Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Kyurem suspect now up]

Between Roaring Moon, Raging Bolt, Waterpon and Kyurem they are all different amounts of broken. Waterpon and Roaring Moon are the type of pokemon that still roll over your team even if you prep for them. Both are near impossible to switch into after setup.

Although if we are talking about which of the two sweepers is harder to prep for, I'm leaning Roaring Moon since while you can have all the fairy types in the world, that isn't gonna stop roaring moon from those dragon dance booster sweeps.

Both are definitely broken and I feel as if both should go. I think the problem is who to get rid of first and which one people would be willing to ban first.

I think Roaring Moon is probably an easier ban than Wellspring as Roaring Moon has been pretty hated since it's been let back into OU and that the last time it was suspected it was banned with 70% of ban votes. Personally though I think both are probably the biggest issues in the tier and I really don't care which of the two we suspect first as long as we can get them out of here, as Waterpon and Roaring Moon are definitely seeming like the biggest offenders when it comes to threat saturation at the moment, because having to deal with two super difficult to wall sweepers that feel nigh impossible to switch into is an issue and is restrictive on teambuilding for obvious reasons.
Oh, also something else, cornerpon is dangerous to stall teams. With the combo of horn leech, ivy cudgel, low kick and knock off, nothing besides gliscor can switch in, which is 3hit ko'd by tera rock ivy cudgel.
Like seriously, this thing is destructive to them, I know waterpon can do similar things, but I find that horn leech, which is better on cornerpon, is better against stall.
I take issue with the speed part of this being very relevant or OP. 110 base speed isn't even fast in gen 9. You yourself say the impact is on bulkier teams, but those same bulkier teams also tend to be slower than most of the wall breakers like Kyurem, Gouging Fire, or even Hoopa-U in many cases. For the teams where the speed would actually be an issue, 110 speed is nothing. For teams that are vulnerable to wallbreakers, it doesn't really matter that much whether the base speed is 110 or 90ish or even 80ish. It's still probably going to be faster than the walls it's supposed to break.

It absolutely makes a difference. Drawing a comparison, Kartana in SM was comparatively fast for how strong it was, which would make it tougher to handle for bulkier squads as it could abuse both CB and Z sets to run over them. In theory anyways, but you had something like Mega Lati twins that being bulky and faster, could still check it. Being able to still rely on faster resists allows for wiggle room in battle and the builder. For Wellspring, there aren't really faster resists beyond Serperior and Dragapult, the latter is so shaky a switch in as all is one crit on a full health Pult from Ivy Cudgel and it can't come in again. Because there is a shortage of fast resists to use vs it, you have to rely on slower checks on BO and Balance, but there simply aren't nearly enough reasonable ones that don't constrain the builder to use them. Compared to the likes of something like Hoopa, who is dramatically slower and ONLY is good into fat teams, and even then, not amazing as Ting-Lu alone stonewalls it forever.

I'll also point something else out, but there is a great amount of exaggeration about speed tiers and insinuating that 110 isn't fast. It's not as fast as it would've been in past gens, but it is a good middle range speed tier. And for Wellspring, it can still accomplish something against frailer offense as those will still have at least one slower mon than it. Compared to Hoopa which is deadweight into those teams. Also please stop mentioning Kyurem as if it being here somehow means Wellspring shouldn't be banned. They're both broken.

And if it was about speed tier, something like D-Speed can run a mixed attacking set that is very difficult for most things to switch into. You outspeed the entire unboosted metagame with only a + speed nature. Most people aren't going to call that OP. At least one of the reasons why is because speed on a wallbreaker isn't the most effective ban argument. And before anybody misunderstands me, I'm not even trying to argue about D-Speed being problematic. Just that some of the same standards of speed for a wallbreaker could apply more to other things.

Difference is D-Speed when leaning into offenses makes it better into offense while not being as good into defense, unless you run NP but there wil always be some coverage concession when running that set.

If people want to argue a mon like Wellspring is hard to switch into and this creates too many problems or strain on the builder, I'm cool with that. I even agree somewhat. But increasingly, we are seeing that not be a convincing reason why this community will ban something as mons like Kyurem and Gouging Fire are still here. The standards for a ban seem really high right now.

People actually did adapt to GF and while it places some strain on building, it's tolerable right now and if anything would get easier to handle as other overbearing mons are banned. Again, Kyurem dodging the ban doesn't mean Wellspring should. The standards for a ban aren't higher, people just can't agree on what is and isn't the most broken.
Oh, also something else, cornerpon is dangerous to stall teams. With the combo of horn leech, ivy cudgel, low kick and knock off, nothing besides gliscor can switch in, which is 3hit ko'd by tera rock ivy cudgel.
Like seriously, this thing is destructive to them, I know waterpon can do similar things, but I find that horn leech, which is better on cornerpon, is better against stall.
Wrong! Muk/Hydrapple.
Also, dropping Swords Dance makes you the biggest fodder into any team that's not stall, so is it really worth it.
I'll also point something else out, but there is a great amount of exaggeration about speed tiers and insinuating that 110 isn't fast. It's not as fast as it would've been in past gens, but it is a good middle range speed tier. And for Wellspring, it can still accomplish something against frailer offense as those will still have at least one slower mon than it.
While yes, 110 is fast, the issue specifically with waterpon is that it can't reliably boost its speed due to being forced to hold the wellspring mask. Any other offensive mon, even something like wake, we consider fast is because it can hold scarf to outspeed everything. WIth waterpon, you can't do that outside grassy glide (which is constricted to g-terrain teams) and trailblaze (horrible move). That makes it seem much slower than it might look like.

Wrong! Muk/Hydrapple.
Also, dropping Swords Dance makes you the biggest fodder into any team that's not stall, so is it really worth it.
Honestly, yeah it is.
252 Atk Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon-Cornerstone Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Muk: 160-190 (38.6 - 45.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Cornerstone Mask Tera Rock Ogerpon-Cornerstone-Tera Ivy Cudgel vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Hydrapple: 168-198 (40.4 - 47.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
They ain't doing shit to cornerstone, hydrapple can't even ohko it with giga drain. Thus, hydrapple has to keep at pristine health in order to help against cornerpon.
Against non stall teams, you can easily knock off their items, thus it contributes something to the battle.
While yes, 110 is fast, the issue specifically with waterpon is that it can't reliably boost its speed due to being forced to hold the wellspring mask. Any other offensive mon, even something like wake, we consider fast is because it can hold scarf to outspeed everything. WIth waterpon, you can't do that outside grassy glide (which is constricted to g-terrain teams) and trailblaze (horrible move). That makes it seem much slower than it might look like.

Honestly, yeah it is.
252 Atk Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon-Cornerstone Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Muk: 160-190 (38.6 - 45.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Cornerstone Mask Tera Rock Ogerpon-Cornerstone-Tera Ivy Cudgel vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Hydrapple: 168-198 (40.4 - 47.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
They ain't doing shit to cornerstone, hydrapple can't even ohko it with giga drain. Thus, hydrapple has to keep at pristine health in order to help against cornerpon.
Against non stall teams, you can easily knock off their items, thus it contributes something to the battle.
You do realize that Hydrapple has both Recover + Body Press, right?
Also, you can knock items, sure, but at best you're a VERY pale shadow of what Ogerpon-Wellspring can do.
You do realize that Hydrapple has both Recover + Body Press, right?
Also, you can knock items, sure, but at best you're a VERY pale shadow of what Ogerpon-Wellspring can do.
Well, hydrapple has to constantly recover in order to not get 2hit ko'd by tera rock ivy cudgel, so I'd say that it does somewhat beat it. Plus, with hydrapple's body press
252+ Def Hydrapple Body Press vs. +1 0 HP / 0 Def Tera Rock Ogerpon-Cornerstone-Tera: 132-156 (43.8 - 51.8%) -- 9.8% chance to 2HKO
Not even a good chance to 2hit ko.
I do agree that cornerpon is worse than waterpon. But it's still alright. Plus, it allows you to run other water types, compared to not running cornerpon which means you can now run iron boulder (Bruh) or tyranitar (has synergy issues due to sandstorm, but is alright, so it's probably the biggest thing you are missing out on).
Well, hydrapple has to constantly recover in order to not get 2hit ko'd by tera rock ivy cudgel, so I'd say that it does somewhat beat it. Plus, with hydrapple's body press
252+ Def Hydrapple Body Press vs. +1 0 HP / 0 Def Tera Rock Ogerpon-Cornerstone-Tera: 132-156 (43.8 - 51.8%) -- 9.8% chance to 2HKO
Not even a good chance to 2hit ko.
I do agree that cornerpon is worse than waterpon. But it's still alright. Plus, it allows you to run other water types, compared to not running cornerpon which means you can now run iron boulder (Bruh) or tyranitar (has synergy issues due to sandstorm, but is alright, so it's probably the biggest thing you are missing out on).
Type stacking really isn't that big of a problem in SV OU though? Many teams will run 2 or more dark types (Rmoon and Gambit, or Weavile and Gambit, or Meowscarada and Gambit, or Ting Lu and Gamb... hey wait a second I see a pattern here), or multiple Dragon types, Ground types, etc etc. As long as you have a way to answer for their common weakness, it's fine. Rain got away with stacking 3 Steels and 2 Water types because they covered each other's weaknesses near perfectly.
I take issue with the speed part of this being very relevant or OP. 110 base speed isn't even fast in gen 9. You yourself say the impact is on bulkier teams, but those same bulkier teams also tend to be slower than most of the wall breakers like Kyurem, Gouging Fire, or even Hoopa-U in many cases. For the teams where the speed would actually be an issue, 110 speed is nothing. For teams that are vulnerable to wallbreakers, it doesn't really matter that much whether the base speed is 110 or 90ish or even 80ish. It's still probably going to be faster than the walls it's supposed to break.

And if it was about speed tier, something like D-Speed can run a mixed attacking set that is very difficult for most things to switch into. You outspeed the entire unboosted metagame with only a + speed nature. Most people aren't going to call that OP. At least one of the reasons why is because speed on a wallbreaker isn't the most effective ban argument. And before anybody misunderstands me, I'm not even trying to argue about D-Speed being problematic. Just that some of the same standards of speed for a wallbreaker could apply more to other things.

If people want to argue a mon like Wellspring is hard to switch into and this creates too many problems or strain on the builder, I'm cool with that. I even agree somewhat. But increasingly, we are seeing that not be a convincing reason why this community will ban something as mons like Kyurem and Gouging Fire are still here. The standards for a ban seem really high right now.

"110 base speed is not even fast in gen 9" is another very surface level analysis masquerading as a justification, as you yourself admitted most Pokémon you want on non-HO do not cross this margin and in fact the only Pokémon that do are either very niche (Maushold, Serperior, Torn-T) have significant disadvantages (Meowscarada, Darkrai) have a lot of other ground to cover on teams (pult weav zama, pult being the only very reliable answer, 90% of the time,) or rely on an intact booster energy. Regarding booster energy, ogerpon excels at punching unpluggable holes in teams early in games, when booster doesn't always want to be spent, or winning with minimal effort lategame - it's not as though forcing out booster users is extraordinary difficult. Intact booster speed is a fraction of the time booster users are actually on the field overall and the ones where that's not the case are very "one and done" Pokémon and also ones that wellspring can survive a hit from, strike back with the absurd move Ivy cudgel, and essentially make their booster used up for nothing, even at the cost of ogerpon's life. 110 speed "isn't that fast," and now their speed control is gone, time for the Ogerpon user to win with someone else. Overall, just because there are numbers higher than 350 that doesn't take away from the fact that jokerpon outspeeds the vast majority of the tier

if you are complaining about how "high" the standard to ban is why are you choosing to be a part of that. Choosing to die on the hill of "actually speed in and of itself isn't what makes a Pokémon broken" in pursuit of some contrarian "principle" and "logic" rather than just acknowledge the suffocating effect this Pokémon has on the tier helps nobody
Type stacking really isn't that big of a problem in SV OU though? Many teams will run 2 or more dark types (Rmoon and Gambit, or Weavile and Gambit, or Meowscarada and Gambit, or Ting Lu and Gamb... hey wait a second I see a pattern here), or multiple Dragon types, Ground types, etc etc. As long as you have a way to answer for their common weakness, it's fine. Rain got away with stacking 3 Steels and 2 Water types because they covered each other's weaknesses near perfectly.
Fair, but I usually prefer not to stack two types on the same team. The only time I do that is with dark types (which you stated is just gambit being gambit. Though to be fair, it is a flying/fairy type 25% of the time) and ground types (tusk + usually gliscor or ting-lu). Other than that, stacking weakneses is not ideal, since that makes you weaker to more types. Like for example, stacking water types means you are weaker to kyurem, which is not ideal.
You can definetely get away with stacking water types, but it is unideal. I would say that small niche is something cornerpon has.
Being able to still rely on faster resists allows for wiggle room in battle and the builder. For Wellspring, there aren't really faster resists beyond Serperior and Dragapult, the latter is so shaky a switch in as all is one crit on a full health Pult from Ivy Cudgel and it can't come in again.

Ehh.... Doesn't Rillaboom basically function the same way with Grassy Glide? It's not faster but it is speed control.

And if you are going to mention Dragapult, should you not also look into other faster dragon in Roaring Moon, which has slightly lower defense but significantly higher base 105 HP? Both still die to play Rough without Tera, but still. Not usually a bulky team mon, but sometimes you will see it on semi-stall or whatnot.

I'll also point something else out, but there is a great amount of exaggeration about speed tiers and insinuating that 110 isn't fast. It's not as fast as it would've been in past gens, but it is a good middle range speed tier. And for Wellspring, it can still accomplish something against frailer offense as those will still have at least one slower mon than it. Compared to Hoopa which is deadweight into those teams.

110 is basically like the old 100 speed tier. It's not fast or slow. You're not fast unless you exceed it. We also have a whole expanded boosted speed tier in addition to the unboosted one. All thanks to BE. It's not exaggerating. I tried a Psychic Terrain team where D-Speed and speed booster Valiant were my forms of speed control and it wasn't nearly fast enough.

Aside from base form Ogerpon, which gets a very handy speed boost, none of the other forms are fast for any sort of offensive team in gen 9. There are 11 mons just in OU that outspeed Wellspring. You could make nearly two teams of entirely different mons before you got to it. This before we even get to Booster Energy, a rare Choice Scarf set like on Enamorous, and Weather speed boosts. Every team that isn't stall is running priority because you can't not do that with all the threat saturation. Frailer offenses should be outspeeding Wellspring a lot.

Hoopa is not necesarrily dead weight into offense, either. AV Hoopa-U is really good at forcing progress since it has good special defense.

Difference is D-Speed when leaning into offenses makes it better into offense while not being as good into defense, unless you run NP but there wil always be some coverage concession when running that set.

I said I wasn't trying to turn this into an argument about D-Speed, but I'll use an example set to demonstrate what I meant by an actually fast wall breaker.

Deoxys-Speed @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 SpA / 4 Spe
Naive Nature
- Psycho Boost
- Ice Beam
- Knock Off
- Superpower

I have tested this set extensively. It's not just good against offensive teams. It's even good into stall. The main things in this tier that switch into this are the metal birds (mostly Corv because Skarm doesn't love Ice Beam with its low SpDef) and fairy special walls (Mostly Prim and Hatt) with Clefable being highly conditional on the set and being at higher health. Also, Gouging Fire can be ok depending on the set.

Where it struggles is that it is fairly easily revenge killed. Even though it outspeeds the entire unboosted metagame including +speed nature Pult, we still have a whole boosted metagame to contend with. Like it cannot be understated just how screwed the gen 9 speed tiers are.

And I know you are going to try and argue why Waterpon is more problematic or whatever, but that's never been my point. It's that wallbreakers can be fast. Faster than Waterpon and still hard to switch into. I don't buy this as a reason that will gain much traction in an actual suspect.

People actually did adapt to GF and while it places some strain on building, it's tolerable right now and if anything would get easier to handle as other overbearing mons are banned. Again, Kyurem dodging the ban doesn't mean Wellspring should. The standards for a ban aren't higher, people just can't agree on what is and isn't the most broken.

Most of this is your opinion stated as if it was fact. Yes, the tier decided we could adapt well enough to Gouging Fire. Personally, I disagreed. Doesn't matter. The voters decided. But the same community also voted to not ban Kyurem. So you saying Kyurem being broken doesn't mean... Nah. Kyurem being broken is your opinion. We chose to keep that one. Just like Gouging Fire being broken is my opinion and we chose to keep that one.

The problem both Gouging Fire and Kyurem have in common is they are absolutely brutal to switch into. This apparently isn't a deciding factor for getting banned. So if you think you are going to be able to get Wellspring banned under that logic, well, I'm skeptical because we have already seen that not play out twice recently.

And if people can't agree on what is broken, then that by default is going to make the criteria for bans go up. My point is the burden of proof is going to be on the pro-ban crowd. I simply don't believe just saying it's hard to switch into is going to cut it for a majority of voters needed to get that ban.

"110 base speed is not even fast in gen 9" is another very surface level analysis masquerading as a justification, as you yourself admitted most Pokémon you want on non-HO do not cross this margin and in fact the only Pokémon that do are either very niche (Maushold, Serperior, Torn-T) have significant disadvantages (Meowscarada, Darkrai) have a lot of other ground to cover on teams (pult weav zama, pult being the only very reliable answer, 90% of the time,) or rely on an intact booster energy.

Nah. 11 mons just in OU outspeed Wellspring before BE, Choice Scarf, or weather. We have a lot of priority. And it's not just HO. Offense and balance will generally want to run pokemon that are faster than Ogerpon as a matter of course. Ogerpon isn't actually fast enough for any meaningful speed control. Only stall or other slow bulky teams wouldn't rely on speed control like that. So it's a matchup issue, but not a speed based one.

Regarding booster energy, ogerpon excels at punching unpluggable holes in teams early in games, when booster doesn't always want to be spent, or winning with minimal effort lategame - it's not as though forcing out booster users is extraordinary difficult.

This is hardly unique to Wellspring. If you aren't putting pressure on the opponent, you are probably losing unless you are playing stall. So many things punch holes in teams, too.

if you are complaining about how "high" the standard to ban is why are you choosing to be a part of that. Choosing to die on the hill of "actually speed in and of itself isn't what makes a Pokémon broken" in pursuit of some contrarian "principle" and "logic" rather than just acknowledge the suffocating effect this Pokémon has on the tier helps nobody

First of all, the burden of proof is on the ban crowd. So if you want to get an actual ban, you need to meet that standard. You may have a strong ban opinion on this, but you will need to be more objective if you want to convince others.

And it's not about being a contrarian. Speed tiers in gen 9 are genuinely a different beast. I don't know if you just play stall or slower teams, but any sort of offensive team is going to need major speed control. Wellspring isn't fast enough to do that and it cannot make up for it with items. The speed point is just genuinely bad.

The hard to switch into point is true, but harder to accept when other hard to switch into mons like Kyurem and Gouging Fire recently avoided the ban. Regardless of what you personally believe with each of those mons, it is objectively true that they are all hard to switch into. You're going to need more than that to make a ban case gain real traction in an actual suspect.
"110 base speed is not even fast in gen 9" is another very surface level analysis masquerading as a justification, as you yourself admitted most Pokémon you want on non-HO do not cross this margin and in fact the only Pokémon that do are either very niche (Maushold, Serperior, Torn-T) have significant disadvantages (Meowscarada, Darkrai) have a lot of other ground to cover on teams (pult weav zama, pult being the only very reliable answer, 90% of the time,) or rely on an intact booster energy. Regarding booster energy, ogerpon excels at punching unpluggable holes in teams early in games, when booster doesn't always want to be spent, or winning with minimal effort lategame - it's not as though forcing out booster users is extraordinary difficult. Intact booster speed is a fraction of the time booster users are actually on the field overall and the ones where that's not the case are very "one and done" Pokémon and also ones that wellspring can survive a hit from, strike back with the absurd move Ivy cudgel, and essentially make their booster used up for nothing, even at the cost of ogerpon's life. 110 speed "isn't that fast," and now their speed control is gone, time for the Ogerpon user to win with someone else. Overall, just because there are numbers higher than 350 that doesn't take away from the fact that jokerpon outspeeds the vast majority of the tier

if you are complaining about how "high" the standard to ban is why are you choosing to be a part of that. Choosing to die on the hill of "actually speed in and of itself isn't what makes a Pokémon broken" in pursuit of some contrarian "principle" and "logic" rather than just acknowledge the suffocating effect this Pokémon has on the tier helps nobody
There are relevant and semi relevant pokemon that outspeed it, but none of that matters all that much when it can just double dance with trailblaze + sd double dance is probably what pushes it over the edge for me. Trailblaze may suck for dealing damage, but the speed boost helps
Nah. 11 mons just in OU outspeed Wellspring before BE, Choice Scarf, or weather. We have a lot of priority. And it's not just HO. Offense and balance will generally want to run pokemon that are faster than Ogerpon as a matter of course. Ogerpon isn't actually fast enough for any meaningful speed control. Only stall or other slow bulky teams wouldn't rely on speed control like that. So it's a matchup issue, but not a speed based one.
I'd honestly say that stall has a better matchup into waterpon, because they can afford to run otherwise mediocre mons to counter it.
From the stall bible (going down to B- tier, there are most likely a lot of others that can deal with it well) you have:
And that's not even including the various tera's mons such as gliscor, dondozo and even muk can tech for it. I do agree with everything else you said though.
There are relevant and semi relevant pokemon that outspeed it, but none of that matters all that much when it can just double dance with trailblaze + sd
Do not use trailblaze, that is a horrible move on waterpon. Legitimately, it may look good, but it doesn't have enough firepower in practice and thus bulky water types wall you.
I'd honestly say that stall has a better matchup into waterpon, because they can afford to run otherwise mediocre mons to counter it.
From the stall bible (going down to B- tier, there are most likely a lot of others that can deal with it well) you have:
And that's not even including the various tera's mons such as gliscor, dondozo and even muk can tech for it. I do agree with everything else you said though.

Do not use trailblaze, that is a horrible move on waterpon. Legitimately, it may look good, but it doesn't have enough firepower in practice and thus bulky water types wall you.
I would say the issue here is that it can just click SD into trailblaze and go to town on most of these pokemon with ivy cudgel + play Rough. Plus if we have to run Pex to wall it there is a problem, considering Pex isn't even that good outside of dealing with Waterpon. I do think moon is more of an issue and I can acknowledge that Ogerpon has checks that work. And yeah I would say unless you commit to a double dance set don't run trailblaze, because if you aren't running sd it is a waste of a moveslot and I get the lack of power. I think Waterpon is a problem, but I think moon at the moment is a bigger one simple because I think moon is more restrictive on the builder.

Edit: Yeah typically horn leech is better since SD into horn leech is really good into bulky waters, and trailblaze only flips some matchups, still don't like how much of a matchup fish Waterpon is though since it can run all sorts of stuff.
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I would say the issue here is that it can just click SD into trailblaze and go to town on most of these pokemon with ivy cudgel + play Rough. Plus if we have to run Pex to wall it there is a problem, considering Pex isn't even that good outside of dealing with Waterpon. I do think moon is more of an issue and I can acknowledge that Ogerpon has checks that work. And yeah I would say unless you commit to a double dance set don't run trailblaze, because if you aren't running sd it is a waste of a moveslot. I think Waterpon is a problem, but I think moon at the moment is a bigger one simple because I think moon is more restrictive on the builder.
Well, this was primarily on stall, which is very much worth using on that team style. The main issue with trailblaze is that something like dondozo, which waterpon should win against, is now a wall.
252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Trailblaze vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dondozo: 122-146 (24.2 - 28.9%) -- 99.5% chance to 4HKO
252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Power Whip vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dondozo: 290-344 (57.5 - 68.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Sure, it could be a niche option, but otherwise I would say even horn leech is better.
I think that if it came down to it, I would vote ban on waterpon, but it definetely isn't the first thing I would say should be banned. It has clear issues i.e. hazard weakness, speed tier and difficulty switching in which hold it back.
Between Roaring Moon, Raging Bolt, Waterpon and Kyurem they are all different amounts of broken. Waterpon and Roaring Moon are the type of pokemon that still roll over your team even if you prep for them. Both are near impossible to switch into after setup.

Although if we are talking about which of the two sweepers is harder to prep for, I'm leaning Roaring Moon since while you can have all the fairy types in the world, that isn't gonna stop roaring moon from those dragon dance booster sweeps.

Both are definitely broken and I feel as if both should go. I think the problem is who to get rid of first and which one people would be willing to ban first.

I think Roaring Moon is probably an easier ban than Wellspring as Roaring Moon has been pretty hated since it's been let back into OU and that the last time it was suspected it was banned with 70% of ban votes. Personally though I think both are probably the biggest issues in the tier and I really don't care which of the two we suspect first as long as we can get them out of here, as Waterpon and Roaring Moon are definitely seeming like the biggest offenders when it comes to threat saturation at the moment, because having to deal with two super difficult to wall sweepers that feel nigh impossible to switch into is an issue and is restrictive on teambuilding for obvious reasons.
i think u mean roaring moon is sssss tier cos stab knock off cripples switchins and boosterenergy jacks its power up to be rly stronk without needing to lock into a move then taunt = dondozo/skarm/corv clrd, idt it actually sweeps as much as ud think maybe once every now and then if the circumstance is right, but i think its the power knock off and utility from taunt that i love it so much. maybe ull have another suspect w ppl not banning it so we can continue to abuse

ogerpon water is uhh play offense u wont have a problem, y u want play stall/balance anyways when u can play broken boosterenergy stuff and terminate people in 10-20turns or induce a forfeit within 5-8 turns i cant relate
im probably not the only person to say this but i heavily doubt that waterpon will get banned, and if it does?then we'll probably have another big issue people will discuss and want banned, either way the state of the metagame is interesting, i see a lot of "we're only like 1 or 2 bans away from a good metagame" and a lot of "we have to ban 3+" things, not even to mention the lugia-posting...
seriously though considering i doubt we're getting any new pokemon game this year(thankfully) and pvp for plza is unconfirmed and probably will stay that way till late this year/early next year, im interested to see how things continue considering this'll be the newest metagame for the rest of this year at least, and perhaps next year too
The opposing Skeledirge has Terastallized into the Water-type!

Roaring Moon used Taunt!
The opposing Skeledirge fell for the taunt!

The opposing Skeledirge can't use Will-O-Wisp after the taunt!

Turn 3
☆: cant wait for that shit to be banned (again) lol

Roaring Moon used Knock Off!
(The opposing Skeledirge lost 48% of its health!)
Roaring Moon knocked off the opposing Skeledirge's Heavy-Duty Boots!

The opposing Skeledirge used Torch Song!
(Roaring Moon lost 29% of its health!)
The opposing Skeledirge's Sp. Atk rose!

Turn 4

Roaring Moon used Acrobatics!
(The opposing Skeledirge lost 52% of its health!)

The opposing Skeledirge fainted!

sent out Zamazenta!
[The opposing Zamazenta's Dauntless Shield]
The opposing Zamazenta's Defense rose!

Turn 5

Roaring Moon used Acrobatics!
It's super effective!
(The opposing Zamazenta lost 100% of its health!)

The opposing Zamazenta fainted!


won the battle!
rating: 1792 → 1813
(+21 for winning)
rating: 1810 → 1789
(-21 for losing)
nice to see some1 is on the same page w roaring moon, maybe its worth doing an rmt dedicated to all my boys in the ou thread who type more than they play even tho fk typing an essay and i also forgot how to import sprites, but its probably not gna get banned anyways and we get it abuse it more yay
as scary as it is, my main problem with roaring moon is that there are multiple different ways to play around it and it's very hard to account for all of them when teambuilding. if you run the standard 3A w/ DD set then it becomes very easy for common physical walls to come in, take a knock off, set up an ID/bulk up/curse/etc. then heal off the damage the following turn, meaning your roaring moon is now forced to switch out and you lose your protosynthesis boost. you could instead run taunt to shut down setup attempts from these physical walls, but then you've likely put yourself in a very bad position against kingambit. not to mention it's still harassed by landorus-T, can't even outspeed pokemon like choice scarf meowscarada, iron boulder, choice scarf darkrai, etc. at +1 and easily gets revenge killed by common priority moves. bottom line is roaring moon isn't as infallible as it was during the DLC1 metagame. scary asf pokemon and something you always have to respect, but counterplay is more widely applicable this time around

sorry for the long ass paragraph but TLDR: roaring moon is dumb but i don't think it stands out as banworthy anymore
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I'd honestly say that stall has a better matchup into waterpon, because they can afford to run otherwise mediocre mons to counter it.
From the stall bible (going down to B- tier, there are most likely a lot of others that can deal with it well) you have:
And that's not even including the various tera's mons such as gliscor, dondozo and even muk can tech for it. I do agree with everything else you said though.

Do not use trailblaze, that is a horrible move on waterpon. Legitimately, it may look good, but it doesn't have enough firepower in practice and thus bulky water types wall you.

Pex, Mandibuzz, and Shitter-Therian do not win vs Brokerpon, also stall team slots are so tight and have to count for so much, "can afford to run otherwise mediocre mons" is just not true
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toxapex is far too passive against ogerpon to actually check it (and gets destroyed by +2 power whip regardless) and tornadus-T isn't a switch-in at all. mandibuzz could maybe check it w/ foul play and ID but you'd need to expend tera to do so

as for the others, hydrapple is pretty solid as an ogerpon check but it usually has to watch out for play rough. and amoonguss is (in my opinion) one of the only consistent checks to ogerpon, but it's not in a super good spot as of right now so it's just hard to justify using
toxapex is far too passive against ogerpon to actually check it (and gets destroyed by +2 power whip regardless) and tornadus-T isn't a switch-in at all. mandibuzz could maybe check it w/ foul play and ID but you'd need to expend tera to do so

as for the others, hydrapple is pretty solid as an ogerpon check but it usually has to watch out for play rough. and amoonguss is (in my opinion) one of the only consistent checks to ogerpon, but it's not in a super good spot as of right now so it's just hard to justify using
Plus it's a waste of a torn since you could technically use it to knock off other pokemon that don't absorb knock off rather than try to take out something that it cannot beat, since Waterpon just takes bleakwind a tad too well to be reasonable into it. Would much rather use torn to remove items from pokemon over the course of a game than trying to beat Waterpon with it, since trying to beat Waterpon with it is a lost cause unless you somehow get plus 4 with np.

im probably not the only person to say this but i heavily doubt that waterpon will get banned, and if it does?then we'll probably have another big issue people will discuss and want banned, either way the state of the metagame is interesting, i see a lot of "we're only like 1 or 2 bans away from a good metagame" and a lot of "we have to ban 3+" things, not even to mention the lugia-posting...

seriously though considering i doubt we're getting any new pokemon game this year(thankfully) and pvp for plza is unconfirmed and probably will stay that way till late this year/early next year, im interested to see how things continue considering this'll be the newest metagame for the rest of this year at least, and perhaps next year too

I would love if we could Kokoloko Kyurem, Bolt, Waterpon, and Moon just to make progress with the metagame. I would love if we could Kokoloko those four just so we can get a better picture of how overbearing each one actually is, because the threat saturation definitely isn't making it easy for HO players to figure out. If we can Kokoloko these four, I would not mind at all because all 4 are big problems and it could help players realize how broken some of these mons are, and could get the meta to a semi reasonable state, even if Kokoloko only makes it temporarily semi reasonable. I think it's time for Kokoloko since it feels like it is hard to get people to make up their minds on anything, and doing so would allow people to come to a consensus more easily.

Waterpon suspect would probably be like 55%-59% ban if we did it right now like Kyurem.
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why would we use the kokoloko method on a pokemon who was voted to stay in OU and then three other pokemon who received no support for a quickban? we'll deal with kyurem and gouging fire at a later point in time if it's deemed necessary, for now i think we should focus our efforts on what to do with ogerpon