Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Kyurem suspect now up]

I'd honestly reckon the powercreep brought on by the Indigo Disk is largely why Gliscor's okay in the tier. I believe there are a lot of things that are capable of downright pulverizing the bat and blasting it apart in one or two blows. Archaludon, Speedeoxys, Darkrai, Raging Bolt, Kyurem and even variants of Gouging Fire. Iron Boulder's Mighty Cleave helps a bit in breaking past its constant Protect spam too.
252+ SpA Choice Specs Raging Bolt Draco Meteor vs. 244 HP / 12 SpD Gliscor: 454-535 (128.9 - 151.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 SpA Life Orb Darkrai Dark Pulse vs. 244 HP / 12 SpD Gliscor: 220-259 (62.5 - 73.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Poison Heal

+2 252 Atk Quark Drive Iron Boulder Mighty Cleave vs. 244 HP / 252+ Def Gliscor: 235-277 (66.7 - 78.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Poison Heal

Gliscor is no more with the power creep indeed.
Im starting to split ends here, but doesn't this also apply to Freeze and Paralysis? As opposed to the 1-3 turns of nothing, which can be mitigated with moves like Sleep Talk and Snore, you cannot do a thing about being frozen. You're stuck there, actually incapable of doing anything because the opponent got lucky. Or, Paralysis, where it's quite easy to proc and results in a permanent speed debuff and a random chance to, wait for it, not do anything. So why is Sleep any different? If anything, it seems that a guaranteed removal of the debuff one to three turns later is better than being permanently frozen or paralyzed, but thats just me talking.

I would say Freeze is in the same realm of critical hits of "there's nothing we can really do about it" - its very difficult to isolate and prevent without modding the game, and with a few notable exceptions it's quite rare. In fact, I'd say just one notable exception, Kyurem, which honestly should be suspected. But overall, like critical hits, it's just part of the game that we can't do much about save for banning all ice moves, which at that point why not ban all moves that can crit?

And I've got my thoughts out about Para already, it certainly falls under the realm of RNG fishing but the player using it has much less control over this than with sleep (you choose when to put someone to sleep, you don't choose when para activates.) Rate of activation also matters a lot with this control in mind. 100% then 67% chance of an immediate free turn is much more significant than a 25% chances of potential free turns at some undetermined point later in battle. And there is nothing uncompetitve about lowering a Pokémon's speed. Overall, paralysis still maintains a good deal of agency for the paralyzed player in a way sleep does not, save for your suggestion, to put Sleep Talk or the fake move Snore on random Pokémon that don't have Rest, which is pretty much the picture of a consequence of overcentralization and amounts to a canary in a coal mine similar to running Bronzong to counter Bloodmoon or Dachsbun to Chi-Yu.

I think a whole lot of headaches, strawmen, and whatabouts can be saved here with the framing "sleep introduces an element of RNG fishing and loss of agency beyond what is acceptable or standard"
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Sleep as a whole has been surging heavily across the entire ladder, HO's abusing double sleep with the likes of both Hypnosis Darkrai and Iron Valiant are getting unprecedented success even at top ladder. Sun has been abusing Sleep Powder Lilligant to immense sucess. Red Card Amoonguss is used more than ever.

To people saying this is uniquely a Darkrai problem, it is most certainly not.
Sleep as a whole has been surging heavily across the entire ladder, HO's abusing double sleep with the likes of both Hypnosis Darkrai and Iron Valiant are getting unprecedented success even at top ladder. Sun has been abusing Sleep Powder Lilligant to immense sucess. Red Card Amoonguss is used more than ever.

To people saying this is uniquely a Darkrai problem, it is most certainly not.
I’m curious how much of this is just trendy vs. actually being good. For example, I’ve been using hypnosis Golduck on rain (wide lens with hydro pump, np, tera psychic psychock) not necessarily cuz it’s good, but because I wanted to test it out to better understand the sleep discussion going on
I’m curious how much of this is just trendy vs. actually being good. For example, I’ve been using hypnosis Golduck on rain (wide lens with hydro pump, np, tera psychic psychock) not necessarily cuz it’s good, but because I wanted to test it out to better understand the sleep discussion going on

It's definitely a mix of both, I'd say it's more of an issue with Valiant/Darkrai/Lilligant obviously, since HO tends to punish a lot harder with those free turns. I think sleep is also uniquely a problem when combined with Tera, because we get two different mechanics that lead to creating free setup opportunities for yourself, which can both be abused on top of each other.
Im starting to split ends here, but doesn't this also apply to Freeze and Paralysis? As opposed to the 1-3 turns of nothing, which can be mitigated with moves like Sleep Talk and Snore, you cannot do a thing about being frozen. You're stuck there, actually incapable of doing anything because the opponent got lucky. Or, Paralysis, where it's quite easy to proc and results in a permanent speed debuff and a random chance to, wait for it, not do anything. So why is Sleep any different? If anything, it seems that a guaranteed removal of the debuff one to three turns later is better than being permanently frozen or paralyzed, but thats just me talking.
Sleep talk and snore are dead slots outside of the times you get slept. Freeze and paralysis are just not the same as sleep, they're distinctly different in the ways they occur and how a player can respond/prevent them. Freeze is completely dependent on rng, has a 10% chance at most to occur, and you have to actually attack to get the status. Their's not even that many mons who currently run an ice move that has a chance to freeze, with kyurem being the main one who threatens the status. Paralysis has multiple prevention methods, and if for some reason you couldn't prevent it, it doesn't completely remove player interaction and even provides some healthy gameplay with the interactions it creates. ( I'm thinking in the case of thunder wave)
+2 252 Atk Quark Drive Iron Boulder Mighty Cleave vs. 244 HP / 252+ Def Gliscor: 235-277 (66.7 - 78.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Poison Heal

Fyi, Quark Drive's set to boost Atk instead of Speed here.

+2 252 Atk Iron Boulder Mighty Cleave vs. 244 HP / 252+ Def Gliscor: 181-214 (51.4 - 60.7%) -- 48.4% chance to 2HKO after Poison Heal

Not hitting 50% to 2HKO does suck, but the fucker can't click Protect against you and you'll probably Tera out of your Ground weakness.
I think sleep is also uniquely a problem when combined with Tera, because we get two different mechanics that lead to creating free setup opportunities for yourself, which can both be abused on top of each other.
i think it's not uniquely a problem when combined with tera, it's a problem that's existed from the very beginning of competitive pokemon. it was compounded by tera to the point where we can no longer pretend that the archaic crusty 1990s-ass mickey mouse tiering option we were using still works
i think it's not uniquely a problem when combined with tera, it's a problem that's existed from the very beginning of competitive pokemon. it was compounded by tera to the point where we can no longer pretend that the archaic crusty 1990s-ass mickey mouse tiering option we were using still works

I meant it in the way that I do think sleep has always been a problem, but it is certainly made worse by it's combination with Tera. Many people bring out the idea that nothing has changed about sleep to make it warrant a ban, but this is certainly a new application of sleep that deserves consideration.
-Showdown wants to be a pokemon simulator.
-Gamefreak doesn't balance their game very well, especially singles, so we have to ban some things to make it more fun.
-Bans are preferable to patches, as they keep us closer to cart accurate and are easier to understand.
-Sleep clause goes against this as its a patch, we propose changing it to a ban.
-Banning sleep would make the game more fun, but might undermine our position as a pokemon simulator since its so much bigger than individual pokemon bans.

This is my understanding of the debate, apologies if I'm way off the mark.

There are a lot of very angry people in the OU thread. Getting toxic and demanding people leave for proposing a suspect test instead of a quick ban isn't a great environment, regardless of what the correct answer is.
-Showdown wants to be a pokemon simulator.
-Gamefreak doesn't balance their game very well, especially singles, so we have to ban some things to make it more fun.
-Bans are preferable to patches, as they keep us closer to cart accurate and are easier to understand.
-Sleep clause goes against this as its a patch, we propose changing it to a ban.
-Banning sleep would make the game more fun, but might undermine our position as a pokemon simulator since its so much bigger than individual pokemon bans.

This is my understanding of the debate, apologies if I'm way off the mark.

There are a lot of very angry people in the OU thread. Getting toxic and demanding people leave for proposing a suspect test instead of a quick ban isn't a great environment, regardless of what the correct answer is.

Pokemon Showdown =/= the OU tier. Nobody is suggesting we delete Sleep from Showdown.
-Showdown wants to be a pokemon simulator.
-Gamefreak doesn't balance their game very well, especially singles, so we have to ban some things to make it more fun.
-Bans are preferable to patches, as they keep us closer to cart accurate and are easier to understand.
-Sleep clause goes against this as its a patch, we propose changing it to a ban.
-Banning sleep would make the game more fun, but might undermine our position as a pokemon simulator since its so much bigger than individual pokemon bans.
this is where the disconnect is. the ban wouldn't be undermining our position as a pokemon simulator at all, but the mod is doing that. because it can't be replicated on cartridge, showdown is technically not a pokemon simulator for any tier that implements it. so we need to get rid of the mod to actually be a proper simulator for the games. and we all know that unrestricted sleep is, objectively, uncompetitive. so the only sensible options are to either rework sleep clause to somehow be replicable on cartridge, or ban sleep moves (almost) entirely. the first option would still run into other issues: it's too complicated for new users, and it doesn't actually solve any of the problems that spurred this discussion in the first place. the only downside of the second option is that it hurts the viability of a handful of mons, and i don't see a problem with this because every tiering action does that to some extent
this is where the disconnect is. the ban wouldn't be undermining our position as a pokemon simulator at all, but the mod is doing that. because it can't be replicated on cartridge, showdown is technically not a pokemon simulator for any tier that implements it. so we need to get rid of the mod to actually be a proper simulator for the games. and we all know that unrestricted sleep is, objectively, uncompetitive. so the only sensible options are to either rework sleep clause to somehow be replicable on cartridge, or ban sleep moves (almost) entirely. the first option would still run into other issues: it's too complicated for new users, and it doesn't actually solve any of the problems that spurred this discussion in the first place. the only downside of the second option is that it hurts the viability of a handful of mons, and i don't see a problem with this because every tiering action does that to some extent
It's all about perspective. The only real arguement for even keeping dynamax was that it was a generational mechanic and would alienate a portion of the community, mainly more casual players. But it was so overwhelmingly bs that we were willing to take that risk and ban it, and it was absolutely for the better. We need to question whether banning this mechanic which already has contreversy about it is worth it. I don't know for sure if it is, but we should still evaluate how much of the metagame wants it banned, which is what the survey will do for us. If the community doesn't want it banned by a large majority, then I probably wouldn't, because that would be far too much of a risk. However, if they want it banned, then I say go ahead. Some people will be mad with a decision, that will always be the case, we just have to manage the risks.
Y'all gonna drag this whole sleep convo until page 200, aren't you?

Anyways, what pokemon do you think will rise to OU and what do you think will fall? I think Toxapex may finally fall and same for Primarina, haven't seen it in a while, I've seen more Latios lately but I said the same thing last month and he didn't make it.
Y'all gonna drag this whole sleep convo until page 200, aren't you?

Anyways, what pokemon do you think will rise to OU and what do you think will fall? I think Toxapex may finally fall and same for Primarina, haven't seen it in a while, I've seen more Latios lately but I said the same thing last month and he didn't make it.

UNLIKELY! You people are trying your best to push the "Toxapex fell off" message but it is fake news, Pex is still excellent, and we will never stop using him. He will never be UU
Y'all gonna drag this whole sleep convo until page 200, aren't you?

Anyways, what pokemon do you think will rise to OU and what do you think will fall? I think Toxapex may finally fall and same for Primarina, haven't seen it in a while, I've seen more Latios lately but I said the same thing last month and he didn't make it.
I think iron crown might fall as while I love it, it is kinda outclassed in most of its roles. I feel like ogerpon-cornerstone will rise (no I am not coping), because it does quite well into the metagame. If you can keep sturdy on it, which is much easier with horn leech heal, it can be quite a great revenge killer with being able to take a hit and respond with it's own. I've also found charm to be amazing on it to increase its longevity and force lots of switches, which rack up hazard damage.
Ogerpon-Cornerstone (F) @ Cornerstone Mask
Ability: Sturdy
Tera Type: Rock
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ivy Cudgel
- Horn Leech
- Low Kick
- Charm
The set I'm talking about.
Glad OMs decided to stop pussyfooting around and just mass replaced Sleep Clause Mod with Sleep Moves Clause almost universally across the board. Yeah, "collateral damage" exists but Sleep Clause Mod is not game accurate, and Smogon has a philosophy to be as game accurate as possible while being a competitive format.

The collateral damage whining is particularly crazy because realistically people are saying that 1 mon's main set (that has started to become somewhat uncompetitive mind you) is more valuable to you than essentially allowing a slippery slope esq function because it has always been here. Something always being the status quo doesn't mean it was right, and circumstances can change that make what is the status quo obsolete.

Ban all Sleep Moves. Screw them.
UNLIKELY! You people are trying your best to push the "Toxapex fell off" message but it is fake news, Pex is still excellent, and we will never stop using him. He will never be UU

Well he actually fell out otherwise he wouldn't be lingering very low in the tier. I actually don't mind it but the power creep is pushing the icons down and if it doesn't fall next month, it will soon. Hell, the king of OU (Lando) is having a hard time right now so anything could happen.mp3
Y'all gonna drag this whole sleep convo until page 200, aren't you?

Anyways, what pokemon do you think will rise to OU and what do you think will fall? I think Toxapex may finally fall and same for Primarina, haven't seen it in a while, I've seen more Latios lately but I said the same thing last month and he didn't make it.
I think Deoxys Defense is a pretty obvious drop candidate. Mons bad. Like, real bad.

Most likely rise is easily head and shoulders Barrascewda. That mon is solid on rain and rain is very solid right now. I'd be shocked if it did not make the cutoff next month.