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Stunfisk-Galarian deserves an analysis for this set

stuntfisk (Stunfisk-Galar) @ Leftovers
Ability: Mimicry
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD /
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Yawn
- Protect

The easiest thing to compare this to to explain its viability is Bronzong. So in terms of stats, you're essentially equally as bulky as max SpD Bronzong while you're about 8% bulkier physically, so stats are no issue. In terms of typing, you do lose Levitate Ground immunity but you gain Electric immunity. Practically speaking, this is okay because one of the most common Earthquakes is from Haxorus which kills Bronzong anyways (Rhyperior is another one which you lose the ability to counter sadly).

In terms of match up, I acknowledge you become a much worse counter to Roserade, Rotom-Wash, and Celebi. However, you get much better match ups now vs Toxitricity and Polteageist.

In terms of utility, it looks like you're a bad SR user because you cannot touch many floating Defoggers. However, this set fits on balance where Pokemon like Roserade and Sylveon work to immediately deter the Defogger (Rotom-W and Noivern). Combined with Yawn and Protect, you can actually force these Defoggers out and maintain hazards.

You can also compare this to Steelix, where you become much more reliable in checking the special attackers Steelix beats (Toxtricity and Sylveon) at the cost of a great amount of physical defense and Toxic and good Steel STAB.
Stunfisk-Galarian deserves an analysis for this set

stuntfisk (Stunfisk-Galar) @ Leftovers
Ability: Mimicry
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD /
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Yawn
- Protect

The easiest thing to compare this to to explain its viability is Bronzong. So in terms of stats, you're essentially equally as bulky as max SpD Bronzong while you're about 8% bulkier physically, so stats are no issue. In terms of typing, you do lose Levitate Ground immunity but you gain Electric immunity. Practically speaking, this is okay because one of the most common Earthquakes is from Haxorus which kills Bronzong anyways (Rhyperior is another one which you lose the ability to counter sadly).

In terms of match up, I acknowledge you become a much worse counter to Roserade, Rotom-Wash, and Celebi. However, you get much better match ups now vs Toxitricity and Polteageist.

In terms of utility, it looks like you're a bad SR user because you cannot touch many floating Defoggers. However, this set fits on balance where Pokemon like Roserade and Sylveon work to immediately deter the Defogger (Rotom-W and Noivern). Combined with Yawn and Protect, you can actually force these Defoggers out and maintain hazards.

You can also compare this to Steelix, where you become much more reliable in checking the special attackers Steelix beats (Toxtricity and Sylveon) at the cost of a great amount of physical defense and Toxic and good Steel STAB.
This post was moved to this thread from the reservation index. I'm adjusting the rules in the index's OP but from now on please post here for any set/analysis suggestions. Thanks a lot for your input! Right now we aren't considering writing an analysis for Galarian Stunfisk because it isn't ranked on the viability rankings, but we'll discuss whether to rank it moving forward.
Why doesn't Gardevoir have an analysis? It's B- on the viability rankings and has seen some success in tournaments lately.
It rose to B- in the recent slate. The reservation list was based on the VR prior to this so Gardevoir wasn't included. I have no intentions of freeing the rest of the VR Pokemon until a majority of the current ones are uploaded so it will continue to not have one until then.
It rose to B- in the recent slate. The reservation list was based on the VR prior to this so Gardevoir wasn't included. I have no intentions of freeing the rest of the VR Pokemon until a majority of the current ones are uploaded so it will continue to not have one until then.
Makes sense, thanks for the reply!
I noticed a number of Pokemon unranked from the VR, like Obstagoon, Gastrodon and Nidoqueen, still have analyses up. As you usually removed analyses very quickly after unranking Pokemon in the past, I was wondering if this was a mistake or not? If you want, I can get rid of them for you.
Hello, first time here. Just wanted to give a moveset for Electivire. It would be:
-Cross Chop
-Fire Punch
-Ice Punch
-Thunder Puch

Nature: Adamant
Items: Air Ballon
Ability: Motor Drive
EVs: 252 Atk/ 4 Def/ 252 Spd

It's just an idea. Plus, in OU, it can survive to a Landorus-T's Earthquake and OHKO after, even with the Intimidate
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Hello, first time here. Just wanted to give a moveset for Electivire. It would be:
-Cross Chop
-Fire Punch
-Ice Punch
-Thunder Puch

Nature: Adamant
Items: Air Ballon
Ability: Motor Drive
EVs: 252 Atk/ 4 Def/ 252 Spd

It's just an idea. Plus, in OU, it can survive to a Landorus-T's Earthquake and OHKO after, even with the Intimidate
Hey, I'm not a QC member nor am I an expert in the QC process but things that get analysis usually have to be ranked in the Viability Rankings first, as per the OP. Also, I want to point out that while I think Electivire is usable, it definatly shouldn't be ranked on the viability rankings. I also think your set is suboptimal and it should run a moveset of Thunder Punch | Wild Charge / Cross Chop / Earthquake / Flamethrower, perhaps with Expert Belt as the item.
Hey, I'm not a QC member nor am I an expert in the QC process but things that get analysis usually have to be ranked in the Viability Rankings first, as per the OP. Also, I want to point out that while I think Electivire is usable, it definatly shouldn't be ranked on the viability rankings. I also think your set is suboptimal and it should run a moveset of Thunder Punch | Wild Charge / Cross Chop / Earthquake / Flamethrower, perhaps with Expert Belt as the item.
Ok thanks anyways
Do you think Darmanitan should recieve an analysis in UU? It is UU by usage and currently C+ on the viability rankings. I think it can be used to great effect with a Choice Scarf set.
Do you think Darmanitan should recieve an analysis in UU? It is UU by usage and currently C+ on the viability rankings. I think it can be used to great effect with a Choice Scarf set.

Yes everything that is ranked on our VR is planned to get an analysis. As you can see there is currently a set for Scarf Darm onsite atm -, which is the placeholder for the eventual analysis.

The reason it is not up for reservation at the moment is due to speed limitations of the process forcing us to prioritise working on higher ranked Pokemon on our VR first. As explained in the reservation thread we have released Pokemon in batches in descending viability, darmanitan is planned to be released in a later batch.
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I noticed there is a considerable backlog of CMS edits submitted for UU analyses. As this might make looking at the list to see where changes need to be made unclear for moderators in other tiers, would it be possible for someone to go through them and upload the usable ones? (I'm aware lots of the submissions are probably too outdated to be worth it, but if that's the case then they should be deleted from the queue.)
Aegislash was banned from UU a while ago, but is still part of the tier in the Strategy Dex, and still has its UU writeups.
Use this thread to discuss changes you feel should be made to already completed analyses.

Only Pokemon ranked on the UU Viability Rankings will receive an analysis. If you feel a Pokemon should have an analysis but doesn't have one currently, please go there and explain why the Pokemon should be ranked. Thanks!
Why do Torkoal builds use -Attack natures instead of -Speed?
I want to propose to add an extra move to Vanilluxe's moveset: Uproar
1. It doesn't mess up with its moveset
Uproar can't be called by Rest, so having an extra move is always better, even if Uproar is a bad move that locks you in, even if it's more useful in just 0.1% of cases it's still strictly better.
2. Edge cases where Uproar can come in handy
  • Preventing Rest: Example: You can prevent Rest from a boosted Demon Registeel at low health, and you just need a little hail chip to put it into range of another Pokemon on your team, and you can't Blizzard because it will Rest again. Other Rest users can matter as well, but Registeel is probably the main thing.
  • It does slightly more damage to several Fire-types and Ice-types. This list includes Entei, Salazzle, Rotom-H, opposing Vanilluxe, rare Thick Fat Mamoswine, Darmanitan and Torkoal, just on the VR. While some of these like Salazzle and Entei are faster can OHKO Vanilluxe, there are scenarios which this extra damage can matter (mostly 1v1 situation). Entei and Darm locked into Espeed and EQ, Salazzle still has 18.75% to miss out on an OHKO from full, Rotom-H at -2, or just with Sticky Web up. There are some even more obscure cases such as opponent has Hippo + one of the above left or Torkoal + something else that just falls to Vanilluxe and one of the above/Torkoal can only be KOed with Blizzard or Uproar but Blizzard can miss so Uproar ensures the 100% win path.
Edit: In Salamence's defensive set analysis, I found the last sentence of first paragraph say maximum Speed is needed which is not true since it runs only 96 Spe and a neutral nature.
Skarmory should run Bold instead of Impish.
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I want to propose to add an extra move to Vanilluxe's moveset: Uproar
1. It doesn't mess up with its moveset
Uproar can't be called by Rest, so having an extra move is always better, even if Uproar is a bad move that locks you in, even if it's more useful in just 0.1% of cases it's still strictly better.
2. Edge cases where Uproar can come in handy
  • Preventing Rest: Example: You can prevent Rest from a boosted Demon Registeel at low health, and you just need a little hail chip to put it into range of another Pokemon on your team, and you can't Blizzard because it will Rest again. Other Rest users can matter as well, but Registeel is probably the main thing.
  • It does slightly more damage to several Fire-types and Ice-types. This list includes Entei, Salazzle, Rotom-H, opposing Vanilluxe, rare Thick Fat Mamoswine, Darmanitan and Torkoal, just on the VR. While some of these like Salazzle and Entei are faster can OHKO Vanilluxe, there are scenarios which this extra damage can matter (mostly 1v1 situation). Entei and Darm locked into Espeed and EQ, Salazzle still has 18.75% to miss out on an OHKO from full, Rotom-H at -2, or just with Sticky Web up. There are some even more obscure cases such as opponent has Hippo + one of the above left or Torkoal + something else that just falls to Vanilluxe and one of the above/Torkoal can only be KOed with Blizzard or Uproar but Blizzard can miss so Uproar ensures the 100% win path.
Edit: In Salamence's defensive set analysis, I found the last sentence of first paragraph say maximum Speed is needed which is not true since it runs only 96 Spe and a neutral nature.

this is definitely a cool tech -- thanks for sharing. ultimately though, something this fringe (even if technically having no inherent downside) carries more risk of people using it and misusing it than it does people getting utility out of it. analyses are to show people the best options for their team, yes, but they also functionally primarily serve as a resource for players new to either the tier or the game -- and for that reason, it's probably preferable to leave this out as opposed to taking an extra several sentences to include it and adequately describe the very fringe cases it might be used.

the best comparison i can draw for this is in EV spreads. at a high level ladder or tournament setting, the EV spreads are often customized not just to power creep either max speed or 0 speed threats, like they are in analyses, but to account for more complex hypotheticals (creeping things that creep things, creeping -2 benchmarks for a team with twave support, reducing IVs to gain a certain interaction with flip turn, etc) -- but we don't tend to write these hypotheticals or use cases in analyses because they're niche, difficult to easily explain, and often highly dependent on the rest of your team.