Sol Invictus - A Sun Offense Team



Hi everyone, welcome to my second RMT for the BW2 metagame. As you can tell by the title, Sol Invictus is an offensive Sun team. I've played all types of weather teams before but never tried playing a Sun team until recently. The reason I generally dislike Sun teams is because Ninetales sucks and they are very dependent on Sunlight to win. Thus, it's pretty difficult to stray away from the typical Dugtrio-based offensive Sun team, but I tried as best as I could to do so. I wanted to build a Sun team that could hold its own even if Ninetales loses the weather war, and this is what I came up with.

The name "Sol Invictus" literally means "Invincible Sun" but despite what the name may suggest, this team is far from invincible. I've outlined the main threats I've encountered in the Threat List below and I'm hoping the Smogon community can help me patch these weaknesses.



NINETALES @ Leftovers
Drought | Modest (+SpA, -Atk)
56 HP / 252 SpA / 200 Spe
- Fire Blast
- Hidden Power Rock
- Sunny Day
- Roar

Ninetales is shit, but it's unfortunately the only OU Drought user so it gets a spot on this team by default. I'm fairly reckless with Ninetales against weatherless teams because it's generally not very useful against them. However, I'm much more conservative with it against other weather teams. I rarely attack with Ninetales while other weather inducers are still alive. All it usually does is switch in to get sunlight active and then switch out. Ninetales is extremely disadvantaged against other weather inducers because it's weak to both of their STABs. Sunny Day helps mitigate this by negating their weather on the switch, keeping momentum in my favor. Afterwards I will usually switch to Terrakion against Tyranitar or Venusaur/Lilligant against Politoed.

Fire Blast is the STAB move of choice for the extra power. The accuracy is a little off-putting but Ninetales needs all the power it can get with that mediocre base 81 special attack. Hidden Power Rock provides a secondary attacking option, which is great for breaking Heatran's Air Balloon and checking Volcarona. Roar is in the last slot to prevent things like Volcarona, Dragonite, and Latias from setting up on Ninetales. 200 speed EVs outrun +speed base 80s, such as Mamoswine. It also outruns most defensive Gliscor. Special attack is maxed to hit as hard as possible while the remaining EVs are allocated to HP for some extra bulk.


Chlorophyll | Naive (+Spe, -SpD)
92 Atk / 236 SpA / 180 Spe
- Sunny Day
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power Ice
- Earthquake

Venusaur is a fixture on Sun teams and with good reason. It has access to Chlorophyll and has all the right stats and moves to abuse it to the fullest. While most Sun teams use Venusaur as their main sweeper, it's primarily used as a supportive role on this team. Lilligant and Venusaur have a practically identical set of counters, such as Heatran and Dragonite. This set is able to lure and eliminate much of their usual counters, which clears the way for a late-game Lilligant sweep. Besides luring Lilligant's counters, Venusaur supports the rest of the team in many other ways. It's usually my primary revenge killer when Sunlight is active because it has the freedom to change moves, unlike Genesect, making it less prone to being setup on after revenge killing something. Furthermore, Venusaur's Poison typing allows it to absorb Toxic Spikes which plague Ninetales, Lilligant, and Terrakion. I opted for the Sunny Day set because I'm not using Dugtrio or a Rapid Spinner. This puts a ton of pressure on Ninetales to outlast opposing weather starters. Thankfully, Sunny Day Venusaur provides an alternative way of keeping Sunlight active if Ninetales falls early. What makes it even more effective is that opponents usually sacrifice their weather starter once Ninetales dies, which usually gives Venusaur the opportunity to setup Sunny Day and cancel out the opposing weather.

I generally use Giga Drain over SolarBeam for reliability. Plus, the recovery effect helps offset the Life Orb recoil. Sometimes the lack of power is a bit of a letdown so I occasionally use SolarBeam instead. However, the problem with SolarBeam is that it's very risky to use when other weather starters are alive and often leads to prediction games that I never win. Hidden Power Ice nails Dragon types like Dragonite and Salamence that are commonly used to check Venusaur and Lilligant. Earthquake is mainly for Heatran but it also hits other Steel types that resist Giga Drain and HP Ice. The speed EVs let Venusaur outspeed everything up to and including Choice Scarf Latios with Chlorophyll active. The attack EVs guarantee an OHKO with Earthquake on max HP Heatran after Stealth Rock. The remaining EVs are allocated to special attack to boost Giga Drain and HP Ice. Naive nature was chosen over Hasty because most priority moves used to revenge kill Venusaur are physical-based.


LILLIGANT @ Leftovers
Chlorophyll | Modest (+SpA, -Atk)
60 Def / 252 SpA / 196 Spe
- Sleep Powder
- Quiver Dance
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power Fire

Lilligant has grown to become one of my favorite Pokemon to use. Despite gaining much exposure on Stone_Cold's Sun team, it's still a very underrated Pokemon. Lilligant is a surprisingly effective sweeper that catches many people off guard. The main reason I picked Lilligant over other Chlorophyll sweepers is that it's not dependent on Chlorophyll to sweep. Sunlight just provides it with a nice speed boost so that it has an easier time setting up but it's more than capable of sweeping without it thanks to Quiver Dance. I almost always save Lilligant for a late game sweep, only using it early game to put something to sleep if necessary.

Quiver Dance is arguably the best setup move in the game and it allows Lilligant to sweep in just about any weather. Lilligant doesn't have many attacking options at its disposal but Giga Drain and HP Fire are really all it needs to sweep. Sleep Powder is a great move in general that shuts down counters and creates easy setup opportunities. The speed EVs let it outspeed Choice Scarf Latios with a Chlorophyll boost and also lets it outspeed Jolteon and Aerodactyl outside of Sunlight with +1 Quiver Dance. It also outspeeds neutral base 80s and +speed base 70s without any boosts. Special attack is maxed to hit as hard as possible while the Def EVs provide it with extra bulk to survive most priority attacks. Jolly LO Mamoswine's Ice Shard will never OHKO after SR while Adamant only has a small chance to do so. Mamoswine's Ice Shard is generally the strongest priority move that Lilligant will encounter so it's also capable of surviving other powerful priority attacks like Scizor's CB Bullet Punch and Breloom's Mach Punch.


GENESECT @ Choice Scarf
Download | Rash (+SpA, -SpD)
112 Atk / 156 SpA / 240 Spe
- U-turn
- Flamethrower
- Ice Beam
- Thunder

Yeah...this set is about as bog standard as it gets but Genesect is truly amazing on a Sun team. It's the team's scout and revenge killer. It checks many Pokemon that commonly trouble Sun teams, most notably the Lati twins and Dragonite, which are capable of walling Lilligant. Heatran is one of the biggest threats to Sun teams and it is also one of the few solid Genesect counters. Thus, Genesect is a phenomenal lure for it and can U-turn into Terrakion to threaten it with a CB Close Combat. Genesect is also an excellent Pokemon to lead with thanks to its fast U-turn. Thus, I will often lead with it against other weather teams since Ninetales' speed puts it at a disadvantageous match up against other weather starters.

The moveset is fairly standard. U-turn is used for scouting and is generally the move used most often. Thunder, Ice Beam, and Flamethrower provide excellent neutral coverage and can be used to revenge kill the likes of Gyarados, Dragonite, and Lucario. Flamethrower also gets a pseudo-STAB boost from the Sunlight. I'm using Thunder over Thunderbolt since it hits harder against Rain teams and gets the guaranteed OHKO on Tornadus-T after Stealth Rock. I adjusted the EVs to better fit the needs of this team. In particular, the attack EVs guarantee that U-turn OHKOs max HP Latias after SR (with the Download boost). I chose that benchmark because Latias is a huge threat to most Sun teams and mine is no exception. Because of Genesect's unique speed tier, I chose to only use enough speed to outrun +1 Adamant Haxorus in exchange for more power. There isn't much else that Genesect needs to outrun anyways. There's not much else I can say about Genesect. It does what it needs to do and it does it exceptionally well.


TERRAKION @ Choice Band
Justified | Jolly (+Spe, -SpA)
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- X-Scissor
- Quick Attack

This powerhouse has taken a huge nosedive in usage and I can't imagine why. It's still one of the deadliest Pokemon in the game. In general, Terrakion acts as the team's wall-breaker thanks to its ability to 2HKO almost anything with its STAB moves. It has excellent offensive synergy with its teammates. For example, Ninetales and Heatran commonly attract Tyranitar which often grants it a safe switch-in. Terrakion can then threaten Tyranitar or whatever comes in with its monstrous STAB moves. Likewise, Terrakion pairs well with Genesect and Lilligant because it can plow right through Blissey/Chansey and Heatran who would otherwise wall them. Terrakion is also my main check for Volcarona which is a pretty huge threat to this team.

Genesect in particular has superb offensive synergy with Terrakion because its U-turn often allows Terrakion to come in unscathed and threaten Heatran and Blissey that Genesect often lures in. In return, Genesect checks things like Celebi, Starmie, and Latios/Latias that are commonly used to check Terrakion. The moveset is standard. Close Combat and Stone Edge have excellent power and neutral coverage so they are usually the only moves I use. However, X-Scissor and Quick Attack have their niche uses. X-Scissor nails Psychic switch-ins while Quick Attack can be useful for picking off a weakened foe.


HEATRAN @ Air Balloon
Flash Fire | Timid (+Spe, -Atk)
252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power Ice
- Stealth Rock

The best Fire-type in the game feels right at home on a Sun team, especially one with 3 Fire weaknesses. This provides several opportunities to nab a free Flash Fire boost to bolster its Fire attacks to even greater heights. Under the Sunlight, even Fire resists risk being 2HKO'd by its boosted Magma Storm. Heatran's primary duty is to setup the all-important Stealth Rock which keeps threats like Dragonite and Volcarona at bay. Heatran also acts as a lure and trapper. Magma Storm, Heatran's signature move, makes an appearance on this team for its ability to trap its common switch ins, such as Politoed, Tyranitar, and Blissey. Once they are caught in the fiery vortex, I'll often bring in Terrakion and fire off a Close Combat while Venusaur or Lilligant can take advantage of Politoed. Although the effects of Magma Storm wear off when Heatran switches out, the momentum often remains in my favor.

Magma Storm's accuracy can be annoying at times but the utility it provides for this team merits using it over Fire Blast. Earth Power is for opposing Heatran but it also nails things like Terrakion and Tyranitar that often switch into Heatran. Hidden Power Ice rounds out coverage by hitting Dragon types that commonly resist Magma Storm and Earth Power. Air Balloon is the item of choice since it temporarily negates Heatran's quad Ground weakness and can come in handy for checking certain threats that rely on Earthquake to beat Heatran. It also prevents Dugtrio from trapping Heatran. Speed is maxed to at least tie with opposing Heatran as well as beating neutral base 80's like Dragonite and Gyarados.


Latias - CM Latias is definitely the biggest threat to this team. Genesect is my only check to it. If it gets too many boosts or if Genesect dies, I pretty much lose. Thus, I always try to conserve Genesect if I see that my opponent has Latias in his or her party.

Volcarona - HP Ground variants are the main threat. Heatran and Terrakion handle other versions fairly well (Terrakion has to watch out for random Giga Drains and LO Fire Blast), but Dugtrio is usually paired with Volcarona to take those two out. Keeping Heatran's Air Balloon in tact is important.

Tornadus-T - It's a nuisance since nothing on my team really likes taking a Hurricane. It's not as hard to deal with if Sun is active however.

Ninetales @ Leftovers
Trait: Drought
EVs: 56 HP / 252 SAtk / 200 Spd
Modest Nature
IVs: 30 Def / 30 SDef / 30 Spd / 2 Atk
- Fire Blast
- Hidden Power [Rock]
- Sunny Day
- Roar

Venusaur @ Life Orb
Trait: Chlorophyll
EVs: 92 Atk / 236 SAtk / 180 Spd
Naive Nature
- Sunny Day
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Earthquake

Lilligant @ Leftovers
Trait: Chlorophyll
EVs: 60 Def / 252 SAtk / 196 Spd
Modest Nature
IVs: 2 Atk / 30 SAtk / 30 Spd
- Sleep Powder
- Quiver Dance
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power [Fire]

Terrakion @ Choice Band
Trait: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- X-Scissor
- Quick Attack

Genesect @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Download
EVs: 112 Atk / 156 SAtk / 240 Spd
Rash Nature
- U-turn
- Flamethrower
- Ice Beam
- Thunder

Heatran @ Air Balloon
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
IVs: 3 Atk / 30 Def
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Stealth Rock
Hi Bribery you have a great team here to solve the problems that you said in your List Theath suggest you change your Terrakion for Choice Scarf with that you now have a good check of Volcarona Tornadus and taking OHKO T-Stone Edge and are slower than the Terrakion through the help of Choice Scarf also suggest changing your Genesect by a Scizor with this you can handle Calm Mind Latias which in turn usually load and Psyshock Dragon Pulse / Surf so that you can take it with U-Turn or Pursuit besides,also suggest that tried SolarBeam / Energy Ball Hidden Power in place of Figthing so you can tap into Gastrodon, Quagsire, Rotom-W,Team really cool, I have helped, Luvidisc for you

Terrakion @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Justified
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Nature Jolly (+ Spd,-Satk)
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- X-Scissor
- Earthquake

Scizor @ Choice Band
Trait: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spd
Adamant Nature (+ Atk,-Satk)
- Bullet Punch
- Pursuit
- U-Turn
- Superpower
Hey, great team, you have most threats covered well so I'll try to keep this short. To help you against HP Ground Volcarona and Bulk Up Conkeldurr (who sets-up on Terrakion in the appropriate move and OHKO-2HKOes everyone with Drain Punch / Mach Punch / Ice Punch), you should try a Tank Dragonite. It can take all of Volcarona's attacks really well and cripple it with Thunder Wave to let Terrakion come in and KO with Stone Edge. The thing is removing something from your team at this point will open you to more things. If I were to test it, I'd test it over Liligant, as it looks the most replaceable, with the role of a special sun sweeper already fulfilled by Venusaur. This Dragonite would also work as a lure of sorts for Terrakion as most people are quick to switch-in their physical walls like Gliscor and Skarmory to stop a Dragon Dance, and instead get smacked by a Draco Meteor or Fire Blast in the face, helping Terrakion terrorize the foe in the long run. Heatran will also appreciate the Paralysis support a lot, as it's not the fastest thing out there, and the paralysis will help it overcome the speed issue and abuse its power in the sun without the risk of being outsped. Finally, Conkeldurr is also demolished with a full power Draco Meteor once you lure out a Drain / Mach Punch. The item is up to you; I'd go for Draco Plate or Leftovers, to keep Multiscale preserved as long as possible. Draco Plate powers up D Meteor against Conkeldurr, while Leftovers have their use in the sand and hail. Life Orb is a choice too for more power, but negating Multiscale right off the bat after a move is used may not be ideal.

I was going to suggest the standard Mixed Dragonite as the Tank set is considered outclassed to it, and as it can lure out the same things and kill them for Terrakion as well as KO Conkeldurr. However, it can't do much against Volcarona as you have to sacrifice the last slot for Earthquake as the other moves won't do enough, which would mean no Roost. Earthquake itself won't KO Volcarona outright and you will be taking more from boosted Fiery Dance with no HP EVs making it a more shaky check. IMO, Tank Dragonite is tailored well for your team. About your fear of Tornadus-T and Latias.. Genesect will be of great value against them, and should be enough if you save Genesect for them from Team Preview, and revenge them with the right move. Against the former, keep the sun up and SR up, so Hurricane will be more manageable and SR will ensure it thinks twice before switching out from a revenge kill from Genesect.

Also, Hidden Power Rock Volcarona looks problematic as well if it has Fire Blast, which KOes Terrakion under the sun. Consider trying Toxic over one of Heatran's moves (HP Ice or Earth Power).


Dragonite (F) @ Draco Plate / Leftovers / Life Orb
Ability: Multiscale
Nature: Modest
EVs: 248 HP / 248 SpA / 12 Spe
Draco Meteor
Flamethrower / Fire Blast
Thunder Wave
Hi bribery, nice sun team !

I definitively agree with afterburn's idea, but here are some other changes you can try :
A: Using Taunt and Fire blast on Heatran
Taunt is kinda useful against CMlatias and it can helps you to like bring Terrakion on Blissey without being toxic'd / paralyzed or simply beat it 1v1 as he can't recover. ( and Volcarona without hp ground will be less threatening ) Fire blast over Magma Storm simply because it's a more reliable stabb move than MS ( and i don't find it that useful )

B: SR > Quick attack
If you try Tauntran, it will looks like FB / Taunt / Hp ice / EP, you still need a SR user, Quick attack is not really essential for Terrakion. You can maybe use SR on EP but...It doesn't sounds that good.

C: Using a more defensive spread on Heatran
If you're against a Tornadus-T, Tran is gonna be your best way to tank a Specs'd Hurricane, putting some ev's in BW can help.
Great suggestions everyone! I'll probably end up going with a more defensive Heatran since it doesn't change the team as much, but I'll definitely test all the suggestions and see which works best.
Hey I like this a lot. I've been testing it and I changed on Venusaur sunny day for growth and giga drain for energy ball and it works really good I get more wins and more sweeps :D Nice team Luvdisc'ed

I really like this team. I only have one suggestion. You might not like it, but I do think it will help you with your sun team weakness. You see, most sun teams hate Heatran. So why not put a shed shell on it? Shed Shell means that Duggy can't trap it and Volcarona is no longer a threat to your team. Air Balloon is nice, but you can deal with most EQ users anyways with Gene (although nothing on your team likes taking EQ... but hell if Air Balloon broke it would still hold true). Good Luck!


That's a neat idea but I think Air Balloon would be better in general. Shed Shell is pretty limited to only Dugtrio.

Thanks for the suggestion and Luvdisc :)

Hey I like this a lot. I've been testing it and I changed on Venusaur sunny day for growth and giga drain for energy ball and it works really good I get more wins and more sweeps :D Nice team Luvdisc'ed

Glad you like the team and thanks for the Luvdisc! I had Growth Venusaur in the earlier version of the team but I found that it didn't sweep as often as I liked. Growth Venusaur is pretty dependent on Sunlight to sweep. Using Ninetales without a spinner or Dugtrio means it'll most likely lose the weather war.
Hey Bribery awesome looking sun team here! I have little to no expereince with sun but i will try and rate this anyway.

Ok so the three main threats to your team are Volcarona, Tornadus-T and Latias. They are all quite common threats to sun teams as well. Another option for a scarf pokemon is Landorus-I>Genesect Landorus when equiped by a scarf gives you a great revenge killer much like Genesect but also a pokemon that can weaken Latias with U-Turn and beat Volcarona and Tornadus-T with Stone Edge. Landorous also gives you a pokemon to combat sand teams, in the cases where you can't keep your weather up. Also seeing as you dont have Genesect with Ice Beam Hidden Power [Ice] on Landorus helps alot when encountering dragons and Gliscor.

Thats all think of good luck and i hope i helped!



Landorus @ Choice Scarf | Sand Force
Niave | 252 Atk/ 4 SpA / 252 Spd
Stone Edge | U-Turn| Earthqauke| Hidden Power [Ice]

Hey Bribery awesome looking sun team here! I have little to no expereince with sun but i will try and rate this anyway.

Ok so the three main threats to your team are Volcarona, Tornadus-T and Latias. They are all quite common threats to sun teams as well. Another option for a scarf pokemon is Landorus-I>Genesect Landorus when equiped by a scarf gives you a great revenge killer much like Genesect but also a pokemon that can weaken Latias with U-Turn and beat Volcarona and Tornadus-T with Stone Edge. Landorous also gives you a pokemon to combat sand teams, in the cases where you can't keep your weather up. Also seeing as you dont have Genesect with Ice Beam Hidden Power [Ice] on Landorus helps alot when encountering dragons and Gliscor.

Thats all think of good luck and i hope i helped!


Landorus @ Choice Scarf | Sand Force
Niave | 252 Atk/ 4 SpA / 252 Spd
Stone Edge | U-Turn| Earthqauke| Hidden Power [Ice]


Thanks for the suggestion and comments :D Landorus would help a lot against Volcarona but it can't really handle Latias quite like Genesect can. Landorus' U-turn only has a small chance to 2HKO max HP Latias so it can easily Roost/Recover off the damage.
I know this is a semi random bump, but you could use CB dragonite over lilligant to take on volcarona much better and have strong priority for Tornadus-T.

Or if you are as stupid as me you would use zapdos over lilligant with thunderbolt/HP ice or heat wave/toxic/roost and lots of special defense to toxic latias and wall tornadus-t.

If you are stupider than me you could use SpD lanturn over lilligant to beat therians, toxic latias, and toxic volcarona.
Sorry for the late reply, I was pretty busy and had little time to actually test some of the suggestions.

Tank Dragonite and CB Dragonite over Lilligant both worked well for dealing with Volcarona but the main issue I had with them was Stealth Rock. Having 2 SR weak Pokemon on a team without a spinner simply wasn't working, and it was pretty hard keeping Multiscale intact. I also missed having Lilligant's Sleep Powder and ability to sweep in just about any weather condition.

CB Scizor & Scarf Terrakion over Genesect and CB Terrakion patched up the weaknesses on the threat list very effectively. However, that change made stall much more difficult to handle. The change also made me a bit more HP Fire Latias/Lucario weak.

I'll probably end up sticking Taunt and/or Toxic somewhere on Heatran to handle CM Latias and Volcarona a bit better but its moveset is pretty full as is.