Spriting Contest - Contest #8: Spriter of the Month: Ice-cold Claws - NEXT CONTEST COMING SOON


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approved by Bummer, elcheeso & RitterCat

Aspiring spriters, this thread will be a renewal concerning spriting contests ! Indeed we are going to make regular contests here which are opened to everyone. You really want to participate but you don't how to sprite ? Don't worry you can follow this tutorial. This is the strict necessary to be able to participate to these contests.

The contests that will be hosted will have different themes, it could be related to IRL events, the specific use of a color palette, revamps etc...

Contests Operation

There will be an announcement in a new post concerning the theme and its rules. The participants will have a week to make their sprites. After this week, there will be a vote to nominate the best Spriter of the Week. All the participants and the smogon users will be able to vote for a specific number of participants, depending on the rules contest.

The voting period will last 3 days. The participant that has the most votes will win the contest and will be considered as the Spriter of the Week. Also, there will be a leaderboard in the first post of the thread, to show the different positions of the participants.

During these contests, the participants will have to follow some rules:

  • The size of your sprite will have a restriction, indeed it will have to be at the avatar format, which is 80x80
  • A color palette will be given to you, depending on the contest, please make sure to respect it and to respect the contest theme otherwise your participation will not be considered
  • The rules can change, depending on the contest, make sure to be aware of it.
  • Do not steal other people's creations otherwise you will be disqualified of the spriting contest.
Ok guys it is time to sprite now !


Lucy Heartfillia - 14 points
Reisen Inaba - 14 points
Nightmare Serum - 11 points
OfficialThatGuy - 11 points
Twerkerella - 11 points
Sunfished - 9 points
VuvuzelaBzz - 9 points
S0L1D G0LD - 8 points
sirDonovan - 6 points
SiTuM'parleT'mort - 6 points
Ice-cold Claws - 5 points
Kasumi♥ - 4 points
Exeggutor - 3 points
HeterosexualZekrom - 2 points
shinylyni - 2 points
Jellal Fernandes - 1 point
Obliviate - 1 point
Valiancy - 1 point

Contests list:

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As you all know, Halloween is coming soon, let's have it as a theme to start this spriting contest !

This contest will be focused on the sprite colorizations. If you don't know how to this, just follow the colorization part of the Guide which is given in the first post. You will have to chose 2 trainer sprites among this trainer list: http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/sprites/trainers-sheet.png
And now here are the Color Palette and the eventual accessories:

The participants will have to save these two files to be able to work on it. They will also have to follow some rules for this contest:

  • Respect the Color Palette that is given
  • The sprite has to fit in 80x80 format
  • The participants can be able to add one or more pokemons in the sprite, it has to respect the size restriction.
  • The pokemon(s) must respect the theme.
  • The participants can be able to not follow the Color Palette by making a colorization of the trainers based on a pokemon. However the pokemon must be in the sprite.
  • You can edit your sprites until we reach to the deadline.
  • Do not steal other people's creations otherwise you will not be able to participate in any other contests.
How to post for this contest ?

The participants will have to post their two sprites in this way:

Sprite #1: img
Sprite #2: img

For the voting part, the participants and the users will have to vote for the best first sprite and the best second sprite, which means there can be more than a winner for this contest.

If you want to participate, just post "In" in this topic, I will modify this message to make a participants list.

Deadline: 18/10/2015 1:00pm GMT +2
If the participants don't post their sprites before that date, their participation will not be considered.


Jellal Fernnandes
Nightmare Serum
Wally The Bully

The Halloween sprites:

Jellal Fernnandes:
Sprite #1:

Sprite #2:

Sprite #1:

Sprite #2:


Sprite #1:

Sprite #2:

Sprite #1:

Sprite #2:


Sprite #1:

Sprite #2:

Nightmare Serum

Sprite #1 :

Sprite #2 :


Sprite #2:

Sprite #1:

Sprite #2:

Sprite #1:

Sprite #2:


1st place: Sunfished | 8 votes for the Pumpkaboo sprite (9 in total)


2nd place ex-aequo: Twerkerella | 4 votes for the Chandelure sprite (5 in total) & sirDonovan | 4 votes for the Mismagius sprite (5 in total)

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approved by Bummer, elcheeso & RitterCat

Aspiring spriters, this thread will be a renewal concerning spritting contests ! Indeed we are going to make regular contests here which are opened to everyone. You really want to participate but you don't how to sprite ? Don't worry you can follow this tutorial. This is the strict necessary to be able to participate to these contests.

The contests that will be hosted will have different themes, it could be related to IRL events, the specific use of a color palette, revamps etc...

Contests Operation

There will be an announcement in a new post concerning the theme and its rules. The participants will have a week to make their sprites. After this week, there will be a vote to nominate the best Sprite of the Week. All the participants and the smogon users will be able to vote for 3 participants.

The voting period will last 3 days. The participant that has the most votes will win the contest and will be considered as the Spriter of the Week. Also, there will be a leaderboard in the first post of the thread, to show the different positions of the participants.

During these contests, the participants will have to follow some rules:

  • The size of your sprite will have a restriction, indeed it will have to be at the avatar format, which is 80x80
  • A color palette will be given to you, depending on the contest, please make sure to respect it and to respect the contest theme otherwise your participation will not be considered
  • The rules can change, depending on the contest, make sure to be aware of it.
  • Do not steal other people's creations otherwise you will be disqualified of the spritting contest.
Ok guys it is time to sprite now !
Very dank idea, awu
Cynthia612 got it. Be aware that it is opened to everyone if you don't know how to make a sprite I suggest you to follow this tutorial it could help you. However be careful to double post you can still delete one of your posts by clicking on "delete" button near the edit one.

Really nice sprites Jellal Fernnandes that's impressive !

Also to the participants: Jellal gave his color palettes but you don't need to give it, if you want, you can but it isn't mandatory I could check the colors myself.
I'm confused as to what the rules are, because the rules state that it is about sprite colorization, yet Jellal has posted with a sprite edit.

Are edits allowed, or even scratch sprites? If so, it would allow me to do much more than what I have been thinking of currently.
I'm confused as to what the rules are, because the rules state that it is about sprite colorization, yet Jellal has posted with a sprite edit.

Are edits allowed, or even scratch sprites? If so, it would allow me to do much more than what I have been thinking of currently.

Yes edit on sprites are allowed however you have to respect the color Palette.