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Non-official SS Balanced Hackmons 8 Suspect #1: Shedinja - Voting

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E4 Flint

-inactive in BH due corrupt leader-
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BH8 Suspect #1 - Shedinja (Voting)

This is the official thread containing all the votes for the BH Gen 8 Suspect on Shedinja, as seen from here.
Voting Specifics: I am excited to announce that we will (finally) be using Blind Voting for BH!
  • Recap on Blind Voting:
    1. You will simply post your vote in this thread. View the list below carefully to see if your name is present.
    2. In the body of your post, put your vote. You may vote BAN or DO NOT BAN/DNB
      Here is a sample post**:
      Shedinja- Ban
    3. If you wish to participate in the Voter Alt Competition, also add your suspect alt name to the post!
    4. The deadline to vote is February 2, 11:59PM (EST). No votes posted after will be counted
The list of registered voters are as follows: A decision will be made when there is a majority of 60%. We have 26 voters*, so that should be 16 votes* either way. Note that I am not allowing abstain as a vote.

Thanks for participating!
(*Subject to change before/after approvals and abstain votes if applicable)
(**note that this sample has no ties with my own personal vote)
  1. My name is not in the list of registered voters!
    E4F: PM or post on my wall with your reqs post linked and I will add you

  2. My name is on the list of registered voters but I can't post here!
    E4F: PM or post on my wall and I will work to get your permissions corrected

  3. I have voted but I can't see my post! Should I post again?
    E4F: Your vote will not show up until the end of the suspect test, even to yourself, so don't resubmit it. They will all be visible at the end.
    Do not keep posting again please!

  4. Do BH Votes count towards the Tier Contributor badge?
    E4F: Unfortunately, OM votes don't count towards the TC Badge.
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