Approved by DEG | Art by Kolohe | Hosted by Lumii, bored_glitch, and bea
Welcome to the kickoff tournament for the SV 1v1 metagame after the release of Pokemon Home connectivity for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
This tournament will have five Swiss rounds, each lasting 3 days.
Players who are 3-2 or better will move onto the Playoffs, which will be held in a Single Elimination format with three-day rounds.
Tournament Rules
- General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
- The banlist for this tournament is the same as the SV 1v1 ladder on the Smogon University server of Pokemon Showdown and can be found by using the command '/tier gen91v1' on that server. Bans during a round will only take effect for the next round.
- Best of five, Swiss Pairings. Losing a series does not mean you are eliminated.
- Substitutes will not be allowed.
- If metagame changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
- Battles must take place on main server or smogtours.
- Replays are strictly required.
- All matches must be in a best-of-five, first to three wins. All games MUST be posted.
- Do not make baseless activity posts; get in contact with your opponent and report missed times and scheduling issues only.
3+ Wins Bracket
LeCehlou VS Miyoko
Justdelemon VS Murman
Go greeninja VS TrainerPla
memedose46 VS Part
2-1 Bracket
DezShizzels VS bo_bobson27
Squirtell 1v1 VS BlackKnight_Gawain
DripLegend VS gorilaa
seroo VS LittEleven
Bernian VS Lucario
lemonstre1 VS lavarina
CronusVGC VS Arvinraj K III C
DEG VS sufys12
DreamPrince VS Ron
Gangsta Spongebob VS Marshme1to
boris69 VS Nick
1-2 Bracket
swag god VS Bomb21XD
realaccountami? VS leo-bloodysweet
shadowtime2000 VS NTG Cuz IDK
Vertigo VS Vrji
s7a VS Eeveekid10
Joker 1v1 VS The White Room
Slip VS SOM/05
drakloak VS WhoDatMan
Akuu VS LordDoesOtherStuff
happysh VS Akeras
Taka VS SwordIsBored
Opchurtle100 VS smely socks
LeCehlou VS Miyoko
Justdelemon VS Murman
Go greeninja VS TrainerPla
memedose46 VS Part
2-1 Bracket
DezShizzels VS bo_bobson27
Squirtell 1v1 VS BlackKnight_Gawain
DripLegend VS gorilaa
seroo VS LittEleven
Bernian VS Lucario
lemonstre1 VS lavarina
CronusVGC VS Arvinraj K III C
DEG VS sufys12
DreamPrince VS Ron
Gangsta Spongebob VS Marshme1to
boris69 VS Nick
1-2 Bracket
swag god VS Bomb21XD
realaccountami? VS leo-bloodysweet
shadowtime2000 VS NTG Cuz IDK
Vertigo VS Vrji
s7a VS Eeveekid10
Joker 1v1 VS The White Room
Slip VS SOM/05
drakloak VS WhoDatMan
Akuu VS LordDoesOtherStuff
happysh VS Akeras
Taka VS SwordIsBored
Opchurtle100 VS smely socks
The 0-3 Bracket has been eliminated. The 3-0 bracket all has qualified. If they want to play games, they can, but they are not forced to play to remain in the tournament.
The deadline for this round is Friday, June 16th, at 11:59 PM GMT-4. Good luck to all players.
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