Made this after some others brought up their template in the Trainer Aid discord the other day. Figured it would be cool to share so people could see roughly how I view the tier -- obviously this is very rough, unofficial, etc. Terms like "unhealthy" are far less formal and more "vibes" based than anything else.
Volcarona being lower right quadrant should be no surprise for those who read my posts in the suspect thread, but you can also see other "controversial" metagame presences like Kyurem, Darkrai, Deoxys-Speed in a similar quadrant (or Wellspring all the way at the end of "broken") -- I do not think we need to rush to any action after Volcarona suspect, especially with the tier still evolving, but I do think it's good to continually discuss things.
Darkrai is surprising to me. While it is an amazing wallbreaker with merit of viable items/sets, I don’t think it reaches broken territory. Its fraility and 4MSS (it wants to fit NP, Focus Miss, Ice Beam, etc) keeps it from that territory. Plus there are legitimate checks like Zama, Ting-Lu, SpD Corv, etc.
Zama is a top 5 mon and one that is strong into HO while being amazing defensively. Roar Zama is one of the best glues on BO and even Balance. However it’s not broken at all. Its matchup into Fat/Balance is worse than the other S and A+ tiers. They often already come with checks like Gliscor, Lando, bulky Ghold, Dirge, Pult, Amoonguss, Molt, Clef, etc. HO has also made some anti-Zama adaptations like Tera Ghost on random sweepers or Enam/Hatt which have made me run more Heavy Slam on Zama cause ppl spam s7a’s Darkspam team everywhere. Zama it's on the healthy side imo as it covers several matchups in one slot while being threatening offensively.
I don’t get this one. The best HO lead? Yes. Decent wallbreaker with Power Herb + Meteor Beam? Yes. Broken? No.
Pure Psychic and 95 SpA are bad, even with Psycho Boost. It’s carried by being the fastest unboosted mon in the tier, great coverage, and being good for role compression. Its been on a steady climb after a successful SPL run and might become top 10 in the future, but I can’t call it broken. LO sets get worn down and outclassed by Val or Darkrai. The other sets aren’t that strong. It also has a pool of checks such as Corv, Ghold, Ting-Lu, AV Crown, Mixed Dfse Mola, Hatt etc.
Wake and Sun is the worst its been. Mostly cause of players adapting to CB G-Fire and Tera Water giving Wake a hard time breaking. Sun also dislikes matchups like Prima, Dnite, Gambit, Garg, Bolt, Glimm, etc. Idk why Wake is even considered on the unhealthy/broken spectrum.
Even without Volc, I don’t see Kyurem being broken. Specs is support reliant and pivoted around by Protect Gliscor/Mola or Glowking + bulky Ice resist, and ofc rocks. Mid set imo. Boots is the best set, but it has more difficulties breaking bulky targets like Clef, SpD Garg, Dirge, etc. Kyurem can be out-offensed by faster builds, especially those with checks like Glowking, AV Crown, or Balloon Gambit/Ghold. Some will bring up DD, but DD is easy to read. You rarely see it outside HO and even then, it’s not common. I think Kyurem is incredible, especially as the meta slows down, but I stopped finding it broken since the beginning of February. I’m curious in seeing your stance, Finch. Plus your stance on the other 5 mons.