SS Aromatisse [0/2 QC]

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name: Rocky Helmet
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Encore
move 3: Disable
move 4: Moonblast / Draining Kiss
item: Rocky Helmet
ability: Aroma Veil
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Set Description
Trick Room is used for allowing Aromatisse to outspeed the foes in the subsequent turns. Encore in combination with Disable is used to make the foe locked into using Struggle. Moonblast is a more offensive option to deal more damage while the foe uses Struggle. Draining Kiss allows Aromatisse to deal damage while recovering HP after being attacked on the first turn, and is useful against foes that could defeat Aromatisse with one attack + Struggle, like Choice Band Haxorus with Iron Tail and Jolly Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan. Rocky Helmet is used as additional damage when attacked by Struggle. Rocky Helmet also helps against Urshifu-R. Aroma Veil grants Aromatisse immunity to Taunt and Encore, two moves that often disrupt this playstyle.

With max physical bulk, Aromatisse has good odds of surviving an Iron Tail from Adamant Choice Band Haxorus and can survive a Giga Impact from Jolly Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan.

Aromatisse can also run an alternative spread of 244 HP / 40 Def / 224 SpD with a Calm nature. This spread allows Aromatisse to survive one Hyper Beam from Modest Choice Specs Sylveon.

Usage Tips

Usually Aromatisse should use Trick Room in the first turn to outspeed its foes in the next turn. If the opponent uses a low damage move or status move, you should use Encore before using Disable. Against Pokémon revealed to be using a Choice item or using a strong attack, Disable should be used first. Once Struggle is used, Aromatisse should use either of its damaging moves to finish off the opponent. In scenarios with bulkier Pokemon present, Aromatisse may have to set up Trick Room a second time in order to Encore the opponent again.

When facing Volcarona, due to Quiver Dance’s boosts, Volcarona’s typing and it’s capability to recover with Giga Drain, Aromatisse will need to lock Aromatise into Struggle to defeat it. Aromatise will need to set Trick Room, and then using Encore and Disable into Quiver Dance. Aromatisse will need to do it multiple times to slowly chip down Volcarona’s Hp until it is defeated.

Priority moves can break Encore/Disable sequences, like Aqua Jet from Azumarill. Be careful against foes that commonly run Mental Herb, like Sylveon and Togekiss.

Against foes that usually can run Choice Item + Trick, like Tapu Fini and Cresselia, Aromatisse should use Encore in the first turn to make the enemy use Trick again, before using Disable or an attacking move depending on how fast the opponent is. After the Choice item is removed, Aromatisse should use Disable and cause the opponent to use Struggle, using an attacking move while the Choice item is being passed around is also optimal for whittling down the opponents HP.

name: Wiki Berry
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Encore
move 3: Disable
move 4: Moonblast / Draining Kiss
item: Wiki Berry
ability: Aroma Veil
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD


Set Description
The base of the set continues the same, Trick Room for outspeeding, Encore and Disable for locking the foes into using Struggle, Moonsblast for additional damage and Draining Kiss for recovering. Holding a Wiki Berry will allow Aromatisse to recover some HP after taking a powerful attack on the first turn, which helps against strong physical attackers that could defeat Aromatisse with Struggle, like Choice Scarf Haxorus and Darmanitan-G It also turns Moonblast into an usually better option, while Draining Kiss is important against Choice Scarf Haxorus.

With this spread, Aromatisse has great odds against non-Modest Sludge Wave from Choice-Specs Naganadel and survives one non-Choice Specs Hyper Beam from Porygon Z.

Usage Tips
Aromatisse should use Trick Room in the first turn to outspeed faster foes in the next turn. Followed by Encore to lock the opponent into a low damage or status move before using Disable. Disable should be used after Trick Room against opponents revealed to be using Choice items, f in order to lock them into Struggle. After Struggle is used, Aromatisse should use Moonblast or Draining Kiss. In some longer sequences, when starting with Trick Room, after using Encore and attacking for two turns, Aromatisse will need to use Encore again and then Trick Room, for being able to repeat the sequence.

Priority moves can break Encore/Disable sequences, like Aqua Jet from Azumarill. Be careful against foes that commonly run Mental Herb, like Sylveon and Togekiss.

Against foes that usually can run Choice Item + Trick, like Tapu Fini and Cresselia, Aromatisse should use Encore in the first turn to make the enemy use Trick again, before using Disable or an attacking move depending on how fast the opponent is. After the Choice item is removed, Aromatisse should use Disable and cause the opponent to use Struggle, using an attacking move while the Choice item is being passed around is also optimal for whittling down the opponents HP.

- Written by: [[TrainerPla, 604981]]
- Quality checked by: [[DripLegend, 517652], [Itchy, 518399], [username3, id3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, id2]]
Last edited:
TrainerPla the usage tips section here is far too brief for Aromatisse, that should be the main part of this analysis. Please expand the section:

- Refer to this document for help with Aromatisse loops. This doesn't have to be as intense, but it should have common sequences written out. Writing about long sequences in a way that the reader will understand is going to be hard, please reach out if you need any help

- Include a description of how the loops don't always work, such as against some priority moves, really strong attacks, Mental Herb, et cetera
this is an amqc, mods will look over so didn't include username + id (if this is validated then include them)
name: Rocky Helmet
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Encore
move 3: Disable
move 4: Moonblast / Draining Kiss
item: Rocky Helmet
ability: Aroma Veil
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Set Description
Trick Room is used for allowing Aromatisse to outspeed the foes in the subsequent turns. Encore in combination with Disable is used to make the foe locked into using Struggle. Moonblast is a more offensive option to deal more damage while the foe uses Struggle. Draining Kiss allows Aromatisse to deal damage while recovering HP after usually receiving an being attacked on the first turn, and is useful against foes that could defeat Aromatisse with one attack + Struggle, like Choice Band Haxorus with Iron Tail (Iron Tail is standard so I'm not sure it needs to specifically be mentioned) and Jolly Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan. Rocky Helmet is used as additional damage when attacked by Struggle (any other matchups where helmet is useful, maybe versus bulkier Pokemon?). Aroma Veil is an excellent and useful ability, with it Aroma Veil grants Aromatisse immunity to Taunt and Encore, two moves that often disrupt this playstyle.

With max Physical bulk Aromatisse has good odds of surviving an Iron Tail from Adamant Choice Band Haxorus and can survive a Giga Impact from Jolly Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan.

Aromatisse can also run an alternative spread of 244 HP / 40 Def / 224 SpD with a Calm nature. This spread is used for dealing with Special attackers. It makes allows Aromatisse able to survive one Hyper Beam from Modest Choice Specs Sylveon.’s Hyper Beam. (any other special attacers this helps with? if it's only Sylveon then just leave it at that, but saying special attackers in general with only 1 example is unspecific)

Usage Tips
Usually Aromatisse should use Trick Room in the first turn to outspeed its foes in the next turn (what should it do when facing slower opponents?). And then using Encore to make the foe locked into a low damage or status move, then using Disable If the opponent uses a low damage move or status move, you should use Encore before using Disable. Or using Disable after Trick Room to make Choice item enemies unable to attack and to lock them into using Struggle Against Pokémon revealed to be using a Choice item or using a strong attack, Disable should be used first. After making the foe locked in Struggle, Aromatisse should use Moonblast or Draining Kiss Once Struggle is used, Aromatisse should use either of its damaging moves to finish off the opponent. In some longer sequences, when starting with Trick Room, after using Encore and attacking for two turns, Aromatisse wil need to use Encore again and then Trick Room, for being able to repeat the sequence In scenarios with bulkier Pokemon present, Aromatisse may have to set up Trick Room a second time in order to Encore the opponent again. (any specific pokemon that produce longer scenarios? wording could also be changed here)

Foes with Priority moves can break Encore/Disable sequences, and be a big problem to Aromatisse like Bullet Punch from Metagross. Be careful against foes that can commonly run Mental Herb, like Sylveon and Togekiss.

Against foes that usually can run Choice Item + Trick, like Tapu Fini and Cresselia, Aromatisse should use Encore in the first turn to make the enemy use Trick again, before using Disable or an attacking move depending on how fast the opponent is. (Don't like my wording here but explaining choice lock isn't too necessary here) in the next turn Aromatisse will need to use Encore again, but after that it will have two free turns to attack. After the two free turns Choice item is removed, Aromatisse should use Disable and cause the opponent to use Struggle, using an attacking move while the Choice item is being passed around is also optimal for whittling down the opponents HP. (I really don't like my wording here but making the original message more concise here would be better) use Encore again, to be prepared to the foe if it uses Trick again, but if the enemy start attacking you can use Disable to locking the enemy into using Struggle .

- Written by: [[TrainerPla, 604981]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

name: Wiki Berry
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Encore
move 3: Disable
move 4: Moonblast / Draining Kiss
item: Wiki Berry
ability: Aroma Veil
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD


Set Description
The base of the set continues the same, Trick Room for outspeeding, Encore and Disable for locking the foes into using Struggle, Moonsblast for additional damage and Draining Kiss for recovering. Holding a Wiki Berry will allow Aromatisse to recover some HP after taking a powerful attack on the first turn (what matchups does Wiki Berry give Aromatisse that Rocky Helmet doesn't?). With a Wiki Berry, Moonblast turns into an usually better option, while Draining Kiss is important against Choice Scarf Haxorus. (this can be combined with the previous sentence since they both talk about the item/what matchups you would want to use it for. Also writing a seperate line for moonblast/dkiss without mentioning wiki berry can provide more insight)

With this spread, Aromatisse survives a Modest Choice Specs Volcanion's Overheat ( I don't think this example is too relevant, since it only takes around 60-70% from the comp set, a different benchmark would be better to include here) and non-Choice Specs or Modest Life Orb Hyper Beam from Porygon Z. 's Hyper Beam.

Usage Tips
Usually Aromatisse should use Trick Room in the first turn to outspeed its faster foes in the next turn (again what should you do if the opponent is slower). And then using Followed by Encore to make the foe locked the opponent into a low damage or status move before then using Disable. Or using Disable should be used after Trick Room to make against opponents revealed to be using Choice items, foes unable to attack and in order to lock them into using Struggle. After making the foe locked in Struggle is used, Aromatisse should use Moonblast or Draining Kiss. In some longer sequences, when starting with Trick Room, after using Encore and attacking for two turns, Aromatisse will need to use Encore again and then Trick Room, for being able to repeat the sequence (this is the same as the previous, could use more concise explanation here).

Foes with Priority moves can break Encore/Disable sequences, and be a big problem to Aromatisse. Especially like Bullet Punch from Metagross. Be careful against foes that can commonly run Mental Herb, like Sylveon and Togekiss.

Against foes that usually can run Choice Item + Trick, like Tapu Fini and Cresselia, Aromatisse should use Encore in the first turn to make the enemy use Trick again, in the next turn Aromatisse will need to use Encore again, but after that it will have two free turns to attack. After the two free turns, Aromatisse should use Encore again, to be prepared to the foe using Trick again, but if the enemy start attacking you can use Disable to locking the enemy into using Struggle (same as above).

- Written by: [[TrainerPla, 604981]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
I will be making comments in bold
this is an amqc, mods will look over so didn't include username + id (if this is validated then include them)
name: Rocky Helmet
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Encore
move 3: Disable
move 4: Moonblast / Draining Kiss
item: Rocky Helmet
ability: Aroma Veil
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Set Description
Trick Room is used for allowing Aromatisse to outspeed the foes in the subsequent turns. Encore in combination with Disable is used to make the foe locked into using Struggle. Moonblast is a more offensive option to deal more damage while the foe uses Struggle. Draining Kiss allows Aromatisse to deal damage while recovering HP after usually receiving an being attacked on the first turn, and is useful against foes that could defeat Aromatisse with one attack + Struggle, like Choice Band Haxorus with Iron Tail (Iron Tail is standard so I'm not sure it needs to specifically be mentioned) idt this is necessary, since analyses are aimed at newer users and Jolly Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan. Rocky Helmet is used as additional damage when attacked by Struggle (any other matchups where helmet is useful, maybe versus bulkier Pokemon?). Aroma Veil is an excellent and useful ability, with it Aroma Veil grants Aromatisse immunity to Taunt and Encore, two moves that often disrupt this playstyle.

mostly good changes

With max physical bulk, Aromatisse has good odds of surviving an Iron Tail from Adamant Choice Band Haxorus and can survive a Giga Impact from Jolly Choice Band Galarian Darmanitan.

Aromatisse can also run an alternative spread of 244 HP / 40 Def / 224 SpD with a Calm nature. This spread is used for dealing with Special attackers. It makes allows Aromatisse able to survive one Hyper Beam from Modest Choice Specs Sylveon.’s Hyper Beam. (any other special attackers this helps with? if it's only Sylveon then just leave it at that, but saying special attackers in general with only 1 example is unspecific)

Usage Tips
Usually Aromatisse should use Trick Room in the first turn to outspeed its foes in the next turn (what should it do when facing slower opponents?). And then using Encore to make the foe locked into a low damage or status move, then using Disable If the opponent uses a low damage move or status move, you should use Encore before using Disable. Or using Disable after Trick Room to make Choice item enemies unable to attack and to lock them into using Struggle Against Pokémon revealed to be using a Choice item or using a strong attack, Disable should be used first. After making the foe locked in Struggle, Aromatisse should use Moonblast or Draining Kiss Once Struggle is used, Aromatisse should use either of its damaging moves to finish off the opponent. In some longer sequences, when starting with Trick Room, after using Encore and attacking for two turns, Aromatisse wil need to use Encore again and then Trick Room, for being able to repeat the sequence In scenarios with bulkier Pokemon present, Aromatisse may have to set up Trick Room a second time in order to Encore the opponent again. (any specific pokemon that produce longer scenarios? wording could also be changed here)

the volcarona matchup is a significant one that is longer (you need to encore them into quiver dance and slowly chip them down until they can be KOed by struggle + rocky helmet damage), other calm mind / amnesia users (probably) have a similar encore loop

Foes with Priority moves can break Encore/Disable sequences, and be a big problem to Aromatisse like Bullet Punch from Metagross. Be careful against foes that can commonly run Mental Herb, like Sylveon and Togekiss. I think Aqua Jet from Azumarill is a better example than Metagross, which shouldn't have issues regardless

Against foes that usually can run Choice Item + Trick, like Tapu Fini and Cresselia, Aromatisse should use Encore in the first turn to make the enemy use Trick again, before using Disable or an attacking move depending on how fast the opponent is. (Don't like my wording here but explaining choice lock isn't too necessary here) re: smely's discord comment - alternate between attacking and using encore (2 turns each because of the choice item being tossed around), don't only use disable or you get locked into it with the choice item in the next turn Aromatisse will need to use Encore again, but after that it will have two free turns to attack. After the two free turns Choice item is removed, Aromatisse should use Disable and cause the opponent to use Struggle, using an attacking move while the Choice item is being passed around is also optimal for whittling down the opponents HP. (I really don't like my wording here but making the original message more concise here would be better) use Encore again, to be prepared to the foe if it uses Trick again, but if the enemy start attacking you can use Disable to locking the enemy into using Struggle. see the comment in bold / comments on the original in the second set's usage tips section, idt this change is correct


- Written by: [[TrainerPla, 604981]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

these go at the end of the whole analysis, not every set

name: Wiki Berry
move 1: Trick Room
move 2: Encore
move 3: Disable
move 4: Moonblast / Draining Kiss
item: Wiki Berry
ability: Aroma Veil
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD


Set Description
The base of the set continues the same, Trick Room for outspeeding, Encore and Disable for locking the foes into using Struggle, Moonsblast for additional damage and Draining Kiss for recovering. Holding a Wiki Berry will allow Aromatisse to recover some HP after taking a powerful attack on the first turn (what matchups does Wiki Berry give Aromatisse that Rocky Helmet doesn't?). With a Wiki Berry, Moonblast turns into an usually better option, while Draining Kiss is important against Choice Scarf Haxorus. (this can be combined with the previous sentence since they both talk about the item/what matchups you would want to use it for. Also writing a seperate line for moonblast/dkiss without mentioning wiki berry can provide more insight)

With this spread, Aromatisse survives a Modest Choice Specs Volcanion's Overheat ( I don't think this example is too relevant, since it only takes around 60-70% from the comp set, a different benchmark would be better to include here) and non-Choice Specs or Modest Life Orb Hyper Beam from Porygon Z. 's Hyper Beam.

Usage Tips
Usually Aromatisse should use Trick Room in the first turn to outspeed its faster foes in the next turn (again what should you do if the opponent is slower). And then using Followed by Encore to make the foe locked the opponent into a low damage or status move before then using Disable. Or using Disable should be used after Trick Room to make against opponents revealed to be using Choice items, foes unable to attack and in order to lock them into using Struggle. After making the foe locked in Struggle is used, Aromatisse should use Moonblast or Draining Kiss. In some longer sequences, when starting with Trick Room, after using Encore and attacking for two turns, Aromatisse will need to use Encore again and then Trick Room, for being able to repeat the sequence (this is the same as the previous, could use more concise explanation here).

Foes with Priority moves can break Encore/Disable sequences, and be a big problem to Aromatisse. Especially like Bullet Punch from Metagross. Be careful against foes that can commonly run Mental Herb, like Sylveon and Togekiss. I think Aqua Jet from Azumarill is a better example than Metagross, which shouldn't have issues regardless

Against foes that usually can run Choice Item + Trick, like Tapu Fini and Cresselia, Aromatisse should use Encore in the first turn to make the enemy use Trick again, in the next turn Aromatisse will need to use Encore again, but after that it will have two free turns to attack. After the two free turns, Aromatisse should use Encore again, to be prepared to the foe using Trick again, but if the enemy starts attacking with the Choice item, you can use Disable to locking the enemy into using Struggle (same as above).

- Written by: [[TrainerPla, 604981]]
- Quality checked by: [[DripLegend, 517652], [Itchy, 518399], [username3, id3]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, id2]]
DripLegend you're QC now grats, you're free to look at this again if you want, or you can hand it off to someone else
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