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Suspect STABmons Suspect 5 - Terastallization: Like a Dream

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True Coffee Maniac
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STABmons Council has agreed to re-suspect Terastallization after the survey results!

Nearly a year has passed since Terastallization, more commonly known as Tera was suspect tested with a nail-biting close result and with a new year and a survey to back up the demand for a re-suspect, the STABmons council has agreed unanimously for it.

Tera is a complicated mechanic that seriously changes the foundations of Pokémon competition due to the changing of typing mid-battle. Depending on your view, it may be broken due to throwing numerous variables at you, unbalancing the balanced through increased potency of STABs, or introducing new defensive, offensive, or a combination of both into the equation. Examples include pushing the power of Pokémon even further by Terastalizing into a STAB, further bolstering the offensive prowess of Pokémon in a tier rife with high-powered moves such as Landorus-Therian Tera-ing into Ground or Flying to bust through defensive powerhouses like Ting-Lu, Meloetta Tera-ing into normal type to blow up virtually anything with Boomburst, reality is that it is difficult to balance around this, and this only addresses one aspect of Tera, where reality is it can be both defensive and offensive, swapping the effectiveness of a matchup on its head, turning a counter into prey.

Yet, depending on your views, these problems are actually instances where skill comes into play, learning when to Tera in battle to gain the greatest effect or avoid a nasty scenario. Do you Tera immediately to cover for a glaring weakness in your team or do you save it for that perfect moment to uno reverso a scenario? The unquestionable utility of changing types mid-battle is great to many as letting defensive and offensive Pokémon have a chance in scenarios where they'd normally be forced out or Ko'd such as a Toxapex Tera-ing into a neutrality or resist to mortal spin or scald a Landorus-therian, Corviknight Tera-ing to Dragon to cover for it's weakness to Fire and Electric, this application is immensely deep and adds a layer to team building beyond previous generations.

Regardless which side you sit on, Tera is without a doubt a central mechanic that needs an answer once more. Are you for it or against it?

Requirements can be achieved by getting minimum 75 GXE in 25 games on the STABmons ladder. In order to participate in the suspect, you must create a fresh alt (creation date no earlier than 4/14/2024) with the prefix STBTRA at the start of the name. When you have obtained the reqs, make sure to post proof of your alt's record (generally a screenshot) in this thread, and if you wish to do so, you can also share your thoughts on the test here.

Once the suspect period is over, everyone who has obtained reqs will be tagged. The post will then outline a process of blind voting, which will be clarified once the time arrives. For now, follow the above "Requirements" subheading to ensure that you have posted your reqs correctly. You must post on this thread in order to be tagged in the voting thread, however you do not need to include your vote on this thread.

A super-majority of 60% ban votes is required for Terastalization to be banned.

-Terastalization will be allowed on ladder
- The minimum GXE requirement is 75 and the minimum game count is 25
- You must ladder on a newly-created alt using the prefix STBTRA
- You must post your reqs in this thread, though the voting process will happen in a separate thread. You are not required to state your vote in this thread.
- The suspect test will conclude at 4/28/2024 at 11:59 PM GMT-5
- A ban vote of 60% is required to ban Tera in STABmons.

Uh, I rushed for this, got real lazy so I was playing uber sloppy as I just wanted to get it over with... not sure what I will vote, maybe I will just abstain as I am so on the fence... convince me!

Used the same team as last suspect and this one https://pokepast.es/21077587c3051952.
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Sloppy reqs that I should've gotten way earlier, but I had no clue ladder had a vendetta against webs, but oh well lol

:forretress: :gholdengo: :thundurus-therian: :kingambit: :meloetta: :ogerpon-wellspring: Ran webs once again, lead Forretress is actually goated holy

Tera for me is... weird. On one hand, I really dislike how offensive tera can shut down the already minimal counterplay to offense, and how certain setup sweepers are allowed way too much freeway thanks to it, as well as some mons just becoming massive nukes, like how Specs Tera Dragon Dragon Energy Latios literally shredded through anything not a Fairy-type. On the other hand, defensive teras on defensive mons feels both fair, but is also one of the few ways to potentially halter any of these broken setup mons, and tera overall on defensive mons feels fair but also fun to play with. So currently I'm a bit stumped on what to vote, optimally I would prefer that we ban more of the broken setup mons and allow tera to stay in the tier Otherwise there's not OMs left with Tera legal but if that's not something that's going to happen I would prefer Tera be gone to hopefully minimize the snowballing potential of offense, although I'm more or less leaning towards DNB, regardless I wanna think about it more before I fully decide.

Used Gia’s team(again :psysly: ). It’s really vulnerable to Scarf Gholdengo especially combined with Chansey though since only Meloetta can take an Astral Barrage easily and Meloetta gets walled by Ghold + Chansey and can only make progress by Tricking Scarf on Chansey, which means the Ghold player can just plain just stay in to block it.
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what do you think im gonna vote

what do you damn think

used this artisanally made screens team: https://pokepast.es/e3383d0a26934d95


rockerpon is cracked holy shit why do ppl even use it over waterpon

I hate beak blast so much at some point i ran pblades + smack down lando T, and it was fun, but this team wants to not have hazards set so bad so i needed a spinner. After some iteration i settled on tera fire temper flare biggus donphanicus to get around that.

Healing Wish over lunar dance because i already struggle to keep straight where my healing wish is, the last thing i want is one that also triggers after i click any move on my pokemon.

Tera is bad bc i shouldnt have to look at like a gambler or any such thread and think "should i actually click the super effective move against this mon which i resists all of its moves of?"
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