Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Kyurem suspect now up]

my personal opinion is that darkrai without sleep is a low priority, if any at all. my quarrel with darkrai was always sleep; without it, it's just another strong setup sweeper in a sea of strong setup sweepers. that's what we signed up for from day one and we all knew it. sure, it has like one consistent defensive answer outside of stall, but the same can be said of half the tier. why would we focus on setup sweeper number 8172849 before any of the other things people have pointed out as problems? can't people just be happy for the guy for beating the mid allegations?
Yeah that’s why I said bottom of the list. Aren’t you supposed to be on an extended break after the Gouging Fire DNB?
Aren’t you supposed to be on an extended break after the Gouging Fire DNB?
yes, but i have a duty to periodically remind the haters that they haven't driven me out of the community and never will. no matter how much bullshit people make up about me, how much harassment i'm on the receiving end of, how many death threats they make, the people who hate me have no power over me and i'm here to make sure they live in constant awareness of that fact. you are never getting rid of me
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yes, but i have a duty to periodically remind the haters that they haven't driven me out of the community and never will. no matter how much bullshit people make up about me, how much harassment i'm on the receiving end of, how many death threats they make, the people who hate me have no power over me and i'm here to make sure they live in constant awareness of that fact. you are never getting rid of me
Who the fuck would make death threats over pokemon takes? "Fucking kill yourself you said kingambit wasn't banworthy" ???
Who the fuck would make death threats over pokemon takes? "Fucking kill yourself you said kingambit wasn't banworthy" ???
images (9).jpeg

i didnt find the gholdengo speech bubble meme on google sry

but in all srsness DaddyBuzzwole we love u and fuck the haters and fuck getting upset over a kids game ffs ppl be so mean all the time
I think sinistcha is a great mon in OU
Here is a replay where it does wonders:
Honestly the main point i'm getting from the replay is "sinistcha can 1v1 clodsire" but overall the play and teambuilding wasn't that good on the losing side at all. The guy brings 0 hazard removal, commits tera on a losing 1v1 (tera poison did literally nothing for clod) then gets swept because he let sinistcha set up like 4 calm minds. I do see the niche sinistcha can have, definitely, but the replay really isn't proving the point you want it to.
mfw good pokemon is good and yes I would prioritize roaring moon over waterpon because it's fucking ridiculous. nothing about it has changed since it was last banned and then unbanned.

3A + DD roaring moon is very easy to stop w/ conventional physical walls like skarmory and dondozo. and while you could say all of those pokemon lose to DD + taunt/roost/etc. the lack of earthquake means raging bolt can easily take a hit and kill RM back, and gives kingambit a free turn to set up. landorus-T is also everywhere and always annoys the shit out of roaring moon regardless of its set by forcing it to take rocky helmet chip and pressuring it to tera out of its bug weakness. priority is also even more common than it was pre-DLC and every single priority move can threaten roaring moon in some way, even thunderclap from raging bolt is a concern given how much of a tera hog RM is (which is another devastating flaw that holds it back imo). and it's not ideal to just switch out once something like weavile or dragonite comes in because the loss of booster energy neuters its damage output so damn much. i really don't know i just can't see how this is a top priority. undeniably very strong, but everything i mentioned here are very notable flaws roaring moon often struggles with
Yeah Moon just isn't that good. Annoying af because it exists to just Knock Off Skarm / Corv's Helmets and Dozo's Boots, but its pretty much HO locked, mostly runs sets that are easily walled, and once its Booster is consumed, its threat level tapers off drastically. If it Teras, I'd still consider that a net loss for the Moon user since their Gambit becomes easier to manage. I still have yet to be swept by Moon - its mainly just poking holes for Gambit to take advantage of later. Even then, Gambit's presence doesn't entirely work to its advantage since Balloon Gambit just destroys Moon.

I don't think its presence really adds much to the metagame and it could be a problem significantly further in the future when the "rarer" sets are optimized against more standard structures like they were in ND (I saw more weird sets in ND like Tera Steel Iron Head put in more work there than I do in OU). However, as the meta stands now, I don't think banning it would really shake up the metagame at all, compared to banning other mons like Volcarona or Ogerpon-W.
Yeah Moon just isn't that good. Annoying af because it exists to just Knock Off Skarm / Corv's Helmets and Dozo's Boots, but its pretty much HO locked, mostly runs sets that are easily walled, and once its Booster is consumed, its threat level tapers off drastically. If it Teras, I'd still consider that a net loss for the Moon user since their Gambit becomes easier to manage. I still have yet to be swept by Moon - its mainly just poking holes for Gambit to take advantage of later. Even then, Gambit's presence doesn't entirely work to its advantage since Balloon Gambit just destroys Moon.

I don't think its presence really adds much to the metagame and it could be a problem significantly further in the future when the "rarer" sets are optimized against more standard structures like they were in ND (I saw more weird sets in ND like Tera Steel Iron Head put in more work there than I do in OU). However, as the meta stands now, I don't think banning it would really shake up the metagame at all, compared to banning other mons like Volcarona or Ogerpon-W.

What do you feel is the biggest issue with the meta right now?
What do you feel is the biggest issue with the meta right now?
Too many threats. I feel the meta would be in a solid spot if we just culled 1 or 2 mons, since as is, nothing feels consistent. The mons that I find problematic change rapidly. Just the other week I wanted Bolt banned, but now I find that mon... tolerable and an OK presence for Bulky Offense teams. I'd say two main elements we should be targeting are Ogerpon-W, then Tera Blast. Ogerpon-W just has way too easy of a time making progress against balance, and often forces a Tera just to stop it. Most of the speed control checks to it aren't as reliable as one would hope (namely Meowscarada and Dragapult). Tera Blast would adequately nerf Volcarona and substantionally reduce the threat level of various other setup sweepers like DD Kyurem.

Alomomola probably is worth keeping an eye on after an Ogerpon-W ban since it has an easy time passing flip turn wishes to teammates, including Ursaluna, but I'm not entirely sure if it'll be broken, or would just be really good like Gking. Mola + Luna teams would effortlessly 6-0 certain structures is my main concern.

I'm mostly OK with all the other problem children people complain about like Kyurem, Kingambit, Gholdengo, and Zamazenta. Mostly indifferent on Tera too, though I'd like us to just get the re-suspect over with so there isn't any uncertainty on what our metagame's final format is.
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How To Tera Proof Your Team

Terastilization is a controversial topic within the Overused community. The ability to flip matchups in an inherently baffling concept to a game of checks/counters. Suddenly Gambit is immune to Close Combat and Volc now beats Heatran. However I will be shortly demonstrating how to Tera-Proof your teams with a couple steps/methods.

Tera-Proofing is what it sounds like. Making the opponent uncomfortable to Tera, keeping them in a bad spot even after Tera, and having counterplay that functions regardless of checks. So the odds of getting swept cause of a random Tera are lesser.

Tip #1 Know The Most Likely Teras

This will take metagame knowledge to follow. If you wanna know what the most common Teras are, look at the Tera Index, or ask people on the Discord, Showdown chat, and the forums.

Tip #2 Cores That Punish Tera

Terastilization can turn bad matchups into good ones, but it also reverses good or neutral matchups. There is no Tera that perfectly counters a whole team, so you can build a core that almost perfectly checks that Tera or Teraless mon. Here’s some examples.


This is a classic core, and it helps vs Volcarona and Moth who can break past Tran with Tera Ground or Water. However Terastilization also leaves them vulnerable to Grassy Glide. If they decide not to Tera, Tran checks them anyways. You could also switch into Rilla on a telegraphed Tera Ground Blast, meaning you don’t lose Tran or Rilla. This core also punishes badly timed Tera Flying from Mola since now it can no longer switch into Heatran.


Not only is this a generally good core to pressure Grounds like Ting-Lu or Great Tusk, but it also nicely covers the Tera Flying Moon matchup and other mons that click Tera Flying such as Kingambit or Gholdengo. The premise is simple. If Moon doesn’t Tera, it eats a heavy U-Turn + Helmet chip, and if it does, Raging Bolt can rkill with a well-timed Thunderclap.


A cool offensive core involving the classic FS + physical breaker combo followed with Spikes. It also covers Tera Fairy Ghold or Tera Fairy Garg, two mons that can snowball out of control if left unchecked. Samu will threaten with its STABs, and if they Tera Fairy, they become easy pickings for the fast Steel type with a special version of Double Iron Bash.


Gambit + physical wall covers the main Tera to bypass Zama and Skarm, Tera Ghost. We’ve seen Tera Ghost Gambit, Tusk, Weavile, Moon, Gliscor, and even Dnite. So Gambit can pick them off and prevent a sweep. If you are looking to cover physical attackers on Balance/BO, this is the go-to-core.


This core is not only a strong voltturn core, but also for checking Tera Fire Zama which has been an option that’s been popping up to reverse its matchups with Fairies and 1v1 Wisp Pult, but Tera Fire also leaves it vulnerable to EP Lando.


Most Balance teams’ responses to Volc is to Tera Water, and most Balance teams’ responses to Wogre is to Tera Grass, but this fantastic core covers both. Putting the team in a lose-lose situation. You could also do the same with other Fire types like Dirge, Gfire, or Cinderace.


A nasty defensive core that punishes the infamous G-Fire. If G-Fire doesn’t click Tera Poison, it gets Toxic’d. If it does, Mola can land a burn. Garg can also take Gliscor’s place and Salt Cure the fuck outta Gfire.

Tip #3 Using General Counterplay That Works Regardless Of Tera


No matter what Tera Raging Bolt uses, it’s never breaking past an Unaware Clodsire. In the same way Zama won’t ever break past Dondozo. If you run Stall, you’re required to run at least one of these indestructible behemoths. Even Balance can benefit from these.


Encore is a bit more readily accessible than in during the Pre-Home and Home days. We have several options like Val, Ogerpon, Samu, Dnite, Prim, and Clef. Even niche options like Tinkaton, Alolatales, Scream Tail, and Lucha function. Encore is good into slower wincons such as Kingambit, Garg, or CM Prim regardless of what Tera they use.


Some Pokemon can stop a premature sweep with phazing, regardless of what Tera is used (except Tera Fairy Ghold lmao). Tera Ghost for example is a common option to bypass Zama, but Roar allows it to beat them anyways. Phazers include mons like Dtail Dnite, Whirlwind Skarm, Ting-Lu, and Dtail G-Fire. Other methods can include Red Card for a one-time phaze. Imo phazing should be explored more, not just on Ting or Zama, as it punishes Booster and greedy plays while racking up hazard chip.


Checks that work regardless of Tera
A good example is Zama who regardless of what Tera Gambit uses. Boosted Body Presses still let it 1v1 Gambit even with Tera Fairy or Flying while Crunch can 3HKO Gambit. Ting-Lu still matches up well with R-Bolt even with Tera Fairy. Dragonite can usually 1v1 a majority of the offensive meta like Volc even with Tera Dragon, Ground, Fairy, etc.

I have other projects planned for April, so stayed tuned for those. This guide is notably shorter than my other ones, but that is cause there is not much. Compared to Spikes, fighting HO, or playing vs Stall, Tera is still a year old mechanic that players are still exploring and honing. To cap this off, here are some questions to spark discussion and to give my own answers.

What is your Top 5?

Who’s the most overrated mon in OU?

I can’t decide between these two. Skarm is an absolute momentum sinker even with Spikes while being inconsistent as a physical wall. R-Moon is still good, but I haven’t felt threatened by a sweep lately. Gets shit on by Dnite or Lando. Balance has alot of obstacles for Moon like Dozo, Garg, Mola, Barb Clef, and Gliscor. Red Card also shits on this thing or any Booster mon in general. Moon feels like a skill/teambuilding check.

Who’s the most underrated mon in OU?

Booster sets suck but AV Crown is the most underrated pivot atm. Role compresses Future Sight, Volt Switch, Fairy check, and Kyurem check in one slot. Specs Tachyon is spammable asf, especially with Tera. Plus it’s been seeing more frequent use on BO.

Who do you think will rise/drop?
and maybe


What’s your favorite anti-stall core/set/mon?

Sub-CM Tera Ghost Psychic Noise Prim is a favorite of mine. It reverses your Gking mu and shits on CM Blissey without effort. Water immunities are also rare on Stall since Clod tends to go with Unaware.
Too many threats. I feel the meta would be in a solid spot if we just culled 1 or 2 mons, since as is, nothing feels consistent. The mons that I find problematic change rapidly. Just the other week I wanted Bolt banned, but now I find that mon... tolerable and an OK presence for Bulky Offense teams. I'd say two main elements we should be targeting are Ogerpon-W, then Tera Blast. Ogerpon-W just has way too easy of a time making progress against balance, and often forces a Tera just to stop it. Most of the speed control checks to it aren't as reliable as one would hope (namely Meowscarada and Dragapult). Tera Blast would adequately nerf Volcarona and substantionally reduce the threat level of various other setup sweepers like DD Kyurem.

Alomomola probably is worth keeping an eye on after an Ogerpon-W ban since, but I'm not entirely sure if it'll be broken, or would just be really good like Gking. Mola + Luna teams would effortlessly 6-0 certain structures is my main concern.

I'm mostly OK with all the other problem children people complain about like Kyurem, Kingambit, Gholdengo, and Zamazenta. Mostly indifferent on Tera too, though I'd like us to just get the re-suspect over with so there isn't any uncertainty on what our metagame's final format is.
When everything (Volcarona, Roaring Moon, Gouging Fire, Kingambit, Waterpon to some degree, Raging Bolt, Kyurem, etc) is so offensive, sometimes the meta is just so... like, bad, that it's good. Don't take this out of context -- the current meta game is not bad at all. But there's just so much offensive mons, it's at an extent where either:
You use the offense, or you beat the offense -- which isn't really fun gameplay wise. Like hell, lemme ask you this question: What is the MAIN REASON Deoxys-Speed is in UU right now? Part of it is power creep, sure, Darkrai being in this tier is also a testament to that, but the other half of it is just the speed of its surroundings. NEVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE would I ever expect a moment where Deoxys-Speed ever came back to OU, and not only it falling to OU, but to the tier below. But hey Deoxys-Speed is pretty outdated so maybe I'm onto nothing with this.
The point I'm tryna get at is, you're right Magcargo. This tier has got so much offensive things to keep in mind, its at a point where the tier is almost balanced because of it? I'm sure once something even so much as slightly tilts over this pretty unstable teeter totter, it's a wrap for everything but until then, we persevere through the "pain" and just... figure out what to do with ourselves after the matter.
How To Tera Proof Your Team
View attachment 619953
Terastilization is a controversial topic within the Overused community. The ability to flip matchups in an inherently baffling concept to a game of checks/counters. Suddenly Gambit is immune to Close Combat and Volc now beats Heatran. However I will be shortly demonstrating how to Tera-Proof your teams with a couple steps/methods.

Tera-Proofing is what it sounds like. Making the opponent uncomfortable to Tera, keeping them in a bad spot even after Tera, and having counterplay that functions regardless of checks. So the odds of getting swept cause of a random Tera are lesser.

Tip #1 Know The Most Likely Teras
View attachment 619954

This will take metagame knowledge to follow. If you wanna know what the most common Teras are, look at the Tera Index, or ask people on the Discord, Showdown chat, and the forums.

Tip #2 Cores That Punish Tera
View attachment 619955

Terastilization can turn bad matchups into good ones, but it also reverses good or neutral matchups. There is no Tera that perfectly counters a whole team, so you can build a core that almost perfectly checks that Tera or Teraless mon. Here’s some examples.

View attachment 619956 + View attachment 619957
This is a classic core, and it helps vs Volcarona and Moth who can break past Tran with Tera Ground or Water. However Terastilization also leaves them vulnerable to Grassy Glide. If they decide not to Tera, Tran checks them anyways. You could also switch into Rilla on a telegraphed Tera Ground Blast, meaning you don’t lose Tran or Rilla. This core also punishes badly timed Tera Flying from Mola since now it can no longer switch into Heatran.

View attachment 619958 + View attachment 619959
Not only is this a generally good core to pressure Grounds like Ting-Lu or Great Tusk, but it also nicely covers the Tera Flying Moon matchup and other mons that click Tera Flying such as Kingambit or Gholdengo. The premise is simple. If Moon doesn’t Tera, it eats a heavy U-Turn + Helmet chip, and if it does, Raging Bolt can rkill with a well-timed Thunderclap.

View attachment 619961 + View attachment 619962
A cool offensive core involving the classic FS + physical breaker combo followed with Spikes. It also covers Tera Fairy Ghold or Tera Fairy Garg, two mons that can snowball out of control if left unchecked. Samu will threaten with its STABs, and if they Tera Fairy, they become easy pickings for the fast Steel type with a special version of Double Iron Bash.

View attachment 619963 + View attachment 619964/View attachment 619965
Gambit + physical wall covers the main Tera to bypass Zama and Skarm, Tera Ghost. We’ve seen Tera Ghost Gambit, Tusk, Weavile, Moon, Gliscor, and even Dnite. So Gambit can pick them off and prevent a sweep. If you are looking to cover physical attackers on Balance/BO, this is the go-to-core.

View attachment 619966 + View attachment 619967
This core is not only a strong voltturn core, but also for checking Tera Fire Zama which has been an option that’s been popping up to reverse its matchups with Fairies and 1v1 Wisp Pult, but Tera Fire also leaves it vulnerable to EP Lando.

View attachment 619968 + View attachment 619969/View attachment 619970
Most Balance teams’ responses to Volc is to Tera Water, and most Balance teams’ responses to Wogre is to Tera Grass, but this fantastic core covers both. Putting the team in a lose-lose situation. You could also do the same with other Fire types like Dirge, Gfire, or Cinderace.

View attachment 619972/View attachment 619973 + View attachment 619974
A nasty defensive core that punishes the infamous G-Fire. If G-Fire doesn’t click Tera Poison, it gets Toxic’d. If it does, Mola can land a burn. Garg can also take Gliscor’s place and Salt Cure the fuck outta Gfire.

Tip #3 Using General Counterplay That Works Regardless Of Tera
View attachment 619975

View attachment 619976View attachment 619977View attachment 619978
No matter what Tera Raging Bolt uses, it’s never breaking past an Unaware Clodsire. In the same way Zama won’t ever break past Dondozo. If you run Stall, you’re required to run at least one of these indestructible behemoths. Even Balance can benefit from these.

View attachment 619979View attachment 619980
Encore is a bit more readily accessible than in during the Pre-Home and Home days. We have several options like Val, Ogerpon, Samu, Dnite, Prim, and Clef. Even niche options like Tinkaton, Alolatales, Scream Tail, and Lucha function. Encore is good into slower wincons such as Kingambit, Garg, or CM Prim regardless of what Tera they use.

View attachment 619981
Some Pokemon can stop a premature sweep with phazing, regardless of what Tera is used (except Tera Fairy Ghold lmao). Tera Ghost for example is a common option to bypass Zama, but Roar allows it to beat them anyways. Phazers include mons like Dtail Dnite, Whirlwind Skarm, Ting-Lu, and Dtail G-Fire. Other methods can include Red Card for a one-time phaze. Imo phazing should be explored more, not just on Ting or Zama, as it punishes Booster and greedy plays while racking up hazard chip.

View attachment 619982View attachment 619983View attachment 619984
Checks that work regardless of Tera
A good example is Zama who regardless of what Tera Gambit uses. Boosted Body Presses still let it 1v1 Gambit even with Tera Fairy or Flying while Crunch can 3HKO Gambit. Ting-Lu still matches up well with R-Bolt even with Tera Fairy. Dragonite can usually 1v1 a majority of the offensive meta like Volc even with Tera Dragon, Ground, Fairy, etc.

I have other projects planned for April, so stayed tuned for those. This guide is notably shorter than my other ones, but that is cause there is not much. Compared to Spikes, fighting HO, or playing vs Stall, Tera is still a year old mechanic that players are still exploring and honing. To cap this off, here are some questions to spark discussion and to give my own answers.

What is your Top 5?

Who’s the most overrated mon in OU?
View attachment 619990View attachment 619991
I can’t decide between these two. Skarm is an absolute momentum sinker even with Spikes while being inconsistent as a physical wall. R-Moon is still good, but I haven’t felt threatened by a sweep lately. Gets shit on by Dnite or Lando. Balance has alot of obstacles for Moon like Dozo, Garg, Mola, Barb Clef, and Gliscor. Red Card also shits on this thing or any Booster mon in general. Moon feels like a skill/teambuilding check.

Who’s the most underrated mon in OU?
View attachment 619992
Booster sets suck but AV Crown is the most underrated pivot atm. Role compresses Future Sight, Volt Switch, Fairy check, and Kyurem check in one slot. Specs Tachyon is spammable asf, especially with Tera. Plus it’s been seeing more frequent use on BO.

Who do you think will rise/drop?

What’s your favorite anti-stall core/set/mon?
View attachment 620003View attachment 620004
Sub-CM Tera Ghost Psychic Noise Prim is a favorite of mine. It reverses your Gking mu and shits on CM Blissey without effort. Water immunities are also rare on Stall since Clod tends to go with Unaware.

Excellent post as always.

What is your Top 5?
:Kingambit::Dragapult::Great Tusk::Ogerpon-Wellspring::Zamazenta:

Who's the most overrated mon in OU?

Who's the most underrated mon in OU?

Who do you think will rise/drop?
:Deoxys-Speed::Garganacl::Iron Moth::Ribombee:
(other mons should drop or rise but ladder is bad)

What's your favorite anti-stall core/set/mon?
Ada Taunt :Roaring Moon: + Tera Dark Glasses :Kingambit:
How To Tera Proof Your Team
View attachment 619953
Terastilization is a controversial topic within the Overused community. The ability to flip matchups in an inherently baffling concept to a game of checks/counters. Suddenly Gambit is immune to Close Combat and Volc now beats Heatran. However I will be shortly demonstrating how to Tera-Proof your teams with a couple steps/methods.

Tera-Proofing is what it sounds like. Making the opponent uncomfortable to Tera, keeping them in a bad spot even after Tera, and having counterplay that functions regardless of checks. So the odds of getting swept cause of a random Tera are lesser.

Tip #1 Know The Most Likely Teras
View attachment 619954

This will take metagame knowledge to follow. If you wanna know what the most common Teras are, look at the Tera Index, or ask people on the Discord, Showdown chat, and the forums.

Tip #2 Cores That Punish Tera
View attachment 619955

Terastilization can turn bad matchups into good ones, but it also reverses good or neutral matchups. There is no Tera that perfectly counters a whole team, so you can build a core that almost perfectly checks that Tera or Teraless mon. Here’s some examples.

View attachment 619956 + View attachment 619957
This is a classic core, and it helps vs Volcarona and Moth who can break past Tran with Tera Ground or Water. However Terastilization also leaves them vulnerable to Grassy Glide. If they decide not to Tera, Tran checks them anyways. You could also switch into Rilla on a telegraphed Tera Ground Blast, meaning you don’t lose Tran or Rilla. This core also punishes badly timed Tera Flying from Mola since now it can no longer switch into Heatran.

View attachment 619958 + View attachment 619959
Not only is this a generally good core to pressure Grounds like Ting-Lu or Great Tusk, but it also nicely covers the Tera Flying Moon matchup and other mons that click Tera Flying such as Kingambit or Gholdengo. The premise is simple. If Moon doesn’t Tera, it eats a heavy U-Turn + Helmet chip, and if it does, Raging Bolt can rkill with a well-timed Thunderclap.

View attachment 619961 + View attachment 619962
A cool offensive core involving the classic FS + physical breaker combo followed with Spikes. It also covers Tera Fairy Ghold or Tera Fairy Garg, two mons that can snowball out of control if left unchecked. Samu will threaten with its STABs, and if they Tera Fairy, they become easy pickings for the fast Steel type with a special version of Double Iron Bash.

View attachment 619963 + View attachment 619964/View attachment 619965
Gambit + physical wall covers the main Tera to bypass Zama and Skarm, Tera Ghost. We’ve seen Tera Ghost Gambit, Tusk, Weavile, Moon, Gliscor, and even Dnite. So Gambit can pick them off and prevent a sweep. If you are looking to cover physical attackers on Balance/BO, this is the go-to-core.

View attachment 619966 + View attachment 619967
This core is not only a strong voltturn core, but also for checking Tera Fire Zama which has been an option that’s been popping up to reverse its matchups with Fairies and 1v1 Wisp Pult, but Tera Fire also leaves it vulnerable to EP Lando.

View attachment 619968 + View attachment 619969/View attachment 619970
Most Balance teams’ responses to Volc is to Tera Water, and most Balance teams’ responses to Wogre is to Tera Grass, but this fantastic core covers both. Putting the team in a lose-lose situation. You could also do the same with other Fire types like Dirge, Gfire, or Cinderace.

View attachment 619972/View attachment 619973 + View attachment 619974
A nasty defensive core that punishes the infamous G-Fire. If G-Fire doesn’t click Tera Poison, it gets Toxic’d. If it does, Mola can land a burn. Garg can also take Gliscor’s place and Salt Cure the fuck outta Gfire.

Tip #3 Using General Counterplay That Works Regardless Of Tera
View attachment 619975

View attachment 619976View attachment 619977View attachment 619978
No matter what Tera Raging Bolt uses, it’s never breaking past an Unaware Clodsire. In the same way Zama won’t ever break past Dondozo. If you run Stall, you’re required to run at least one of these indestructible behemoths. Even Balance can benefit from these.

View attachment 619979View attachment 619980
Encore is a bit more readily accessible than in during the Pre-Home and Home days. We have several options like Val, Ogerpon, Samu, Dnite, Prim, and Clef. Even niche options like Tinkaton, Alolatales, Scream Tail, and Lucha function. Encore is good into slower wincons such as Kingambit, Garg, or CM Prim regardless of what Tera they use.

View attachment 619981
Some Pokemon can stop a premature sweep with phazing, regardless of what Tera is used (except Tera Fairy Ghold lmao). Tera Ghost for example is a common option to bypass Zama, but Roar allows it to beat them anyways. Phazers include mons like Dtail Dnite, Whirlwind Skarm, Ting-Lu, and Dtail G-Fire. Other methods can include Red Card for a one-time phaze. Imo phazing should be explored more, not just on Ting or Zama, as it punishes Booster and greedy plays while racking up hazard chip.

View attachment 619982View attachment 619983View attachment 619984
Checks that work regardless of Tera
A good example is Zama who regardless of what Tera Gambit uses. Boosted Body Presses still let it 1v1 Gambit even with Tera Fairy or Flying while Crunch can 3HKO Gambit. Ting-Lu still matches up well with R-Bolt even with Tera Fairy. Dragonite can usually 1v1 a majority of the offensive meta like Volc even with Tera Dragon, Ground, Fairy, etc.

I have other projects planned for April, so stayed tuned for those. This guide is notably shorter than my other ones, but that is cause there is not much. Compared to Spikes, fighting HO, or playing vs Stall, Tera is still a year old mechanic that players are still exploring and honing. To cap this off, here are some questions to spark discussion and to give my own answers.

What is your Top 5?

Who’s the most overrated mon in OU?
View attachment 619990View attachment 619991
I can’t decide between these two. Skarm is an absolute momentum sinker even with Spikes while being inconsistent as a physical wall. R-Moon is still good, but I haven’t felt threatened by a sweep lately. Gets shit on by Dnite or Lando. Balance has alot of obstacles for Moon like Dozo, Garg, Mola, Barb Clef, and Gliscor. Red Card also shits on this thing or any Booster mon in general. Moon feels like a skill/teambuilding check.

Who’s the most underrated mon in OU?
View attachment 619992
Booster sets suck but AV Crown is the most underrated pivot atm. Role compresses Future Sight, Volt Switch, Fairy check, and Kyurem check in one slot. Specs Tachyon is spammable asf, especially with Tera. Plus it’s been seeing more frequent use on BO.

Who do you think will rise/drop?

What’s your favorite anti-stall core/set/mon?
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Sub-CM Tera Ghost Psychic Noise Prim is a favorite of mine. It reverses your Gking mu and shits on CM Blissey without effort. Water immunities are also rare on Stall since Clod tends to go with Unaware.
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How To Tera Proof Your Team
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Terastilization is a controversial topic within the Overused community. The ability to flip matchups in an inherently baffling concept to a game of checks/counters. Suddenly Gambit is immune to Close Combat and Volc now beats Heatran. However I will be shortly demonstrating how to Tera-Proof your teams with a couple steps/methods.

Tera-Proofing is what it sounds like. Making the opponent uncomfortable to Tera, keeping them in a bad spot even after Tera, and having counterplay that functions regardless of checks. So the odds of getting swept cause of a random Tera are lesser.

Tip #1 Know The Most Likely Teras
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This will take metagame knowledge to follow. If you wanna know what the most common Teras are, look at the Tera Index, or ask people on the Discord, Showdown chat, and the forums.

Tip #2 Cores That Punish Tera
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Terastilization can turn bad matchups into good ones, but it also reverses good or neutral matchups. There is no Tera that perfectly counters a whole team, so you can build a core that almost perfectly checks that Tera or Teraless mon. Here’s some examples.

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This is a classic core, and it helps vs Volcarona and Moth who can break past Tran with Tera Ground or Water. However Terastilization also leaves them vulnerable to Grassy Glide. If they decide not to Tera, Tran checks them anyways. You could also switch into Rilla on a telegraphed Tera Ground Blast, meaning you don’t lose Tran or Rilla. This core also punishes badly timed Tera Flying from Mola since now it can no longer switch into Heatran.

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Not only is this a generally good core to pressure Grounds like Ting-Lu or Great Tusk, but it also nicely covers the Tera Flying Moon matchup and other mons that click Tera Flying such as Kingambit or Gholdengo. The premise is simple. If Moon doesn’t Tera, it eats a heavy U-Turn + Helmet chip, and if it does, Raging Bolt can rkill with a well-timed Thunderclap.

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A cool offensive core involving the classic FS + physical breaker combo followed with Spikes. It also covers Tera Fairy Ghold or Tera Fairy Garg, two mons that can snowball out of control if left unchecked. Samu will threaten with its STABs, and if they Tera Fairy, they become easy pickings for the fast Steel type with a special version of Double Iron Bash.

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Gambit + physical wall covers the main Tera to bypass Zama and Skarm, Tera Ghost. We’ve seen Tera Ghost Gambit, Tusk, Weavile, Moon, Gliscor, and even Dnite. So Gambit can pick them off and prevent a sweep. If you are looking to cover physical attackers on Balance/BO, this is the go-to-core.

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This core is not only a strong voltturn core, but also for checking Tera Fire Zama which has been an option that’s been popping up to reverse its matchups with Fairies and 1v1 Wisp Pult, but Tera Fire also leaves it vulnerable to EP Lando.

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Most Balance teams’ responses to Volc is to Tera Water, and most Balance teams’ responses to Wogre is to Tera Grass, but this fantastic core covers both. Putting the team in a lose-lose situation. You could also do the same with other Fire types like Dirge, Gfire, or Cinderace.

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A nasty defensive core that punishes the infamous G-Fire. If G-Fire doesn’t click Tera Poison, it gets Toxic’d. If it does, Mola can land a burn. Garg can also take Gliscor’s place and Salt Cure the fuck outta Gfire.

Tip #3 Using General Counterplay That Works Regardless Of Tera
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No matter what Tera Raging Bolt uses, it’s never breaking past an Unaware Clodsire. In the same way Zama won’t ever break past Dondozo. If you run Stall, you’re required to run at least one of these indestructible behemoths. Even Balance can benefit from these.

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Encore is a bit more readily accessible than in during the Pre-Home and Home days. We have several options like Val, Ogerpon, Samu, Dnite, Prim, and Clef. Even niche options like Tinkaton, Alolatales, Scream Tail, and Lucha function. Encore is good into slower wincons such as Kingambit, Garg, or CM Prim regardless of what Tera they use.

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Some Pokemon can stop a premature sweep with phazing, regardless of what Tera is used (except Tera Fairy Ghold lmao). Tera Ghost for example is a common option to bypass Zama, but Roar allows it to beat them anyways. Phazers include mons like Dtail Dnite, Whirlwind Skarm, Ting-Lu, and Dtail G-Fire. Other methods can include Red Card for a one-time phaze. Imo phazing should be explored more, not just on Ting or Zama, as it punishes Booster and greedy plays while racking up hazard chip.

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Checks that work regardless of Tera
A good example is Zama who regardless of what Tera Gambit uses. Boosted Body Presses still let it 1v1 Gambit even with Tera Fairy or Flying while Crunch can 3HKO Gambit. Ting-Lu still matches up well with R-Bolt even with Tera Fairy. Dragonite can usually 1v1 a majority of the offensive meta like Volc even with Tera Dragon, Ground, Fairy, etc.

I have other projects planned for April, so stayed tuned for those. This guide is notably shorter than my other ones, but that is cause there is not much. Compared to Spikes, fighting HO, or playing vs Stall, Tera is still a year old mechanic that players are still exploring and honing. To cap this off, here are some questions to spark discussion and to give my own answers.

What is your Top 5?

Who’s the most overrated mon in OU?
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I can’t decide between these two. Skarm is an absolute momentum sinker even with Spikes while being inconsistent as a physical wall. R-Moon is still good, but I haven’t felt threatened by a sweep lately. Gets shit on by Dnite or Lando. Balance has alot of obstacles for Moon like Dozo, Garg, Mola, Barb Clef, and Gliscor. Red Card also shits on this thing or any Booster mon in general. Moon feels like a skill/teambuilding check.

Who’s the most underrated mon in OU?
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Booster sets suck but AV Crown is the most underrated pivot atm. Role compresses Future Sight, Volt Switch, Fairy check, and Kyurem check in one slot. Specs Tachyon is spammable asf, especially with Tera. Plus it’s been seeing more frequent use on BO.

Who do you think will rise/drop?

What’s your favorite anti-stall core/set/mon?
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Sub-CM Tera Ghost Psychic Noise Prim is a favorite of mine. It reverses your Gking mu and shits on CM Blissey without effort. Water immunities are also rare on Stall since Clod tends to go with Unaware.
Good post, good post.
What is your Top 5?
:kingambit: :great tusk: :dragapult: :kyurem: :roaring moon:
Who do you think is the most overrated mon in OU?
:Garganacl: or :iron boulder: Can't choose
Who do you think is the most underrated mon in OU?
:heatran: Suprised? or :primarina:
What do you think will rise/drop?
Rise: :garganacl: :deoxys speed: :excadrill: (last one is because I've seen it a decent amount on ladder, so idk)
Drop: :iron boulder: :serperior: :barraskewda:
What's your favorite anti-stall core/set/mon?
Mixed :meloetta:, this absolutely decimates stall teams. More mainstream answer, tera fairy blast :heatran:
What is your Top 5?

:great_tusk: :kingambit: :gholdengo: :gliscor: :dragapult:

Who do you think is the most overrated mon in OU?


Who do you think is the most underrated mon in OU?

:clodsire: Its OU, but people are really unidimensional with this Mon. Water Absorb needs to be used more. Pdef + Unaware needs to be used more. In general it needs to be used more outside of Stall, even 5 offensive Mons + Clodsire will work.

What do you think will rise/drop?

Rise: :iron_moth:
Drop: :barraskewda: :heatran:

What's your favorite anti-stall core/set/mon?

:typhlosion_hisui: :iron_boulder: and :brambleghast: (in Tailwind)
Okay, why the hell do people think that skarmory is bad? I don't get it, sure it invites in stuff like Heatran and raging bolt, but so does corv and other things that are still good. U-turn does not make that much of a difference. Corv and skarm are similar mons that have a few small differences, and being able to fit stuff such as spikes into its moveset frees up something like ting-lu to do other things. Plus, it's pretty damn good as a physical wall, it always seems to do the job it's meant to do.
Idk man, I think we should stop the skarm slander, heck, sturdy allows it to sometimes check things such as gouging fire at low health, which it shouldn't be able to do.
What is your top 5?
:Dragapult: :kingambit: :landorus-therian: :zamazenta: :Slowking-Galar:/:iron valiant:

Pult is by far the number 1 mon imo. Between statuspult, specs and band, the only safe switch in is garganacl and even that isn't 100% safe when hazards are accounted for. Gambit is an easy #2 with how much it influences both offensive and defensive mons. The goat mon lando is #3 and the best ground imo with how much it can reliably blanket and how much value it's flex slot can bring for a team. Zama at #4 because of how easily idpress can clean thanks to newer tech like roar and boots and cb sets punch big holes in regular checks and counters. #5 for me is tied between glowking and val just because of how much value both present in every game. Glowking is the best pivot bar none and can rack up surprisingly high damage with its wide coverage on switch-ins while val has the insane set variety with 3a+dbond/encore, sd, cm, attack booster and a rainbow colored movepool which makes scouting it safely very, very difficult. Tusk imo slots right below these guys because it struggles to do everything it wants in one set, which none of these really do.

Who do you think is the most overrated mon in OU+Fraud Watch?
It's annoying to switch into but I find it pretty manageable with all the dragons we have access to plus it's good not great speed tier which lets you offensively check it. It also struggles to come in easily thanks to constant rocks chip + lando and corv u-turning everywhere.
:roaring moon:
This guy belongs on fraud watch similar to end of the home meta. On paper, it's a very scary mon but hazards, helmet and being able to tera flip is huge vs it. Using it early game means it will rack up chip on a couple mons before fainting and using it mid-late game means it will most likely go 1 for 1 at best because of how much chip damage it racks up from not cleanly killing things or lacking coverage.

Who do you think is the most underrated mon in OU?
:ogerpon: :keldeo:
I wanted to put heatran down but someone else already mentioned it so here's a couple others. Grasspon can always run knock because it doesn't rely on leech for recovery and doesn't have to pick between pr/superpower/u-turn/encore thanks to cudgel being its only stab. Boots lets it avoid hazards chip and defiant punishes things like lando and the rare grimmsnarl. The speed boost from tera is also a huge boon for revenge killing and speed control and cudgel/knock/encore/sd straight up sweeps so many teams. I've said waterpon is similar to kartana in the past but grasspon literally is kartana and imo is better than waterpon. Specs keldeo is something that feels impossible to safely switch into. AV prima gets 2hkod after rocks 77% of the time by sacred sword and bulky cm is 3hko after rocks. Glowking also gets 2hkod by pump at full 50% of the time and, if you tera water, you get 2hkod by sacred sword. It also has vacuum wave now to finish of set-up mons. It definitely has to be built around but imo it's one of the scariest mon to switch into rn.

What do you think will rise/drop?
Rise: :iron moth: :iron crown:
moth is p popular now and is quite good, crown is surprisingly popular but I've seen both av and set-up put in work.
Drops: :iron boulder: :serperior: :walking wake:/:torkoal:
Boulder needs a more offensive meta since it's not all that strong and is extremely tera reliant. Serp is p good rn imo but is awkward to fit into a team + has a weird speed tier. Sun has been dookie and wake is useless on anything but sun. I've tried boots pivot sets but atp just run keld.

What's your favorite anti-stall core/set/mon?
:landorus-therian: + :heatran:

Being able to taunt and force helmet chip is amazing and heatran can be brought in with a u-turn and magma storm + taunt is huge when it connects.
Okay, why the hell do people think that skarmory is bad? I don't get it, sure it invites in stuff like Heatran and raging bolt, but so does corv and other things that are still good. U-turn does not make that much of a difference. Corv and skarm are similar mons that have a few small differences, and being able to fit stuff such as spikes into its moveset frees up something like ting-lu to do other things. Plus, it's pretty damn good as a physical wall, it always seems to do the job it's meant to do.
Idk man, I think we should stop the skarm slander, heck, sturdy allows it to sometimes check things such as gouging fire at low health, which it shouldn't be able to do.

Spikes is cool but with boots structures rising in popularity, spikes end up being a momentum sink, especially when its on such and easily exploitable mon. U-turn lets you keep you momentum and get away from the pult or bolt or whatever coming in and let's you get into a better position. It's also important to note that the mons that the metal birds let in are ones that you absolutely should not be giving free turns to because of easily these mons can force progress. Also, sturdy is almost never active thanks to rocks being ubiquitous.
What is your Top 5?
:Kingambit::Great Tusk::Dragapult::Slowking-Galar::Ogerpon-Wellspring: (ORDERED)

Who's the most overrated mon in OU?
:Roaring Moon:
Frail as balls and typically pretty easy to revenge kill with priority because of its paper-thin defenses.

Who's the most underrated mon in OU?
:Iron Treads:.
Outspeeds mons like :Landorus-Therian: and :Kyurem: naturally and incredibly useful defensively versus mons like :Raging Bolt: outside of Sun

Who do you think will rise/drop?
:Iron Moth::Garganacl:

:Iron Boulder::Pelipper::Barraskewda::Serperior:

What's your favorite anti-stall core/set/mon?
Tera Dark Glasses :Kingambit:.
Hall of fame wallbreaker and consistent get out of jail card
What is your Top 5?

:Great Tusk: :Kingambit: :Dragonite: :Slowking-Galar: :Rillaboom:

Some personal preferences here over the outright best and/or most broken, but I believe these 5 are some of the best mons to build teams around or with in the entire tier. It's just a lot of good glue. Gambit, D-nite, and Rillaboom have 3 of the best priority available, which is extremely important for gen 9. I would add Raging Bolt to that after the latest DLC, but it doesn't make the top 5 cut for me. When I'm building a team, I generally start with at least one or two of these five somewhere in there. Stall would obviously be different.

:Iron Valiant: deserves an honorable mention. But it lacks the overall defensive utility of these other mons.

Who’s the most overrated mon in OU?

:Skarmory: or :Iron Boulder:

IMO, Skarmory is just not as good as Corv. And if you want a passive spiker with a ground immunity, use Gliscor. Gliscor can absorb status, too. There is maybe a role compression case for Skarm sometimes with the typing and Whirlwind. But in general, take Corv and/or Gliscor depending on your team's needs. They are better mons.

Iron Boulder belongs in UU or UUBL or whatever lower tier. The only reason why it isn't a clear #1 for me is because I don't think many players are high enough on it to overrate it in the first place. This should drop soon.

:Meowscarada: gets an honorable mention. It avoided this spot purely because something like Tera Fire can be used to make a very reliable attacker on more otherwise more defensive teams. On more offensive teams, I feel there are usually better options except in niche cases. It's useable. But I tend to find it underwhelming.

Who’s the most underrated mon in OU?

:Corviknight: or :Deoxys-Speed:

I find Corviknight to be more useful than Skarmory on average. It has better mixed bulk and can be invested for similar defensive bulk. It's more useful as a pivot, too. So it tends to be less of an outright momentum sink. The Defog is not nearly as useless with Ghold in the tier as some people think because you have U-Turn and teammates. You just need to actually use your head with it this gen. Skarmory has spikes. But there are much better spikers for the tier. The main thing Corviknight lacks is phasing, I guess.

I have done extensive testing with Deoxys-Speed and I still strongly feel that it is excellent. It's not one of these mindless mons where you can't think. And you need to optimize the EVs correctly (like limiting your speed investment) to get the most out of it. But it is very strong, particularly as a mixed attacker. There is also the fact that its speed tier make it a better PP staller than D-Defense. It's just an excellent mon and it is largely underutilized.

Who do you think will rise/drop?

Rise: :Deoxys-Speed: :Iron Moth: :Garganacl: :Ribombee: :Skeledirge:
Drop: :Iron Boulder: :Serperior:

What’s your favorite anti-stall core/set/mon?


Tera Dark Knock Off is just very hard to switch into. Mixed attacking means you can hit dedicated physical or special walls like Dondozo or Blissey with the other attacking type very hard. You can potentially be played around by a good player, but it's a gamble in many cases. Theoretically, there are only a handful of mons that can safely switch into it.

And this is another reason why Corv is better than Skarm. A mixed attacking D-Speed can do about 40-49% with Life Orb Ice Beam. A fully defensively invested Corv will only take about 29-35% from the same special attack, making recovery much more reasonable. This is just one example of Corv just being a better all purpose wall without special defense investment.
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