Doubles SS DOU Cup - Round 8 (All Brackets)

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Welcome to the SS DOU Cup!

Part of the 2025 DOU Oldgens Circuit, hosted by Arcticblast (and bagel this week)​

Tournament rules
  • This is a standard SS Doubles OU tournament.
  • This tournament will be double elimination.
  • Rounds will be Best of Three. You may switch teams in between battles of the same set.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown, on either the main server or the Smogtours server.
  • To encourage metagame development, prevent disputed results, and ensure an even playing field, replays are required for all matches.
  • Activity calls will be made by the tournament host, potentially with neutral assistance from a Doubles OU Forum Moderator. Coin flips will be done publicly on PS.
  • In the event that something is added to or removed from the SS DOU metagame in the middle of a round, that change will be in effect starting the next round.
  • Do not cheat. Cheating will result in a disqualification. Additional punishments may be applied as necessary. Cheating includes, but is not limited to:
    • Signing up with more than one account
    • Ghosting or being ghosted by another player (e.g. while playing a set, asking for advice about what team to bring or what plays to make)
    • Manipulating match outcomes (e.g. throwing a match in exchange for Smogon likes)
  • Do not harass or insult your opponents. I reserve the right to disqualify anyone breaking this rule. Additional punishments may be applied as necessary.

You can find the SS DOU thread here.

:cinderace: Round 8 pairings:

Winner's bracket:

GenOne vs Actuarily
vs jonas

Loser's bracket:
Amaranth vs SingleThunder
AIRedzone vs Yoda2798

The deadline for this round will be Sunday, March 9th at 11:00 PM GMT -4. Or -5. I think that's the day DST kicks in, right? PLAY BEFORE SUNDAY NIGHT PLEASE
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Winner's bracket:
GenOne vs Actuarily - The old man vs the other old man .. gl hf
Hugo vs jonas - I trust you here bro' <3

Loser's bracket:
Amaranth vs SingleThunder - I can only highlight the one who beat me ^^
AIRedzone vs Yoda2798 - Win you will :)
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