Suprisingly good bulky offense featuring leadPhan (OU)

I've been laddering with this team a while first it was just meant to be a fun team, but I had a relatively easy time winning battles. Lately I fell in a slump. I'll post the team and will thank anyone with suggestions. BTW this is my first RMT and English is not my first language so bare with me. I'll Have pics up soon.

252 ATK/204 Def/52 Hp Adamant
-Stealth Rock
-Ice Shard

Lead Donphan is great..since its UU, people tend to overlook it. This thing has a lot of potential OHK lead Gross,Ape,Jirachi,and lead Tran even with Shuca Berry! For those of You poking a hole in my logic with Ape's Shash...Here's what usually happens...they fake out,Next turn they either SR or FB I turn Ice Shard finishes the job. The only leads I loose against are Zelf, Swampy and Smeargle. I have used other Swampy and Metagross, but I find Phan better than Swampy and I like Phan's Electric Imunity. I never play it suicidal, it is a vital part of my team. Oh BTW Ice Shard provides insurance against DD Mence...a huge pain to my team.

Grass goes to Latias and Heatran.
Ice gose to Heatran and Starmie.

Heatran@Life Orb
252 SA/252 Spe/ 4 ATK Timid
-Fire Blast
-Hp Grass
-Earth Power

Heatran is a good all around poke. He provides good resistances to my team and is capable of punching holes into anything that doesn't resist Fire and is not named Blissey. As you may notice later I have a good wish passer...wich means That sub + LO doesn't give me that much of a draw back. Speaking of subs..this guy behind one is a beast...AMAZING!!!... Only Latias, gyara and Mence ( Oh and Bliss/Snor) can wall it...but let's face it they all come itno any Heatran set

Ground goes to Latias
Fight goes to Starmie and Latias

Breloom@Toxic Orb
44hp/252 atk/112 spe Adamant
-Leech Seed
-Focus Punch

Ahh...good old subpunch loom...incrdibly enough I don't use Spore first evrytime. If I suspect he is gonna put something in to take the switch I Focus Punch or Sub. Breloom would be great if I could have another attaking move. Once my Sub is broken by something faster.. I'm forced to switch. Still Breloom is awesome.


Fire goes to Starmie and Latias.
Flying goes to Heatran.
Ice goes to Heatran and Starmie.
Psychic goes to Latias and Starmie.

248hp/252At/8 spe
Bullet Punch

Originally magnezone filled this spot...after play testing I found that I was voulnerable to a whole lot of threats, I couldn't relly on Starmie's revenge killing cuz - realized that if starmie can switch between attacks it is a lot better. So this slot was between Scizor and Scrarfga. SCizor actually fit with the bulky offensive theme. He's steel typing allows me to switch him in easily againts a majority of foes.

Fire to Starmie and Latias.

Starmie@Life Orb
252SA/252Spe/4hp Timid
-Ice Beam

Starmie is really a great poke. He can take down many threats. Gengar also had this slot for a while but of course his amazing bulk was a let down. While not much bulkier, starmie does get healing, a fire resistance, and ice resistance and is not as easily taken out by scizor and TTar...well maybe by Scizor. While behind the screen I can take hits easily.

Grass to Tran and Latias
Electric to Zone, Latias and Phan
Ghost to Scizor and Tran
Bug to Scizor and Tran

Latias@Light Clay
252hp/4 spa/252 Spe Tmid
Light Screen
Dragon Pulse

Ok some of you might have seen I used to run Defensive CM, but since I Mainly usedit for Special Walling. This thing is the ultimate team player. Easily sets up both screens and keeps my team healthy. I have absolutely no complaints. This is the teams glue. Having a mix mences Draco Meteor do half as much to Sciz and Tran is a plus...and they also get healed in the process. Only one thing: Dragon Pulse or Roar... Roar helpes againts stat uppers and Dragon Pulse doent leave me a sitting duck i f its the last poke.

Even though Lead Phan makes this team unique I find that even though I beat Common leads I fail to set up rocks... so I am thinking about using Mamoswine...Need an opinion here

Okay I think I rated this teal before but let's do it again:

On heatran: make it a SubTran:
with leftovers

- substitute
- fire blast
- earth power
- toxic

starmie has no nature: make it timid!

if you have problems with breloom make it a mach puncher
with toxic orb

- sword dance
- mach punch
- spore
- stone edge/ facade/ seed bomb

You could switch to mamoswine if donphan dissapoints you:

mamoswine @ focus sash/ adamant/ snow cloak
252 Atk, 252 Spe, 6 HP

- earthquake
- stealth rock
- ice shard
- endeavor / protect

--> although endeavor is the superiour option, protect allows it to beat fake out leads like infernape, it otherwise couldn't.

rest seems nice ^^

Hope I helped!
BlackScizor thanx for the rate...yeah you did rate it but for some reason I got locked and all the advice deleted. Thanx for protect on Mamo... I' ll totally test it. Breloom has gotten me out of a lot of tight spots so I think Ill keep it. Any body reading this help me out...ROAR or DRAGON PULSE on Latias??
Very flawed rate blackscizor. Tell him evs and why to run specific things if you're going to suggest switching pokemon/sets.

Now onto my rate;

Donphan isn't that great of a lead. Gets taunted easily, and is beat by many other leads. Possibly run leadmeta over donphan.


Metagross @ Occa berry
252 HP / 236 Atk / 12 Def / 8 Spe
Stealth rock
Bullet punch

A nice bulky lead that can actually fair nicely against other OU leads unlike donphan. With the evs it cannot be OHKOd by hippowdon and swampert who are commonly seen leads and can get SR up in the process. Beats Leadzelf as it takes a fire blast and 2HKOs with bullet punch IIRC. Running Occa berry lets you beat infernape as you can take the fire blast from standard leadape then use EQ activating the sash then finish it off with a bullet punch.

I do agree with switching heatran to a full on subtran so If you do then run this set;


Heatran @ Leftovers
56 HP / 252 Sp atk / 200 spe
Timid (+ Spe, - Atk)
Flash fire

This is Rhys29's Offensive Subtran set that he gave me and Kill.Mate.Repeat. One time. Heatran does a great job at absorbing fire attacks aimed at Celebi/Scizor which is mainly why he's on the team. He also counters a few other things that are threat's to the team. 200 Spe beats Jolly breloom and Adamant gyarados which behind a sub can beat both. 252 Sp atk was standard IIRC and just helps with Timid to still do a ton of damage behind a sub. I ran Toxic in order to beat blissey, as well as partially deal with gyarados. It generally covers better then hp electric as well seeing as how nothing really likes to be poisoned (with the exception of breloom/guts pokemon.)

Fire blast is the main STAB on the set, and can cause a ton of damage to anything that doesn't resist it. Substitute is standard once again and obviously makes Subtran what it is. The Celetran combo is amazing being able to resist almost every type in the game with both of them. Anything that harms Heatran goes to celebi, and anything that harms Celebi goes to heatran. 56 Hp survives adamant/Jolly Breloom non boosted Mach punch and is just pretty much a filler.

359 Atk vs 158 Def & 323 HP (120 Base Power): 588 - 692 (182.04% - 214.24%)

It can outrun Adamant/Jolly breloom so works as a check because as you can see a Non boosted fire blast on 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Sp Def Loom OHKO's and does massive damage 100% of the time.

Next thing is your starmie; timid nature works best on LO starmie to hit 361 but the rest of the set looks fine.

you might want to use SD loom over subpunch loom as it's a nice surprise like blackscizor said.


Breloom @ Toxic orb
248 HP / 252 ATk / 8 Spe
Adamant (+ Atk, - Sp atk)
Poison Heal
~Seed bomb
~Mach punch
~Swords Dance

Gives you spore support, 8 spe is standard on most priority abusers and 248 hp gives you bulk. 252 atk is as well just completely standard and seed bomb/mach punch are your best options for attacking. You can vouch for stone edge over seed bomb though to hit things like mence on the switch.

GL with your team.
Any body reading this help me out...ROAR or DRAGON PULSE on Latias??

You should have at least one attack move on a pokemon. So dragon pulse is okay. You might even wanna consider draco meteor since the only thing latias does is setting up the screens and do an attack, switch out and do it again later.

Sorry for not posting ev's before. But this meant that you should keep the ev's you had.