Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Kyurem suspect now up]

i'm not sure even about those two. i haven't had particular trouble with serperior and most of the sets i see aren't even tera stellar, they're fire or ground tera blast. as for enamorus, i haven't seen much of her at all and she hasn't given me any trouble when she's shown up, but i'm not particularly high on ladder so maybe i just haven't run into anyone who knows how to use her right. but we're only four days in, they could be broken or they could be fine, it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to be talking about suspect tests right now
For me, its been hard getting past 1200, as in lower levels, Enam is kinda busted. I normally don't have trouble getting to 1350-1450, but Tera Stellar Enam has been the bane of my existence. If you can't make progress, there isn't any motivation to play, and players who encounter that won't encourage new players to continue. Even though this is focused on the ladder, what happens pre-ladder is the most important, as that's where you can get better to compete with ladder players. If people encounter something very frustrating below the ladder, they won't be motivated to play, and therefore, they won't get better. Less ladder players means less unique points of view, which means less minds working on how to solve a severe meta threat and finding a way to beat it.
What do we think of Venusaur as a Chlorophyll sweeper in this meta? I’ve played around with him a little, he provides useful speed control against other Protosynthesis/Booster Energy mons and forms a nice little FWG core with Wake and Paradoxtei. The Poison typing hurts when you really want Ground resistances on a Sun team.
For me, its been hard getting past 1200, as in lower levels, Enam is kinda busted. I normally don't have trouble getting to 1350-1450, but Tera Stellar Enam has been the bane of my existence. If you can't make progress, there isn't any motivation to play, and players who encounter that won't encourage new players to continue. Even though this is focused on the ladder, what happens pre-ladder is the most important, as that's where you can get better to compete with ladder players. If people encounter something very frustrating below the ladder, they won't be motivated to play, and therefore, they won't get better. Less ladder players means less unique points of view, which means less minds working on how to solve a severe meta threat and finding a way to beat it.
Raging Bolt forces Enamorus out with Thunderclap, though it’s not swapping in without sacrificing a Mon.
Roaring moon feels like the most busted mon to me right now, it's stole loads of games for me and I'm not sure that we actually got any new checks/counters with the dlc outside of Skarm, but Skarm isn't the biggest fan of all the sun teams running around right now that Moon often finds itself on.

I think Gourging Fire does pretty well, although it can be a guessing game with Burning Bulwark.
Yeah Moon is easily the hardest to deal with right now imo, tinkaton with balloon is actually a perfect counter if you can fit that on your team. Tinkaton also checks/counters darkrai, valiant, can encore + twave gouging fire locked into outrage, serperior, can twave + encore dhengo with mold breaker, also shits on Deo-S offensive sets, checks pult, lati, ogre before sd, zam although not the best check, meow and weavile get hard blocked, the list goes on. Big downside is tusk can switch in super easy and is everywhere, but another plus is you can rock on hatterene. Honestly seems like a pretty solid anti meta pick right now especially if you're worried about moon/darkrai/valiant/deo-s, twave (or knock) + encore + sr + play rough.
I have heard people say we should ban Stellar Tera, so here is my two cents on the matter.
Stellar Tera- Mid af, only busted on Enamorus and Serperior
Enamorus- A Contrary Pokemon with good coverage and stats
imo we should suspect test Enam at least
you better get your flithy paws off of my new no skill pokemon you bastard

i need my free elo for laddering and suspect alts
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For me, its been hard getting past 1200, as in lower levels, Enam is kinda busted. I normally don't have trouble getting to 1350-1450, but Tera Stellar Enam has been the bane of my existence. If you can't make progress, there isn't any motivation to play, and players who encounter that won't encourage new players to continue. Even though this is focused on the ladder, what happens pre-ladder is the most important, as that's where you can get better to compete with ladder players. If people encounter something very frustrating below the ladder, they won't be motivated to play, and therefore, they won't get better. Less ladder players means less unique points of view, which means less minds working on how to solve a severe meta threat and finding a way to beat it.
the standard av glowking set can comfortably live an earth power even at +1 tera stellar (and by "comfortably" i mean "not even in 2hko range sometimes") and do, at minimum, 97.5% with sludge bomb. i'd say it's one of the absolute best available answers to enamorus defensively, and synergizes very well with ting-lu and skarmory/zapdos to form a potent balance core that ended up dominating the last two metas. try it sometime!
Subpar? What are you smoking? Moon has never been considered subpar and has since the very start been a top meta swepper and on the radar
It dropped to UU on October 1st
you better get your flithy paws off of my new no skill pokemon you bastard

i need my free elo for laddering and suspect alts
No, also, you could just say dirty hands, it sounds less weird
the standard av glowking set can comfortably live an earth power even at +1 tera stellar (and by "comfortably" i mean "not even in 2hko range sometimes") and do, at minimum, 97.5% with sludge bomb. i'd say it's one of the absolute best available answers to enamorus defensively, and synergizes very well with ting-lu and skarmory/zapdos to form a potent balance core that ended up dominating the last two metas. try it sometime!
Oh, boy, I'm going to have to be patient aren't I, I'm not used to that.
Pokémon dropped a teaser regarding the Epilogue for the DLC. Looks like Pecharunt is being released a lot earlier than I thought, on January 11
Aren't there gonna be new Tera forms for Koraidon and Miraidon too? Since Terapagos-Stellar was practically Mega Rayquaza + Zygarde-100% I wonder if it'll push those two to Anything Goes.
Aren't there gonna be new Tera forms for Koraidon and Miraidon too? Since Terapagos-Stellar was practically Mega Rayquaza + Zygarde-100% I wonder if it'll push those two to Anything Goes.
riddliar khu said there would be those in the dlc (and then, after they weren't, that they got "delayed"), but i'm pretty sure that was just him trying to cover his lying ass again, so i wouldn't count on it

speaking of koraidon and miraidon, but on a more ou-related note, has anyone been having any success with cyclizar? i feel like with so many newer, faster mons and a new spinner in excadrill it'll probably fall off even harder than it did before, but we also need hazard removal now more than ever and cyclizar is still the fastest somewhat-viable removal around. thoughts?

Utility Parting Shot Spinner Morpeko
Morpeko @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Hunger Switch
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Aura Wheel
- Parting Shot
- Rapid Spin
- Super Fang / Knock Off / Taunt / Seed Bomb
I've been advocating for and using Morpeko since its introduction in Generation 8. I feel that it's one of the most underrated Pokemon and the best of the Pika clones competitively. Aura Wheel is effectively two STAB moves in one (Electric/Dark, 110 BP, 100% Acc) that boosts Morpeko's speed by one upon a successful hit (switches between the types turn by turn) and that particular STAB combination is very nice in this meta. Parting Shot allows Morpeko to maintain momentum while softening any incoming blows for teammates thanks to the -1 to both Attack and Special Attack that your opponent gets, while Rapid Spin is useful as always. The last slot is a toss-up depending on your team's specific needs, but the four options I've listed are all options that I've tooled around with that are quite useful. Super Fang will take down half of the HP of particularly immovable feeling threats like Dondozo, but STAB Knock Off pairs quite nicely with Morpeko's other utility tools. Taunt is also a great option to shut down slower defensive and utility threats, while Seed Bomb provides good coverage against some nasty OU threats.
Bit late to the appreciation train but I love this this is a great gift. I have been trying to use :Morpeko: in OU ever since DLC1 dropped and I used it in a :ogerpon-hearthflame: meta :psysad: .Mor Pecks Yo is one of my favourite mons, so glad to see a good player make a non-meme set on this! By non-meme I mean Aura Wheel/Power Trip/Nasty Plot/Charge lol.
my opinions on the new pokemon

archaludon, or should i say assault vest ludon? Stamina + 130 defense means that this thing shrugs off all physical attacks, and assault vest rounds it to a respectable 97 SPdef. You can run it physically or specially, with 105/125 attacking stats. This has done a kingambit and shown that this is more then a reason to put eviolite on Duraludon. Only detractor is its middling speed, not enough for it to invest it all and become a fast boi, but too much to thrive in Trick room.

hydrapple is my bulky boy. regenerator + 106/110/80 bulk is lovely. And don’t forget 120 Special Attack, with a move that 30% of the time gets gigaton hammer power. Sure, it’s slow, but that didn’t stop anyone. Can see this becoming a Trick Room staple.

Paradox mon are all cool, Gouging Fire is the king of the sun as we all predicted it would be, rageing bolt is physical King with good bulk, one great attacking stat, and priority, iron boulder is a good rock type for the first time like ever (ttar don’t count), and crown is just stored power cheese.

Congrats to Pecharunt to opening Limbo up for the first time in forever.
such a good defensive backbone for fat teams while being a great sun abuser in its own right. It is probably the most fun to use out of the new drops and I love the effect
my opinions on the new pokemon

archaludon, or should i say assault vest ludon? Stamina + 130 defense means that this thing shrugs off all physical attacks, and assault vest rounds it to a respectable 97 SPdef. You can run it physically or specially, with 105/125 attacking stats. This has done a kingambit and shown that this is more then a reason to put eviolite on Duraludon. Only detractor is its middling speed, not enough for it to invest it all and become a fast boi, but too much to thrive in Trick room.

hydrapple is my bulky boy. regenerator + 106/110/80 bulk is lovely. And don’t forget 120 Special Attack, with a move that 30% of the time gets gigaton hammer power. Sure, it’s slow, but that didn’t stop anyone. Can see this becoming a Trick Room staple.

Paradox mon are all cool, Gouging Fire is the king of the sun as we all predicted it would be, rageing bolt is physical King with good bulk, one great attacking stat, and priority, iron boulder is a good rock type for the first time like ever (ttar don’t count), and crown is just stored power cheese.

Congrats to Pecharunt to opening Limbo up for the first time in forever.
I agree. Archaludon is such a great and healthy addition to the metagame and you can really use it in different ways. Electro Shot in Rain or maybe bulky with AV, Stamina and Body Press. Steel/Dragon is just such a good Typing too.
laddered up a new alt to get a feeling for the tier the other night, and i do have some thoughts but just wanted to comment on this darkrai discussion. darkrai is very much not mid lol, calling it mid is bad faith. darkrai in the current meta is quite good but is also quite manageable, mostly due to some of the offensive brokens around right now. there is 2-3 potential bans that i could see happening ~2 months that could effect darkrais viability. this doesnt make darkrai bad though, its still a top tier pokemon right now. just because it underperformed somes expectations and is tolerable in the current metagame does not make darkrai mid lol. its around A tier viability wise when im writing this, a mid pokemon would be B ish. who knows where things are at in a few months as well. simply put, its good but manageable.
i was hopeful that weavile would be able to work in OU after getting triple axel back, but meowscarada got triple axel too and so now I don't really see what weavile could do that meow can't, 10 higher base attack and 2 higher base speed just doesn't seem like enough to compensate for the rocks weakness + lack of u-turn

ig it got upper hand to let it kinda check dragonite with 50/50s?

also adamant scarf meowscarada seems like it could be a decent answer to deoxys-s, but on that note another niche weavile may have over meowscarada is that adamant tera triple axel will ohko deoxys-s through sash 87.5% of the time, but is it really worth wasting tera and running an otherwise outclassed mon for one matchup?