Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Kyurem suspect now up]

Today I wanna share a quick guide on Spikes. These li’l buggers are infamous in SV OU due to higher distribution of Spike and lower distribution of Defog. Combined with Gholdengo blocking Defog and it is easy to see why they’re so controversial. This guide will prove useful to both the players malding about Spikes, and players spamming Ting-Lu + Skarm or Gliscor + Clef balances.

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658Greninja’s Guide To Spikes
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Before we begin, these are all the Pokemon in the current VR that get Spikes.






The most common ones are Gliscor, Ting-Lu, Skarm, and Samurott, so those are the ones you need to look out for.

Also, there is hidden knowledge about Spikes that a lot of players are unaware of. What I mean by this is there is a certain amount of damage each layer deals, and that is important to know when using or dealing with Spikes.

1 layer deals 12.5%
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2 layers deal 16.67%
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3 layers deal 25%
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So why should players be aware of this?

If you take a look at how much damage 1 layer deals compared to 2, there is only a 4.17% difference.

The damage difference between 2 layers with 3 is nearly double that, an 8.33% difference.

In short, 2 layers of Spikes do not make much of a difference.

Often times I see players become greedy and get off 3 layers of Spikes in one sitting. Then they end up getting their hazard setter heavily chipped or lose valuable momentum. The worst case scenario is when Tusk successfully spins vs them or Cinderace clicks Court Change, and all that hard work is lost.

On the other side, I see players go crazy over 2 layers and feel they are impossible to remove. They let them get up 3 layers. They let their Tusk get worn down too easy, and they play too reactionary.

Sure dealing over 16% is obviously better than dealing 12.5%, but it isn’t a difference maker in practice.

Playing With Spikes

So how should you use Spikes?

No. 1 One Spike is Fine Enough:
Getting only 1 layer of Spike is the safe play. Even just 1 Spike gets the job done, and less progress is lost if Tusk decides to spin them away.

No. 2 Don’t Be Risky With Spinblockers:
Great Tusk can hugely dent or OHKO the three most popular spinblockers Dragapult, Gholdengo, and Skeledirge. They hate taking Headlong Rush and especially hate taking Knock Off. Yes they could spin block, but it comes with a huge risk of possibly losing them, and these are mons you don’t want to lose. Dragapult provides speed control and spreads status while checking Volcarona and Wogerpon. Gholdengo can wall-break, switch into Kyu Ice Beam, and check Zama. Skeledirge hard counters Bulky DD G-Fire and checks Hatt which is a scary matchup for these Spike Stacking Balances. Stuff like Balloon Ghold can ease that risk, but using them to spinblock takes prediction and risk assessment.

“Should I let Tusk Spin?”

“Is it worth going hard Pult or Ghold to keep hazards up, even if they die for it?”

“Could I aim to wear down the Tusk instead?”

No. 3 Aim for Either 1 or 3. If you’re in a position to get 3 up, do it.
3 layers of spikes are a deal breaker, but it is important to know when you are in a good position to get up three. You might know this if…

The hazard removal is gone.

If you can keep them from removing hazards through offensive pressure and/or spinblockers.

If you’re in a position where hard switching to Ghold/Pult is a safe enough play.

If you’re in war with another spike stacking team.

No. 4 Knock First, Spike Next
Early Knock Off is generally a great way to start making progress. There is less of a risk and a larger reward in clicking it. Then when you put up that 1 layer of Spikes, it will usually be more effective.

No. 5 Use Spikes/Rocks To Limit Wallbreaker Entry

This is moreso for bulkier builds, but to most common way to limit wallbreakers like Specs Kyurem is to limit their turns. Be cautious when trying to get up hazards though, cause the opponent may use that turn to get their breaker in. Click rocks or spikes at your own risk.

No. 6 Be Patient:
Clicking buttons is fun and stimulating. Three layers of Spikes are very shiny but playing the long game with one layer vs the Tusk or Cinderace will benefit you in the long run. Letting you Ting-Lu get chipped just to get up Spikes up may not be optimal if there is a Dragapult staring at you. When the opportunity comes, stack slowly. An empire does not get built in one day.

I am giving this advice not to satisfy a superiority complex, but because I’ve made these mistakes in my own gameplay.

Playing Vs Spikes

This is for the players that hate Spikes. Counterplay to Spikes is more than just the Hazard and Hazard Remover dynamic. Here’s how you can improve your matchup vs Spikes.

No. 1 Don’t Panic:
I see players freak out over getting jumpscared by a layer of spikes and rush to get in their Tusk to remove them. Remain calm and be patient. If the position to bring in Tusk arises, take it.

No. 2 Limit Opportunities:
They can’t get up Spikes if they can’t come in, or they’re in a position where Spiking isn’t the optimal play. You can limit their opportunities by..

Having a good lead to gain momentum.

Making your teams offensive enough to pressure them from getting up hazards (i.e wallbreakers, sweepers, other scary threats like Weavile)

Play smart and they shouldn’t be able to get up 3 layers in one sitting.

No. 3: Don’t Be Intimidated By Suicide Leads
People panic in front of Spike Leads like Hamurott and Deo-S. Then they let them get 3 layers. The next day they rant about Samurott-H or Gholdengo being broken on the forums. This is where the knowledge of Spikes damage comes in. Because of their fragility, they mostly only get up 1 or 2 layers of Spikes at best before dying. Again, there’s only a 4% damage difference. No need to fret. Anti-lead them and limit the Spikes they get. You could apply the same logic to Ting/Gliscor/Skarm.

No. 4 Do Not Neglect Taunt Lando
Taunt Lando is one of the best ways to prevent hazards and crushes those Spike Stacking Balances people complain about. They legit have nothing to deal with it besides hard switching to Pult, Weav, or Meow and Knock Gliscor.

No. 5 Run Teams That Don’t Mind Spikes
This isn’t limited to just running Boots on 4-5 mons. Sometimes a good team can just have good offensive pressure + Tusk. It’s fine to have a few mons with Boots on the team as well. If you’re running a team with 5 passive blobs and a Tusk, you aren’t gonna do well. Which leads me to the next tip.

No. 6 Do Not Play Passively
This also relates to the 5 other tips. When I said SV OU punishes passive plays, these are one of the reasons why. I see too many players just allow the Gliscor in front of them to get up 3 layers of Spikes. It is best to play a balance of aggression and safe switches. This is why limiting turns is huge.

That is all. If you want to learn more about Spikes from someone more qualified, check out BKC’s video on Spikes. It’s long enough to get the main points across and short enough so the upcoming generation of Showdown players injected with TikTok and Cocomelon brainrot don’t lose interest. This video applies to every Post-GSC gen, including SV OU.

Anyways, back to my homework.
I feel like if we had the gen 4 -> 5 team preview change happen today, people would be arguing against it for the exact same reason. In other words, I don't find that to be a good reason to dismiss the idea. It would objectively make tera blast worse, so I'll stand by it as a reasonable first step.
Your looking at it from purely the offensive tera side, as you can't pull out a suprise defensive tera to check a mon. Some threats like gambit even if you know what tera they are, will still force you to play 50/50 as you still know they might tera. It doesn't really add as much as you think, volc could still pick and choose it's checks but now you know whether you will lose.
Your looking at it from purely the offensive tera side, as you can't pull out a suprise defensive tera to check a mon. Some threats like gambit even if you know what tera they are, will still force you to play 50/50 as you still know they might tera. It doesn't really add as much as you think, volc could still pick and choose it's checks but now you know whether you will lose.
I feel like the issue then moreso is gambit and volc. Anyway, I'm advocating for a first step, not a final step, and I assure you, I'm taking in a holistic perspective.
I feel like the issue then moreso is gambit and volc. Anyway, I'm advocating for a first step, not a final step, and I assure you, I'm taking in a holistic perspective.
Those were moreso examples of what would occur, anything could be substituted in their place like "Some threats like gouging gambit even if you know what tera they are, will still force you to play 50/50 as you still know they might tera"
Those were moreso examples of what would occur, anything could be substituted in their place like "Some threats like gouging gambit even if you know what tera they are, will still force you to play 50/50 as you still know they might tera"
Does Gouging even run tera blast? I understand what you're trying to say, but using the mon with the highest support to be banned is also not a great example.
Like rn, the options are two binaries. Restrict tera Y/N, and ban tera Y/N. To stay on topic, yes, I am in favor of some form of restriction, and I would prefer a restriction over a ban. Let's cross the bridge of what that looks like when we get to it.
I genuinely believe that no Tera Restrictions aside a dedicated Tera Banlist truly solve any of the problems some people might have with Tera. I've however jumped ship on that solution because it's been widely regarded as not a viable option.

I'd personally rather play with Tera in it's entirety without restrictions in a gen 9 metagame aside from the above proposition, I'm aware it's considered a Complex Ban, but I truly believe it's one case where it should be permitted.
I feel like the issue then moreso is gambit and volc. Anyway, I'm advocating for a first step, not a final step, and I assure you, I'm taking in a holistic perspective.
Well the problem with tera in singles is that the ways to restrict it are not good enough or just stupid, and the problems with it won't go away unless we ban it, as this is a mechanic that lets anything bullshit past its checks. Tera is something pushing potentially reasonable pokemon like Gouging Fire, Gambit, Volc, and a few others into broken territory, and when they get banned more pokemon become broken. Gouging fire is a similar case to Gambit and Volc when you think about it in that way. I wanted gouging fire to be okay, but truth is in a tera meta it just never will be. Sure, gen 9 has powercreep but tera is just as big of a problem as it inflates the power of OU too much.

I said I support a full ban because I'm tired of this sunk cost fallacy bs and I want action since I was pro restriction until I realized there was no good way to restrict tera unless it gets yeeted. The tier is definitely better without tera, and I support its ban as a meta reset feels very necessary right now as it feels like nothing good is gonna come of it unless we get tera out of here. The harsh truth is that you just cannot balance singles around tera, because of the variance and unpredictability, as well as general cheese it enables which bans will never solve unless the mechanic goes. I do understand why people want to keep it, but I honestly think that players should just go play doubles if they wanna enjoy tera in a place where it is balanced, since the variance and unpredictability has strong counterplay in redirection moves and tera having some opportunity cost in doubles. I fear that we will see a massive domino effect of bans due to tera and we won't do anything about tera until it is too late. I think a tera blast ban only solves half the problems, and just feels like beating around the bush of the actual issues

Tera tiering action could start with team preview like VGC
It's already been discussed to death that tera preview just doesn't work in a singles context in the tera tiering discussion. I'm not even gonna explain because many other people have already
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I wasn't sure where to ask this, but for OU Tiering surveys, is the distribution of responses available anywhere? The overall score is cool and all, but I'm especially interested to see individual response distribution on this one in terms of metagame enjoyment and such.
I’ve seen Tera Ghost Garg lately. It can sit on every single one of those mons with the right Tera. And spread its shit.

I listed Gliscor because it’s the same but even more Toxic. “But Ice Spinner!” Gliscor outlasts Tusk, bro. It opens the fridge, grabs a beer, and sits down on the couch. Toxic, Protect, Spikes, Protect, Switch, Protect, Spikes, Protect, Protect, Switch…zzzzzzz
252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Garganacl: 169-199 (41.8 - 49.2%) -- 59% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

do people even run max spdef? and which common garg tera type resists elecric? considering most of the pokemon i listed are near the top of the VR you could easily just run 2 of them and there's no way for it to handle both. you arent kneecapping yourself by running raging bolt and gholdengo for example, theyre both great. id be interested to know what your average teams look like since you have an issue with so many aspects of the game
Well the problem with tera in singles is that the ways to restrict it are not good enough or just stupid, and the problems with it won't go away unless we ban it, as this is a mechanic that lets anything bullshit past its checks. Tera is something pushing potentially reasonable pokemon like Gouging Fire, Gambit, Volc, and a few others into broken territory, and when they get banned more pokemon become broken. Gouging fire is a similar case to Gambit and Volc when you think about it in that way. I wanted gouging fire to be okay, but truth is in a tera meta it just never will be. Sure, gen 9 has powercreep but tera is just as big of a problem as it inflates the power of OU too much.

I said I support a full ban because I'm tired of this sunk cost fallacy bs and I want action since I was pro restriction until I realized there was no good way to restrict tera unless it gets yeeted. The tier is definitely better without tera, and I support its ban as a meta reset feels very necessary right now as it feels like nothing good is gonna come of it unless we get tera out of here. The harsh truth is that you just cannot balance singles around tera, because of the variance and unpredictability, as well as general cheese it enables which bans will never solve unless the mechanic goes. I do understand why people want to keep it, but I honestly think that players should just go play doubles if they wanna enjoy tera in a place where it is balanced, since the variance and unpredictability has strong counterplay in redirection moves and tera having some opportunity cost in doubles. I fear that we will see a massive domino effect of bans due to tera and we won't do anything about tera until it is too late. I think a tera blast ban only solves half the problems, and just feels like beating around the bush of the actual issues

It's already been discussed to death that tera preview just doesn't work in a singles context in the tera tiering discussion. I'm not even gonna explain because many other people have already
I think a tera ban is never off the table, but I'm not sure how it would pan out since it really does warrant a total reset of the meta. Maybe a slow reintegration of banned mons? Idk, all of this has been discussed to death. It's just gonna come down to a suspect vote tbh.
I think a tera ban is never off the table, but I'm not sure how it would pan out since it really does warrant a total reset of the meta. Maybe a slow reintegration of banned mons? Idk, all of this has been discussed to death. It's just gonna come down to a suspect vote tbh.
A tera ban wouldn't require a total reset of the meta. Only about three mons were broken by tera. Those are regieleki, terapagos and esparthra (though I would say espathra was ban worthy without tera, but others disagree.) Every other mon was broken without tera, and maybe I'm missing one, but I don't think something like urshifu-rs was broken by tera.
I think a tera ban is never off the table, but I'm not sure how it would pan out since it really does warrant a total reset of the meta. Maybe a slow reintegration of banned mons? Idk, all of this has been discussed to death. It's just gonna come down to a suspect vote tbh.
i've already gone over multiple times why it wouldn't in fact warrant a total reset of the meta. in my opinion, only four mons are worth dropping without tera: espathra, regieleki, firepon, and terapagos. i think espathra and firepon would still be too much for the tier to handle and would be rebanned, but they're worth at least trying out in the unlikely event of a tera ban. every other banned mon does extremely stupid things independent of tera and shouldn't be considered for a drop
i've already gone over multiple times why it wouldn't in fact warrant a total reset of the meta. in my opinion, only four mons are worth dropping without tera: espathra, regieleki, firepon, and terapagos. i think espathra and firepon would still be too much for the tier to handle and would be rebanned, but they're worth at least trying out in the unlikely event of a tera ban. every other banned mon does extremely stupid things independent of tera and shouldn't be considered for a drop
I would add Volc, Gouging Fire, Gambit, and Raging Bolt to the list if they get banned, since tera is what enables those four to do most of their stupid stuff, Gouging Fire's calcs without tera are noticably easier to take, and defensive sets are easier to handle without it hitting tera to cheese past things like the other three mentioned already do
I would add Volc, Gouging Fire, Gambit, and Raging Bolt to the list if they get banned, since tera is what enables those four to do most of their stupid stuff, Gouging Fire's calcs without tera are noticably easier to take, and defensive sets are easier to handle without it hitting tera to cheese past things like the other three mentioned already do
Gouging would still likely be broken. Now it just can't destroy all stall teams and actually has to get chip on dondozo.
The right amount of broken. /jk
Gouging would still likely be broken. Now it just can't destroy all stall teams and actually has to get chip on dondozo.
The right amount of broken. /jk
Gouging I'm kinda iffy on to be fair, but at least it would have to dragon dance more times to get to that sweep and choice band would by technicality have answers, other three probably are okay without tera
Gouging I'm kinda iffy on to be fair, but at least it would have to dragon dance more times to get to that sweep and choice band would by technicality have answers, other three probably are okay without tera
Band gouging under sun does 29% max to dondozo. That's a lot less power, but with the amount of threats dozo has to handle, that is definitely manageable to get that chip. It goes from destroying everything in one hit to most things in one hit.
I would add Volc,
absolutely, yes, volc would be a prime candidate for unbanning in the event of a tera ban as the most prominent tera blast carrier in the entire tier. i'm still not entirely sure whether it'll survive, though—its traditional checks, like heatran and the blobs, are still significantly worse than in past gens
Gouging Fire,
enh, i still don't like the idea of something that hits that hard that consistently and is simultaneously that bulky, especially when we're removing so many defensive options. sure, it doesn't get some of the scariest calcs and fire resists actually resist its fire moves, but it still hits too hard for me to be comfortable with keeping it around or dropping it into a teraless meta
if this thing ever does end up getting banned by some miracle, i don't care how nerfed it gets or how the meta changes, keep it in ubers for the rest of time. i refuse to let that stupid chess-playing fuck walk free on a technicality
and Raging Bolt
i dunno, it's still monstrously hard to switch into, especially on sun and rain, which would likely get better before they get worse in this theoretical teraless ou
espathra without tera is like, comically weak. resists for psychic/fairy coverage are a dime a dozen, and not being able to escape its psychic typing is devastating for it defensively. plus, kingambit rules the meta, and no espathra set beats a healthy kingambit
It may not beat gambit and heatran, but everything else gets destroyed by stored power+ dazzling gleam. Ghold which resists it's stab will eventually be defeated by enough boosts. Reminder that it gets more powerful each turn just by existing.
Some calcs:
+2 252+ SpA Espathra Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Corviknight: 168-198 (42.1 - 49.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
+2 252+ SpA Espathra Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Excadrill: 299-352 (82.8 - 97.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 252+ SpA Espathra Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Gholdengo: 227-267 (72 - 84.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 252+ SpA Espathra Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 252 HP / 212+ SpD Heatran: 150-177 (38.8 - 45.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
+2 252+ SpA Espathra Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Iron Treads: 190-224 (49.4 - 58.3%) -- 65.6% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+2 252+ SpA Espathra Dazzling Gleam vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Kingambit: 184-217 (53.9 - 63.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 252+ SpA Espathra Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Skarmory: 282-333 (84.4 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Even gambit has to be careful switching in. With screens up, getting to +2 isn't hard.
252 SpA Gholdengo Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Espathra with an ally's Aurora Veil: 201-237 (60.7 - 71.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Black Glasses Kingambit Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Espathra with an ally's Aurora Veil: 235-277 (70.9 - 83.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
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To be honest I used to be a tera fan but now I find myself favoring action on tera and wouldn’t mind an outright ban. It’s pretty clear that tera contributes to the threat over-saturation in OU. This felt interesting for the past year but now the novelty is wearing off for me. No doubt, the meta would be easier to balance without tera than with. Yeah Gen 8 was pretty boring, but even a Gen 9 teraless meta is not going to be anything like Gen 8 given the offensive powercreep and movepool changes.

It seems like it will take a while before the discussion on tera comes to a head, which is honestly fine because there’s no point in being too hasty with a major decision like this.

Teraless tornaments or even an unofficial teraless meta would be interesting. I hope the OU council considers these options because they could give players an opportunity to try out a teraless meta for themselves.
absolutely, yes, volc would be a prime candidate for unbanning in the event of a tera ban as the most prominent tera blast carrier in the entire tier. i'm still not entirely sure whether it'll survive, though—its traditional checks, like heatran and the blobs, are still significantly worse than in past gens

I mean Skeledirge and Clodsire both become hard counters to Volc in a Tera-less Meta, alongside basically any bulky fire type.
It may not beat gambit and heatran, but everything else gets destroyed by stored power+ dazzling gleam. Ghold which resists it's stab will eventually be defeated by enough boosts. Reminder that it gets more powerful each turn just by existing.
Some calcs:
+2 252+ SpA Espathra Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Corviknight: 168-198 (42.1 - 49.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
+2 252+ SpA Espathra Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Excadrill: 299-352 (82.8 - 97.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 252+ SpA Espathra Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Gholdengo: 227-267 (72 - 84.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 252+ SpA Espathra Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 252 HP / 212+ SpD Heatran: 150-177 (38.8 - 45.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
+2 252+ SpA Espathra Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Iron Treads: 190-224 (49.4 - 58.3%) -- 65.6% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+2 252+ SpA Espathra Dazzling Gleam vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Kingambit: 184-217 (53.9 - 63.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 252+ SpA Espathra Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Skarmory: 282-333 (84.4 - 99.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Even gambit has to be careful switching in. With screens up, getting to +2 isn't hard.
252 SpA Gholdengo Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Espathra with an ally's Aurora Veil: 201-237 (60.7 - 71.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Black Glasses Kingambit Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Espathra with an ally's Aurora Veil: 235-277 (70.9 - 83.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

This greatly oversells a nontera Espathra. Without the ability to change type, or get stab on a coverage to beat would be checks, it not only takes too long to get set up that far, but also seriously struggles to even find a chance to get set up. Mono psychic is much much easier to prevent from snowballing when it can't suddenly become another type. All manner off darktypes alone give a psychic type Espathra issues, and without screens it realistically not set up consistently. And even with screens, it still needs too much time to get into a state of being threatening which leaves it too vulnerable for too long.

It would require too much support in a nontera metagame and would be nothing more than a match up fish. It wouldn't be consistent.
This greatly oversells a nontera Espathra. Without the ability to change type, or get stab on a coverage to beat would be checks, it not only takes too long to get set up that far, but also seriously struggles to even find a chance to get set up. Mono psychic is much much easier to prevent from snowballing when it can't suddenly become another type. All manner off darktypes alone give a psychic type Espathra issues, and without screens it realistically not set up consistently. And even with screens, it still needs too much time to get into a state of being threatening which leaves it too vulnerable for too long.

It would require too much support in a nontera metagame and would be nothing more than a match up fish. It wouldn't be consistent.
It takes 2 turns for these calcs... Also, these calcs actually undersell Espathra, 'cause the peacock will literally buff its Stored Power whilst you're taking chunks. The Heatran and Treads calcs are actually 2HKOs, due to the increase in Speed.

Can you list out some mons that tank Espathra's hits and do enough damage back? The only things that resist Psychic are Steel and Psychic. List some Psychics for me, 'cause all the OU Steels are in Heatranator's original calcs.