SS UU Reservation Index

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C&C Leader
Welcome to the official SS UU Reservation Index! Over here, you are able to reserve Pokemon that you are knowledgeable about to contribute an analysis to the tier.

If you are new to C&C and analysis writing standards, look over these threads before posting:
All analyses must be approved by the UU Quality Control Team

UU C&C Moderators

Amane Misa

Reservation Rules
  • Anyone can reserve up to two analyses at a time and can add a third if their original two are QC ready first. You are free to reserve again once an analysis is in GP. Essentially, they don't count towards your limit of three once they're GP ready.
  • Make your reservation by posting in this thread. Check the index to make sure your Pokemon hasn't been taken yet, and check the recent posts in this thread in case the index isn't fully updated.
  • QC members are free to reserve high priority Pokemon; non-QC members have to get approval from a moderator before writing them (we'll more than likely edit your post with the approval).
  • Only reserve a Pokemon if you have a good amount of knowledge about it and experience with the metagame. C&C moderators can reject your reservation if they feel you are not prepared to write a good analysis.
  • Do not edit your reservation posts. If you change your mind about a reservation, make a new post instead.
  • If a Pokemon is not on the reservation list and you strongly believe it deserves a UU analysis, or if you think a Pokemon deserves a revamp, post in our analysis discussion thread with a thorough explanation as to why, and the QC team will address it.
Analysis Thread Tags
When you post your thread, be sure to use the appropriate tags for each stage of the analysis. Update your thread's tags and stamp number as you move through the process. Let us know if you're unable to meet any time limit.

[WIP] - Work in Progress: The skeleton is incomplete and is not ready for the QC team to evaluate. Keep in mind that the longer your analysis stays in WIP stage, the greater the chance of it being reassigned. Please avoid making comments in these threads until they are ready unless it's something very important.

[Quality Control] - Quality Control Ready: In the thread title, include [QC 0/2]. The preview is complete and now needs to seek approval from the QC Team. Make sure you update the thread title with the number of QC checks you currently have.

[Copyediting] - Grammar-Prose Ready: In the set title, include [GP 0/1]. The two required QC approvals have been met. The Grammar-Prose team now takes over. When you are ready for a GP check, please post in the Grammar-Prose Queue with a link to your analysis.

[Done] - After the analysis gets two GP stamps, it is ready for upload.

Reservation List
After reserving a Pokemon, you must post your analysis in a timely fashion. Your analysis thread must be up in 72 hours (3 days) or your reservation will be dropped. It must then be QC ready within a week from the reservation. If you have any extenuating circumstances that prevent you from getting up your thread within this time frame, notify one of the UU C&C Moderators . Feel free to clarify anything on discord.

All analyses will be written using the preview analysis format found here. We are not currently doing full analyses.

Regular Priority
None currently
Barbaracle - Eve
Blastoise - Twilight
Centiskorch - Taptricity
Claydol - Pazza
Dugtrio-Alola - Taptricity
Frosmoth - Taptricity
Froslass - Hilomilo
Galvantula - ImperialGamer517
Golurk - faded love
Goodra - Lyd
Swords Dance Incineroar - Estarossa
Pyukumuku - Eve
Quagsire - Juuno
Ribombee - Lilburr
Rotom-C - faded love
Runegrigus - Lilburr
Shiftry - Twilight
Silvally-Fairy - Lilburr
Silvally-Ghost - Daiyaga
Silvally-Steel - Twilight
Snorlax - Eve
Steelix - Juno
Stunfisk-Galar - pokeisfun
Torkoal - Panther-T
Toxicroak - Panther-T
Shift Gear Toxtricity - Lyd
Vikavolt - Twilight
Whimsicott - Estarossa
Araquanid - Eve
Arcanine - Panther-T
Avalugg - warzoid
Barraskewda - Twilight
Bewear - Gadget
Braviary - Velcroc
Bronzong - Juuno
Celebi - Twilight
Chandelure - Twilight
Heavy-Duty Boots Chandelure - Juuno
Cobalion - Hilomilo
Copperajah - Lilburr
Corsola-Galar - Lilburr
Darmanitan - Panther-T
Doublade - Lilburr
Drapion - royesk
Duraludon - Eve
Escavalier - Juuno
Espeon - Splash
Flygon - Lilburr
Gardevoir - Hilomilo
Gastrodon - Twilight
Gigalith - Hilomilo
Golisopod - Lilburr
Haxorus - Hilomilo
Heliolisk - Lilburr
Incineroar - Twilight
Indeedee - Splash
Inteleon - Estarossa
Jellicent - Juuno
Lucario - Hilomilo
Linoone - Lilburr
Machamp - Lilburr
Mamoswine - Hilomilo
Mantine - Ausma
Milotic - Estarossa
Necrozma - Twilight
Ninetales - Eve
Noivern - Twilight
Pangoro - faded love
Passimian - Estarossa
Polteageist - Splash
Rapidash-Galar - Lilburr
Reuniclus - Twilight
Rhyperior - lyd
Roserade - Twilight
Rotom-F - Estarossa
Rotom-W - Twilight
Salazzle - gum
Sigilyph - Estarossa
Sirfetch'd - Lilburr
Slurpuff - Hilomilo
Sylveon - Hilomilo
Togedemaru - Lilburr
Toxtricity - lyd
Tsareena - Juuno
Umbreon - Estarossa
Vanilluxe - Lilburr
Vaporeon - Juuno
Venusaur - Juuno
Vileplume - Lilburr
Virizion - Juuno
Weezing-Galar - Estarossa
Xatu - Lilburr
Dual Screens Xatu - Juuno
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Reserving Heliolisk and Noivern if possible

edit: twi sniped me so i'll take golisopod* instead of noivern

Approved on Golisopod. For now we'd like you to reserve only regular priority Pokemon. -Hilo
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i would like mah boi Araquanid

Approved - Hilo

Im going on vacation, so I can't write analysis. Araquanid's back up
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Reactions: Eve
Hey everyone! We're going to lock this thread for now and pause checking/writing for about a week just so we can let the metagame adapt to the recent changes brought about by tier shifts. We'll likely get back to work around the time council makes a final voting decision. Sorry for the inconvenience, but thanks for your patience in this tricky process! ~
This thread's been unlocked and analyses are back up for reservation! Celebi, Cobalion, Incineroar, Necrozma, Rotom-C, and Toxtricity have all been added to the index under high priority, while Venusaur and Virizion are up for reservation as well under regular priority. Happy writing!
Doublade or Sirfetch’d pls

Sirfetch'd is reserved and Doublade is high priority. Try for a different Pokemon please - Hilo
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