To sum up my thoughts on the metagame, I think its in a good spot rn. The steam regarding most of the alleged brokens (Zama, Wogre, KG, Rai) has simmered down. Ofc people are still vocal about discussing bans. Leng and Ausma argued Kyurem is suspect worthy, Pais was vocal about Darkrai and Raging Bolt having a negative effect on the tier. Today I wanna apologize to a mon I deemed broken in the past (no its not Gliscor). The mon in question being
Lemme go over why imo, Darkrai is not broken.
Arguing To Keep Darkrai
Reason #1: Sufficient Enough Counterplay
Despite Darkrai’s status as this unwallable fast breaker, it has several counterplay options that can fit on every common archetype, some of which the anti-Rai ban squad had listed out.
Can pivot into a Dpulse or Sludge and 1v1 with Ruination + EQ. Ice Beam and Focus Miss don’t 2HKO without a NP boost, but Ting Whirlwinds this out.
Alomomola @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 8 HP / 196 Atk / 72 Def / 232 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Scald
- Flip Turn
- Play Rough
- Mirror Coat
Underrated set. Always 2HKOs Darkrai with Play Rough and Dpulse is a 4HKO. if it Teras, Mirror Coat. Mola can also Flip Turn out into a rkiller.
1v1s Darkrai and Sludge Bomb has a very low roll to 2HKO after rocks and Prima OHKOs back with Moonblast. +2 Sludge doesn’t OHKO after rocks, needs to Tera in order to break.
One of the best and most consistent Darkrai checks. Threatens to T-Wave, get Rocks up, or Knock.
Exclusive to Stall and Fat, but 1v1s Darkrai and threatens with Toxic or Pjab.
SpD Corv is 4HKOd by Dpulse and can U-Turn out into a mon that 1v1s Darkrai.
AV Hatt avoids a 2HKO from Darkrai and threatens with D-Kiss or Nuzzle. Can Tera to avoid the OHKO from +2 Tera Poison Sludge and threaten with a Psychic move.
Has to fear Focus Blast, but can pivot into Wisp Rai very easily and click Rocks or Magma.
Checks Darkrai very hard and threatens Darkrai’s team with Knock or just big damage.
Checks Darkrai Pre-Tera.
SpD Bulk Up and AV 1v1 Darkrai. These sets are also good into the structures Darkrai fits on. Hype mon.
AV Pex has been seeing usage on Balance structures such as this one.
It easily switches into Darkrai and can threaten with Tera Fighting Blast if need be.
Hard check to Darkrai that fits on BO structures. 1v1s most of the common special offense mons such as Valiant, Raging Bolt, and ofc Darkrai. Underrated mon on offenses that exploit Gliscor and Steels.
Niche mon that switches into Darkrai and threatens to break with its SD set.
Can switch into Darkrai once or twice and threaten an OHKO/big damage on it and its teammates. Priority Vacuum Wave comes in clutch here.
Switches into Dpulse and Sludge with HP investment. Even if Darkrai terastilizes, CB First Impression picks up the kill after rocks.
Has to be wary of Focus Blast, but otherwise it deals big damage on Darkrai or can get a Knock.
Another pivot with longevity like Fezan, and gets First Impression.
SpD Bellibolt can get off a Toxic, eat Dpulses, and get huge damage off with Discharge boosted by Electromorphosis.
Mons That 1v1/Rkill Darkrai
Band and Specs Pult can pick off Darkrai.
Dnite can pick off weakened Darkrai with E-Speed. If need be, it can Tera to avoid the Ice Beam 2HKO and set up a DD.
Sounds stupid, but Rai doesn’t even one-shot Gholdengo without E-Belt or LO…after rocks mind you.
252 SpA Darkrai Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Gholdengo: 290-344 (76.7 - 91%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
Meanwhile Ghold can T-Wave or kill with Focus Miss, etc. Alternatively, Ghold can run Colbur sets to get the T-Wave off granted if Darkrai doesn’t finch, or Tera Fairy and blast it off with Gleam.
Speed Booster Tusk can pick off a weakened Darkrai. On standard sets, 104 HP lets you eat a non-E-Belt/LO boosted Ice Beam. Alternatively you can run Assault Vest with CC to 1v1 even those. Can Tera to avoid the OHKO from +2 Ice Beam.
Darkrai needs to Tera or be Scarfed in order to beat this. Moonblast or CC will kill and Valiant can use this opportunity to click buttons or clean with SD/CM sets. If you’re a real one, you Tera Steel and Encore it into Sludge Bomb.
Tera Wogre lives a +2 hit and OHKOs Darkrai with a Cudgel after rocks, assuming Pulse flinches don’t happen.
Threatens with Clap or any move really and can eat an unboosted Ice Beam.
Can pivot into a Sludge/Ice Beam and T-Wave Darkrai, only taking 47%-55% from Pulse. Ofc Glowking can Tera and make things even easier.
1v1s unboosted Darkrai with Pyro and U-Turn. Its also immune to Wisp. Great in the lead matchup.
Doesn’t switch in at all, but outspeeds and OHKOs with LO Superpower.
200 Atk Life Orb Deoxys-Speed Superpower vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Darkrai: 286-338 (101.7 - 120.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
If it Tera’d prior, Psycho Boost for the ggs.
Tera Water can click Salt Cure and Recover repeatedly on Darkrai safely.
G-Fire is a tanky ahh mfer that avoids a 2HKO from Pulse if rocks are kept off and G-Fire can use it to start setting DDs.
Can pivot into Sludge or Beam. If Rai picks up a kill, Moth comes in safely, threatening to snowball the team.
Moon eats an unboosted Ice Beam and clicks DD on it.
Needs Tera to outspeed, but it forces Darkrai to Tera itself or switch out as Boosted Cudgel can OHKO pre-Tera Darkrai after rocks.
Tera Grass Glide can OHKO non-Tera Poison Darkrai.
Scarf Low Kick or U-Turn can OHKO Darkrai after rocks.
AV Volcanion 1v1s Darkrai and can straight up OHKO with Steam Eruption after rocks. Standard Volcanion can eat an unboosted hit.
Reason #2 Skyhigh Usage of Zamazenta
The reason I didn’t mention Zama in the pool of checks is that Zama’s presence is a big reason why Darkrai is balanced in the tier. This is relevant when Zamazenta is one of the most used mons in the tier and at best, the no. 1 mon in SV OU. Zama switches into Darkrai, outspeeds, and threatens with Press. Off its presence alone, it keeps Darkrai in check, made even better by the fact Zama fits into any common team structure. HO, Balance, and BO all have room for it.
If you take a look at the recent usage statistics of both WCOP and high ladder,émon-2024-usage-statistics.3744071/
at minimum, 26% of teams have a built in Darkrai answer.
Reason #3 Darkrai Incites Creativity And Interesting Meta Developments
With broken threats, they often restrict team building and are limited with the amount of mons that deal with it. Archaludon for example had very few checks and led to teams either being Rain or anti-Rain, stifling meta progress. Darkrai is not that, if anything, it has led to people finding innovative team choices. It may not be the sole cause, but it helped push these mons into relevancy or at least become noticed.
Tinkaton has reached OU status recently, with it being ranked in A- rank and not just cause of Darkrai. Its incredible typing into certain OU relevant mons and utility pool including the allusive Encore let Tinakton rise into the limelight. Other mons like Pex, Okidogi, Fez, and Lokix all have niches in the OU tier outside of checking Darkrai. Dogi is a Tspike sponge and Zama check, AV Pex is a Fairy resist that lures Gambit with Tera Fighting, Fezan punishes special offense threats, and Lokix is a decent anti-offense mon.
With how big special threats are rn, I expected Assault Vest to gain popularity, and Darkrai only incentivized it. AV is a legit item in this tier despite the presence of Spikes. Offensive structures appreciate being able to sponge special hits and trade with these bulky threats while being able to support them with Cinder or Tusk.
Reason #4 Darkrai’s Value To The Tier
On the surface, Darkrai is just a big fast button clicker, but it provides more to the tier than that.
• Darkrai is a rare fast wallbreaker. Kyurem has an issue with speed and Wogre can’t hold Boots. Darkrai being able to hold whatever item it wants while being the 4th fastest unboosted mon in the tier is a reason why Darkrai is the go-to breaker on offense. It’s splashable, reliable, and fast.
•Scarf Darkrai is one of the few great scarfers in the tier we have. Darkrai’s good ass 135 SpA, Valiant-outspeeding Speed tier, and utility pool of Wisp and/or Trick makes it the best scarfer we had in the tier. Scarf Ghold and Samu are good but not reliable for rkilling, Scarf Meow barely scratches Valiant, Scarf Enamorus is rocks weak and shit outside of Healing Wish shenanigans. Rai gives teams a splashable speed control option that blitzes past the common Boosters and setup sweepers.
•Darkrai is not just a fast breaker, but also a fast utility mon. It has access to Wisp and T-Wave. Unlike Dragapult, Darkrai hits harder, OHKOs Gliscor with Ice Beam, and baits in Wisp targets more reliably. Knock Off lets Darkrai act as item removal and become the ultimate stall killer with Spikes up. Having that sort of utility helps teams deal with offense and defense.
•Darkrai punishes auto-piloty builds. Think of these Cinder/Lando/Gking offenses that are easy to use and have good percentage of matchups. Some of these teams don’t have a response to Darkrai, often relying on lead Cinder, KG praying its not Focus Miss, and Gking being forced to Tera. Its not an outright 6-0d, but they do have to use their brain now.
Reason #5 Ima’s Darkrai Rap
Everyone knows that if you make a sick rap beat on Soundcloud with Chat GPT arguing a mon is healthy, it has to be balanced.
jk, but that was epic.
Blaming Darkrai on the “downfall of Fat” is unproductive. Standard Balance teams still see use, Fat Balance is just bad lol, and its not gonna magically become good if Darkrai goes. It still has to contend with Wogre, Kyu, SD Gliscor, CM Bolt, offensive Lando, Ghold, Sub-CM Enam, Future Sight, Prima, etc. The only annoying set is 3 Attacks Wisp, but having Darkrai led to a creative period of the tier and develops the meta to an interesting spot.
TL;DR, don’t ban the goat.