Super Mario Brothers 35th Anniversary Personal Project: Let's A Cosplay, Wahoo!


Long Live Super Mario Maker! 2015-2024
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What the heck is this?!
So as some of you know, I'm a huge Mario fan. In fact, that's an understatement: I'm more of a Mario junkie! This year happens to mark two very important anniversities for this beloved franchise: the 30th anniversary of Super Mario World, and the 35th anniversary of Super Mario Brothers. Now for the former, I'm probably just going to import the Super Famicom version like I did when Super Mario Brothers 3 turned 30. But with Super Mario Brothers, I already got almost every version of that game. More importantly, Super Mario Brothers is the first video game I ever played, and its one I've put thousands of hours into over my 28 years of existance. I figured I needed to do something very special to celebrate this cherished part of my life...

That special celebration starts in this very thread!

For the 35th anniversary of Super Mario Brothers, I will be modifiying sprites from Super Mario Brothers, Super Mario Brothers 2 Japan, Super Mario Brothers Deluxe, and Super Mario Maker 2. I will be modifying them with a specfic purpose in mind: have Mario and friends cosplay as many different popular characters! These could be from video games, cartoons, comics, books, hell maybe even some real life figures I like!

This actually started out as me wanting to make decorations for Animal Crossing: New Horizons, but after getting a taste of sprite editing, I'm enjoying it enough to make this my big way to celebrate my favorite video game franchise! Before I start showing what I've done thus far, here's just some approachs I'm taking for this!

1. This is gonna sound silly, but pay attention to Mario and Luigi's moustaches in these sprites. Now NORMALLY, the moustache is always supposed to be black in modern Mario games, a different hair color than the hair on their head! However, I actually disregard this rule, because I figured Mario and Luigi would be willing to dye their moustaches to have a slightly more authentic cosplay! NOTE however, for characters that either have no hair or have hair all over their bodies (such as Mewtwo), I do retain the black moustache!

2. I have a weird rule in mind for who can be Mario and Luigi: they must be playable in a video game in some form. This represents how the soul of the Mario series is all about play and fluent control. I'm being pretty leniant with what that actually means though. For example, for Touhou and Pokemon, I include spin offs! For real life figures, as long as they're in a video game and are playable, that counts too! That being said, I want to represent other Mario characters cosplaying besides the two brothers, so expect to see some very different kinds of cosplays later on, especially for characters that aren't playable in anything!

3. If anyone is curious about how I do these: I just import the base sprites into Piskel (it's an online app), and then just get straight to editing. I make heavy use of layers because I'm pretty bad at imagining perspectives lol.

4: I heavily encourage criticism! These sprites are very easy to edit on the fly for me, and honestly I'm not really a sprite artist, so this is all pretty new to me!

5: This is why I encourage criticism: an end goal of this project is to have a BUNCH of sprites exportable into Animal Crossing: New Horizons! As soon as that game comes out, I will put a QR code next to each piece of sprite art, so you can deck out your island with weird Mario cosplays!

6: Because of Animal Crossing AND Super Mario Brothers having a strict 32 x 32 pixel grid for sprites, I'm adhering to that 100%. So bear that in mind if things look a bit squished at times! I do however, blow up the sprites for the purpose of this thread (I multiply the pixels by 6), but in Animal Crossing, they'll be actual size!

7: On a similar note, I'm not using an NES palette, as these are more inspired by how Super Mario Odyssey costumes looked.

8. Sometimes I use white pixels, that doesn't gel well with the forum's default settings it seems. You can right click to see them as they should be!

9: Don't expect me to do comissions. This is more of a personal project of mine. I mean, knock yourself out if you wanna do this too, but I'm mostly doing this for myself!

10: One last thing: I intend to make banners and "dioramas" with some of these sprites interacting with each other as I start to make more of them!

With all that stuff outta the way, here's what I currently have! I'll be dividing the sprites into which franchises they belong to. I'll be updating the OP every time I post a new batch of sprites! Oh also: almost every sprite will have a lame portmanteau of the Mario character + base character in them. As a bonus, in addition to me having a description for each sprite, every Pokemon I make will be getting a custom POKEMARIO DEX entry!

Pokemon + Mario = Pokemario!

Red Mario.png

Red + Mario = Red Mario

Ok I couldn't resist doing an inverse of the "Green Mario" meme lol. This is based off of how Red looks in Sun and Moon, I'll make some more retro inspired ones.


Blue + Luigi = Bluigi

Drawing Luigi into the cocky "Bluigi" was a really funny thought for me! I'll admit though I had trouble with the spikey hair, I can probably improve that. This is also based on his Sun and Moon look.

Maristy and Super Starmie.png

Misty & Starmie + Mario & Starman = Maristy & Starmieman

Well this is a bit cursed, I don't think Misty's clothes were designed for Mario's form factor! This one uses a LOT of white pixels btw, since it's based off of Misty's Let's Go look, so I suggest you open this image in a new tab!

I used a swimming sprite because she's the water gym leader. Also, I kept the Starman's eyes so it just didn't look like a weird Starmie! The starmie in particular was fun to make, I made it look like Starmie by just taking another Starman sprite, and turning it upside down in a lower layer!

Starmieman Pokemario Dex Entry

Legends say if you encounter this rare starfish Pokemario, touching it will grant you a short, but sweet taste of immortality


Mewtwo + Luigi = Mewtuigi

Holy shit this is really, REALLY cursed looking! It turns out, when you remove the "clothes" from a Mario bro and make it look more animalisitc, it looks really disturbing! I made Mewtuigi's arms a lighter shade of grey because making it all the same color didn't look good, but there's probably a better way to shade this.

Mewtuigi Pokemario Dex Entry

This Pokemario's source of power is fueld by its intense jealousy of Mewrio. Mewtuigi is extremely dangerous, but it's also very easily scared by bugs, ghosts, and shutting off the lights.


Mew + Mario = Mewrio

WTF this ie even more cursed, it's like a freaky alien Mario fetus! Honestly I love how disturbing this looks though, but maybe I should do some shading by the ears? I'm also tempted to reverse the shading on the arms, I can't remember why I made them darker than the main body. Also, fun fact: I orginally wanted to join Smogon with the username Mewrio during gen 3 when I was like 13, but I chickened out and didn't join until 3 years later in 2009!

Mewrio Pokemario Dex Entry

It's said to be the ancestor of all Pokemario. Mewrio is capable of appearing in any video game genre.

Touhou + Mario = Mariouhou

Reimu Mario Long Hair.png

Reimu + Mario = Mareimu

Reimu is the main character of Touhou and is red, just like Mario, so Mariemu makes perfect sense! With Reimu's hunting instics and Mario's heroic expertise combined, I bet even those stupid moon sisters would lose to Mareimu! Not quite sure I nailed the hair though. While Remu's hairstyle changes from game, I had a hard time getting any of them right with SMB's blocky artstyle lol.

Sanae Luigi WIP.png

Sanae + Luigi = Sanuigi

Both Luigi and Sanae were added later to their respective franchises and are green, so I think that's a fitting combination! I made Sanuigi face left so I could get that frog pin and snake accessory in on the sprite. I did have trouble making the dress seem like it was waving from the jump though, same with the hair like Reimu.

Cirno Mario (2).png

Cirno + Mario = Cirnio

WOAH, ITS THE STRONGEST MARIO, CIRNIO! Actually, looking at this sprite, I'd say Cirnio only has one hit point before he reaches death's door, so I think I gave him Cirno's "smarts" by accident, whoops... Anyways, this was actually the first sprite here I did, and what inspired this very thread! I think I could improve that bow somehow, I had a hard time showing that it wasn't just ears on Cirnio's head. Fun fact: This is actually 1 pixel taller than Small Mario normally is, I did this because it was weird for the feet to be one pixel tall!

Youmuigi and Myonrio.png

Youmu + Luigi = Youmuigi

Another green Touhou character that has a master to follow? Yep, sounds like its Luigi time! This was actually the sprite that convinced me not to convert my sprites to the NES palette: turns out making wavy dresses is even more difficult when you got a really limited set of colors! Also, it's hard to tell on the light mode forums, but I made Youmuigi's half phantom a swimming small Mario sprite. You know how some people like to call it Myon? I call this one Myonrio!

Also hard to tell with light mode on: I tried to replicate that poofy end of Youmu's bigger sword, but I'm not quite sure I drew it right. I made the sprite look like its charging by using Mario's swimming feet on the skid sprite. Reason I did this was because Youmu's bow was way too tall for the 32x32 pixel limit, so I had to get a bit creative! Plus, I wanted Youmu to react to what Yuyuko was doing, which as you can see...

Yuyukio vs Mystigui.png

Yuyuko & Mystia + Mario & Luigi = Yuyukio & Mystigi

OH NO, DO NOT EAT MYSTIGI, YUYUKIO! I couldn't resist doing this meme, so I made a double sprite here! I also put in the ghosts that follow around Yuyuko, and I actually used the firebar sprite and blew it up! Also, god I didn't realize how gross Mystia's nails were till I was using ZUN's art for reference rofl. Not gonna lie, I was also sorta uncomfortable with showing Mystia's bloomers here, but Mario's death sprite puts me in akward place...

I did make these two sprites seperately, and then combined them, so here they are seperately below! As you can see, I made Yuyukio by using Mario's swimming sprite, and Mystigi by using Mario's death sprite!

Yuyuko Mario WIP.png
Mystia Mario WIP.png



  • Cirno Mario 2.0 big.png
    Cirno Mario 2.0 big.png
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  • Youmuigi.png
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  • Youmuigi and Myonrio.png
    Youmuigi and Myonrio.png
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  • Mystia Smol.png
    Mystia Smol.png
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