hello. i was bored some weeks ago, with my hatred for koraidon reignited after constantly getting overwhelmed by it and the very limited and inconsistent counterplay it has. i was scrolling through the list of mons, deciding on what to use that could check it; i dont like skeledirge, great tusk loses to scale shot, arceus-fairy loses to flare blitz after entry hazards... then it hit me: a forgotten defensive BEHEMOTH, from the ages of very early sv- scream tail is actually incredible at checking koraidon. so i then decided that it was time to get silly and build with it. this team got me all the way to rank2, one win away from rank1.
i. teambuilding process.
"we went berserk... trying, in vain, just to be put at ease."

firstly, the team started with these three. the thought process behind them is that; scream tail and arceus-dark can check most of the physical metagame by themselves, including the aforementioned koraidon, but also calyrex-ice, necrozma-duskmane, and physical variants of arceus. usually these are all pokemon that kyogre also checks, but with scream tail and arceus-dark as teammates, it can run more offensive sets and spreads, like choice scarf, which is exactly what i had in mind. while a strong three defensively, the core still struggled against stuff like hazard stack, zacian-c, and gliscor.

which is why corviknight and hooh were added, as they helped with hazards, gliscor, zacian-c, and certain calm mind arceus formes like fairy, respectively. ho-oh also provided some much needed offense, breaking holes and spreading burns with sacred fire so kyogre could hopefully sweep lategame. the team was, unsurprisingly, weak to miraidon and kyogre, as well as power gem arceus. because of this, clodsire was the last added teammate as it provided much needed role compression while also giving spikes for kyogre.

arceus-dark was changed to water to improve the matchup against ho-oh and calyrex-ice. ho-oh was changed from choice band to heavy-duty boots, as the ability to freely change between moves and, more importantly, being able to use recover, improved the team's matchup against opposing ho-oh and arceus formes. lastly, corviknight was replaced with necrozma-dusk-mane to provide knock off support and a more sturdy zacian-c check. these three changes proved to be the best possible ones as the team started to print ELO extremely consistenly and efficently.
ii. member by member
"to our minds we are banished; inside, forever."
"we went berserk... trying, in vain, just to be put at ease."

firstly, the team started with these three. the thought process behind them is that; scream tail and arceus-dark can check most of the physical metagame by themselves, including the aforementioned koraidon, but also calyrex-ice, necrozma-duskmane, and physical variants of arceus. usually these are all pokemon that kyogre also checks, but with scream tail and arceus-dark as teammates, it can run more offensive sets and spreads, like choice scarf, which is exactly what i had in mind. while a strong three defensively, the core still struggled against stuff like hazard stack, zacian-c, and gliscor.

which is why corviknight and hooh were added, as they helped with hazards, gliscor, zacian-c, and certain calm mind arceus formes like fairy, respectively. ho-oh also provided some much needed offense, breaking holes and spreading burns with sacred fire so kyogre could hopefully sweep lategame. the team was, unsurprisingly, weak to miraidon and kyogre, as well as power gem arceus. because of this, clodsire was the last added teammate as it provided much needed role compression while also giving spikes for kyogre.

arceus-dark was changed to water to improve the matchup against ho-oh and calyrex-ice. ho-oh was changed from choice band to heavy-duty boots, as the ability to freely change between moves and, more importantly, being able to use recover, improved the team's matchup against opposing ho-oh and arceus formes. lastly, corviknight was replaced with necrozma-dusk-mane to provide knock off support and a more sturdy zacian-c check. these three changes proved to be the best possible ones as the team started to print ELO extremely consistenly and efficently.
ii. member by member
"to our minds we are banished; inside, forever."

Arceus-Water @ Splash Plate
Ability: Multitype
Tera Type: Poison / Fairy
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Def / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Judgment
- Ice Beam / Dazzling Gleam
- Recover
calm mind arceus-water helps against many of the team's threats; for one, it can boost itself alongside other calm mind arceus formes and, at the very minimum, go down on an even trade. it also consistently switches into ho-oh and caly-ice, taking pressure off ho-oh and ndm, respectively. ice beam hits koraidon, miraidon, and eternatus in one slot, which makes it the most consistent option and the best with tera poison, as you can avoid getting poisoned while also resisting Fight-type attacks from Koraidon. dazzling gleam with tera fairy can be used instead if you wish to ohko koraidon at +1; however, it is less preferred because scream tail usually chips koraidon down for +1 ice beam to take it out.

Koraidon @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Orichalcum Pulse
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Dragon Claw / Outrage
- Flare Blitz
- U-turn
koraidon is the best pokemon in ubers, and choice scarf is its best set. it helps with the offense matchup by offensively checking zacian-c, opposing non-scarf korai, and mirai. dragon claw is the preferred dragon stab because, while rather weak, it doesnt lock koraidon into the move after using it; this, however, bounces off pokemon like hooh. which is why outrage can be used instead to always 2hko hooh. this however, can be played around by hooh with tera fairy, other pokemon like necrozma-dusk-mane, and zacian-c. tera ghost helps koraidon by becoming immune to ekiller's extreme speed.

Necrozma-Dusk-Mane @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Prism Armor
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 204 Def / 52 Spe
Impish Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Sunsteel Strike
- Knock Off
- Morning Sun
the team's check to zacian-c, gliscor, rayquaza, and secondary check to calyrex-ice. knock off removes ho-oh's heavy-duty boots so that it can take entry hazard damage later on. tera fire helps with this interaction, preventing the user from getting burned by ho-oh if one doesnt want to risk it; it also punishes koraidon if it clicked flare blitz.

Scream Tail @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Psychic Noise
- Wish
- Protect
the star of the show. this thing really grew up on me; it is actually amazing at what its supposed to do. you will never get swept by koraidon again, ever. rocky helmet punishes every move koraidon can throw at it, from uturn, to flare blitz, the latter of which will deal up to half of its own HP after rocky helmet damage. psychic noise is an interesting option that allows scream tail to impede recover from arceus, ho-oh, or bulkier pokemon like clodsire and corviknight. this, if utilised correctly, can wallbreak very effectively, and with surprising consistency. using tera on scream tail is not advised, as losing its fairy-type will mean that koraidon can overwhelm it without fearing recoil; however, tera water is used if scream tail absolutely needs to survive flare blitz.

Ho-Oh @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sacred Fire
- Brave Bird
- Recover
- Substitute
the team's main wallbreaker and annoyer. hooh is one annoying bastard- it hits hard, it spreads status, it punishes switches with substitute AND can heal off with recover and regenerator. it does everything. tera grass may seem odd on an offensive set, but i believe it to be necessary as it compresses both electric- and water- resistances in one type, meaning that, in a pinch, it can help against miraidon and kyogre. this, however, leaves it unable to trade hits with opposing ho-oh, and arceus formes carrying will-o-wisp are now a real threat for ho-oh.

Clodsire (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Water Absorb
Tera Type: Steel / Grass
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Spikes
- Earthquake
- Recover
- Amnesia
clodsire is a silly pokemon. while usually undesired because of how much of a momentum sink it is, its the perfect fit as a 6th pokemon in this team due to it being a miraidon, kyogre, and calm mind arc fairy check in one slot. while unconventional and gimmicky, amnesia is absolutely necessary for it to not get overwhelmed by calm mind or specs kyogre, and calm mind dragon pulse miraidon. tera steel is the default type as it allows clodsire to resist miraidon's dragon-type attacks while retaining its poison immunity. however, tera grass can be used instead if the team needs a desperate out against calm mind arceus ground.
iii. final words and shoutouts
"the solastalgia... leaving behind a charred world, devoid of all hope."
thanks for reading and i hope you enjoyed this rmt. this is my most sucessful ubers team to date, both incredibly fun to play and intricate enough in that it requires a certain level of skill to pilot correctly. pretty fitting for my last team that i'll build in this format for now. i had fun.
again, thank you for reading. have a good night.
"the solastalgia... leaving behind a charred world, devoid of all hope."
thanks for reading and i hope you enjoyed this rmt. this is my most sucessful ubers team to date, both incredibly fun to play and intricate enough in that it requires a certain level of skill to pilot correctly. pretty fitting for my last team that i'll build in this format for now. i had fun.
Nyx: youve helped me grow as a person, as a pokemon player, and as a friend. you did a lot for me, more than you can possibly think of. we've known each-other for a relatively short time, yet you quickly became one of, if not the person, that i admire, trust, cherish, and love the most. im genuinely short of words to describe how much you mean to me as a friend. so all that i will say is: thank you. thank you for staying by my side, thank you for helping me countless times, thank you for being an amazing, genuine, and beautiful human being. i sincerely and wholeheartedly hope and wish you all the best. i love you so incredibly much. thank you again. thank you.
Eve: we met because i made a bad joke about lgpe and how i mistook it with bdsp. i think you laughed at me, and we just continued talking from there. much like nyx, youve become one of the friends i cherish and appreciate the most on this site; youre incredibly fun to talk to, even if we do it once in a fullmoon. your music taste is superb, too. you helped me slowly gain more trust about myself and how i should stop listening to my brain when it tells me not-so-pretty-stuff. i wouldnt be here if it werent because of your help. i want to thank you for all of this. i hope you're doing well.
ishtar: nos conocimos porque quería saber si de verdad hablabas español o no. resulta que sí lol. no hablamos mucho, pero quiero que sepas que aprecio los consejos que me has dado a lo largo de los meses, tanto personales como en mons. le agarré gran gusto y un cariño a PU gracias a ti; por enseñarme el formato, por inspirarme a buildear y por ayudarme a no rendirme. gracias a ti conocí a mucha gente maravillosa, gracias a ti conocí una tier maravillosa. espero de corazón que podamos seguir siendo amigas por mucho tiempo. muchas gracias. te quiero mucho.
olivia: you are like an older sister to me. every advice you give me is filled with incredible knowledge and wisdom. your words help me calm down even in the darkest of days, when my mind wanders through dangerous paths. i dont know of someone who has the ability and strenght to be as determined as you are, even when things arent going in your way and you want to give up. you are an example to follow. you have helped, and help still me, and others, a lot. i wholeheartedly thank you for all youve done to me and for sticking with me even when things got really sour. i care about you a lot. thank you.
Sabelette: youve given me a lot of important advice throughout the time we've known each-other. i started to understand more about myself and my conditions thanks to you; to your words of encouragement. i wholeheartedly thank you for all youve done for me. sometimes all i needed was someone to talk to, and most of the times, you were that person. even if probably, i should not have because it was probably uncomfortable. thank you for helping me a lot. i wish i, at least, could reciprocate at least 1% of the help youve given me.
@ cult: Theia abriel Luigi Happygate Hacker scionicle Mizuhime zoe TPP Aberforth Flying Beagle Lily Slowpoke Fan Vertigo Taka Dave @ everyone else: you guys have become important pieces of my life. i thank every and each one of you for what youve done to me and my friends, for giving me either important life lessons or helping me with something troublesome here in pokemon, or by giving me a chance to prove myself, or by allowing me to help with teambuilding. i wholeheartedly want to thank you all for the opportunity i was given of meeting and interacting with each one of you on a daily basis. i know im not the best presence, nor the happiest. im terribly sorry about this. i am struggling to improve, but i am trying. and i thank you all for allowing me to walk this path with all of you. for being incredible friends and persons. thank you all, thank you.
Eve: we met because i made a bad joke about lgpe and how i mistook it with bdsp. i think you laughed at me, and we just continued talking from there. much like nyx, youve become one of the friends i cherish and appreciate the most on this site; youre incredibly fun to talk to, even if we do it once in a fullmoon. your music taste is superb, too. you helped me slowly gain more trust about myself and how i should stop listening to my brain when it tells me not-so-pretty-stuff. i wouldnt be here if it werent because of your help. i want to thank you for all of this. i hope you're doing well.
ishtar: nos conocimos porque quería saber si de verdad hablabas español o no. resulta que sí lol. no hablamos mucho, pero quiero que sepas que aprecio los consejos que me has dado a lo largo de los meses, tanto personales como en mons. le agarré gran gusto y un cariño a PU gracias a ti; por enseñarme el formato, por inspirarme a buildear y por ayudarme a no rendirme. gracias a ti conocí a mucha gente maravillosa, gracias a ti conocí una tier maravillosa. espero de corazón que podamos seguir siendo amigas por mucho tiempo. muchas gracias. te quiero mucho.
olivia: you are like an older sister to me. every advice you give me is filled with incredible knowledge and wisdom. your words help me calm down even in the darkest of days, when my mind wanders through dangerous paths. i dont know of someone who has the ability and strenght to be as determined as you are, even when things arent going in your way and you want to give up. you are an example to follow. you have helped, and help still me, and others, a lot. i wholeheartedly thank you for all youve done to me and for sticking with me even when things got really sour. i care about you a lot. thank you.
Sabelette: youve given me a lot of important advice throughout the time we've known each-other. i started to understand more about myself and my conditions thanks to you; to your words of encouragement. i wholeheartedly thank you for all youve done for me. sometimes all i needed was someone to talk to, and most of the times, you were that person. even if probably, i should not have because it was probably uncomfortable. thank you for helping me a lot. i wish i, at least, could reciprocate at least 1% of the help youve given me.
@ cult: Theia abriel Luigi Happygate Hacker scionicle Mizuhime zoe TPP Aberforth Flying Beagle Lily Slowpoke Fan Vertigo Taka Dave @ everyone else: you guys have become important pieces of my life. i thank every and each one of you for what youve done to me and my friends, for giving me either important life lessons or helping me with something troublesome here in pokemon, or by giving me a chance to prove myself, or by allowing me to help with teambuilding. i wholeheartedly want to thank you all for the opportunity i was given of meeting and interacting with each one of you on a daily basis. i know im not the best presence, nor the happiest. im terribly sorry about this. i am struggling to improve, but i am trying. and i thank you all for allowing me to walk this path with all of you. for being incredible friends and persons. thank you all, thank you.
again, thank you for reading. have a good night.
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