Sturdy Crobat

Hello, it's me again, making a discussion about a poison-type pokemon again, using a weird title to call your attention. Again.

The pogey this time is Crobat, and I was wondering if a little sturdier spread, leftovers and Roost couldn't make the bat somewhat a tankish special sweeper. After all, 85 HP and 80 Def/Sp.Def are not marvelous, but aren't too shabby either.


Crobat @Leftovers/Black Sludge
Timid Nature
Old spread: 38 HP, 252 Sp.Atk, 220 Spd
New spread: 102 HP, 28 Sp.Atk, 160 Sp.Def, 220 Spd
- Nasty Plot
- Air Slash
- HP Fighting/Ground/Dark Pulse
- Roost

The new EV spread over the old spread:

This Crobat is easier to setup than it looks. First, bring it on a weakned foe you can scare (it won't be difficult considering Crobat's high speed) or something you're sure that'll run from Crobat, like Heracross, to set up a NP on the switch. But a single Nasty Plot won't be enough. This spread gives Crobat 182 Sp.Atk, which will become a mere 364 after NP. That's why I focused on defensives EVs. If you manage to get more NP, you'll end up with a sturdy, fast and powerfull sweeper, and bulky waters are nice pogeys for your set up, keep reading.

Most Bulky Waters carry Ice Beam, which will lure them to stay and try to 2KO you. But no bulky water other than Vaporeon can 2KO you with this EV spread (leftovers recovery considered), so you can easily use 2 NP (546 Sp.Atk) and 2KO all of them. Even Vaporeon has a chance of doesn't 2KOing, so you can stall it with some luck (NP, Roost, NP, Roost, Roost, sweep). And if Swampert thinks it can get you on the Roost turn with Earthquake, it'll be disappointed. The Max damage standard BulkyPerts use can't do much them 335 damage, and guess what? You have 336, which is also a good number for lefties recovery. Of course, freeze hax or CH screws you, but they can screw every single strategy, and that can't be helped.

In the end, if you manage to setup 2 NP, you'll end up with 336 HP, 196 Def, 546 Sp.Atk, 235 Sp.Def and 385 Spd, nothing you'd underestimate, would you?

The old spread gives you 238 Sp.Atk, which is by far more appealing than 182, but you'll have a hard time to setup a single NP (476 Sp.Atk) and you'll end up with weaker defenses, so it's better to go with the new spread for a better final result.

Now the moveset. It's all based on Roost. Crobat has some nice resistances (Bug, Fighting, Grass - all x4 and ground immunity) and it's weak to Ice/Rock/Electric/Psychic. Psychic is a terrible offensive type and you won't see it soon. Roost gets rid of the other 3 weakness and heal a half of your HP while it makes you weak to Earthquake, which isn't a safe move to use against Crobat, even in prediction wars. Crobat is faster than anything not scarfed, so you'll probably use Roost first to benefit from the no weakness effect. This means, you can take and heal some hits, set up some Nasty Plots on the process and if you're lucky enough, sweep. It's more complicated than the Life Orb standard special sweeper, but it looks a lot more reliable to me. Unfortunately, you give up an attack slot for Roost, and I'll talk about it on the next paragraph.

The lack of coverage will hurt, no matter what you choose. Air Slash is essential because of STAB and flinch hax, but flying isn't a good attacking move, so you should pick a move to help with coverage. Fight and Ground hurts Rock and Steel types that resists Air Slash. Fight can also get rid of Ttar of Weavile, which is something you always want, but it isn't effective against most of the commom steels (Jirachi and Metagross). Ground is what you need to destroy steel types. It's super effective against the ones above, and it's 4x effective against Magnezone and Heatran, two major OU threats. Dark Pulse is by far the worse option, as it'll leave you helpless against steels, but it has a higher power than HP, and the flinch chance. It also hits Rotom (super effective) and Zapdos, which resist the Flying/Ground/Fighting combo. Uneffective coverage means your Crobat will need some team support to sweep, specially if you're bold enough yo use it on OU.

That's it. What do you think about the Sturdy Special Sweeper Crobat?
I don't really know what to think.
With Bulkraptor, you had intimidate and featherdance helping you.
Also, no defense/special defense evs?
Working solely off roost seems like a waste for Crobat.
Actually, it isn't a Roost set. It's a Nasty Plot set with Roost. The point of this set is to use Roost and leftovers to set up more Nasty Plots and attempt to sweep.

About the EV spread, it probably will need a more criative one. I didn't bother to calculate one yet because I'm not sure if it's worthy. With positive replies, I can try to find it.

@Mario w/Lasers: That could be possible, but Air Slash STAB and flinch rate looks more appealing.
Air Slash and Hp Fight seems optimal since only rotom resists it.

I'd say, more defence and less sp.atk. 80 defences isn't bad but it isn't defensive enough since many things can just overpower it.

You're forgetting about Bulkywaters which will completely wall this.
Air Slash and Hp Fight seems optimal since only rotom resists it.

I'd say, more defence and less sp.atk. 80 defences isn't bad but it isn't defensive enough since many things can just overpower it.

You're forgetting about Bulkywaters which will completely wall this.

My real concern is with Zapdos. Can you calculate how much does your Crobat do to Zapdos with Shadow Ball, gabriel?
Air Slash and Hp Fight seems optimal since only rotom resists it.

I'd say, more defence and less sp.atk. 80 defences isn't bad but it isn't defensive enough since many things can just overpower it.

You're forgetting about Bulkywaters which will completely wall this.

Zapdos resists it too.

The bold part: Don't forget we're talking about Crobat, so you won't have a good time to sweep or tank anyway.

But you can still stall most Bulky Waters with Roost and, who knows, kill them with +6 Air Slash?
Ah completely forgot about Zapdos, I don't think it will work cuz of that. Crobat just doesn't have enough power to survive a t-bolt and 2 hko zapdos. =\

Will edit in bulky water dmg, hold on.

Ice Beam:
Vaporeon vs Crobat 60.82% - 71.47%
Swampert vs Crobat 47.65% - 55.80% Can Roar you out
Milotic vs Crobat 57.68% - 68.03% Hypnosis
Slowbro vs Crobat 52.35% - 61.76% Yawn/Thunderwave

Swampert Earthquake 89.66% - 105.33%

While it can outstall with leftovers and roost, theres the 10% chance of freeze as well as status.

Nasty Plotted Air Slash vs Slowbro 50.25% - 59.14%
MwL: Yep, I'll do them in a minute.
forbidden: It'd be great.

Does Metal Kid calculator has any device to calculated super-effective damage on Roost, or should we just halve the result? Will Mud Sport have the same effect as Roost on Crobat situation?
Done, if I did that right EQ from swampert is a possible OHKO on any roosting crobat. Also slowbro can be 2HitKOed by NP Air Slash but requires luck. It will do less than 50% on Milotic and Vaporeon. =\
Actually, it isn't a Roost set. It's a Nasty Plot set with Roost. The point of this set is to use Roost and leftovers to set up more Nasty Plots and attempt to sweep.

About the EV spread, it probably will need a more criative one. I didn't bother to calculate one yet because I'm not sure if it's worthy. With positive replies, I can try to find it.
Ok, I see. That makes sense.
Done, if I did that right EQ from swampert is a possible OHKO on any roosting crobat. Also slowbro can be 2HitKOed by NP Air Slash but requires luck. It will do less than 50% on Milotic and Vaporeon. =\

Consider SR damage and Slowbro is done. On the other situations, flinch hax can save your day, and if you can set up a second NP, every Bulky water will be 2KOed, so things aren't that bad. Btw, did you considered Roost on your calculations?

Anyway, I should make a more defensive spread. I just need to know if there's only way to include Roost on Metal Kid calc or if I should just halve the damage to start working on that.
Looks a lot better with the new ev spread.
Now he has more staying power (barring Zapdos and bulky Waters, of course).

Just saw your added paragraph about the bulky waters.
Looks good.
Togekiss pulls off a nearly identical spread (Air Slash//Nasty Plot//Aura Sphere//Roost) a lot better because it has both higher special attack and respectable base 115 special defense. Crobat's not too bulky.
My friend brought in his Crobat on a Salamence, lived through a Draco Meteor, used Swagger...Mean look...And Swagger's him to death. Can't get much better than that LOL
Togekiss pulls off a nearly identical spread (Air Slash//Nasty Plot//Aura Sphere//Roost) a lot better because it has both higher special attack and respectable base 115 special defense. Crobat's not too bulky.
...which is exactly why i do not favor this spread on crobat. togekiss can pull this off so much better. Crobat are for other uses, IMO.
In fact, Togekiss can pull a Nasty Plot set better than Crobat, but even tough Crobat is underrated by Kiss on special sweeping, it can still use Nasty Plot, and it has some good points over the fairy.

First of all, Crobat, Crobat has three 4x resist, which means he can switch on threats like Heracross easier, without fearing a STABed Close Combat.

Crobat is also a lot faster than Togekiss, and a Special Sweeper Bat will have the element of surprise Togekiss won't have, so this is a plus on luring Sleep Talkers to absorb hypnosis or physical walls to take Brave Bird. Don't forget about Bulky Waters, as you can set up on most of them, as I explained on the first post. And don't underestimate 546 Sp.Atk and 385 Spd after you use 2 NP, specially with somewhat bulky defenses.

So, the bat is not a wonderfull sweeper, and may be outclassed by Togekiss. But it can still be somewhat like Feraligatr is for Gyarados, a less powerfull, but far from weak, option.
In fact, Togekiss can pull a Nasty Plot set better than Crobat, but even tough Crobat is underrated by Kiss on special sweeping, it can still use Nasty Plot, and it has some good points over the fairy.

First of all, Crobat, Crobat has three 4x resist, which means he can switch on threats like Heracross easier, without fearing a STABed Close Combat.

Crobat is also a lot faster than Togekiss, and a Special Sweeper Bat will have the element of surprise Togekiss won't have, so this is a plus on luring Sleep Talkers to absorb hypnosis or physical walls to take Brave Bird. Don't forget about Bulky Waters, as you can set up on most of them, as I explained on the first post. And don't underestimate 546 Sp.Atk and 385 Spd after you use 2 NP, specially with somewhat bulky defenses.

So, the bat is not a wonderfull sweeper, and may be outclassed by Togekiss. But it can still be somewhat like Feraligatr is for Gyarados, a less powerfull, but far from weak, option.

Weavile can outspeed you with 385 Speed. 387 he need actually.
Sweeper Blissey.

Oh, sorry, I thought this was the oxymoron thread.

Running more defensive EVs on fast things isn't that bad an idea, really. Since you have the advantage of speed, you get a quick Roost and might take a hit that'd normally OHKO. Have fun.
Yeah, this specific spread is... inferior to Togebliss. Togebliss is 3-hit by non-choice Gengar T-Bolt, and has Aura Sphere / Shadow Ball for complete coverage.

Crobat's advantage is as follows:
1. Almost perfect counter to Breloom. Taunt == stops subs and spore. Hypnosis == threat back. Air Slash == 4x weak. Poison / Flying == 4x resists grass (Seed Bomb) and fighting (Focus Punch). (similar to a Heracross counter as well)
2. Massive support movepool distinct from Togekiss. Crobat gets haze, hypnosis, taunt, confuse ray, U-Turn, Mean-Look and Pursuit. Togekiss obviously has its advantages in Wish-Pass, Nasty-plot pass and others, but Crobat ought to focus on things that Togekiss doesn't have.
3. Massive speed. Crobat is the fastest Rooster in the game.
4. Balanced stats. Balance does not help Crobat offensively, but on the defensive, both speed and defense tends to be on his side. People tend to rip on Crobat here for his defenses, but his defense tier peers are Clefable and Spiritomb. Not the best of walls of course (several tiers below Skarm and about a dozen tiers below Blissey), but these are some of the most defensive stats of the other pokemon of his speed class. You have to drop down to 102 base speed with Garchomp before someone beats Crobat in terms of defenses. (Raikou does beat it in Sp. Def)

With that line of reasoning, Crobat probably is the best suited as a speedy-support pokemon in the game. Defenses of Spiritomb with the speed of Jolteon and a broken move called Hypnosis... I'm wondering why Crobat isn't used more often. Speed is something Togekiss can't get, take advantage of it with Crobat.
Yeah, this specific spread is... inferior to Togebliss. Togebliss is 3-hit by non-choice Gengar T-Bolt, and has Aura Sphere / Shadow Ball for complete coverage.

Crobat's advantage is as follows:
1. Almost perfect counter to Breloom. Taunt == stops subs and spore. Hypnosis == threat back. Air Slash == 4x weak. Poison / Flying == 4x resists grass (Seed Bomb) and fighting (Focus Punch). (similar to a Heracross counter as well)
2. Massive support movepool distinct from Togekiss. Crobat gets haze, hypnosis, taunt, confuse ray, U-Turn, Mean-Look and Pursuit. Togekiss obviously has its advantages in Wish-Pass, Nasty-plot pass and others, but Crobat ought to focus on things that Togekiss doesn't have.
3. Massive speed. Crobat is the fastest Rooster in the game.
4. Balanced stats. Balance does not help Crobat offensively, but on the defensive, both speed and defense tends to be on his side. People tend to rip on Crobat here for his defenses, but his defense tier peers are Clefable and Spiritomb. Not the best of walls of course (several tiers below Skarm and about a dozen tiers below Blissey), but these are some of the most defensive stats of the other pokemon of his speed class. You have to drop down to 102 base speed with Garchomp before someone beats Crobat in terms of defenses. (Raikou does beat it in Sp. Def)

With that line of reasoning, Crobat probably is the best suited as a speedy-support pokemon in the game. Defenses of Spiritomb with the speed of Jolteon and a broken move called Hypnosis... I'm wondering why Crobat isn't used more often. Speed is something Togekiss can't get, take advantage of it with Crobat.

You listed the good points of Crobat, but you forgot to focus on the Special set.

In fact, the main use for Crobat on standard is to Hypnosis stuff, but it still learns Nasty Plot and has a kickass speed. Why don't you use it as a Special Sweeper? Of course you'll need to support it with its weakness, like a Zapdos counter, or a Ttar counter for non-HP Fighting versions.

Actually, Special Sweeper Crobat packs a punch because of its unpredictability. First of all, no matter what set you use, Crobat doesn't pose like a threat until it setup, so the opponent won't be to0 worried to kill it as it'd if facing a Ttar. You can also scare stuff with a high speed, lure Sleep Talkers/Physical walls expecting Hypnosis/Brave Bird, and counter Bulky waters that'll probably think they can counter you with Ice Beam. With all these opportunities, it won't be too difficult to set up 2 Nasty Plot and them sweep with "mere" 546 Sp.Atk and 385 Spd. Who knows you can even get a third NP (728 Sp.Atk)?

For those complaining that Crobat can't really take hits: Dragontamer have already showed that the poison bat is sturdier than it looks. Check his post on my quote to see.
With that particular spread... Crobat 3-hit KOs Standard Blissey (252 HP) after 3 Nasty Plots with HP Fighting, 4-hit KOs Bliss with Air Slash. Blissey strikes back with T-Wave, Bolt/Beam or its array of set-up attacks.

Thats why I tend to ignore Crobat's Sp. Attack. Even with maxed out Sp. Attack and using the most powerful attack it can vs Blissey, it can't take out the most common Sp. Wall without 4 turns of flinch-hax... if you somehow managed to get 3 Nasty Plots in a row.

I think its a great pokemon, but... you really need some sort of anti-bliss strategy. Taunt might help, but then that removes another attack.