59.1 - 70.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

+4 252 SpA Tera Stellar Serperior Tera Blast (100 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Zapdos: 298-350 (77.6 - 91.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+4 252 SpA Tera Stellar Serperior Leaf Storm vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Zapdos: 322-379 (83.8 - 98.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
I absolutely hate posts that dumb down opinions. Like "why do you think rayquaza is busted in OU? It's weak to rocks and not even that fast" Yeah well it's rayquaza, has great offenses, dd, and a spamable stab with coverage. Stop pretending to be cool.

Saying serp has 75spa is so purposefully missing the mark that you might as well go to another archery range all together. "Fast but that's it" :: ignores cleave, SD, and the ability to revenge kill basically the whole tier given chip.
Serp having base 75 SpA is definitely a flaw, but it's one that really doesn't matter most of the time. Like leaf storm is so free to click 85% of the time (90% accuracy + sometimes people use h-goodra) that it's kinda stupid that people use it as an actual argument. Again, it is a flaw, and one that can come up if you need to predict against a sap sipper, but it's so minor that you don't actually care. Serp is really dumb, and kind of always has been since it got contrary, but I don't think that it's banworthy. On the contrary (heh), it being good has pushed webs out which is a good thing, fuck webs.
Zapdos is a bulky pokemon but it can't take boosted stellar tera blasts very well. You ideally want to come in on a glare and hope that 70% of the time hurricane hits 100% of the time. (calcs with defensive set for context)
+2 252 SpA Tera Stellar Serperior Tera Blast (100 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Zapdos: 198-234 (51.5 - 60.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Tera Stellar Serperior Tera Blast (100 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Zapdos: 100-118 (26 - 30.7%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
0 SpA Zapdos Hurricane vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tera Stellar Serperior: 300-354 (103 - 121.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
0 SpA Zapdos Heat Wave vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tera Stellar Serperior: 172-204 (59.1 - 70.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
What happens if they play mind games and hit you with a stellar Tera blast on the switch?
Zapdos is a bulky pokemon but it can't take boosted stellar tera blasts very well. You ideally want to come in on a glare and hope that 70% of the time hurricane hits 100% of the time. (calcs with defensive set for context)
+2 252 SpA Tera Stellar Serperior Tera Blast (100 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Zapdos: 198-234 (51.5 - 60.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Tera Stellar Serperior Tera Blast (100 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Zapdos: 100-118 (26 - 30.7%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
0 SpA Zapdos Hurricane vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tera Stellar Serperior: 300-354 (103 - 121.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
0 SpA Zapdos Heat Wave vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tera Stellar Serperior: 172-204 (59.1 - 70.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

I mostly agree but even with Stellar Leaf Storm into Stellar Blast you don't kill Zapdos without a Crit. The Zapdos can hit you with either a Hurricane or T-wave into Hurricane.

What happens if they play mind games and hit you with a stellar Tera blast on the switch?
The Serp does even less damage and loses the 1v1 for sure. The Stellar boost is once per move type and Stellar Blast is only a +1 SpA instead of +2 from Leaf Storm.
Okay thanks. The thing is I’m trying to find something that fits onto ho. Is there an offensive check that fits on ho?

I've seen some HOs, such as Pinkacross's team before the Indigo Disk dropped, use Assault Vest Goodra-Hisui, and that is pretty much one of the best Serperior checks there is given the mammoth special bulk and Sap Sipper making Goodra-Hisui immune to Leaf Storm, preventing it from getting Contrary boosts through spamming Leaf Storm.
I'm a little curious; is Roaring Moon able to fit on more archetypes beyond Sun and hyper offense? Or is it still relegated to solely those two styles of play?
Roaring Moon kinda works anywhere except stall. HO teams will want Choice Band with Speed boost under sun, BO teams will prefer Booster Energy sets to come in as a wincon later, that sort of thing. It's really strong and has good coverage, and this meta is absolutely loaded with Dragon types, so there's not much opportunity cost to running it.