Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Kyurem suspect now up]

To misquote Syndrome, "When everyone is broken...nobody is."
everyone loves that syndrome quote but its actually pretty wrong because even when syndrome says it, he doesn't mean everyone.

he means the ones who can afford his technology. those who have the connections and power and wealth to buy it and do whatever they want. he's not gonna be giving that tech to everyone for free because then he'll no longer be special. the gap widens between those who have and those who have not.

so that quote doesn't even make any sense except "sound“ profound. because turns out when only a small subset of people have the means to become supers, it doesn't suddenly mean no one will be.
and we also have to factor in that syndrome killed an absurd number of superheroes while he was making and improving said technology, which in this scenario would equate to… banning a whole lot of broken mons

…actually this gives me a good idea for a meme, i'll be right back
everyone loves that syndrome quote but its actually pretty wrong because even when syndrome says it, he doesn't mean everyone.

he means the ones who can afford his technology. those who have the connections and power and wealth to buy it and do whatever they want. he's not gonna be giving that tech to everyone for free because then he'll no longer be special. the gap widens between those who have and those who have not.

so that quote doesn't even make any sense except "sound“ profound. because turns out when only a small subset of people have the means to become supers, it doesn't suddenly mean no one will be.

applied to pokemon showdown, its very clear that not everyone is broken in OU. there are like few pokemon that are clearly above all others and while they might be "no body is broken" with respect each other, unfortunately OU is a tier that has more than those pokemon.
Doesn't Syndrome specifically say he would do this "when [he's] old and had [his] fun" during the monologue? I took that to be after he's done with it the point of selling his inventions was to further devalue the uniqueness of Supers when he doesn't care about being the big shot anymore. Not to say this would pan out (practically speaking) beyond rich people necessarily, but given Syndrome's already a Fiction 500 Villain, it did seem more like an action to make a point than to actually get anything out of it for him, and the movie obviously intends it that way since it echoes a point Bob/Mr. Incredible was lamenting early on about "celebrating mediocrity" when projecting how he wants to be a Superhero again.

That whole ramble by me to say: yes, the quote's face value is still applicable because it's talking about the state of everyone being super, not the logistics of reaching that point. In the OU context the applicable meaning is just that the general power level, which would be "broken/too strong" from a previous gen perspective, is simply the new normal even if most of the mons the tier includes are objectively stronger. As far as the "some are clearly above others," even most Superhero media doesn't create all supers equal to each other (Superman, Batman, and the Flash are all on VERY different scales of power when taken logically).
Hey all! First time posting on here but I wanted to ask for some help.
I'm writing an argumentative essay about kingambit for a school paper. The goal is to answer the question: is kingambit unfair/uncompetitive within its place in OU? The idea behind this is to look at its stats, movesets, and matchups and compare them to its overloaded kit (ie: sucker punch, supreme overlord, swords dance, abuse of tera). I'm not really on OU much but I have a strong dislike for kingambits sucker punch mind games and I wanted to see if anyone else had anything to say about it.
Thank you!
To start off, this sounds really really cool and I wish my teachers allowed me to do that. I often joke with my friends about how if i were allowed to write about pokemon, they'd have to add a page limit! That being said, unfair and uncompetitive are two different criteria. If you wanted to focus on whether kingambit is uncompetitive, you'd focus on mainly sucker punch and tera mindgames, how often they come up, and how accessable guaranteed counterplay is (stuff like encore or sticky barb). If you wanted to get really technical about it, this thread could be useful to you. If you wanted to argue about how kingambit is 'unfair' or broken, you'd probably need to talk about its absurd power (did you know that +2 adamant tera dark blackglasses kingambit with 5 SO boosts kos opposing fast kingambit with Kowtow?), general unreliability of conventional checks due to tera, and overcentralization of more reliable yet unconventional counterplay like burn or encore, probably with a bit about smogon tiering philosophy too. If you wanted to get REALLY deep, you could talk about kingambit's negative effects on the metagame as a whole: as ctann said "It’s kinda got a chokehold on how viable Pokémon are. Pokémon are as viable as their ability to deal with mr. checkmate." You could explain how metagames where more is viable are generally regarded as better and how kingambit's overloading power forces you to be build more stringently. Idk just my thoughts though
Patience my friend. We'll do our part in the next survey and get the OU council to notice our movement. For now, it's best we lurk in the shadows & avoid unneeded attention.

Just like the pro-Darkrai community got their way after years of ridicule and mocking, we will have our way too, I promise.
The lugia unbanners think they look cool (they are not);
Patience my friend. We'll do our part in the next survey and get the OU council to notice our movement. For now, it's best we lurk in the shadows & avoid unneeded attention.

Just like the pro-Darkrai community got their way after years of ridicule and mocking, we will have our way too, I promise.

Lugia is so overdue....not even sure what it would do in this meta aside from being a bad tera hog if you want to go offensive or screen support.
Lugia is so overdue....not even sure what it would do in this meta aside from being a bad tera hog if you want to go offensive or screen support.
Uhh, be an annoying mon that will be unkillable even if you hit it for super effective damage and either phaze for hazard damage or be an unstoppable set-up sweeper with calm mind or curse? And it wouldn't matter if it had to tera if it stomped everything after that.
The one thing I can give Lugia unbanners is that out of all ubers mons, it is the one who would be the least egregious if dropped.
But that says a lot about how we should drop no ubers when I have vehemently argued against dropping Lugia.
Uhh, be an annoying mon that will be unkillable even if you hit it for super effective damage and either phaze for hazard damage or be an unstoppable set-up sweeper with calm mind or curse? And it wouldn't matter if it had to tera if it stomped everything after that.
The one thing I can give Lugia unbanners is that out of all ubers mons, it is the one who would be the least egregious if dropped.
But that says a lot about how we should drop no ubers when I have vehemently argued against dropping Lugia.
drop miraidon :3
Trust me, I know how unpleasant people can be on this forum, I have seen that first hand. I'm sorry for the flaming, looking back over your post and from this information, it seems like you were not trying to mock me, it's just how it came across to me, so I apologise for that.
Okay, so let's go through the checks I listed. I will not talk about dragapult and ghold, since you agreed they were good against zama.
Dragonite: Is able to take any hit besides ice fang, which in that case it doesn't beat volc. As such, you can encore it and switch in something else that resists the move. At minimum, you do 25%, if you don't have encore and they have id' once. Not the best, but with encore it's a mostly free win.
Enamorus: Again, moonblast absolutely chunks it, and if it tera's? Well, there is this thing called scouting. You switch enam in, they tera steel, and then you can get enam in safely on a bp, and do 65% to it with earth power, which is most of the time enough chip for it.
Hatterene: Nuzzle, that is just the answer. Nuzzle destroys zama as it now isn't fast, and once again, tera steel heavy slam only has a 50% chance to OHKO. 252 Atk Tera Steel Zamazenta Heavy Slam (120 BP) vs. 252 HP / 204+ Def Hatterene: 288-342 (90.5 - 107.5%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
Iron Valiant: Outspeeds and destroys it with both stabs, so whether or not it tera's before valiant comes in, it will destroy it.
Landorus-T: Ice fang does max 88%, which is not ko'ing. Even at +6, bp ain't koing. In return, earth power is doing 27% max. Not the best thing in the world, but in return it is making the rest of the team better against zama, as even if it doesn't get an attack off, it can still do something.
Primarina: Again, +6 bp doesn't even ohko. And in return, moonblast does 90% max to zama. And if it tera's? Surf is still doing 43% max so you aren't helpless against it.
Raging bolt: +6 bp does ko you, but if zama is getting to that high for free, idk, that sounds like your team is letting in zama too easily. It 2hit ko's zama with t-bolt and it even has thunderclap to deal great damage to it even if it is chipped, which is around 46%.
Volcarona: If the zama has stone edge, gg's, if not, one of the most free setup opportunities. Zama can't even reliably chip it down due to flame body procs, which makes it basically dead weight. +6 bp does destroy volc, but it at minimum does 36% damage, and if we are being realistic here, at +1 it 2hit ko's.
I've explained my reasoning for why these mons beat it, and yes, tera'ing steel does open it up more to physical hits. You can easily include one or two of these on your team, and that will help a lot in the matchup. Like, Enamorus + Volc does great against this core. You switch in enam, then switch to volc to bait out the tera steel. If they have stone edge, volc might get killed, but then you can switch into enam to get off chip and revenge kill with a fighting resist. If they don't, free qd boost for volc. Idk why your saying my logic is flawed, I have explained my reasonings why zama isn't broken.
I am not a fan of zamazenta being in the tier and while I wouldn’t advocate for any tiering action on him at the moment, I would certainly vote ban if the opportunity arose. Most of the checks you listed don’t actually threaten :zamazenta: with a knockout or are actually beaten by it. I’ll go over your examples and a couple other metagame answers to it as well.
As a note, I usually don’t like including terastalization when discussing counterplay, but in my experience zamazenta is often tera steel and it causes it to completely turn the tide against some of its counters. More on this later.
:dragapult: While the wisp hex set is a fairly good counter it relies on zama not having a sub up and not clicking crunch on switch. Not unreasonable requests but it’s far from a guarantee
:Gholdengo: again loses to crunch, but the bold set can take hits fairy easily. Probably the second or third best answer to it if we don’t consider tera
:Dragonite: What is this doing to zama? Hurricane? Encore? None of these are common attacks and I don’t particularly want to recognize them as legitimate counterplay. I will click iron defense 3 times and 2hko dragonite with body press.
252+ Atk Dragonite Earthquake vs. +6 252 HP / 88 Def Zamazenta: 26-31 (6.7 - 7.9%) -- possibly the worst move ever
Ice fang not needed
:Enamorus: 252 Atk Zamazenta Heavy Slam (100 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Enamorus: 276-326 (95.5 - 112.8%) -- 75% chance to OHKO
:hatterene: another fairly good answer but nuzzle doesn’t work against sub variants. I don’t really want to invent sets like substitute heavy slam, but I’ve seen it. Hatterene necessitates specific team styles as well which means it’s not splashable on every team and in my experience struggles to do much of anything on bulkier teams. Also yeah, heavy slam is a 50% chance to KO but I find that a flimsy argument as it’s unlikely hatterene remains fully healthy or hazards remain off the field for the entire time. Zama isn’t winning turn 2 (unless it’s the life orb set, I should make a post about it I think it’s very good)
:iron-valiant: this is a great answer but I don’t like your argument. It’s fighting stab is close combat, if it tera steels Val is forced to hit into the physical side which may have multiple boosts. Encore usually does the trick though and like I said earlier, I don’t like bringing tera into 1v1 scenarios often.
:landorus-Therian: another quite good answer but if you’re chipped you lose to ice fang. I don’t think I’ve fang is too common and I won’t invent sets to beat things in isolation, so this is a good counter
:primarina: is 2hkod by 2 body presses at +3, good luck switching it in. You practically have to go in immediatly and if there’s full spikes up, it’s a wrap. Prim doesn’t run surf usually, it’s psychic noise which allows it to hit through sub. Good against the tera steel sub variants I guess, but a very situational choice at best
:raging bolt: +1 bp 2hkos after rocks, I just don’t see this one. It’s an alright answer if you’ve done some chip just hope it doesn’t sub on you
:volcorona: almost always a check, stone edge is fake
:slowking-galar: this would be the best answer to zama if tera didn’t exist, and the only mon I’m going to break my “no tera in 1v1” rule for. Physically defensive slowking galar should beat every zama set. Future sight and sludge bomb combine to create a substitute killing and ohkoing machine and with max physdef crunch can’t even 3hko (unless it gets the def drop teehee). It should be the perfect answer……. Until zamazenta tera steels and subs. Now it can use you as free setup, you can’t break its sub, and the next mon that comes in has to deal with a boosted steel type behind a substitute. slowking has no real recourse either, what am I supposed to do, run focus blast? And that’s the problem with many of these checks, they don’t always work against every set, sub or attacking or tera fire or tera steel. Which brings me to my final point…

Is :zamazenta: ever going to run all of these sets? No. It can’t. It’s a 4mss 252 ev syndrome mon. It wants to run 7 moves and 3 tera types and 800 evs, it just can’t do that. But, there exist few universal checks to it. Many of the mons you mentioned as checks don’t even function as so without tera involved, much less with any of the 3 or 4 it can viably run. Zamazenta can’t always run all these moves or sets, and so something like enamorus might beat an iron defense zamazenta, but you can’t know on team preview and it really sucks to randomly lose a mon to a common set, not even a specific counterset. Do I think zamazenta belongs in the tier? Not really, but I recognize there exists counterplay and it brings valuable traits to the metagame such as checking gouging fire and a whole host of other physical attackers. I just think it’s a giant stat stick and does too much for the tier.
I am not a fan of zamazenta being in the tier and while I wouldn’t advocate for any tiering action on him at the moment, I would certainly vote ban if the opportunity arose. Most of the checks you listed don’t actually threaten :zamazenta: with a knockout or are actually beaten by it. I’ll go over your examples and a couple other metagame answers to it as well.
As a note, I usually don’t like including terastalization when discussing counterplay, but in my experience zamazenta is often tera steel and it causes it to completely turn the tide against some of its counters. More on this later.
:dragapult: While the wisp hex set is a fairly good counter it relies on zama not having a sub up and not clicking crunch on switch. Not unreasonable requests but it’s far from a guarantee
:Gholdengo: again loses to crunch, but the bold set can take hits fairy easily. Probably the second or third best answer to it if we don’t consider tera
:Dragonite: What is this doing to zama? Hurricane? Encore? None of these are common attacks and I don’t particularly want to recognize them as legitimate counterplay. I will click iron defense 3 times and 2hko dragonite with body press.
252+ Atk Dragonite Earthquake vs. +6 252 HP / 88 Def Zamazenta: 26-31 (6.7 - 7.9%) -- possibly the worst move ever
Ice fang not needed
:Enamorus: 252 Atk Zamazenta Heavy Slam (100 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Enamorus: 276-326 (95.5 - 112.8%) -- 75% chance to OHKO
:hatterene: another fairly good answer but nuzzle doesn’t work against sub variants. I don’t really want to invent sets like substitute heavy slam, but I’ve seen it. Hatterene necessitates specific team styles as well which means it’s not splashable on every team and in my experience struggles to do much of anything on bulkier teams. Also yeah, heavy slam is a 50% chance to KO but I find that a flimsy argument as it’s unlikely hatterene remains fully healthy or hazards remain off the field for the entire time. Zama isn’t winning turn 2 (unless it’s the life orb set, I should make a post about it I think it’s very good)
:iron-valiant: this is a great answer but I don’t like your argument. It’s fighting stab is close combat, if it tera steels Val is forced to hit into the physical side which may have multiple boosts. Encore usually does the trick though and like I said earlier, I don’t like bringing tera into 1v1 scenarios often.
:landorus-Therian: another quite good answer but if you’re chipped you lose to ice fang. I don’t think I’ve fang is too common and I won’t invent sets to beat things in isolation, so this is a good counter
:primarina: is 2hkod by 2 body presses at +3, good luck switching it in. You practically have to go in immediatly and if there’s full spikes up, it’s a wrap. Prim doesn’t run surf usually, it’s psychic noise which allows it to hit through sub. Good against the tera steel sub variants I guess, but a very situational choice at best
:raging bolt: +1 bp 2hkos after rocks, I just don’t see this one. It’s an alright answer if you’ve done some chip just hope it doesn’t sub on you
:volcorona: almost always a check, stone edge is fake
:slowking-galar: this would be the best answer to zama if tera didn’t exist, and the only mon I’m going to break my “no tera in 1v1” rule for. Physically defensive slowking galar should beat every zama set. Future sight and sludge bomb combine to create a substitute killing and ohkoing machine and with max physdef crunch can’t even 3hko (unless it gets the def drop teehee). It should be the perfect answer……. Until zamazenta tera steels and subs. Now it can use you as free setup, you can’t break its sub, and the next mon that comes in has to deal with a boosted steel type behind a substitute. slowking has no real recourse either, what am I supposed to do, run focus blast? And that’s the problem with many of these checks, they don’t always work against every set, sub or attacking or tera fire or tera steel. Which brings me to my final point…

Is :zamazenta: ever going to run all of these sets? No. It can’t. It’s a 4mss 252 ev syndrome mon. It wants to run 7 moves and 3 tera types and 800 evs, it just can’t do that. But, there exist few universal checks to it. Many of the mons you mentioned as checks don’t even function as so without tera involved, much less with any of the 3 or 4 it can viably run. Zamazenta can’t always run all these moves or sets, and so something like enamorus might beat an iron defense zamazenta, but you can’t know on team preview and it really sucks to randomly lose a mon to a common set, not even a specific counterset. Do I think zamazenta belongs in the tier? Not really, but I recognize there exists counterplay and it brings valuable traits to the metagame such as checking gouging fire and a whole host of other physical attackers. I just think it’s a giant stat stick and does too much for the tier.
I like this answer, and I will fully respond to it later, but one thing about glowking is that it has flamethrower to hit Zama. It's a decently common move on it to not get destroyed by steel types, so that is an option.
0 SpA Slowking-Galar Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Tera Steel Zamazenta: 124-148 (31.9 - 38.1%) -- 91.3% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
Uhh, be an annoying mon that will be unkillable even if you hit it for super effective damage and either phaze for hazard damage or be an unstoppable set-up sweeper with calm mind or curse? And it wouldn't matter if it had to tera if it stomped everything after that.
The one thing I can give Lugia unbanners is that out of all ubers mons, it is the one who would be the least egregious if dropped.
But that says a lot about how we should drop no ubers when I have vehemently argued against dropping Lugia.
Lmao. This is such a fear mongering post. Lugia is faaaaaar away from unkillable, every single playstyle has ways to deal with Lugia, you're looking too much at its defensive stats and HA and ignoring everything else, like the recovery nerf, loss of key moves it liked like toxic and thunder wave, it's bad defensive type, susceptibility to every status, being rocks weak, being a huge tera-hog which is big since Tera cost nowadays is all time high with all the huge beatsticks in the tier and even even with Tera Lugia will always be stopped by a well made team since it invites soon much stuff if it doesn't have the right coverage/tera type: no ground coverage? Ghambit/Dhengo bait, no ice moves? Dragons and bulky grounds use you as set-up/hazards, no fighting/Fairy coverage? Hamurott, RM and Weavile uses you as bait And let's not get started on the Unaware mons which don't care about it unless it packs some bad coverage on it. I see a lot of people saying just because it's a bad Uber/UUber it shouldn't be given a chance but that's wrong in my opinion, the mons at its rank in UUbers or lower at there for one of these 4 reasons:
1 They're arent bad but are Outclassed, like Sceptile(ShedTail) and Reshiram.

2 They have better forms/version like Arceus, Urshifu and Dia-Origin

3 They're OU mons who are very niche in the tier and may may not be bordeline UUbers

4 They are really bad and there's no reason to use it. LUGIA.

I'm not saying to give a suspect right now especially with the meta as unstable as it is right now, but I really believe it can bring something good for the tier. It's a bad offensive mon but it could be a good/great defensive boon to help handle all those offensive threats turning the tier into a offensive mess, we shouldn't be afraid to consider mons just because the are Ubers by what is a formality due to being a 680bst box-mon rather than being an actual Uber. When the Deoxys and Darkrai got dropped everyone was saying they won't last now the three are fine and two of them are UU or lower.

TL/DR: Lugia, is ok and should be considered in the future once the tier stabilizes a bit more, also Ban Tera, it's a cancer killing the tier and ban RM as well.
I am not a fan of zamazenta being in the tier and while I wouldn’t advocate for any tiering action on him at the moment, I would certainly vote ban if the opportunity arose. Most of the checks you listed don’t actually threaten :zamazenta: with a knockout or are actually beaten by it. I’ll go over your examples and a couple other metagame answers to it as well.
As a note, I usually don’t like including terastalization when discussing counterplay, but in my experience zamazenta is often tera steel and it causes it to completely turn the tide against some of its counters. More on this later.
:dragapult: While the wisp hex set is a fairly good counter it relies on zama not having a sub up and not clicking crunch on switch. Not unreasonable requests but it’s far from a guarantee.[/SNIP]

I can't believe I'm breaking my months of ghosting and currently being gone to nitpick for a mon I don't like against another mon I don't like, but apparently I'm that bored.

Regardless, the bold emphasis is mine since this part is completely untrue due to Dragapult's irksome self almost always using Infiltrator, which ignores Subs, unless you're one of those insane people who uses Choice Band and/or Dragon Dance Clear Body Dragapult. So all you have to really worry about is switching in on Crunch and Will O' Wisp betraying you by missing like Hydro Pump always does.

Otherwise I have no opinion on any of this or the somewhat FUBAR state of the tier. [/leaves]
No one can decide if Lugia is broken in OU or not until after seeing this Calc:

252+ SpA Choice Specs Tera Electric Ampharos Thunder vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Multiscale Lugia in Electric Terrain on a critical hit: 374-440 (89.9 - 105.7%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO

Now translate it how you want for your different arguments. Think carefully.
Lugia is so overdue....not even sure what it would do in this meta aside from being a bad tera hog if you want to go offensive or screen support.

Whirlwind like a bulky Ting Lu, but with recovery, 65 more base speed, and immunity to spikes. If you are Boots, you can almost guarantee phasing out a sweeper at least once. Lord Emvee just came out with an Ubers vid for a Lugia team. It had Whirlwind and Future Sight. Lugia is my favorite pokemon, but I certainly don't want to see it phasing out the OU tier on hazard teams.

Is it a Tera hog? Maybe not. You would only need Tera against specific matchups. It can probably choose the Tera for what it wants to beat. There is also potentially a Tera Ground attacking set because Flying/Ground is amazing coverage and you resist Stealth Rock. Ground could also let you beat Raging Bolt and Gouging Fire. But you'd likely go with a defensive Tera in most cases. Anyways, you probably wouldn't need to Tera it in most cases unless you had it as your win condition or you were at risk of getting swept.

No one can decide if Lugia is broken in OU or not until after seeing this Calc:

252+ SpA Choice Specs Tera Electric Ampharos Thunder vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Multiscale Lugia in Electric Terrain on a critical hit: 374-440 (89.9 - 105.7%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO

Now translate it how you want for your different arguments. Think carefully.

So even on double STAB Tera, crit, and choice Specs combined there is still a 62.5% chance to live a super effective hit? What was this supposed to prove exactly? Lugia would be the best phaser OU has ever seen.
Lmao. This is such a fear mongering post. Lugia is faaaaaar away from unkillable, every single playstyle has ways to deal with Lugia, you're looking too much at its defensive stats and HA and ignoring everything else, like the recovery nerf, loss of key moves it liked like toxic and thunder wave, it's bad defensive type, susceptibility to every status, being rocks weak, being a huge tera-hog which is big since Tera cost nowadays is all time high with all the huge beatsticks in the tier and even even with Tera Lugia will always be stopped by a well made team since it invites soon much stuff if it doesn't have the right coverage/tera type: no ground coverage? Ghambit/Dhengo bait, no ice moves? Dragons and bulky grounds use you as set-up/hazards, no fighting/Fairy coverage? Hamurott, RM and Weavile uses you as bait And let's not get started on the Unaware mons which don't care about it unless it packs some bad coverage on it. I see a lot of people saying just because it's a bad Uber/UUber it shouldn't be given a chance but that's wrong in my opinion, the mons at its rank in UUbers or lower at there for one of these 4 reasons:
1 They're arent bad but are Outclassed, like Sceptile(ShedTail) and Reshiram.

2 They have better forms/version like Arceus, Urshifu and Dia-Origin

3 They're OU mons who are very niche in the tier and may may not be bordeline UUbers

4 They are really bad and there's no reason to use it. LUGIA.

I'm not saying to give a suspect right now especially with the meta as unstable as it is right now, but I really believe it can bring something good for the tier. It's a bad offensive mon but it could be a good/great defensive boon to help handle all those offensive threats turning the tier into a offensive mess, we shouldn't be afraid to consider mons just because the are Ubers by what is a formality due to being a 680bst box-mon rather than being an actual Uber. When the Deoxys and Darkrai got dropped everyone was saying they won't last now the three are fine and two of them are UU or lower.

TL/DR: Lugia, is ok and should be considered in the future once the tier stabilizes a bit more, also Ban Tera, it's a cancer killing the tier and ban RM as well.
Hmm, let's see, a mon with 106/130/154 defenses that also has 90 attacking stats and is as fast as waterpon at base 110. Nope, can't see how this will be broken.
Sure, it's recovery is worse now, but it's still usable. Reminder, it will be boosting up its defenses constantly so you will be forced to recover less and less when you get into position. With multiscale, it can take any hit, and that is usually enough to get a boost off and start sweeping. Remember dragonite? The mon that can soft-check everything due to multiscale? Imagine that, but ten times more bulky and with an amazing speed stat.
Sure, it lost thunder wave and toxic, but that doesn't mean anything when it has such a diverese movepool and it really only needs boosting move, 2 attacks and recover.
Sure, psychic/flying isn't a good defensive typing, but it does have some useful applications. It resists grass, which isn't really applicable besides maybe switching in on rillaboom and waterpon. It quad resists fighting, which means zama and tusk are free entry, crunch from zama does 44% max, so lugia can recover off the damage easily, and tusk ice spinner 47% max, which also can be recovered off. This also ignores multiscale, so they are doing half that damage. It is immune to ground, which means tusk is just screwed and the other various ground types are also weak to it (ting lu ain't doing much to it). It also resists psychic, which doesn't mean much but glowking's future sight doesn't do much damage. It's not the best type, but it has it's advantage.
Sure, it is suspectable to status, but so are most mons. Idk why this is an issue, it could just boost up regardless.
Ever heard of HDB? Yeah, the thing that ignore stealth rocks? Slap that on and the issue with being rocks weak is solved. Nobody says "volc is bad because it is rocks weak" because realistically, it will always have HDB on.
Sure, it may have to rely on tera a bit, but that's not too much of an issue when you become a different type that resists your previous weaknesses. Tera dark for the pesky ghost/dark types. Tera ground if you want to beat electric types. Tera steel to get a poison immunity and resist rock/ice type moves.
Let's just say you have flying/ground coverage.
Dragon types: +1 252+ SpA Lugia Aeroblast vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Roaring Moon: 207-244 (58.9 - 69.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252+ SpA Lugia Aeroblast vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Kyurem: 228-268 (58.3 - 68.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Ground types: +1 252+ SpA Lugia Aeroblast vs. 244 HP / 16 SpD Gliscor: 259-306 (73.5 - 86.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Poison Heal
Dark type: +1 252+ SpA Lugia Aeroblast vs. 172 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Samurott-Hisui: 198-234 (54.3 - 64.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252+ SpA Lugia Aeroblast vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Weavile: 238-282 (84.6 - 100.3%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
Unaware mons:+1 252+ SpA Lugia Earth Power vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Unaware Skeledirge: 146-172 (35.5 - 41.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
+1 252+ SpA Lugia Aeroblast vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Unaware Dondozo: 196-232 (38.8 - 46%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
+1 252+ SpA Lugia Earth Power vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Unaware Clodsire: 122-144 (26.3 - 31.1%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
Okay, so which one of these are taking on a tera'd lugia? Answer: Only clodsire.
Also, what's stopping lugia from using coverage for these mon?
It has for special move types:
That's half the type chart. What is stopping it from using one of these moves and drastically changing its counters?
For physical move types:
Flying (It gets brave bird)
Dragon (scale shot)
Not as good, but workable.
And I haven't even talked about multiscale yet. Wanna see a calc?
+2 252+ Atk Black Glasses Supreme Overlord 5 allies fainted Tera Dark Kingambit Sucker Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Multiscale Lugia: 372-438 (89.4 - 105.2%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
And a resist calc btw:
+2 252+ Atk Black Glasses Supreme Overlord 5 allies fainted Tera Dark Kingambit Sucker Punch vs. 252 HP / 220+ Def Great Tusk: 188-222 (43.3 - 51.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
I'm sorry, but how is this a good mon for OU? One of the strongest moves in the game, gambit's sucker punch, doesn't even have full odds to OHKO despite the fact it is at +2, tera dark and has 5 allies fainted supreme overlord boost. I know your going to say "but then you can't invest in your attacking stats", who the hell cares if it's univested.
0 SpA Lugia Aeroblast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tera Dark Kingambit: 114-135 (33.4 - 39.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
It's still doing decent damage btw.
TLDR, no... Stop saying lugia should drop, it's just derailing the thread and it would be a scourge to OU. It is way too bulky and way too powerful.
So even on double STAB Tera, crit, and choice Specs combined there is still a 62.5% chance to live a super effective hit? What was this supposed to prove exactly? Lugia would be the best phaser OU has ever seen.

You forget that the Calc also includes Electric Terrain. Again I say, translate it how you want. Does this make Lugia broken? Does it not? Only Ampharos knows.
All I'll seriously add to the conversation that even if you want to use the argument that BST doesn't influence whether a mon is broken or not, even if you have the ability to say "it can be checked!" doesn't mean it will be good for a tier. Adding Lugia will accomplish very little besides dropping a nightmare to contend with in a tier full of nightmares.

I'd sooner 'consider' it after a variety of demons had been banished. But as it currently stands, calling in godzilla only works if there wasn't 4 other fucking godzilla's already present.
Samurott-Hisui @ Lum Berry
Ability: Sharpness
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ceaseless Edge
- Aqua Cutter
- Knock Off
- Aqua Jet

While testing shitmons in different teams, I have been having some fun with this side-road attraction, the combination of Lum + Tera Steel allows you to essentially get the jump of things like lead pult, ribombee, or even special variants of valiant, not to mention avoiding toxic from glowking. Samu has a lot of viable items, sash, black glasses, mystic water, muscle band, boots, lefties, av, scarf, pads, and red card can be seen, so there's a good amount of experimentation you can try on

Another cool thing found while fucking around in the builder is

Ability: Sturdy
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Body Press
- Iron Defense
- Roost
- Spikes

Itemless skarmory, it has the particular niche of switching better into weavile and roaring moon, who both will get a sd / dd as you switch in, will use knock off on you for massive damage, forcing you to heal, and then they will switch out into something to capitalize from that, but now they can't anymore, of course you now lose potential chip damage, specially on Kingambit, but hey, It's something

And finally, I would like to ask the people around here if you guys have tried AV glowking, how you're feeling the set and what do you like to run in it, I like chilly a lot, so I don't ever use other sets, but maybe I can give it a try in the future
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And finally, I would like to ask the people around here if you guys have tried AV glowking, how you're feeling the set and what do you like to run in it, I like chilly a lot, so I don't ever use other sets, but maybe I can give it a try in the future
AV Glowking is amazing, I've used a set with snarl, max defense ev's and a special defense raising nature. While it loses the ability to pivot, it can take on almost any attack that isn't super effective. Combine that with tera water/dragon to wall waterpon and other mons, and you have a disgusting creature that can tank hits, get a future sight off and maybe a snarl, and then switch out to something else. Genuinelly one of the best mons in the tier.
We’re nearing the end of March and this year’s SPL is coming to a close. With this in mind, let me bring up some notable sets and trends that I found cool. Plus this is a good time to highlight some underrated sets/mons.


Alomomola (Alomomola) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 12 HP / 244 Def / 252 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Scald
- Flip Turn
- Wish
- Protect

This isn’t a new idea, but it does see more frequent play. Generally with Pokemon with over 150+ HP, maxing out HP isn’t necessary since bulk is the HP and defense stats multiplied. So since your HP is so massive even without much investment, its best to focus on maxing out the other stats. The SpD investment allows Mola to avoid 2HKOs from Ghold’s Sball, Darkrai Dpulse, and Enam Moonblast while it doesn’t sacrifice the bulk needed to be good at tanking physical hits.


Cinderace (Cinderace) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Libero
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pyro Ball
- Gunk Shot/Low Kick
- Sucker Punch
- U-turn/Low Kick

As valuable as Cinderace is for hazard control, AoA Libero sets deserve to be explored. STAB Pyro trucks a lot of neutral targets, and even some frailer resists like Dragapult. The standard offensive sets are locked to running Pyro/U-Turn/Court which leaves you with an awkward 4th slot for either Sucker, Gunk, or Low Kick. Instead you forgo Court Change to run Sucker and Coverage. Gunk Shot hits a ton of neutral targets and lands a surprise KO on Primarina. Gunk also lets you punish Tera Fairy, a very common defensive Tera on stuff like Garg and Dirge. Low Kick 2HKOs Garg and OHKOs Tran on the switch. Sucker can catch some mons slipping like Dragapult, Volcarona, and Tera Flying Moon. Even in the matchups where Cinderace can’t break something open like Garg, Dirge, or Mola Balance, U-Turn invites in the mons that do exploit these cores like Kyurem or Wogrepon. Its a banger set that role compresses pivoting, breaking, and speed control.


Darkrai @ Heavy-Duty Boots/Leftovers/Focus Sash/Lum Berry/Choice Scarf/Expert Belt/Life Orb/Custap Berry
Ability: Bad Dreams
Tera Type: Poison/Fairy/Electric/Ghost/Ice
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dark Pulse
- Sludge Bomb
- Ice Beam/Nasty Plot
- Focus Blast/Nasty Plot/Knock Off/Will-O-Wisp/Thunder Wave/Trick

Darkrai has beat the mid allegations after the Sleep ban, solidifying itself as a wallbreaker with great coverage, good speed tier, and several options to mess around with. Wisp and T-Wave let it act as a budget Dragapult. Scarf sets outpace Val and Moon while remaining good into Balance with Trick. Knock Off is nasty against Stall since Sludge Bomb smacks Clef, Gliscor drops to Ice Beam, and Skarm can’t eat a special hit to save its life. The bread n’ butters though are Nasty Plot and AoA. As you can see, Rai runs a shitton of different items. We’ve seen Boots Rai to be the ultimate anti-Webs soldier, Lefties for passive recovery and to punish pivoting, Lum to punish Gliscor for staying in and avoid getting T-Wave’d by Pult, Lead Rai with Sash to dent the opposing team early, LO is an option for that extra power boost, but E-Belt is a better for what you want to hit anyways, and Custap for landing cheeky, surprise KOs. Considering Darkrai’s movepool is wider than the country of Russia, I’m interested in seeing what developments pop up in the coming months.


Deoxys-Speed (Deoxys-Speed) @ Eject Pack
Ability: Pressure
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 HP / 76 Atk / 100 Def / 24 SpA / 56 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psycho Boost
- Superpower
- Taunt/Ice Beam
- Stealth Rock

(56 Spe Timid outpaces Booster Tusk. 76 Atk with Tera Fighting ensures an OHKO on Gambit and Samurott after rocks. I forgot what the SpA EVs are for, and the rest is dumped into Def)

Eject Pack Deo-S is a neat concept put into practice during SPL. The main idea is simple. Get up rocks, then you click Psycho or Superpower to pivot out for early momentum. We’ve seen this paired often with Teal Mask Ogerpon because Deo-S copes for the days of more than one Defogger in the tier and SO is too OP for Deogambit to become a thing. Deo-S is difficult to build around due to its awkward typing, but it puts in work if you can find a way to make use of Deo-S Jack-of-All-Trades nature.


Dragonite (Dragonite) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Multiscale
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 Atk / 48 SpA / 208 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Extreme Speed
- Hurricane
- Fire Punch/Earthquake

While the Standard Dnite set is a true bread n’ butter that has stood the test of time, it can struggle with such as Zama and bulky Tusk variants. Hurricane is a reminder that yes, Dnite has 100 SpA, yes it’s a Flying type. Send it out earlier than usual, and if they bring in Zama or Tusk…

48 SpA Dragonite Hurricane vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Zamazenta: 222-264 (57.2 - 68%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

48 SpA Dragonite Hurricane vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Great Tusk: 414-488 (95.3 - 112.4%) -- 75% chance to OHKO

This also does a sizable chunk to Dozo, letting you force a Rest and potentially 1v1 it with luck.

48 SpA Dragonite Hurricane vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Dondozo: 177-208 (35.1 - 41.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

The final slot can either be dedicated to EQ for Garg, Tran, Cinder, and Gking or Fire Punch for Balloon Ghold and Skarm. The lack of Ice Spinner means Gliscor can 1v1 this, but Gliscor will not stay in on a +1 Dnite to risk the potential of Ice Spinner. Hurricane Dnite also opens up other wincons like Kingambit.


Garganacl @ Leftovers/Heavy-Duty-Boots
Ability: Purifying Salt
Tera Type: Water/Fairy/Grass/Ghost/Dragon/Poison
EVs: 252 HP / 32 Def / 224 SpD
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock/Curse
- Salt Cure
- Recover
- Protect/Earthquake

The Salt Rock has exploded in popularity by doing the exact same thing its been doing since Pre-Home. Blanket-checks half the tier and is the best Hex Pult switch-in while chipping everything with Salt Cure. Garg can 6-0 unprepared teams with Curse and the right Tera. If it doesn’t rise in April, I’ll be completely shocked.


Gholdengo (Gholdengo) @ Air Balloon/Covert Cloak/Rocky Helmet
Ability: Good as Gold
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 184 Def / 72 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hex/Shadow Ball
- Make It Rain/Nasty Plot/Focus Blast
- Thunder Wave
- Recover

T-Wave Ghold has been a thing for about a year now, but it has more merit in this meta for crippling common Ghold checks like Volc, G-Fire, and Gambit. The issue running it is you have to decide on giving up Nasty Plot or a secondary attacking move.


Glimmora (Glimmora) @ Red Card
Ability: Toxic Debris
Tera Type: Ghost/Flying
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Stealth Rock/Spikes
- Mud Shot
- Power Gem
- Mortal Spin

We’ve hit a Glimmora renaissance this month with options like Power Herb M-Beam, Balloon, and the set you’re seeing here being explored, Red Card. Red Card has seen increased usage due to the aggressive nature of the metagame. Prevent early setup or force them to waste their Booster Energy. Red Card goes from underrated to cracked with hazard setters like Ting-Lu who uses Red Card to rack up hazard chip and use its gargantuan bulk to stop premature sweeps. Glimm gets some nasty milage from Red Card since in conjunction with Toxic Debris, Glimm can poison a random mon. Shout outs to Adamant Nature for putting this set to work in their RMT to reach the 1900s.


BU Taunt Tusk (Great Tusk) @ Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Poison/Fairy/Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bulk Up
- Headlong Rush
- Ice Spinner
- Taunt/Roar

Super underrated set. In response to Ironpress Zama, Tusk has been running Tera Poison to 1v1 it. In response to that, Zama has started running Roar, but Booster Tusk has other underrated options to mess with for the 4th slot. Taunt allows you to shut down both Iron Defense and Roar while 1v1ing Gliscor without Terastilizing. Taunt also shuts down opposing setup, letting it run other Teras like Tera Fairy to 1v1 Swipe G-Fire and Tera Fire to block Wisp. Roar has a similar function to Taunt but it does a couple things such as force hazard chip, 1v1 opposing Booster Tusk, and punish plays like hard switching to Valiant to get off an Encore. Its a cool alternative if Rapid Spin is unnecessary and CC isn’t needed.

(Taunt BU Tusk violating a whole HO team by itself. Truly a work of art.)


Hatterene (Hatterene) (F) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Magic Bounce
Tera Type: Water/Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 76 SpA / 120 SpD / 60 Spe
Modest Nature
- Mystical Fire/Psychic Noise
- Draining Kiss
- Psyshock
- Nuzzle

Credits go to njnp and Srn for cooking AV Hatt. An absolutely goated set. I often feel Hatt lacks the ability to actually switch into hits that aren’t from passive mons like Skarm, but AV fixes that issue.

On faster paced teams, it provides solid role compression. Sponge special hits, spread Para, block hazards, and break some holes.

It legit 1v1s and trades with most of the tier like Kyurem, QD Volc, Rai, CM Tera Poison Prim, Tusk, Samu, Wake, Glimm, Hex Pult, Glowking, Weavile, Zama, opposing Hatt, Zapdos, Deo-S, Valiant, etc.

It even lives offensive Ghold’s MiR after rocks.

252 SpA Gholdengo Make It Rain vs. 252 HP / 120 SpD Assault Vest Hatterene: 234-276 (73.5 - 86.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

You can slap this on any BO, Terrain, HO, or Sun team and get some great milage off it.

If the Ghold or Corv matchup doesn’t concern you, Psychic Noise allows you to smack even more shit like Garg, Dirge, Clef, Gliscor, and Lando. Tera Water 1v1s Ghold and switches into Wake, but Tera Flying hardwalls Knock-less Gliscor and 1v1s Ting-Lu.

Easily my favorite Hatt set and I’d love to see the Hatt meta evolve past Calm Mind and Healing Wish.

With Fast Taunt Lando, you can ensure that hazards don’t go up.


Iron Crown (Iron Crown) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 20 Atk
- Tachyon Cutter
- Psychic Noise/Future Sight
- Focus Blast
- Volt Switch

Continuing the discussion of Assault Vest Psychics, Iron Crown has seen usage as a specially bulky pivot on BO teams as an alternative to Gking. Being a Steel type that outspeeds Kyurem, it has been a valuable check that can switch in and one-shot with Tachyon Cutter. You’ve might’ve seen the Lando/Prim/Crown BO teams flying around either in tournament replays or games. It’s another innovation BO builds have been embarking on to continue being relevant in this fast-developing meta.


Iron Jugulis @ Booster Energy
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dark Pulse
- Hurricane
- Taunt
- Earth Power

Jugulis is a pretty fun/underrated mon to mess around with. It’s a niche anti-lead that can deny rocks from Deo-S, Treads, Lando, and Glimm while potentially 1v1ing Sash Pult. Jugulis functions as a decent stallbreaker, being able to blank Gliscor, Ting-Lu, and Clodsire with Taunt. It’s strong enough to 2HKO physically defensive Clef with Hurricane, helped by the fact it lives a Moonblast. Tera Ground can surprise Raging Bolt and Gambit with STAB EP while blanking T-Wave.


Iron Valiant (Iron Valiant) @ Booster Energy
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Shadow Ball
- Vacuum Wave

Pdt brought in an off-the-walls Val set in this game, this time with SpA Booster. While it does worse vs offense even with Vacuum Wave, Moonblast hits targets like Clef and Gliscor even harder while +1 Tera Ghost Shadow Ball one-shots Gking outright. We’ve also seen other Val sets like Choice Specs from players like Storm Zone and LO Mixed.


Kyurem (Kyurem) @ Leftovers/Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Pressure
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 56 HP / 64 Def / 196 SpA / 192 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Protect
- Freeze-Dry
- Earth Power

(192 Spe outspeeds Tusk. 56 HP to sub up on Blissey. The defense EVs let you dodge an OHKO from Moon’s +1 Knock, tho Tera Flying will kill.)

You can ruin alot of Balances with this set. Been running Sub-Tect on a Stall team as an Anti-Balance measure that can also do some sorcery vs offensive builds before dying. Tera Steel lets you Sub on Clef, Garg, and Gking while you fish for freezes and Sub-Tect + Pressure lets you drain out PP early which is huge for these classic Dozo/Bliss/Glis/Clod/Mola builds vs Balance and opposing Stall.


Landorus-Therian (Landorus-Therian) @ Rocky Helmet/Leftovers/Focus Sash/Eject Button/Red Card
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 244 HP / 12 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Rock Tomb
- Taunt

Rock Tomb Lando is decade old tech digged up recently. Rock Tomb has applications such as slowing down Booster mons, hitting Volc, and hitting Flyers. I am interested in seeing if sets like Scarf or offensive variants will resurface in the future.


Latios (Latios) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Psychic Noise
- Aura Sphere
- Recover

As cool and shiny the newly-buffed Luster Purge is, the 8 PP makes the move easy to play around, however Psychic Noise has double the PP, plus it prevents checks like Ghold and Garg from clicking Recover, helping it in its niche as a Spikes immune Wallbreaker. It also hits through Sub which can clutch out certain matchups. Tera Steel in particular shuts down Kyurem, Toxic from Gliscor, bounces back Fairy moves, and hardwalls HLR + Spinner Tusk. Modest is for the extra power boost and even with less speed, it still outruns Kyurem. Latios is hard to fit because of competition from other Dragons, but I appreciate Latios’ traits.


Ogerpon-Cornerstone (Ogerpon-Cornerstone) (F) @ Cornerstone Mask
Ability: Sturdy
Tera Type: Rock
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Spikes
- Ivy Cudgel
- Knock Off/Horn Leech/Power Whip
- Encore/Taunt

Ogerpon has a built in Sturdy + the combination of Knock and Encore with Spikes. A couple players have made use of this set like Storm Zone. Rockpon is the third fastest Spike setter in the tier (Greninja isn’t real) and it scares common hazard control with Rock + Grass STAB. The other Ogres have been seeing usage outside of Wogre and I am curious if they will rise to OU in the future.


Primarina (Primarina) @ Leftovers/Custap Berry
Ability: Liquid Voice
Tera Type: Fairy/Steel/Poison
EVs: 252 HP / 48 SpA / 208 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Psychic Noise
- Moonblast/Draining Kiss
- Encore

(208 Speed Timid outruns Jolly Kingambit and 0 speed Gliscor)

This set Encores vs Gambit and also opposing Primarina. You also outrun defensive Ghold, Tran, and opposing base 60s.


Ribombee @ Focus Sash
Ability: Shield Dust
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sticky Web
- Moonblast
- Stun Spore
- Skill Swap

Webs deserves a mention here as it’s been seeing higher usage in high level play in response to increased HO usage and decreased Boots Spam Balance. DLC2 also gifted the archetype several strong abusers such as Rbolt, G-Fire, Serperior, along with pre-existing abusers such as Booster Atk Tusk and Ogerpon. I am interested in seeing if Webs will continue to see use or drop as players start preparing for it. Webs generally has been having an up and down streak since DLC1.


Roaring Moon @ Lum Berry
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Knock Off
- Earthquake
- Tera Blast

I do not know who came up with the concept first, but Finch used this early in SPL but I’ve been using it myself on Sun and this shit cooks. Lum punishes status from Wisp Tran, Pult, Clef, Gliscor, Clod, Mola, Zapdos, etc. As stated by Finch, Tera Fairy Blast rounds out the Dark/Ground coverage by hitting Ting-Lu, Ghold, Tusk, Kyu, and Zama. Exactly what Acro covers, but it keeps your Dark resistance and you gain a neutrality to Ice. A lot of players will expect CB Moon and get bamboozled by the Tera Fairy. It does mean you need to preserve Tera while using it on Sun, but Sun generally banks on one Tera abuser a game anyways.


Samurott-Hisui (Samurott-Hisui) @ Choice Band
Ability: Sharpness
Tera Type: Dark/Water
EVs: 76 HP / 252 Atk / 180 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Ceaseless Edge
- Aqua Cutter/Razor Shell
- Knock Off/Sacred Sword
- Aqua Jet

(180 Speed EVs to outrun Raging Bolt)

CB Samu is a cool set as it has 0 safe switch ins. Ceaseless goes from spammable to spammable and dangerous. Even some bulky resists like Clef and Kingambit are 3HKOd by Tera Dark Ceaseless. Mola and Skarm are 2HKOd. Zama is 2HKOd by Aqua Cutter after it loses the Dauntless Shield boost, Tusk dies to Water STAB too, Dozo gets Knock’d and worn by Spikes. It can outright 6-0 Stalls lacking Clef, and even then, one Aqua Cutter puts it in range of Tera Dark Ceaseless. On top of this, you’re getting Spikes up and you have priority Aqua Jet. I do enjoy the increased usage Samu is getting, despite competition from Wogre.


Tinkaton (Tinkaton) @ Air Balloon
Ability: Pickpocket
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 20 HP / 252 Atk / 236 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Encore
- Gigaton Hammer
- Knock Off/Thunder Wave/Stealth Rock
- Ice Hammer/Thunder Wave

Tinkaton’s defensive typing and speed matches up well with a good chunk of the metagame. While Mold Breaker + its great utility pool has given it a small niche in each metagame, Balloon synergizes well with its other ability Pickpocket. Stealing Lefties, Helmet, and more deviously, Boots. This set ruins Weavile, Meow, and other fast Boots spammers. Thus freeing up a slot to run T-Wave or Rocks over Knock. It’s seen a slight bit of usage in tours and on high ladder.


Volcanion @ Custap Berry
Ability: Water Absorb
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 72 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD / 176 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Steam Eruption
- Flamethrower
- Endure/Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt

(176 Spe outpaces Jolly Gambit and other mons speed creeping it.)

This was a cool set brought by Gilbert arenas. Custap Berry has seen increased usage overall to pick up surprise KOs which started with Custap CM Prim. Gilbert however decided to spice it up with Endure to ensure the berry actives. Unfortunately it didn’t get to be used due to Gambit cleaning up the game it was in, however its awesome to see Custap usage after 90% of the items used in modern gens have been Boots, Lefties, Choice items, Helmet, or Lum.

If I’ve forgot any sets or if you have some you wanna share, feel free to do so. I find that the OU discussion thread rarely talks about meta developments or innovations. (Morkal where are you?)

Either it’s “we gotta ban X” or a shitpost or the thread gets derailed by an unban Lugia campaign.

While I think the meta still has issues to be addressed, this tier is starting to grow on me. Probably the best state SV OU has ever been in.

Every archetype in the tier is viable and consistent because there are defensive and offensive cores that help with several matchups, along with highly splashable mons like Zama, Gambit, Pult, and Lando that fill multiple roles on a team. We got here due to the bridge crashing down, among the countless bans just to get here.

Gen 9 feels like a hybrid of Gen 4’s lead centric meta, Gen 7’s chaotic but fun offensive meta, and Gen 3’s creative meta. I’ve been having an enjoyable time laddering, building teams, and testing them. Not every one feels the same and that’s fine.

Have a good day/evening, and if you’re in school, finish your homework.