ORAS UU Specs Florges UU team

Hello Everyone, I know you are probably going wild, because specs florges doesn't seem like it's very viable, and Specs Sylveon is better in almost every aspect. But you have to understand 2 things:
1-This team was built pre sylveon in UU
2- People expect Sylveon with Specs, but don't really expect specs florges, that has a better movepool anyway and gives you at least 1/2 free kills per game.

The EVs might be a little off, and since I'm not an Expert in that matter I would like to ask you guys to help me with the EVs.

The team goes as it follows: (Sorry about the nicknames they are randomly generated on Pyrotoz.com).

Tommy (Krookodile) (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Pursuit
- Superpower

Standard scarfed Krook, you can chance some stuff like SuperPower for Stone edge/Crunch or Moxie for Intimidate, but I think we all get the point of this set, fast very powerfull with great stab physical atacker.

I think Earthquake and Knock off are staples in any krook set, in this team scarfed Krook seems like the best option(since it is a slow-ish team), I like superpower to challenge Blisseys, Hydreigons, Krooks..., and Pursuit is specially good for Chandies but if the opponent out predicts you it can really injure you, so if you are a player that likes to make the safe play all the time(Which is a good sign btw) you should change Pursuit for something like stone edge, Crunch, etc... The world is your Oyster (or Cloyster).

Be aware that when you change moves you will make this team more vunerable to some threats (changing superpower makes the team more vunerable to other Krooks and Hydreigons for example)

PowerSlave (Florges-Blue) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Energy Ball
- Psychic
- Aromatherapy

Here comes the BOOM! This is actually pretty powerfull, sometimes you see calm mind Florges, so why not go to the next level and go specs, no one ever predicts this, and no one knows the true power of specs Florges. Energy Ball is actually pretty decent because it deals with Swamperts, Blastoises and stuff like that. Aromatherapy is there because I need a cleric move in this team, I know it's not perfect, but It gets the work done.
I know Sylveon is better overall, but I'm one guy that likes to have fun and suprise people.
Believe it or not this pokemons is actually not just a gimmick but probably the MVP of this team, it deals loads of damage and can easily 1v1 Bulky special atackers (Mega-Blastoise, Sylveon, Cofragrigus...).
Even if you don't utilize this team, I would advise you to try Specs-Florges because it's a really good suprise element.

Hyperventilate (Cobalion) @ Leftovers
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Sacred Sword
- Volt Switch
- Iron Head

Defensive Cobalion, another standard(ish) set, he's actually pretty bulky and gets the rocks on the field most of the time, it also has great synergy with Florges.
This team needs a rocker, so here it his, a very competent one, You might say that the moves aren't the best and this could actually be an offensive pivot with Shuca Berry(for example), but I like defensive Cobalion, because people don't really expect with, and it's incredibly bulky on the physical side, but Cobalion can also take some hits on the special side, as long as he's not taking super effective hits.
You can also change some moves around like Iron Head for something like Toxic, Sacred Sword for Close Combat to have more "fire power", or change Volt Switch for Taunt.

Vituperate (Rotom-Heat) @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpA
Bold Nature
- Overheat
- Volt Switch
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split

Standard set (like most of the team apart from Florges) but I like him because it's a really realiable set on a suberb Pokemon.
Overheat is just a super powerfull move, that can nuke most pokemons in the tier.
Volt Switch is a great momentum move, and it's standard just like pain split.
T-Wave is also an option for this set in sacrifice of Will-o. You can also use Thunderbolt or HP Ice instead of Pain Split place if you would like some more fire power, but in that case I would advise you to invest some Ev's on SP.Atack
Rotom is a great pokemons in most UU teams, it's really flexible and can really do a lot of damage(even this defensive set)if played correctly.

Carpentry (Crobat) @ Black Sludge
Ability: Infiltrator
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Roost
- Defog

Good ol crobat, strong atacks, bulky, speedy and gets the hazards and screens of the field.
Brave Bird is a powerful, it OHKOes many Fighting- and Grass-types such as Mienshao, Machamp, Toxicroak, Conkeldurr, Infernape, Shaymin, Roserade, and Chesnaught, therefore completing Crobat's job of checking them.
With the Knock off spam Acrobatics can be a really realible option if you are feeling that.
You can also use Taunt or Toxic instead of U-turn/Defog, but I think this is the BEST moveset for Crobat.
Don't forget about this Pokemon's Ability that is really good, infiltrator can catch stuff like Chandelure that use substitute rather frequently and catch them off guard, because people often forget about this ability

Wretches & Kingdras (Kingdra) @ Scope Lens
Ability: Sniper
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Scald
- Flash Cannon
- Focus Energy

Well, I'm sorry for using this set, imo is not the best thing ever, but it's also pretty good, specially considering the difficulties that this team has leading with stuff like Darm, or Vaporeon(allthough you can 1v1 a vaporeon with Florges' Energy Ball.
Flash Cannon is there because of the Sylveon spam, you can catch people of guard with flash cannon and faint the Sylveon if he's somewhat weakened. But ice beam is overall better because it can deal with Celebi, Shaymin... I'm just a man that loves gimmick xD.
Try to set up on stuff like Blissey(be carefull with T-wave tho), Vaporeon...
You can invest 252 ev's on HP, making it more bulky and better against bulky stall teams.

Thank you guys for your atention, this team actually works in case you are wondering, but I would love to ear you suggestions
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God's not dead.
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Hello Efac41 , and welcome to Smogon!

Unfortunately, this RMT is currently not following the rules which can be found in the RMT Resource Thread; specifically, this thread violates rule #4, because you lack sufficient descriptions for each Pokemon on your team. As such, I am afraid that I will have to lock this thread for the time being. If you would like this thread to be reopened, feel free to PM me with your updated RMT, and I would be happy to reopen this thread for you. If you need help making an RMT up to the required standards, I recommend that you carefully read the RMT Resource Thread and check out other RMTs from the Team Showcase and RMT Archive for some examples.

Good luck with your team, and have a nice day!
Hey man!​
  • First of all, Choice Scarf Krookodile is very bad actually, it can't hit things effectively and it has a ton of safe switches, aside of being predictable since if you don't use Intimidate, you will use Scarf Moxie. Choice Banded Krookodile is better overall, since it is a good Pursuit trapper, is a surprising powerhouse and one of the most dangerous Pokémon in the Metagame. It fits better on your team too, since it is weak to things like Chandelure.​

Krookodile @ Choice Band
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Stone Edge
- Pursuit
  • Specs Florges isn't good at all, but if you need to use it over Sylveon since it is the star of the team, you should run 140 EVs in Speed, since you will outspeed Adamant Crawdaunt, Modest Sylveon and Standart Offensive Nidoqueen, even with HP Fire's EVs. Another change is using Hidden Power Fire over Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy kills momentum and isn't useful on your team, Hidden Power Fire can hit things that can wall Florges, like Forretress and Escavalier.

Florges (F) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 116 HP / 252 SpA / 140 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Moonblast
- Psychic
- Energy Ball
- Hidden Power [Fire]
  • So, this isn't the Standart Cobalion set, so change it immediately to the Offensive Pivot Set with Swords Dance, since it is a huge wincon, a nice Stealth Rock setter and it is better than this passive Defensive Set since you can hit everything hard and you aren't a setup bait to things like Swampert-Mega. With Cobalion, you have a good check to Mamoswine and Krookodile, Pokémon that can 6X0 your team if Rotom-Heat is gone, aside of being one nice check to Dark-Types, like Crawdaunt and Hydreigon, Pokémon that can OHKO every single Pokémon of your team and are hard to Revenge Kill.

Cobalion @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Justified
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Close Combat
- Swords Dance
- Iron Head
  • Rotom-H fits very well on your team, but it hasn't the best spread too. Use 248 HP / 52 Def / 208 Spe over your spread, since this EV Spread let you outspeed 80+ Base Speed Pokémon, like Mamoswine, and creep them with Will-O-Wisp. The other EVs are used to provide you more bulk.

Rotom-Heat @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 52 Def / 208 Spe
Timid Nature
- Overheat
- Volt Switch
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split
  • Crobat is a Pokémon that doesn't make any sense on your team, it is a good Defogger if a team lacks a Fairy- and/or Fighting-Resist, and your team deal with these types very well, otherwise, you lack firepower, so that's why Offensive Defogger Salamence is a more consistent Defogger than Crobat on your team. Salamence can hit a lot of Pokémon that you can hit eventually. Salamence replaces Kingdra very well too, so your team has one free slot. Draco Plate is better than Life Orb on Salamence, since you can hit things harder, but without the recoil.

Salamence @ Draco Plate
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Roost
- Defog
  • Kingdra is very bad, and Salamence completely outclasses it as a Special Dragon, so replacing it with Offensive Suicune is the best thing. Use Hidden Power Electric over Tailwind, since your team is slow and it is weak to Gyarados. Offensive Suicune is very useful and pairs very well with a Double Intimidate Core.

Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 1 Atk / 30 SpA
- Calm Mind
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Electric]
That was all, I know that I changed basically everything, but the team works better with these changes.
Gl ^_^
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Thank you for the advise, I will try the team with this changes.
Do you think I can get away with regular Rest Talk Suicune instead of the Calm Mind one?
Btw Salamence has an even HP number, I'm sure that was distraction but you should put 4 in Sp.Def because of Porygon's Download
I don't think that the team was as bad as you think, it does look terrible on paper, but I got to 1450 in UU and I'm not the best player ever, it might be a bad rating for you, but for me is decent.
Well Thank you for the advise and the detailed explaining :)
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Hey man, cool looking team n_n. Mr. Highways had some cool recommendations so I definitely think you should implement those. I'll just be adding onto his rate since he fixed a lot of the big problems.
  • Even though this team was built around Specs Florges, I still think you should try Specs Sylveon over Florges. Sylveon is better all around as a Specs user because of its access to Baton Pass which allows you to pivot around, Pixilate which gives an extra boost to its power, and the move Hyper Voice, which discourages most opponents from clicking Substitute while Sylveon is still alive and well. Here's the set, its basically just the standard one

    Sylveon @ Choice Specs
    Ability: Pixilate
    EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
    Timid / Modest Nature
    IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
    - Hyper Voice
    - Psyshock
    - Hidden Power [Fire]
    - Baton Pass

    You can opt for a Modest nature for the extra power boost but you fail to outspeed things like Jolly Crawdaunt, which is a threat to a lot of teams.
This team also lacks a mega, so I'd try to play around with a couple things like Aero, pert, etc, but besides that cool team man! :] good luck
Hey man, cool looking team n_n. Mr. Highways had some cool recommendations so I definitely think you should implement those. I'll just be adding onto his rate since he fixed a lot of the big problems.
  • Even though this team was built around Specs Florges, I still think you should try Specs Sylveon over Florges. Sylveon is better all around as a Specs user because of its access to Baton Pass which allows you to pivot around, Pixilate which gives an extra boost to its power, and the move Hyper Voice, which discourages most opponents from clicking Substitute while Sylveon is still alive and well. Here's the set, its basically just the standard one

    Sylveon @ Choice Specs
    Ability: Pixilate
    EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
    Timid / Modest Nature
    IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
    - Hyper Voice
    - Psyshock
    - Hidden Power [Fire]
    - Baton Pass

    You can opt for a Modest nature for the extra power boost but you fail to outspeed things like Jolly Crawdaunt, which is a threat to a lot of teams.
This team also lacks a mega, so I'd try to play around with a couple things like Aero, pert, etc, but besides that cool team man! :] good luck
A Mega Pokemon is not a necessity to a team unless a team specifically needs a particular Mega Pokemon to alleviate its weaknesses.

Efac41 if you do choose to use Draco Plate Salamence as a Defogger, you may need to re-examine your match-ups against common hazard users. Salamence is weak to Stealth Rock, and while it does have Roost, you will need to play more aggressively in terms of keeping Stealth Rock off the field, because Stealth Rock is common and hazard removers that are weak to Stealth Rock often need aggressive offensive support to keep it from having to remove hazards quite frequently.

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