SS Doubles OU SS Doubles Team I Put Together

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Disclaimer before I begin: I have never built a Doubles OU team before, much less have team building experience, so if it is trash, please excuse my stupidity.


This team is mainly an offensive sweeper team with support on the side. Tried using some good combo's I saw before, incorporating them best I could with a bit of tinkering. Let's get started first with:


Dragapult, from what I've seen and experienced, is absolutely nasty. Amazing stats, great punishment, and minimal weaknesses. So, he fits perfectly in here, I just don't think his moveset is perfect. But, he is a great combo with:


Arcanine is one of my main support mons. He helps out against both special and physical attackers, has a great ability, also good speed, and flamethrower. I feel he is a strong link in my team, but might need improvement. Moving on, my next core starts with:


Corvknight is my main G-Max poke. Has great stats, some great coverage, and an amazing setup move and punish move. I feel he needs to be tinkered though, just not how. A good combo I have with him though, is:


Whimsicott is my support tailwinder, able to cover what Corvknight isn't. I'm not so sure about them on my team, but I like the thought of being able to have a taunter. Finishing off with the last combo, we have:


Tyranitar is my main combo. He works well with many mons, and wears down others with sandstorm, and on top of his extreme attack and bulk, is an extreme force to be reckoned with. Idk about having a sand team tho, but he works well with:


Excadrill, my last mon, with his moveset is really fast and annoying, flinching the crap out of everything, and having great stab. As I said before, idk about having a sand team though. I think he works though.

And that's the team. I hope it's not as bad as I think it is, but it needs work. Enjoy tearing apart my team!
Hi, welcome to Smogon! I'm locking your RMT for the time being as the forum rules require that you provide at least 3 lines of descriptions for each Pokemon to explain their roles. Please read the rules carefully and take a look at Team Showcase to see the level of detail we require. It would be appreciated if you also listed the sets you are using on each Pokemon. PM me with updated descriptions and I'll be happy to unlock this.
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