Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Kyurem suspect now up]

Cinccino still sucks even with Loaded Dice.
>Too frail to switch in or set up Tidy Up
>Vulnerable to hazards
>Walled by moderately bulky Pokemon even after a Tidy Up
>The 90% accuracy on multi-hit moves are actually like 50% I swear to god
>If an Archaludon switches in on your attacks it's gonna tear you a new asshole

Here's the set I used by the way:
Cinccino @ Loaded Dice
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Tail Slap
- Bullet Seed
- Rock Blast
- Tidy Up
i swear, boots utility cinccino is the way to go, the attacker sets are a red herring distracting people from the fact that it gets some of the best utility moves in the game and the speed to use them
What usage do you all think Tusk is going to reach?

It's got so many tools now. 4mms syndrome be damned, it can fit just about anything depending on your team structure and needs. You could run any of: rspin, bulk up, close combat, quake/headlong, stomping tantrum/temper flare, knock, ice spinner, edge/head smash, supercell slam, megahorn, zen headbutt, and roar.

Seriously, you name coverage your team is missing, tusk seems to have it. Ghold now folds if you go the temper route. If your team is lacking a knocker, tusk to the rescue. Water types don't wall you unless you want them to. Hell, you can run a physical boltbeam!

Not sure which set people are starting to like the most, but I laughed pretty hard running a booster supercell/headlong/temper/ice spinner set alongside cinderace. It feels like a physical sandy shocks that doesn't need tera.

EDIT: also with temper flare out there now, scarf ghold seems pretty necessary; make it rain still ohkos tusk
I guess it will become the number 1 most used pokemon.

No way it will have less than 50% usage.
Would Cinccino be an acceptable substitute for Maushold? Cincinno may be slightly more frail, but it's also faster and has significantly higher attack, making it more threatening (outside of Normal STAB, anyway, as Population Bomb is absurd) and thus it's easier to force a foe into a situation where you can get a free Tidy Up.

And yes, Cinccino does in fact get Tidy Up.
Cinccino is absolutely not a substitute for an attacking Maushold set. Yeah its coverage is good but like, Pop Bomb is Pop Bomb and that's entirely what makes Maushold actually threatening. Cinccino could be a utility pivot tho. A moveset of Tidy Up Knock Off Thunder Wave and U-Turn means you can remove hazards, remove items, and remove speed all while removing yourself from the battlefield. Yeah its bulk is atrocious but with investment it can take just enough off of a hit to where it can actually do the thing you need it to
Yeah, I figure Population Bomb is the killer there- if it weren't for Population Bomb, Cinccino would be the superior choice every day of the week.

I guess Cinccino's not going to be viable in any tier that allows Maushold, as Knock Off and Triple Axel are literally the only things Cinccino has that Maushold doesn't.
Yeah, I figure Population Bomb is the killer there- if it weren't for Population Bomb, Cinccino would be the superior choice every day of the week.

I guess Cinccino's not going to be viable in any tier that allows Maushold, as Knock Off and Triple Axel are literally the only things Cinccino has that Maushold doesn't.
I can't wait for this to be the 5th consecutive gen where Cinccino is stuck in a tier that it sucks ass in. It's gonna be very funny.
Staying: :Deoxys Speed: :Roaring Moon: :Iron Boulder: :Kyurem: :Serperior: :Volcarona: :Gliscor: :Gouging Fire: :Raging Bolt: :Iron Crown: :Latios::Blaziken:
Staying but will drop eventually: :Darkrai: :Hydrapple: :Archaludon:
Dropping: :Venusaur: :Skarmory::Deoxys Defense: :Excadrill: :Kingdra::Smeargle: :Blastoise: :Feraligatr: :Metagross: :Terrakion::Cobalion: :Virizion: :Emboar: :Meganium: :Sceptile: :Swampert: :Incineroar: :Primarina: :Dewgong::Latias::Alcremie: :Araquanid: :Rampardos::Bastiodon: :Bellossom::Vileplume: :Cinccino: :Comfey: :Dodrio: :Electivire::Magmortar: :Entei::Raikou: :Suicune: :Exeggutor: :Exeggutor Alola:

Mons like Hydrapple, Archaludon, and Darkrai will only be OU because of new toy syndrome.
Please let me know if I missed anything

i agree with most of this but wanna share the possible exceptions
  • :booster-energy: :cobalion: (Iron Crown) this mon is definitely not staying OU long-term imo, it's facing competition from mons like Gholdengo but lacks NP and recovery and also struggles to make progress vs Ghold, Ting-Lu, Skeledirge, Volcarona, etc
  • :blaziken: :latios: these feel like the sort of mons that are gonna end up being A- and fluctuate between UUBL and OU around the usage cutoff. may drop if the meta is unfavourable for them
  • :darkrai: it doesn't seem banworthy but personally i don't think it'll ever drop to UU. i think people need time to find the best sets. and if deoxys-speed and roaring-moon get banned, it'll lose some competition. could be wrong.
  • :skarmory: i think skarm is gonna stay OU, at least for a while, it's getting pretty good usage (at least in high ladder) right now since spikes are so strong and it's got some nice matchups against meta mons like Kingambit Gliscor Moon Rillaboom Samu-H
  • :venusaur: :deoxys-defense: :excadrill: :kingdra: :primarina: :latias: :suicune: i think there's a decent chance one or two of these end up in OU depending on meta trends, but individually i do agree theyre more likely to drop than to stay
also, of the mons you missed, i think these guys have a chance at being like low B or high C viability but unlikely to reach OU :reuniclus: :necrozma: :keldeo: :registeel: :galvantula: :rhyperior: :porygon-z:
I can't wait for this to be the 5th consecutive gen where Cinccino is stuck in a tier that it sucks ass in. It's gonna be very funny.

To be fair, seems rather easy for Cinccino to become better than Maushold, all it needs it Game Freak give it Population Bomb and boom, Cinccino becomes a decent threat in OU.

Better coverage and more attack and speed. But maushold is a bit bulkier, which in some cases does come in handy for taking a hit.

There are no obvious bans in the tier, but with some cooking some stuff might come out. DD Gouging fire and SD Iron Boulder are specially powerful, but do have some struggles, still I feel there is a lot of potential with tera within them.

CM Latias is extremly good in this meta and legitly easily 6-0 most teams. Cant believe some people believe Latias could en in UU

Latios is mostly a weaker alternative to Dragapult, but with less power and some extra utility.

I already said it a few times, but yeah, Darkrai is very mid, not enough speed, hypnosis isnt reliable and without NP it does not really hit that hard. Cant slot coverage for everything and gets KO by too much stuff.
To be fair, seems rather easy for Cinccino to become better than Maushold, all it needs it Game Freak give it Population Bomb and boom, Cinccino becomes a decent threat in OU.
I think "decent threat in OU" is a wild overestimation of Maushold. It can do one thing, sometimes. More often than not it gets stuffed after removing hazards because literally everyone knows what's up.
Just going to say... move design? Yeah, it would be good for :cinccino: to get it but it wouldn't make any sense. What's the population? Its hair? The only exception is :Smeargle:, but that's a different thing.
in the past we've discussed shell smash, spore, pop bomb, power trip smeargle. technician +2 makes it comparable power to maushold +1 and power trip is significantly more powerful than mausholds bite
I'm glad the topic is Technician, because I think Hitnontop is a pretty impressive user. Hitmontop is just overall more than I thought it would be.

Haven't gotten much use out of the Assault Vest set posted here earlier, but that's just a skill issue, so I'm not sure if it's the set or me. What I can say is that Technician Fake Out/ Mach Punch makes a sexy combo, with Rapid spin evening things out. Who else has been getting results?

I've been wanting to try Intimidate as well.
in the past we've discussed shell smash, spore, pop bomb, power trip smeargle. technician +2 makes it comparable power to maushold +1 and power trip is significantly more powerful than mausholds bite
The lead smeargle when my lead Koraidon Garchomp clicks scale shot and it accomplishes less than nothing. Smeargle was already niche but I feel like it's gonna just get even worse with the advent of multi hit moves that give stats.
I remember back in Gen 8 NatDex discussion, right after Alakazam Nasty Plot, and dared to modestly compared Alakazam to Darkrai. You know, both fast frail special attackers and acknowledging their strengths and weaknesses compared to each other? Yeah I got an infraction for it to dare compare the great Darkrai to Alakazam.
Here’s another similarity, they were really overhyped.
I remember back in Gen 8 NatDex discussion, right after Alakazam Nasty Plot, and dared to modestly compared Alakazam to Darkrai. You know, both fast frail special attackers and acknowledging their strengths and weaknesses compared to each other? Yeah I got an infraction for it to dare compare the great Darkrai to Alakazam.
Here’s another similarity, they were really overhyped.
tbcf in natdex you can mega evolve your alakazam and that seems fucked with nasty plot. I've heard that guy is natdex ubers anyway but still the hype is at least understandable. idk wtf i was on when I was saying darkrai gotta stay in ubers that boy mid
Since Cinccino got some mentions I'd like to talk about the set I've been using which I'm finding really good:

Cinccino @ Loaded Dice
Ability: Technician
Tera Type: Ice
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Tidy Up
- Tail Slap
- Triple Axel
- Knock Off

Tera Ice Triple Axel is a huge nuke and a better STAB than Tail Slap. It does some wild stuff like OHKOing Great Tusk unboosted (offensive guaranteed, roll against max HP), having a chance to OHKO some Corviknight at +1, destroying stuff like Kyurem and Dragonite through Multiscale etc. - overall just a really good spammable move. Tail Slap is good complementary STAB and Knock Off is important to not be walled by Gholdengo. It's weird because I think it's a good HO pick but you kinda wanna use the threat of Tidy Up more than Tidy Up itself since most things will panic and stay in on it, and you also wanna keep your hazards.

Here's the team I'm using with it. It's kinda bad but it's fun to mess with:
skarm isn’t dropping. It’s a great mom in the meta and one of the better defensive pokes.
Not only was Skarmory UU last gen, it was also nerfed with it losing Toxic. It’s largely outclassed by Corviknight in the defensive role, who can at least use Defog if the opponent doesn’t have Gholdengo that’s alive. It’s also outclassed as a hazard setter by an whole assortment of Pokemon.
This is so frustrating. This is a different metagame than what we had when darkrai was suggested to drop. We gained tons more bulky pokemon that don't die to Darkrai's coverage at +2 LO AND a sizable number of threats that outspeed it now, as opposed to the 3~ mons we had before. Contrary to what people here may say, being wrong on the internet does not mean that your entire side is composed of braindead clowns that have their heads in their asses and have never touched OU. I'm not asking for you to say our opinion is the right one; I'm just asking for you to treat us like people who enjoy the game and genuinely believe that Darkrai would've made the game worse.