Battle Spot Snorlax


BSS Circuit Co-host
is a Metagame Resource Contributor Alumnus
Changing the formatting of the previous Snorlax analysis written by Ika Ika Musume, huge shoutouts to him for the work he has done for this huge analysis and over a dozen other analyses. I am requesting he also get writing credits for this analysis.

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Body Slam / Facade
move 2: Iron Head / Heavy Slam
move 3: Heat Crash / Fire Punch
move 4: Thunder Punch / Ice Punch / Superpower
item: Assault Vest
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def


* Assault Vest Snorlax primarily serves as a Swiss Army knife check to a variety of the most threatening setup sweepers in the metagame.

* Body Slam or Facade serves as Snorlax's main STAB move, the latter of which is used on teams with less status control.

* Steel-type coverage enables Snorlax to augment its Defense with Max Steelspike. Iron Head has the advantage of hitting Dynamaxed Pokemon, while Heavy Slam does more damage, OHKOing Mimikyu after breaking Disguise.

* Heat Crash is the preferred move choice over Fire Punch due to its significantly higher damage output against Ferrothorn, Aegislash, Excadrill, and Corviknight. Notably, it guarantees the OHKO on Excadrill and the 2HKO on Ferrothorn and Aegislash. However, it cannot hit Dynamaxed foes, unlike Fire Punch.

* Thunder Punch is the most common fourth move option, used in order to check Gyarados and do significant damage against bulky Water-types when using Max Lightning, especially under Electric Terrain.

* Alternatively, Ice Punch allows Snorlax to OHKO most Dragapult sets with Max Hailstorm. Be wary of facing against Dynamaxed physical Weakness Policy Dragapult, which can beat Snorlax by causing Attack drops with Max Wyrmwind to get an easy Weakness Policy activation.

* Superpower can be used if you have alternative checks to Gyarados and allows Snorlax to augment its Attack with Max Knuckle.

* The given EV spread maximizes attacking potential on non-boosting sets while giving the most relevant bulk investment in Defense. Snorlax's already high HP stat means it benefits more from Defense stat investment.

name: Yawn Support
move 1: Yawn
move 2: Body Slam / Fissure
move 3: Heat Crash / Iron Head
move 4: Protect / Counter / Heat Crash
item: Leftovers / Figy Berry
ability: Thick Fat / Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD


* Snorlax can invest heavily in bulk in order to become a particularly difficult wall to break, which pairs really well with Yawn to phaze foes and scout out the opposing team.

* Body Slam deals heavy damage to most neutral targets despite lacking offensive investment and has an added benefit of paralyzing foes as well.

* Heat Crash pairs best with Body Slam in order to damage Steel-types effectively, like Ferrothorn and Corviknight.

* Fissure can be opted for in combination with Iron Head, giving Snorlax an ability to boost both its Special Defense with Max Quake and its Defense with Max Steelspike. Fissure also allows Snorlax to stallbreak, which is particularly helpful for beating Pokemon that can ignore Yawn or take too little from Snorlax's other attacks.

* Snorlax also opts for a Steel-type coverage move if running 3 attacks, where Iron Head is the preferred option to break Mimikyu's Disguise even if it's Dynamaxed.

* Protect allows Snorlax to survive a second hit from Dynamax attackers after using Yawn without needing to Dynamax itself. This is best paired with Leftovers to augment passive recovery.

* Counter can be used to punish U-turn users that try to avoid falling asleep through Yawn, such as Galarian Darmanitan, and also allows Snorlax to surprise KO Fighting-types like Conkeldurr that are otherwise natural checks to Yawn Snorlax.

* Thick Fat is used over Gluttony when using Protect and Leftovers, allowing Snorlax to switch into Galarian Darmanitan more easily. Gluttony can be used with Figy Berry and Gigantamax forme to replenish berries for more longevity, particularly since this Snorlax set is very difficult to break.

* Ideally, Dynamax should be reserved for its teammates while Snorlax racks up chip damage and puts foes to sleep to help other Dynamax Pokemon sweep, but it can be used in a pinch to survive hits and sweep Snorlax-weak teams.

* This spread gives Snorlax maximum physical bulk and provides a good HP stat for both Leftovers and berry recovery.

name: Rest Sweeper
move 1: Curse
move 2: Rest
move 3: Body Slam
move 4: Heat Crash / Heavy Slam
item: Chesto Berry
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def


* ChestoRest Gigantamax Snorlax is a potent offensive and stallbreaking set that can absorb status and set up boosts with Curse on passive foes.

* Body Slam is generally the move of choice on Chesto Berry sets due to Rest curing status ailments and G-Max Replenish recovering the berry. It is possible to drop Body Slam for better coverage against Ghost-types, opting for Heavy Slam here instead.

* Heat Crash allows Snorlax to break Ferrothorn, Corviknight, and other walls that may attempt to switch in.

* Alternatively, Heavy Slam allows Snorlax to neutrally hit Ghost-type Pokemon while augmenting its Defense with Max Steelspike.

* Heat Crash and Heavy Slam are better options than Fire Punch and Iron Head for their more potent power.

* Other options for a secondary attacking move on this set include Darkest Lariat, Earthquake, and Thunder Punch.

* Thick Fat is almost always the ability used, as it allows Snorlax to better take on Pokemon locked into Fire- or Ice-type moves such as Galarian Darmanitan and Choice-locked Hydreigon.

* Be wary of Misty and Electric Terrain, which can be set by Pokemon such as Mimikyu and Dracozolt to block Rest and combat Snorlax's healing.

* Use Dynamax in order to regain Snorlax's Chesto Berry with G-Max Replenish after expending it to heal with Rest. If needed, Dynamaxing can also be used to survive important hits or improve damage rolls in specific instances.

EV Spreads

* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: The given EVs are designed to deal as much physical damage as possible while also augmenting Snorlax's mediocre physical bulk. 4 Speed EVs can be used over HP EVs to outspeed other Snorlax, getting off an early Curse to survive two hits of Assault Vest Snorlax's Max Strike into Rest.

* 220 HP / 212 Def / 76 SpD with a Careful nature: This spread provides mixed bulk with more Special Defense that can be used to successfully beat Nasty Plot sweepers.

* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with a Careful nature: This spread is a more defensive take on this Snorlax set, allowing Snorlax to have maximum bulk for ease of setting up Curse.

name: Belly Drum
move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Body Slam / Facade
move 3: Iron Head / Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Darkest Lariat
item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


* This Snorlax set takes advantage of Snorlax's immense natural bulk to surprise sweep opposing teams using Belly Drum.

* Gigantamax Snorlax takes advantage of berry recycling by using Belly Drum to maximize Attack and then regaining its berry through G-Max Replenish, allowing it to keep a substantial amount of health while OHKOing most foes with a +6 Attack STAB move.

* Body Slam is the typical STAB move, but Facade can be opted for to improve Snorlax's matchup versus opponents with status moves.

* Iron Head is preferred over Heavy Slam to guarantee hits against Dynamaxed foes without requiring Dynamax.

* Earthquake can be opted in order to augment Snorlax's Special Defense with Max Quake and hit Toxapex super effectively.

* Fire Punch is chosen to get an OHKO after Belly Drum against Ferrothorn and Corviknight.

* Darkest Lariat over Fire Punch allows Snorlax to beat foe Curse Snorlax sets when switching in and otherwise helps with complementary coverage alongside its STAB move.

* Recycle is another option on bulkier spreads to heal up against weak attackers or stall out Dynamax.

EV Spreads

* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with an Impish nature: This is a full physical bulk spread, allowing Snorlax to survive hits more easily while setting up Belly Drum.

* 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD with an Impish nature: This spread is a generalist physically bulky spread used for tanking strong physical attackers while setting up Curse.

* 4 Atk / 252 Def / 252 Spe with a Jolly nature: This spread is designed to outspeed slower Corviknight and other slower foes, specifically allowing Snorlax to use Belly Drum and beat Iron Defense Corviknight variants.

* 180 HP / 76 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: This investment guarantees a 2HKO with Darkest Lariat against Iron Defense Corviknight sets.

* 212 HP / 252 Def / 44 Spe with an Impish nature: These EVs allow Snorlax to outspeed Toxapex, preventing it from using Haze the turn after Snorlax uses Belly Drum, and is used in combination with Earthquake. Immunity can be opted for with this spread to cleanly sweep the opposing team by setting up on Toxapex.

name: Defensive Recycle
move 1: Curse
move 2: Recycle
move 3: Heat Crash / Darkest Lariat / Earthquake
move 4: Iron Head / Heavy Slam / Body Slam
item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD


* Snorlax's Recycle sets allow it to get multiple healing opportunities without having to use Rest, giving it an edge over foes not using status to stop it.

* Heat Crash allows Snorlax to beat Steel-types that would otherwise wall it. Heat Crash is used over Fire Punch in order to get important rolls against non-Dynamaxed foes.

* Darkest Lariat can be used in order to ignore opposing setup sweeper boosts, helping it win in the mirror or against other Bulk Up, Curse, or Iron Defense walls.

* Earthquake is another serviceable alternative to Heat Crash, allowing Snorlax to boost its Special Defense with Max Quake while also effectively hitting Steel-types, excluding Ferrothorn and Corviknight.

* Iron Head lets Snorlax hit Fairy-types super effectively while also gaining Defense boosts with Max Steelspike. It is generally used over Heavy Slam to always break even Dynamaxed Mimikyu's Disguise without being forced to immediately Dynamax.

* Body Slam can be used in combination with its Gigantamax forme, having a chance to reuse its Figy Berry while also putting on offensive pressure. However, this can leave Snorlax vulnerable to Ghost-types like Mimikyu.

* Dynamax should be used to help defeat foes Snorlax cannot wall, such as Taunt Corviknight, even after already setting up or in late-game scenarios to sweep.

EV Spreads

* 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD with an Impish nature: This generalist physically bulky spread can be used for tanking strong physical attacks while setting up Curse.

* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: The given EVs are designed to deal as much physical damage as possible while also augmenting Snorlax's mediocre Defense. 4 Speed EVs can be used over HP EVs to outspeed other Snorlax, getting off a Curse first to survive two hits of opposing Assault Vest Snorlax's Max Strike before using Rest to heal the damage.

* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with a Careful nature: A Careful nature helps Snorlax better wall special attacking threats, allowing it to have maximum bulk for ease of setting up Curse.

* 220 HP / 212 Def / 76 SpD with a Careful nature: A mixed bulk spread with more Special Defense is an alternative to more successfully beat Nasty Plot sweepers.

General Team Options

Snorlax benefits from bulky pivots that can bring it into good matchups, as well as Pokemon that can deal with Corviknight, Snorlax's main check. It also has type synergy with Ghost-types, which can switch in against predicted Fighting-type coverage. Finally, for sets that do not run Rest or Facade, Snorlax can benefit from teammates that can absorb status.

* Bulky Pivots: :corviknight: :incineroar: :toxapex:
* Corviknight checks: :rotom-heat: :rotom-wash: :dracozolt:
* Ghost-types: :dragapult: :mimikyu: :aegislash:
* Status absorbers: :conkeldurr: :milotic:

- Written by: [[1_TrickPhony, 434111], [Ika Ika Musume, 165529]
- Quality checked by: [[greilmercenary9, 336524], [Marilli, 70760]]
- Grammar checked by: [[kt3, 228482]]
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Going to use this post as a changelog

1. Order of sets.
2. Assault Vest set changed to new format, put as #1 set.
3. AV finished
4. Chesto Resto made to #2 set, currently has a main offensive spread with 2 fully defensive spreads
5. Belly Drum completed, made #3 set.
6. Yawn support made set #4, still WIP.
7. Curse Rest set added, as #5.

Here is Ika's original post
name: Recycle Sets
move 1: Recycle
move 2: Curse / Yawn
move 3: Heat Crash / Heavy Slam / Body Slam
move 4: Darkest Lariat / Earthquake
item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony
nature: Impish
Evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe

Snorlax is one of if not the most versatile pokemon in the Battle Stadium Singles meta after Dragapult and finds itself a stable player on many a top team due to its impressive bulk, unpredictability, utility and offensive threat. This set covers the myriad of Recycle options that Snorlax has. Recycle is the key move on this set, allowing Snorlax consistent recovery with Figy Berry whenever its HP falls under 50% due to Gluttony. Past this, there is an option of either Curse + Recycle or Yawn + Recycle. The former gives Snorlax more offensive threat as Snorlax is bulky enough to boost on a sizeable portion of the metagame due to its excellent bulk. The latter allows Snorlax to phase around the opponents team and be a support for your team. Then there are two coverage moves chosen out Snorlax's wide movepool and these are generally chosen based on the needs of the team composition, so any move mentioned can be used on any set. It should be noted before talking about coverage that, if running a normal move, Snorlax benefits off its Gigantamax form.

The most common three moves used as attacks on Recycle Snorlax are Heat Crash, Heavy Slam, and Body Slam. Heat Crash hits Corviknight, Excadrill and Ferrothorn super effectively, whilst Heavy Slam allows Snorlax to battle Togekiss, Mimikyu and Sylveon and is a source of Max Steelspike. It should be noted that both of these moves do not hit opposing pokemon in Dynamax Form because they are weight based moves, so there is an option on Snorlax to replace Heat Crash with Fire Punch and Heavy Slam with Iron Head, though these moves deal slightly less damage depending on the scenario. Body Slam is generally the preferred STAB on Snorlax, spreading Paralysis on the opponents team whilst changing into a stronger Gmax-Replenish, which gives Snorlax a 50% chance to recover its berry whenever used. Facade and Double Edge are both options as a Normal STAB, the former taking advantage of burns that Snorlax tends to get whilst the latter allows Snorlax to manipulate its own health into Berry range and hits harder than Body Slam. Darkest Lariat is another common option that allows Snorlax to ignore the defence boosts of opposing Curse Snorlax, Iron Defence Corviknight without Taunt and Curse Ferrothorn, allowing Snorlax to better combat these pokemon. Earthquake is another alternative, which hits Excadrill and Dracozolt super effectively and Snorlax also benefits off Max Quake giving Special Defence Boosts. Other niche team specific techs include Counter and Body Press, which are worth consideration when running this set.

The EVs can wildly vary, but a common spread on this sort of set is Max HP and Max Defence Impish Nature. This gives Snorlax the most possible physical defence, making it very tough to KO and therefore allowing multiple Yawns and Curses and its special defensive bulk is more than serviceable with just HP investment.

When it comes to teammates, Snorlax can work well with a wide variety of pokemon, however it does benefit most pokemon that are better able to break through Corviknight, Toxapex and Hippowdon which it can struggle to dent. Rotom-Wash is generally a very solid partner for this reason. Snorlax generally dislikes strong fighting moves from the likes of Galarian Darmanitan, Aegislash and Conkeldurr. Mimikyu pairs great with Snorlax as it gives the possibility of Trick Room as well as a fighting immunity, checking a choice locked Darmanitan and Conkeldurr whilst trading with Aegislash.

name: 3 Attacks
move 1: Yawn / Curse / Belly Drum
move 2: Body Slam / Facade
move 3: Iron Head / Heavy Slam
move 4: Fire Punch / Heat Crash / Thunder Punch
item: Figy Berry / Leftovers
ability: Gluttony / Thick Fat / Immunity
nature: Adamant
Evs: 4 Hp / 252 Atk / 252 Def

When Snorlax forgoes recycle, generally its role within a team turns more offensive. Yawn/Curse + 3 attacks Snorlax is generally a suicide lead, designed to blow holes into the opponents team very early on in the game. Common 3 attacks Snorlax coverage is Normal + Steel + Fire, which covers nearly the entire Metagame, the combined coverage only being resisted by the relatively rare Chandelure and Jellicent. Leftovers can be used over a bulky berry on 3 attacks sets, for both helping drain the timer on Cartridge as well as allowing Snorlax to run one of its other two abilities. Thick Fat allows Snorlax to Check Rotom-Heat and Charizard better whilst Immunity can give Snorlax a free turn if the opponent chooses to Toxic Snorlax. These sets are commonly max attack Adamant Nature with Max Defence, giving Snorlax a combination of offensive pressure with its base 110 attack and bulk. This sort of Snorlax Set likes to be paired up with sweepers in the back that it can enable with its chip damage or yawn such as Togekiss and Hydreigon.

Belly Drum is another option that can be ran in this slot to potentially sweep teams. With Belly Drum, Snorlax's power spikes to the point where it can OHKO pokemon through Dynamax and therefore Iron Head and Fire Punch are generally preferred over Heavy Slam and Heat Crash. Thunder Punch is a valid option for Belly Drum over Fire Punch, specifically for hitting Haze Toxapex and Milotic. Gluttony is always the preferred ability due to the HP loss of Belly Drum and 4 HP is used to guarantee Bulky Berry recovery after hitting Belly Drum. Asides from this, the EV spread above can be used but alternatively Belly Drum Snorlax can be run as a stallbreaker on stall weak teams or stalls themselves with Max Attack and Max Speed with a Jolly Nature or as a Trick Room threat paired with Mimikyu or Hatterene as a setter with Max Attack and Max Defence with a Brave Nature and 0 speed IVs.

Gigantamax is preferred on both sets due to Gmax-Replenish having the potential to give recovery whilst in Dynamax Form.

name: Resto-Chesto Gmax
move 1: Curse
move 2: Rest
move 3: Body Slam
move 4: Heat Crash / Heavy Slam / Earthquake
item: Chesto Berry
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
Evs: 4 Hp / 252 Atk / 252 Def

Resto-Chesto Gigantamax Snorlax is another potent stall breaking Snorlax Set. Chesto berry allows Snorlax to block opposing yawn cycling as well as absorb status from moves such as Toxic and Will-o-Wisp whilst setting up and then use Rest to recover off this status. Normally this set would not be reliable enough in its recovery due to the down time of rest to be a decent alternative to Bulky Berry + Recycle sets, however Snorlax's Gmax-Replenish allows Snorlax to recover its Chesto Berry and use Rest after Gigantamax is over. Body Slam is generally the move of choice on Resto-Chesto sets due to this, however sometimes Heavy Slam + Heat Crash can be used for better coverage but sacrificing the ability to wake up instantly after resting. Other major options on this set include Earthquake, Darkest Lariat, and Thunder Punch.

Rest also serves a secondary purpose in conjunction with Body Slam, in that it can spread Paralysis through opposing stall pokemon whilst stalling out PP with Rest, allowing other pokemon such as Serene Grace Togekiss to sweep through these teams. Thick Fat is almost always the ability of choice as it allows Snorlax to better take on pokemon locked into Fire/Ice Type moves such as Darmanitan-Galar and Specs/Scarf Hydreigon. You can use the other attacking moves mentioned based on the coverage your team needs. When stallbreaking with this set, Fissure can help break through pokemon that would otherwise wall Snorlax such as Toxapex and Quagsire. The EVs are generally Max Attack/Defence Adamant nature as Rest will recover Snorlax to full irrespective of its current HP as opposed to its recycle sets. This Snorlax set generally does not care too much about Rotom-Formes so can be a great partner to Togekiss or Gyarados which is primarily checked by Rotom.

name: AV
move 1: Body Slam / Facade
move 2: Thunder Punch
move 3: Heavy Slam
move 4: Heat Crash / Earthquake / Hammer Arm
item: Assault Vest
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
Evs: 4 Hp / 252 Atk / 252 Def

Assault Vest Snorlax primarily serves as a swiss army knife check to a wide variety of the most threatening set-up sweepers in the tier. Body Slam/Facade is Snorlax's main STAB and unlike other Snorlax sets, Gigantamax is not preferred due to wanting the speed drop from Max Strike. Thunder Punch allows Snorlax to Counter-Dynamax vs. Gyarados and KO with Max Lightning. Heavy Slam and Iron Head are used to combat Togekiss and Mimikyu. The last move can be Heat Crash or Fire Punch for Corviknight and Ferrothorn, Earthquake for Aegislash or Hammer Arm for Hydreigon and Tyranitar. All the moves in the last slot also hit Excadrill super effectively. Adamant nature with 252 attack and 252 defence is preferred for the combined bulk and maximum power. AV Snorlax can help check the Dynamax of significant stall breakers for stall teams containing pokemon such as Toxapex, Quagsire and Corviknight, allowing these pokemon to do their job after Dynamax is traded. It is also a solid stopper that can be generally ran on most teams that fear opposing setup.
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So this is a set layout me and greilmercenary9 discussed a few weeks ago None of the EV spreads or set order or whatever are final, but this is where we got. Big thing is. Snorlax needs a LOT of sets. Me and him really didn't want to do stuff like slash set up moves with other moves because it dramaitcally changes the set's playstyle.

Snorlax is a really tricky analysis no matter what format you use, its got a bazillion EV spreads, set varients, etc. If you don't want to do every set, let me know and we can get a collaberation going on here!

Here's the sets we discussed last time.

Name: Defensive Curse
move 1: Curse
Move 2: Recycle / Rest
move 3: Darkest Lariat
move 4: Body Slam / Facade / Heavy Slam
item: Figy Berry / Chesto Berry
ability: Gluttony / Thick Fat
nature: Careful / Impish
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD

Name: Offensive Curse
move 1: Curse
Move 2: Body Slam / Facade / Double-Edge
move 3: Iron Head / Heavy Slam
move 4: Fire Punch / Heat Crash / Earthquake / Thunder Punch
item: Leftovers / Sitrus Berry / Figy Berry
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def

Name: Yawn Support
move 1: Yawn
Move 2: Recycle
move 3: Body Slam / Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Thunder Punch
item: Figy Berry / Sitrus Berry / Leftovers
ability: Gluttony / Thick Fat
nature: Impish / Careful
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD

Name: Belly Drum
move 1: Belly Drum
Move 2: Body Slam
move 3: Darkest Lariat / Iron Head
move 4: Iron Head / Recycle
item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony
nature: Impish
Evs: 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD

Name: Assault Vest
move 1: Body Slam / Facade
Move 2: Heavy Slam / Iron Head
move 3: Thunder Punch / Heat Crash / Fire Punch
move 4: Heat Crash / Fire Punch / Hammer Arm / Brick Break
item: Assault Vest
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def
Planned sets, in order

1. AV
2. Curse Chesto Resto Offensive
3. Belly Drum
4. Defensive Yawn Support
5. Curse Recycle Defensive (with the slash you have for chesto rest)

Hope this works! I'll get it done post BSPL week.
name: Offensive Assault Vest
move 1: Body Slam / Facade
move 2: Iron Head / Heavy Slam
move 3: Heat Crash / Fire Punch
move 4: Thunder Punch / Ice Punch / Earthquake
item: Assault Vest
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def


* Assault Vest Snorlax primarily serves as a "swiss-army knife" check to a wide variety of the most threatening set-up sweepers in the tier.

* Body Slam or Facade serve Snorlax's main STAB, the latter of which being used on teams with less status control.

* Steel type coverage allows Snorlax to augment its defense when using Max Steelspike, and allows it to severely damage Mimikyu while giving it neutral coverage against Dragapult. Iron Head helps alleviate the guessing of Dynamax, allowing you to always hit Dynamax form Pokemon, while Heavy Slam does more damage to non-Dynamax opponents, guaranteeing an OHKO on regular form Mimikyu after breaking Disguise.

(Wordy. I know not a QC thing but I would recommend cutting out the wordiness by being direct (allows it to severely damage Mimikyu -> OHKOes Mimikyu, etc.)

* Heat Crash is the preferred move choice over Fire Punch due to its significantly higher damage output against Ferrothorn, Aegislash, Excadrill, and Corviknight. Notably, it guarantees the OHKO on Excadrill, and the 2HKO on Ferrothorn and Aegislash.

* Thunder Punch is the last move choice in order to effectively counter Gyarados and do significant damage against bulky Water-types when using Max Lightning, particularly when Electric Terrain is active.

* Ice Punch allows Snorlax to OHKO most Dragapult sets while using Dynamax. However, do be wary of facing against physical Dynamax Dragapult, who can beat Snorlax regardless by causing Attack drops and giving an easy Weakness Policy activation

* Earthquake can be used if you have alternative checks to Gyarados, and allows you to hit Toxapex, Dragapult, and Dracozolt better than other attacking options.

* The given EV spread maximizes attacking potential for the non-boosting sets, while giving the most relevant bulk investment in Defense (while Assault Vest augments Special Defense). Defense investment is more useful in improving overall damage reduction when compared to investing in HP.

name: "Resto-Chesto" Curse Sweeper
move 1: Curse
move 2: Rest
move 3: Body Slam
move 4: Heat Crash / Heavy Slam

item: Chesto Berry
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def

These slashes imply the option to drop Body Slam - and thus not benefit from Gigantamax at all. It is changed as such.


* Rest with Chesto Berry Gigantamax Snorlax is another potent offensive and stall breaking Snorlax set, allowing it to absorb status and set up massive Attack and Defense boosts on passive foes.

* Body Slam is generally the move of choice on Resto-Chesto sets (implied) due to Rest curing status ailments and Gmax form recovering the berry.

* Heat Crash allows Snorlax to break Ferrothorn, Corviknight, and other walls that may attempt to switch-in.

* Heavy Slam allows Snorlax to neutrally hit Ghost-type Pokemon, while augmenting defense while using Max Steelspike.

* Heat Crash and Heavy Slam are chosen over Fire Punch and Iron Head for its more potent attack power. (+1 Heat Crash OHKOs Ferrothorn, which I find quite relevant)

* Other options for a secondary attacking move on this set include Darkest Lariat, Earthquake, and Thunder Punch.

* Thick Fat is almost always the ability of choice as it allows Snorlax to better take on Pokemon locked into Fire or Ice Type moves such as Darmanitan-Galar and choice locked Hydreigon.

* Use Dynamax primarily in order to regain your Chesto Berry with Gmax Replenish after you have already expended it to heal with Rest. If needed, it can also be used to survive important hits or improve damage rolls in specific instances

EV Spreads

* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def Adamant: The given EVs are designed to deal as much physical damage as possible while also augmenting Snorlax's mediocre Defense bulk. 4 Speed EVs can be used over HP EVs to outspeed other Snorlax, getting off an early Curse to survive two hits of Assault Vest Snorlax's Max Strike into Rest.

* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Careful: A more defensive take on this Snorlax set, allowing it to have maximum bulk for ease of setting up Curse.

* 220 HP / 212 Def / 76 SpD Careful: Another mixed bulk spread, with more Special Defense to more successfully beat Nasty Plot sweepers. Mention specifics (Togekiss, Rotom)

name: Belly Drum 3 Attacks
move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Body Slam / Facade
move 3: Iron Head / Heavy Slam / Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Heat Crash / Thunder Punch
item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony / Immunity
nature: Adamant
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def


* This Snorlax set takes advantage of Snorlax's immense natural bulk to surprise sweep opposing teams using Belly.

* Snorlax-Gmax takes advantage of its Gmax berry recycling by using Belly Drum to maximize Attack, then regaining its berry through Gmax Replenish, allowing it to keep a substantial amount of health while OHKOing most opponents that are hit with a +6 Attack STAB.

* Body Slam is the typical STAB, but Facade can be opted for to improve matchup versus opponents with status moves.

* Iron Head is preferred over Heavy Slam to guarantee hits against Dynamax without requiring the need for using Dynamax or Gigantamax yourself, but Heavy Slam usually has higher base power.

* Earthquake can be opted in order to augment Special Defense and hit Toxapex super effectively.

* The last move slot typically uses a Fire STAB. Fire Punch is the preferred to guarantee hits, but Heat Crash will usually have higher base power.

* You can use Thunder Punch to improve the matchup against Gyarados and bulky Water-types, if the rest of your team struggles against them.

EV Spreads

* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def Adamant: Generalist spread that allows you to tank physical hits while hitting hard using Dynamax/Gigantamax

* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly: Designed to outspeed slower Corviknight and other slow walls, specifically allowing you to Belly Drum and beat Iron Defense Corviknight variants.

* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Def / 4 SpD / 44 Spe Adamant: Outspeeds Toxapex, preventing it from using Haze the turn after you Belly Drum. Immunity can be opted for with this spread, to cleanly sweep Toxapex opponents.

I disagree with 252 Atk investments on these spreads. Generally you are hitting so hard you want to just rotate some into bulk, especially for the Turbolax sets - 0 bulk EVs really hurts its odds of setting up)

name: Yawn Support
move 1: Yawn
move 2: Body Slam
move 3: Heat Crash / Iron Head
move 4: Protect / Counter / Heat Crash
item: Leftovers / Figy Berry
ability: Thick Fat / Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD


* Snorlax can invest heavily in overall bulk in order to become a particularly difficult wall to break, which pairs really well with Yawn on this set to phaze opponents and scout opposing team selection.

* Body Slam is Snorlax's STAB of choice, dealing heavy damage to most neutral targets despite lacking offensive investment.

* Heat Crash pairs best with Body Slam in order to damage Steel-types effectively. You can opt for a Steel coverage move if running 3 attacks, where Iron Head is the preferred option to break Mimikyu's disguise in both regular and Dynamax form.

* Protect allows Snorlax to survive a second hit from Dynamax attackers after using Yawn without needing to Dynamax itself. This is best paired with Leftovers to augment passive recovery.

* Counter can be used to punish U-turn Pokemon that try to avoid falling asleep through Yawn, such as Galarian Darmanitan, and also allows Snorlax to surprise kill Fighting-types like Conkeldurr, who are otherwise natural checks to Yawn Snorlax.

* Thick Fat is used over Gluttony when using Protect and Leftovers, allowing Snorlax to switch into Galarian Darmanitan easier. Gluttony can be used with Figy Berry and Gigantamax form to replenish berries for more longevity, particularly since this Snorlax is very difficult to break.

* Ideally, Dynamax should be reserved for its teammates, while Snorlax racks up chip damage and puts foes to sleep to help other Dynamax Pokemon sweep, but can be used in a pinch to survive hits and sweep Snorlax weak teams.

* This spread gives you maximum physical bulk, and provides a good HP stat for both Leftovers and berry recovery.

name: Defensive Recycle
move 1: Curse
move 2: Recycle
move 3: Heat Crash / Darkest Lariat / Earthquake
move 4: Iron Head / Heavy Slam / Body Slam

item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD

Again, I know slashes are hard but I'm not sure if you're suggesting no STAB here, I think it makes a bit more sense in this set than the Chesto Berry one for sure, just checking in. (I think you still want normal STAB but I can see why it could possibly work in your favor to have Fire/Steel coverage instead... depending on matchup with all the ghosts in the metagame. If so, dropping a STAB move is a noticeable departure from standard Pokemon knowledge, and should be acknowledged as such.

* Snorlax Recycle sets allow Snorlax to get repetitive healing opportunities without putting itself to sleep, giving it an edge over opponents not using status to stop it.

* Heat Crash allows Snorlax to beat Steel-types that would otherwise wall it. Heat Crash is used over Fire Punch in order to get important rolls when not in Dynamax form.

* Darkest Lariat can be used in order to ignore opposing setup sweeper boosts, helping it win in the Snorlax mirror or against other Bulk Up, Curse, or Iron Defense walls.

* Earthquake is another serviceable alternative to Heat Crash, allowing Snorlax to boost its Special Defense while also effectively hitting Steel-types, excluding Ferrothorn and Corviknight.

* Iron Head lets Snorlax hit Fairy-types super-effectively, while also gaining Defense boosts with Max Steelspike. It is generally used over Heavy Slam to always break Mimikyu disguise without being forced to immediately Dynamax.

* Body Slam can be used in combination with its Gmax form, having a chance to reuse the berry while also putting on offensive pressure. This can leave you vulnerable to Ghost-types like Mimikyu, however.

* Dynamax should be used to help defeat opponents you cannot wall, such as Taunt Corviknight, after already setting up. It can also be used in end of game scenarios to sweep.

EV Spreads

Spreads are similar to the other main Curse set

* 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD Impish: Generalist physically bulky spread for tanking strong physical threats while setting up Curse.

* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def Adamant: The given EVs are designed to deal as much physical damage as possible while also augmenting Snorlax's mediocre Defense bulk. 4 Speed EVs can be used over HP EVs to outspeed other Snorlax, getting off a Curse to survive two hits of AV Snorlax Max Strike into Rest.

* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Careful: Specially Defensive nature to help better wall Special Attacking threats, allowing it to have maximum bulk for ease of setting up Curse.

* 220 HP / 212 Def / 76 SpD Careful: Another mixed bulk spread, with more Special Defense to more successfully beat Nasty Plot sweepers.

chat on discord to clear these up first before I QC check this.

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This mostly looks good, and we've already talked about implementing the Yawn spread as an option on BD so that's good. A few other things, though it might be worth discussing with other QCs first since some of this is fairly new:

First, I think the Yawn support set should get second billing behind AV. They're clearly the two most common sets near the high cart ladder right now and have also received quite a bit of use in tournaments. It's a nitpick, but Yawn + Protect Lax is becoming extremely common as a general defensive check/sponge.

Second, I think Fire Punch should get first billing in slot 4 on the BD set; Ferrothorn has exploded in usage again with the rise of Lapras, so not having strong coverage against that or Corviknight can cause issues with wallbreaking. Lariat is still a fair option, but unless an opposing Lax has already set up defensive boosts you tend to be better off packing Fire coverage, which is also useful for the ubiquitous Excadrill even when you don't have time to Drum.

For the last main change for now, you might mention something about Rest + Chesto sets potentially having issues with terrain. Electric and Misty terrain are two most common terrains right now, with Electric being used to hit Lapras and Co. harder and Misty being a byproduct of two of the five best mons in the game carrying Fairy STAB on dynamax. So while it's a not a thing that will probably happen a ton, the blocking of Rest is a potential issue against mons like boosted Mimikyu or Togekiss, and is one point in Heavy Slam's favor on that set in slot 4 since it can hit those two (or other potential Starfall users like Sylveon) with Steelspike in a pinch.

Once these are implemented (or at least discussed in the QC channel and check with me on Discord afterward if not implementing something), consider this:

QC 2/2
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sorry for taking so long. i'm still a really slow checker lol. This is a large writeup, so I'm withholding stamp for now so I can double check. Tag me once done :).

add, remove, (comments)

in the future, use complete sentences in the EV spreads section. They're still bullets, so they're not exempted. Don't double space after colons, too.

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Body Slam / Facade
move 2: Iron Head / Heavy Slam
move 3: Heat Crash / Fire Punch
move 4: Thunder Punch / Ice Punch / Superpower
item: Assault Vest
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def


* Assault Vest Snorlax primarily serves as a "swiss-army knife" Swiss Army knife check to a wide variety of the most threatening set-up setup sweepers in the tier metagame.

* Body Slam or Facade serve serves as Snorlax's main STAB move, the latter of which being used on teams with less status control.

* Steel-type (AH) coverage allows Snorlax to augment its Defense with Max Steelspike. Iron Head helps allows Snorlax always hit Dynamax form Pokemon can hit even Dynamaxed Pokemon, while Heavy Slam does more damage, OHKOing Mimikyu after breaking Disguise.

* Heat Crash is the preferred move choice over Fire Punch due to its significantly higher damage output against Ferrothorn, Aegislash, Excadrill, and Corviknight. Notably, it guarantees the OHKO on Excadrill, and the 2HKO on Ferrothorn and Aegislash.

* Thunder Punch is the last move choice in order to effectively counter Gyarados and do significant damage against bulky Water-types when using Max Lightning, particularly when Electric Terrain is active.

* Alternatively, Ice Punch allows Snorlax to OHKO most Dynamaxed Dragapult sets while using Dynamax. However, do be wary of facing against physical Dynamax Dragapult, who which can beat Snorlax regardless by causing Attack drops and giving get an easy Weakness Policy activation

* Superpower can be used if you have alternative checks to Gyarados (RC) and allows Snorlax to augment its Attack with Max Knuckle (RC) while hitting opposing Snorlax harder than other options.

* The given EV spread maximizes attacking potential for the non-boosting sets (RC) while giving the most relevant bulk investment in Defense (while Assault Vest augments Special Defense). Defense investment is more useful in improving overall damage reduction when compared to investing in HP.

name: Yawn Support
move 1: Yawn
move 2: Body Slam / Fissure
move 3: Heat Crash / Iron Head
move 4: Protect / Counter / Heat Crash
item: Leftovers / Figy Berry
ability: Thick Fat / Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD


* Snorlax can invest heavily in overall bulk in order to become a particularly difficult wall to break, which pairs really well with Yawn on this set to phaze opponents and scout opposing team selection.

* Body Slam is Snorlax's STAB of choice, dealing deals heavy damage to most neutral targets despite lacking offensive investment.

* Heat Crash pairs best with Body Slam in order to damage Steel-types effectively, like Ferrothorn and Corviknight.

* (space, and move this below) Snorlax can opt for a Steel-type coverage move if running 3 attacks, where Iron Head is the preferred option to break Mimikyu's disguise in both regular and Dynamax form Disguise even if it's Dynamaxed.

* Fissure can be opted for in combination with Iron Head, giving Snorlax an ability to boost both its Special Defense with Max Quake (RC) alongside and its Defense from with Max Steelspike. In regular form, Fissure also allows Snorlax to stallbreak, which is particularly helpful for beating Pokemon who that can ignore Yawn or take too little from Snorlax's other attacks.

* Protect allows Snorlax to survive a second hit from Dynamax attackers after using Yawn without needing to Dynamax itself. This is best paired with Leftovers to augment passive recovery.

* Counter can be used to punish U-turn Pokemon users that try to avoid falling asleep through Yawn, such as Galarian Darmanitan, and also allows Snorlax to surprise kill KO Fighting-types like Conkeldurr (RC) who that are otherwise natural checks to Yawn Snorlax.

* Thick Fat is used over Gluttony when using Protect and Leftovers, allowing Snorlax to switch into Galarian Darmanitan easier more easily. Gluttony can be used with Figy Berry and Gigantamax form to replenish berries for more longevity, particularly since this Snorlax set is very difficult to break.

* Ideally, Dynamax should be reserved for its teammates (RC) while Snorlax racks up chip damage and puts foes to sleep to help other Dynamax Pokemon sweep, but it can be used in a pinch to survive hits and sweep Snorlax-weak (AH) teams.

* This spread gives Snorlax maximum physical bulk, and provides a good HP stat for both Leftovers and berry recovery.

name: "Chesto-Resto" Curse Sweeper ChestoRest Curse Sweeper
move 1: Curse
move 2: Rest
move 3: Body Slam
move 4: Heat Crash / Heavy Slam
item: Chesto Berry
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def


* Rest with Chesto Berry ChestoRest Gigantamax Snorlax is another potent offensive and stall(no space)breaking Snorlax set (RC) allowing it to that can absorb status and set up massive Attack and Defense boosts with Curse on passive foes.

* Body Slam is generally the move of choice on Chesto Berry sets due to Rest curing status ailments and Gmax G-Max Replenish recovering the berry. It is possible to drop Body Slam for better coverage against Ghost-types.

* Heat Crash allows Snorlax to break Ferrothorn, Corviknight, and other walls that may attempt to switch in (RH).

* Alternatively, Heavy Slam allows Snorlax to neutrally hit Ghost-type Pokemon (AC) while augmenting defense while using its Defense with Max Steelspike.

* Heat Crash and Heavy Slam are chosen over better options than Fire Punch and Iron Head for its their more potent attack power.

* Other options for a secondary attacking move on this set include Darkest Lariat, Earthquake, and Thunder Punch.

* Thick Fat is almost always the ability of choice, (AC) as it allows Snorlax to better take on Pokemon locked into Fire or Ice Type moves such as Darmanitan-Galar and choice locked Hydreigon Fire- or Ice-type moves such as Galarian Darmanitan and Choice-locked Hydreigon.

* Be wary of Electric and Misty Terrain usage blocking Rest, which can be used set by Pokemon such as Mimikyu and Dracozolt (swap these two) to combat Snorlax's healing.

* Use Dynamax in order to regain Snorlax's Chesto Berry with Gmax G-Max Replenish after it has already expended expending it to heal with Rest. If needed, it Dynamaxing can also be used to survive important hits or improve damage rolls in specific instances

EV Spreads

* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: The given EVs are designed to deal as much physical damage as possible while also augmenting Snorlax's mediocre Defense bulk. 4 Speed EVs can be used over HP EVs to outspeed other Snorlax, getting off an early Curse to survive two hits of Assault Vest Snorlax's Max Strike into Rest.

* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with a Careful nature: (space issues here) A more defensive take on this Snorlax set (RC) allowing allows it to have maximum bulk for ease of setting up Curse.

* 220 HP / 212 Def / 76 SpD with a Careful nature: (here too) Another A mixed bulk spread (RC) with more Special Defense can be used to more successfully beat Nasty Plot sweepers.

name: Belly Drum
move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Body Slam / Facade
move 3: Iron Head / Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Darkest Lariat
item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


* This Snorlax set takes advantage of Snorlax's immense natural bulk to surprise sweep opposing teams using Belly Drum.

* Snorlax-Gmax Gigantamax Snorlax takes advantage of its Gmax berry recycling by using Belly Drum to maximize Attack (RC) and then regaining its berry through Gmax G-Max Replenish, allowing it to keep a substantial amount of health while OHKOing most opponents that are hit with a +6 Attack STAB move.

* Body Slam is the typical STAB move, but Facade can be opted for to improve Snorlax's matchup versus opponents with status moves.

* Iron Head is preferred over Heavy Slam to guarantee hits against Dynamaxed foes without requiring the need for using Dynamax.

* Earthquake can be opted in order to augment Snorlax's Special Defense with Max Quake and hit Toxapex super effectively.

* Fire Punch is chosen to get an OHKO after Belly Drum against Ferrothorn and Corviknight.

* Darkest Lariat over Fire Punch allows Snorlax to beat foe Curse Snorlax sets when switching in (RC) and otherwise helps with complementary coverage alongside its STAB move.

* Recycle is another option on bulkier spreads to heal up against weak attackers or stall out Dynamax.

EV Spreads

* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with an Impish nature: Full physical bulk which allows Snorlax to survive hits easier more easily while setting up Belly Drum.

* 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD with an Impish nature: (here too) Generalist A generalist physically bulky spread can be used for tanking strong physical threats while setting up Curse.

* 4 Atk / 252 Def / 252 Spe with a Jolly nature: Designed This spread is designed to outspeed slower Corviknight and other slower foes, specifically allowing Snorlax to use Belly Drum and beat Iron Defense Corviknight variants.

* 180 HP / 76 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: (here too) Can This investment guarantees a 2HKO with Darkest Lariat against Iron Defense Corviknight sets.

* 212 HP / 252 Def / 44 Spe with an Impish nature: Outspeeds These EVs allow Snorlax to outspeed Toxapex, preventing it from using Haze the turn after Snorlax uses Belly Drum, (AC) and is used in combination with Earthquake. Immunity can be opted for with this spread (RC) to cleanly sweep Toxapex opponents.

name: Defensive Recycle
move 1: Curse
move 2: Recycle
move 3: Heat Crash / Darkest Lariat / Earthquake
move 4: Iron Head / Heavy Slam / Body Slam
item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD

* Snorlax's Recycle sets allow Snorlax it to get repetitive healing opportunities without putting itself to sleep, giving it an edge over opponents not using status to stop it.

* Heat Crash allows Snorlax to beat Steel-types that would otherwise wall it. Heat Crash is used over Fire Punch in order to get important rolls when not in Dynamax form against non-Dynamaxed foes.

* Darkest Lariat can be used in order to ignore opposing setup sweeper boosts, helping it win in the Snorlax mirror or against other Bulk Up, Curse, or Iron Defense walls.

* Earthquake is another serviceable alternative to Heat Crash, allowing Snorlax to boost its Special Defense with Max Quake while also effectively hitting Steel-types, excluding Ferrothorn and Corviknight.

* Iron Head lets Snorlax hit Fairy-types super effectively (RH, RC) while also gaining Defense boosts with Max Steelspike. (fix spacing here) It is generally used over Heavy Slam to always break Mimikyu disguise Mimikyu's Disguise without being forced to immediately Dynamax.

* Body Slam can be used in combination with its Gmax Gigantamax form, having a chance to reuse the its berry while also putting on offensive pressure. This can leave Snorlax vulnerable to Ghost-types like Mimikyu, however.

* Dynamax should be used to help defeat opponents Snorlax cannot wall, such as Taunt Corviknight, after already setting up. It can also be used in end of game late-game scenarios to sweep.

EV Spreads

Spreads are similar to the other main Curse set (fix white space left here)

* 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD with an Impish nature: Generalist This generalist physically bulky spread can be used for tanking strong physical threats while setting up Curse.

* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: (space issues here) The given EVs are designed to deal as much physical damage as possible while also augmenting Snorlax's mediocre Defense bulk. 4 Speed EVs can be used over HP EVs to outspeed other Snorlax, getting off a Curse first to survive two hits of opposing Assault Vest Snorlax's Max Strike before using Rest to heal the damage.

* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with a Careful nature: (here too) Specially Defensive nature to help A Careful nature helps Snorlax better wall special attacking threats, allowing it to have maximum bulk for ease of setting up Curse.

* 220 HP / 212 Def / 76 SpD with a Careful nature: (here too) Another A mixed bulk spread (RC) with more Special Defense is an alternative to more successfully beat Nasty Plot sweepers.

General Team Options

Snorlax benefits from bulky pivots that can bring it into good matchups, as well as Pokemon that can deal with Corviknight, Snorlax's main check. It also benefits from its has type synergy with Ghost-types, which can switch in (RH) against predicted Fighting-type coverage. Finally, for sets that do not run Rest or Facade, (hmu if i misunderstood this) Snorlax can benefit from teammates who that can absorb status (for non Rest or Facade sets).

* Bulky Pivots: :corviknight: :incineroar: :toxapex:
* Corviknight Checks: :rotom-heat: :rotom-wash: :dracozolt:
* Ghost-type partners Ghost-types: :dragapult: :mimikyu: :aegislash:
* Status Absorbers: :conkeldurr: :milotic:

- Written by: [[1_TrickPhony, 434111]]
- Quality checked by: [[greilmercenary9, 336524], [Marilli, 70760]]
- Grammar checked by: [[kt3, 228482]]
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AM Check:

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Body Slam / Facade
move 2: Iron Head / Heavy Slam
move 3: Heat Crash / Fire Punch
move 4: Thunder Punch / Ice Punch / Superpower
item: Assault Vest
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def


* Assault Vest Snorlax primarily serves as a "swiss-army knife" check to a wide variety of the most threatening set-up sweepers in the tier format (BSS is a format not a tier).

* Body Slam or Facade serve as Snorlax's main STAB, the latter of which being is used on teams with less status control.

* Steel-type (add Hyphen when mentioning types) coverage allows enables Snorlax to augment boost its dDefense (Capitalisation) with Max Steelspike. Iron Head helps allows Snorlax to always hit opposing Dynamax form Pokemon in Dynamax Form., while (New Sentence) Heavy Slam does more damage (versus what asides from Mimikyu I know this is a check but you should mention this), OHKOing Mimikyu after breaking Disguise.

* Heat Crash is the preferred move choice over Fire Punch due to its significantly higher damage output against Ferrothorn, Aegislash, Excadrill, and Corviknight. Notably, it guarantees the OHKO on Excadrill, and the 2HKO on Ferrothorn and Aegislash. (Why slash Fire Punch? mention Dmax)

* Thunder Punch is the last move choice most common 4th move used in order to effectively counter check Gyarados and do deal significant damage against bulky Water-types (such as who? lapras/prim) when using Max Lightning, particularly when especially under Electric Terrain is active.

* Ice Punch allows Snorlax to OHKO most Dragapult sets while using in Dynamax Form. However, do be wary of facing against physical Dynamax Dragapult, who can beat Snorlax regardless by causing Attack drops and giving an easy Weakness Policy activation care must be taken to avoid using Max Hailstorm against Weakness Policy Dragapult because it can use Max Wyrmwind whilst Dynamaxed to lower Snorlax's Attack. (sentence doesnt really make sense)

* Superpower can be used if you have alternative checks to Gyarados., and It hits opposing Snorlax harder and allows Snorlax to augment boost its attack with Max Knuckle, while hitting opposing Snorlax harder than other options.

* The given EV spread maximizes attacking potential for the non-boosting sets, while giving the most relevant bulk investment in Defense power and bulk while using Assault Vest to boost Special Defense. (while Assault Vest augments Special Defense). Defense investment is more useful in improving overall damage reduction when compared to investing in HP. Snorlax's high HP Stat means that it benefits more from investment in Defense.

name: Yawn Support
move 1: Yawn
move 2: Body Slam / Fissure
move 3: Heat Crash / Iron Head
move 4: Protect / Counter / Heat Crash
item: Leftovers / Figy Berry
ability: Thick Fat / Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD


* Snorlax can invest heavily in overall bulk in order to become a particularly difficult wall to break, which pairs really well with Yawn on this set to phaze opponents and scout out the opposing team selection.

* Body Slam is Snorlax's STAB move of choice, dealing heavy respectable damage to most neutral targets despite lacking offensive investment (mention its secondary effect here).

* Heat Crash pairs best with Body Slam in order to damage Steel-types effectively, like such as Ferrothorn and Corviknight.

* If running 3 attacks, Snorlax can opt for a Steel coverage move if running 3 attacks, where use Iron Head is the preferred option to break Mimikyu's disguise in both regular and Dynamax form.

* Fissure can also be opted for in combination with Iron Head, giving Snorlax an ability to boost both its Special Defense with Max Quake, alongside and its Defense from with Max Steelspike. In regular form, Fissure also allows Snorlax to stallbreak break stall, which is particularly helpful for beating Pokemon who can ignore Yawn or take too little from Snorlax's other attacks (such as?).

* Protect allows Snorlax to survive a second hit from Dynamax attackers after using Yawn without needing to Dynamax itself. This is best paired with Leftovers to augment passive recovery.

* Counter can be used to punish U-turn Pokemon that try to avoid falling asleep through Yawn using U-Turn, such as Galarian Darmanitan, and also allows Snorlax to surprise kill Fighting-types like Conkeldurr, who are otherwise natural checks to Yawn Snorlax.

* Thick Fat is used over Gluttony when using Protect and Leftovers, allowing Snorlax to switch into Galarian Darmanitan easier. Gluttony can be used with Figy Berry and Gigantamax form to replenish berries for more longevity, particularly since this Snorlax is very difficult to break.

* Ideally, Dynamax should be reserved for its teammates, while Snorlax racks up chip damage and puts foes to sleep. to help other Dynamax Pokemon sweep, but However, Dynamax can be used in a pinch to survive hits and sweep Snorlax-weak teams.

* This spread gives Snorlax maximum physical bulk, and provides a good HP stat for both Leftovers and berry recovery.

name: "Chesto-Resto" Curse Sweeper
move 1: Curse
move 2: Rest
move 3: Body Slam
move 4: Heat Crash / Heavy Slam
item: Chesto Berry
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def


* Rest with Chesto Berry Gigantamax Snorlax is another potent offensive and stall breaking Snorlax set, allowing it to absorb status and set up massive Attack and Defense boosts with Curse on passive foes.

* Body Slam is generally the move of choice on Chesto Berry sets due to Rest curing status ailments and G-max Replenish recovering the berry. It is possible to drop Body Slam for better coverage against Ghost-types (What move?).

* Heat Crash allows Snorlax to break Ferrothorn, Corviknight, and other walls that may attempt to switch-in.

* Heavy Slam allows Snorlax to neutrally hit Ghost-type Pokemon, while augmenting defense while using Max Steelspike.

* Heat Crash and Heavy Slam are chosen over Fire Punch and Iron Head for its their more potent attack power.

* Other options for a secondary attacking move on this set include Darkest Lariat, Earthquake, and Thunder Punch.

* Thick Fat is almost always the ability of choice used as it allows Snorlax to better take on Pokemon locked into Fire- or Ice-type moves such as Darmanitan-Galar and choice locked Hydreigon.

* Be wary of Electric and Misty Terrain usage pokemon blocking Rest using Max Starfall or Max Lightning to block rest, which can be used by Pokemon such as Mimikyu and Dracozolt to combat Snorlax's healing.

* Use Dynamax in order to regain Snorlax's Chesto Berry with G-max Replenish after it has already expended it been used to heal with Rest. If needed, it Dynamax can also be used to survive important hits. or improve damage rolls in specific instances

EV Spreads

* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: The given EVs are designed to deal as much physical damage as possible while also augmenting Snorlax's mediocre DefenseDefensive bulk. 4 Speed EVs can be used over HP EVs to outspeed other Snorlax, allowing getting off an early a faster Curse to survive two hits of Assault Vest Snorlax's Max Strike into Rest.

* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with a Careful nature: A more defensive take on this Snorlax set spread, allowing it to have maximum bulk for ease of setting up Curse.

* 220 HP / 212 Def / 76 SpD with a Careful nature: Another mixed bulk spread, with more Special Defense to more successfully beat Nasty Plot sweepers (who?).

name: Belly Drum
move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Body Slam / Facade
move 3: Iron Head / Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Darkest Lariat
item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


* This Snorlax set takes advantage of Snorlax's immense natural bulk to surprise sweep opposing teams using Belly Drum.

* Snorlax-Gmax Gigantamax Snorlax is used to takes advantage of its Gmax berry recycling G-Max Replenish by using Belly Drum to maximize Attack, then regaining its berry through G-max Replenish., allowing This Allows it to keep a substantial amount of healthy while OHKOing most opponents that are hit with a +6 Attack STAB.

* Body Slam is the typical STAB, but Facade can be opted for to improve matchup versus opponents with status moves Will-o-Wisp (lets be real here this is why).

* Iron Head is preferred over Heavy Slam to guarantee hits against opposing Dynamaxed Pokemon without requiring the need for using Dynamax.

* Earthquake can be opted used in order to augment Special Defense and hit Toxapex super effectively.

* Fire Punch is chosen to get an OHKO after Belly Drum against Ferrothorn and Corviknight.

* Darkest Lariat allows Snorlax to beat Curse Snorlax sets when switching in, and otherwise helps with is complementary coverage alongside its STAB move.

* Recycle is another option on bulkier spreads to heal up against weak attackers or stall out opposing Dynamax.

EV Spreads

* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with an Impish nature: Full physical bulk which allows Snorlax to survive hits easier while setting up Belly Drum.

* 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD with an Impish nature: Generalist physically bulky spread for tanking strong physical threats while setting up Curse.

* 4 Atk / 252 Def / 252 Spe with a Jolly nature: Designed to outspeed slower Corviknight and other slower foes, specifically allowing Snorlax to Belly Drum and beat Iron Defense Corviknight variants.

* 180 HP / 76 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: Can guarantee a 2HKO with Darkest Lariat against Iron Defense Corviknight sets.

* 212 HP / 252 Def / 44 Spe with an Impish nature: Outspeeds Toxapex, preventing it from using Haze the turn after Snorlax uses Belly Drum and used in combination with Earthquake. Immunity can be opted for with this spread, to cleanly sweep Toxapex opponents using Toxapex.

name: Defensive Recycle
move 1: Curse
move 2: Recycle
move 3: Heat Crash / Darkest Lariat / Earthquake
move 4: Iron Head / Heavy Slam / Body Slam
item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD

* Snorlax Recycle sets allow Snorlax to get repetitive multiple healing opportunities without putting itself to sleep having to use Rest, giving it an edge over opponents not using status to stop it.

* Heat Crash allows Snorlax to beat Steel-types that would otherwise wall it. Heat Crash is used over Fire Punch in order to get important rolls when not in Dynamax form.

* Darkest Lariat can be used in order to ignore opposing setup sweeper boosts, helping it win in the Snorlax mirror or against other Bulk Up / Iron Defense Corviknight, and Curse Ferrothorn. or Iron Defense walls.

* Earthquake is another serviceable alternative to Heat Crash, allowing Snorlax to boost its Special Defense while also effectively hitting Excadrill and Aegislash. Steel-types, excluding Ferrothorn and Corviknight.

* Iron Head lets Snorlax hit Fairy-types super-effectively, while also gaining Defense boosts with Max Steelspike. It is generally used over Heavy Slam to always break Mimikyu's dDisguise whilst it is in Dynamax Form without being forced to immediately Dynamax.

* Body Slam can be used in combination with its G-max fForm, having giving a chance to reuse recover Figy Berry the berry while also putting on offensive pressure. This can leave Snorlax vulnerable to Ghost-types like Mimikyu, however though.

* Dynamax should be used to help defeat opponents Snorlax cannot wall, such as Taunt Corviknight, after already setting up. It can also be used in endgame of game scenarios to sweep.

EV Spreads

Spreads are similar to the other main Curse set

* 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD with an Impish nature: Generalist physically bulky spread for tanking strong physical threats while setting up Curse.

* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: The given EVs are designed to deal as much physical damage as possible while also augmenting Snorlax's mediocre DefenseDefensive bulk. 4 Speed EVs can be used over HP EVs to outspeed other Snorlax, allowing getting off an early a faster Curse to survive two hits of Assault Vest Snorlax's Max Strike into Rest. (I have copied my previous comments here)

* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with a Careful nature: Specially Defensive nature to help better wall Special Attacking threats, allowing it to have maximum bulk for ease of setting up Curse.

* 220 HP / 212 Def / 76 SpD with a Careful nature: Another mixed bulk spread, with more Special Defense to more successfully beat Nasty Plot sweepers.

General Team Options

Snorlax benefits from bulky pivots that can bring it into good matchups, as well as Pokemon that can deal with Corviknight, Snorlax's main check. It also benefits from its type synergy with Ghost-types, which can switch-in against predicted Fighting-type attacks coverage. Finally, Snorlax can benefit from teammates who can absorb status (for non Rest or Facade sets).

* Bulky Pivots: :corviknight: :incineroar: :toxapex:
* Corviknight checks: :rotom-heat: :rotom-wash: :dracozolt:
* Ghost-type partners: :dragapult: :mimikyu: :aegislash:
* Status absorbers: :conkeldurr: :milotic:

- Written by: [[1_TrickPhony, 434111]]
- Quality checked by: [[greilmercenary9, 336524], [Marilli, 70760]]
- Grammar checked by: [[ , ]]
Last edited:
Implemented, this is ready for a quick secondary check kt3. I changed around some of the wording and addressed a few of Ika's questions, hopefully it shouldnt be too bad to recheck! Thanks.
same colors as before.

GP 1/1 when done :)

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Body Slam / Facade
move 2: Iron Head / Heavy Slam
move 3: Heat Crash / Fire Punch
move 4: Thunder Punch / Ice Punch / Superpower
item: Assault Vest
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def


* Assault Vest Snorlax primarily serves as a Swiss Army knife check to a variety of the most threatening setup sweepers in the metagame.

* Body Slam or Façade Facade serves as Snorlax's main STAB move, the latter of which is used on teams with less status control.

* Steel-type coverage enables Snorlax to augment its Defense with Max Steelspike. Iron Head has the advantage of hitting Dynamaxed Pokemon, while Heavy Slam does more damage, OHKOing Mimikyu after breaking Disguise.

* Heat Crash is the preferred move choice over Fire Punch due to its significantly higher damage output against Ferrothorn, Aegislash, Excadrill, and Corviknight. Notably, it guarantees the OHKO on Excadrill (RC; making this bigger so you don't miss it) and the 2HKO on Ferrothorn and Aegislash. However, it cannot hit Dynamaxed foes, unlike Fire Punch.

* Thunder Punch is the most common 4th fourth move option, used in order to check Gyarados and do significant damage against bulky Water-types when using Max Lightning, especially under Electric Terrain.

* Alternatively, Ice Punch allows Snorlax when Dynamaxed to OHKO most Dragapult sets with Max Hailstorm (mb for misunderstanding the first time). Be wary of facing against Dynamaxed physical Weakness Policy Dynamax Dragapult, which can beat Snorlax by causing Attack drops with Max Wyrmwind to get an easy Weakness Policy activation.

* Superpower can be used if you have alternative checks to Gyarados and allows Snorlax to augment its Attack with Max Knuckle.
(remove extra blank line)
* The given EV spread maximizes attacking potential on non-boosting sets while giving the most relevant bulk investment in Defense. Snorlax’s Snorlax's already high HP stat means it benefits more from Defense stat investment.

name: Yawn Support
move 1: Yawn
move 2: Body Slam / Fissure
move 3: Heat Crash / Iron Head
move 4: Protect / Counter / Heat Crash
item: Leftovers / Figy Berry
ability: Thick Fat / Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD


* Snorlax can invest heavily in bulk in order to become a particularly difficult wall to break, which pairs really well with Yawn to phaze opponents foes and scout out the opposing team.

* Body Slam deals heavy damage to most neutral targets despite lacking offensive investment (RC; making this bigger again) and has an added benefit of paralyzing foes as well.

* Heat Crash pairs best with Body Slam in order to damage Steel-types effectively, like Ferrothorn and Corviknight.

* Snorlax can opt for a Steel-type coverage move if running 3 attacks, where Iron Head is the preferred option to break Mimikyu's Disguise even if it's Dynamaxed.

* Fissure can be opted for in combination with Iron Head, giving Snorlax an ability to boost both its Special Defense with Max Quake and its Defense with Max Steelspike. Fissure also allows Snorlax to stallbreak, which is particularly helpful for beating Pokemon that can ignore Yawn or take too little from Snorlax's other attacks. (follow set order, so put this below Body Slam OR before Iron Head)

* Protect allows Snorlax to survive a second hit from Dynamax attackers after using Yawn without needing to Dynamax itself. This is best paired with Leftovers to augment passive recovery.

* Counter can be used to punish U-turn users that try to avoid falling asleep through Yawn, such as Galarian Darmanitan, and also allows Snorlax to surprise KO Fighting-types like Conkeldurr that are otherwise natural checks to Yawn Snorlax.

* Thick Fat is used over Gluttony when using Protect and Leftovers, allowing Snorlax to switch into Galarian Darmanitan more easily. Gluttony can be used with Figy Berry and Gigantamax form forme to replenish berries for more longevity, particularly since this Snorlax set is very difficult to break.

* Ideally, Dynamax should be reserved for its teammates while Snorlax racks up chip damage and puts foes to sleep to help other Dynamax Pokemon sweep, but it can be used in a pinch to survive hits and sweep Snorlax-weak teams.

* This spread gives Snorlax maximum physical bulk (RC; bigger for visibility) and provides a good HP stat for both Leftovers and berry recovery.

name: Rest Sweeper
move 1: Curse
move 2: Rest
move 3: Body Slam
move 4: Heat Crash / Heavy Slam
item: Chesto Berry
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def


* ChestoRest Gigantamax Snorlax is another a potent offensive and stallbreaking Snorlax set that can absorb status and set up Attack and Defense boosts with Curse on passive foes.

* Body Slam is generally the move of choice on Chesto Berry sets due to Rest curing status ailments and G-Max Replenish recovering the berry. It is possible to drop Body Slam for better coverage against Ghost-types, opting for Heavy Slam here instead.

* Heat Crash allows Snorlax to break Ferrothorn, Corviknight, and other walls that may attempt to switch in.

* Alternatively, Heavy Slam allows Snorlax to neutrally hit Ghost-type Pokemon (RC; you know the drill) while augmenting its Defense with Max Steelspike.

* Heat Crash and Heavy Slam are better options than Fire Punch and Iron Head for their more potent power.

* Other options for a secondary attacking move on this set include Darkest Lariat, Earthquake, and Thunder Punch.

* Thick Fat is almost always the ability used, as it allows Snorlax to better take on Pokemon locked into Fire- or Ice-type moves such as Galarian Darmanitan and Choice-locked Hydreigon.

* Be wary of Misty and Electric Terrain blocking Rest, which can be set by Pokemon such as Mimikyu and Dracozolt to block Rest and combat Snorlax's healing.

* Use Dynamax in order to regain Snorlax's Chesto Berry with G-Max Replenish after expending it to heal with Rest. If needed, Dynamaxing can also be used to survive important hits or improve damage rolls in specific instances.

EV Spreads

* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: The given EVs are designed to deal as much physical damage as possible while also augmenting Snorlax's mediocre Defensive physical bulk. 4 Speed EVs can be used over HP EVs to outspeed other Snorlax, getting off an early Curse to survive two hits of Assault Vest Snorlax's Max Strike into Rest.

* 220 HP / 212 Def / 76 SpD with a Careful nature: This spread provides mixed bulk with more Special Defense that can be used to successfully beat Nasty Plot sweepers.
(remove extra line breaks)
* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with a Careful nature: This spread is a more defensive take on this Snorlax set, allowing Snorlax to have maximum bulk for ease of setting up Curse.

name: Belly Drum
move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Body Slam / Facade
move 3: Iron Head / Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Darkest Lariat
item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


* This Snorlax set takes advantage of Snorlax's immense natural bulk to surprise sweep opposing teams using Belly Drum.

* Gigantamax Snorlax takes advantage of berry recycling by using Belly Drum to maximize Attack and then regaining its berry through G-Max Replenish, allowing it to keep a substantial amount of health while OHKOing most opponents that are hit foes with a +6 Attack STAB move.

* Body Slam is the typical STAB move, but Facade can be opted for to improve Snorlax's matchup versus opponents foes with status moves.

* Iron Head is preferred over Heavy Slam to guarantee hits against Dynamaxed foes without requiring Dynamax.

* Earthquake can be opted in order to augment Snorlax's Special Defense with Max Quake and hit Toxapex super effectively.

* Fire Punch is chosen to get an OHKO after Belly Drum against Ferrothorn and Corviknight.

* Darkest Lariat over Fire Punch allows Snorlax to beat foe Curse Snorlax sets when switching in and otherwise helps with complementary coverage alongside its STAB move.

* Recycle is another option on bulkier spreads to heal up against weak attackers or stall out Dynamax.

EV Spreads

* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with an Impish nature: This is a full physical bulk spread, allowing Snorlax to survive hits more easily while setting up Belly Drum.

* 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD with an Impish nature: This spread is a generalist physically bulky spread used for tanking strong physical threats attacks while setting up Curse.

* 4 Atk / 252 Def / 252 Spe with a Jolly nature: This spread is designed to outspeed slower Corviknight and other slower foes, specifically allowing Snorlax to use Belly Drum and beat Iron Defense Corviknight variants.

* 180 HP / 76 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: This investment guarantees a 2HKO with Darkest Lariat against Iron Defense Corviknight sets.

* 212 HP / 252 Def / 44 Spe with an Impish nature: These EVs allow Snorlax to outspeed Toxapex, preventing it from using Haze the turn after Snorlax uses Belly Drum, and is used in combination with Earthquake. Immunity can be opted for with this spread to cleanly sweep opponents using the opposing team by setting up on Toxapex.

name: Defensive Recycle
move 1: Curse
move 2: Recycle
move 3: Heat Crash / Darkest Lariat / Earthquake
move 4: Iron Head / Heavy Slam / Body Slam
item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD


* Snorlax's Recycle sets allow it to get multiple healing opportunities without having to use Rest, giving it an edge over opponents foes not using status to stop it.

* Heat Crash allows Snorlax to beat Steel-types that would otherwise wall it. Heat Crash is used over Fire Punch in order to get important rolls against non-Dynamaxed foes.

* Darkest Lariat can be used in order to ignore opposing setup sweeper boosts, helping it win in the mirror or against other Bulk Up, Curse, or Iron Defense walls.

* Earthquake is another serviceable alternative to Heat Crash, allowing Snorlax to boost its Special Defense with Max Quake while also effectively hitting Steel-types, excluding Ferrothorn and Corviknight.

* Iron Head lets Snorlax hit Fairy-types super effectively while also gaining Defense boosts with Max Steelspike. It is generally used over Heavy Slam to always break even Dynamaxed Mimikyu's Disguise without being forced to immediately Dynamax.

* Body Slam can be used in combination with its Gigantamax form forme, having a chance to reuse its Figy Berry while also putting on offensive pressure. However, This this can leave Snorlax vulnerable to Ghost-types like Mimikyu.

* Dynamax should be used to help defeat opponents foes Snorlax cannot wall, such as Taunt Corviknight, even after already setting up (RP) It can also be used in or in late-game scenarios to sweep.

EV Spreads

* 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD with an Impish nature: This generalist physically bulky spread can be used for tanking strong physical threats attacks while setting up Curse.

* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: The given EVs are designed to deal as much physical damage as possible while also augmenting Snorlax's mediocre Defense bulk. 4 Speed EVs can be used over HP EVs to outspeed other Snorlax, getting off a Curse first to survive two hits of opposing Assault Vest Snorlax's Max Strike before using Rest to heal the damage.

* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with a Careful nature: A Careful nature helps Snorlax better wall special attacking threats, allowing it to have maximum bulk for ease of setting up Curse.

* 220 HP / 212 Def / 76 SpD with a Careful nature: A mixed bulk spread with more Special Defense is an alternative to more successfully beat Nasty Plot sweepers.

General Team Options

Snorlax benefits from bulky pivots that can bring it into good matchups, as well as Pokemon that can deal with Corviknight, Snorlax's main check. It also has type synergy with Ghost-types, which can switch in (RH) (you kept a comment in) against predicted Fighting-type coverage. Finally, for sets that do not run Rest or Facade, S norlax Snorlax can benefit from teammates that can absorb status. (AP; make sure to implement the edits for the section below; you missed them before hehe)

* Bulky Pivots: :corviknight: :incineroar: :toxapex:
* Corviknight Checks: :rotom-heat: :rotom-wash: :dracozolt:
* Ghost-type partners Ghost-types: :dragapult: :mimikyu: :aegislash:
* Status Absorbers: :conkeldurr: :milotic:

- Written by: [[1_TrickPhony, 434111], [Ika Ika Musume, 165529]
- Quality checked by: [[greilmercenary9, 336524], [Marilli, 70760]]
- Grammar checked by: [[kt3, 228482]]
same colors as before.

GP 1/1 when done :)

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Body Slam / Facade
move 2: Iron Head / Heavy Slam
move 3: Heat Crash / Fire Punch
move 4: Thunder Punch / Ice Punch / Superpower
item: Assault Vest
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def


* Assault Vest Snorlax primarily serves as a Swiss Army knife check to a variety of the most threatening setup sweepers in the metagame.

* Body Slam or Façade Facade serves as Snorlax's main STAB move, the latter of which is used on teams with less status control.

* Steel-type coverage enables Snorlax to augment its Defense with Max Steelspike. Iron Head has the advantage of hitting Dynamaxed Pokemon, while Heavy Slam does more damage, OHKOing Mimikyu after breaking Disguise.

* Heat Crash is the preferred move choice over Fire Punch due to its significantly higher damage output against Ferrothorn, Aegislash, Excadrill, and Corviknight. Notably, it guarantees the OHKO on Excadrill (RC; making this bigger so you don't miss it) and the 2HKO on Ferrothorn and Aegislash. However, it cannot hit Dynamaxed foes, unlike Fire Punch.

* Thunder Punch is the most common 4th fourth move option, used in order to check Gyarados and do significant damage against bulky Water-types when using Max Lightning, especially under Electric Terrain.

* Alternatively, Ice Punch allows Snorlax when Dynamaxed to OHKO most Dragapult sets with Max Hailstorm (mb for misunderstanding the first time). Be wary of facing against Dynamaxed physical Weakness Policy Dynamax Dragapult, which can beat Snorlax by causing Attack drops with Max Wyrmwind to get an easy Weakness Policy activation.

* Superpower can be used if you have alternative checks to Gyarados and allows Snorlax to augment its Attack with Max Knuckle.
(remove extra blank line)
* The given EV spread maximizes attacking potential on non-boosting sets while giving the most relevant bulk investment in Defense. Snorlax’s Snorlax's already high HP stat means it benefits more from Defense stat investment.

name: Yawn Support
move 1: Yawn
move 2: Body Slam / Fissure
move 3: Heat Crash / Iron Head
move 4: Protect / Counter / Heat Crash
item: Leftovers / Figy Berry
ability: Thick Fat / Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD


* Snorlax can invest heavily in bulk in order to become a particularly difficult wall to break, which pairs really well with Yawn to phaze opponents foes and scout out the opposing team.

* Body Slam deals heavy damage to most neutral targets despite lacking offensive investment (RC; making this bigger again) and has an added benefit of paralyzing foes as well.

* Heat Crash pairs best with Body Slam in order to damage Steel-types effectively, like Ferrothorn and Corviknight.

* Snorlax can opt for a Steel-type coverage move if running 3 attacks, where Iron Head is the preferred option to break Mimikyu's Disguise even if it's Dynamaxed.

* Fissure can be opted for in combination with Iron Head, giving Snorlax an ability to boost both its Special Defense with Max Quake and its Defense with Max Steelspike. Fissure also allows Snorlax to stallbreak, which is particularly helpful for beating Pokemon that can ignore Yawn or take too little from Snorlax's other attacks. (follow set order, so put this below Body Slam OR before Iron Head)

* Protect allows Snorlax to survive a second hit from Dynamax attackers after using Yawn without needing to Dynamax itself. This is best paired with Leftovers to augment passive recovery.

* Counter can be used to punish U-turn users that try to avoid falling asleep through Yawn, such as Galarian Darmanitan, and also allows Snorlax to surprise KO Fighting-types like Conkeldurr that are otherwise natural checks to Yawn Snorlax.

* Thick Fat is used over Gluttony when using Protect and Leftovers, allowing Snorlax to switch into Galarian Darmanitan more easily. Gluttony can be used with Figy Berry and Gigantamax form forme to replenish berries for more longevity, particularly since this Snorlax set is very difficult to break.

* Ideally, Dynamax should be reserved for its teammates while Snorlax racks up chip damage and puts foes to sleep to help other Dynamax Pokemon sweep, but it can be used in a pinch to survive hits and sweep Snorlax-weak teams.

* This spread gives Snorlax maximum physical bulk (RC; bigger for visibility) and provides a good HP stat for both Leftovers and berry recovery.

name: Rest Sweeper
move 1: Curse
move 2: Rest
move 3: Body Slam
move 4: Heat Crash / Heavy Slam
item: Chesto Berry
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def


* ChestoRest Gigantamax Snorlax is another a potent offensive and stallbreaking Snorlax set that can absorb status and set up Attack and Defense boosts with Curse on passive foes.

* Body Slam is generally the move of choice on Chesto Berry sets due to Rest curing status ailments and G-Max Replenish recovering the berry. It is possible to drop Body Slam for better coverage against Ghost-types, opting for Heavy Slam here instead.

* Heat Crash allows Snorlax to break Ferrothorn, Corviknight, and other walls that may attempt to switch in.

* Alternatively, Heavy Slam allows Snorlax to neutrally hit Ghost-type Pokemon (RC; you know the drill) while augmenting its Defense with Max Steelspike.

* Heat Crash and Heavy Slam are better options than Fire Punch and Iron Head for their more potent power.

* Other options for a secondary attacking move on this set include Darkest Lariat, Earthquake, and Thunder Punch.

* Thick Fat is almost always the ability used, as it allows Snorlax to better take on Pokemon locked into Fire- or Ice-type moves such as Galarian Darmanitan and Choice-locked Hydreigon.

* Be wary of Misty and Electric Terrain blocking Rest, which can be set by Pokemon such as Mimikyu and Dracozolt to block Rest and combat Snorlax's healing.

* Use Dynamax in order to regain Snorlax's Chesto Berry with G-Max Replenish after expending it to heal with Rest. If needed, Dynamaxing can also be used to survive important hits or improve damage rolls in specific instances.

EV Spreads

* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: The given EVs are designed to deal as much physical damage as possible while also augmenting Snorlax's mediocre Defensive physical bulk. 4 Speed EVs can be used over HP EVs to outspeed other Snorlax, getting off an early Curse to survive two hits of Assault Vest Snorlax's Max Strike into Rest.

* 220 HP / 212 Def / 76 SpD with a Careful nature: This spread provides mixed bulk with more Special Defense that can be used to successfully beat Nasty Plot sweepers.
(remove extra line breaks)
* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with a Careful nature: This spread is a more defensive take on this Snorlax set, allowing Snorlax to have maximum bulk for ease of setting up Curse.

name: Belly Drum
move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Body Slam / Facade
move 3: Iron Head / Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Darkest Lariat
item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


* This Snorlax set takes advantage of Snorlax's immense natural bulk to surprise sweep opposing teams using Belly Drum.

* Gigantamax Snorlax takes advantage of berry recycling by using Belly Drum to maximize Attack and then regaining its berry through G-Max Replenish, allowing it to keep a substantial amount of health while OHKOing most opponents that are hit foes with a +6 Attack STAB move.

* Body Slam is the typical STAB move, but Facade can be opted for to improve Snorlax's matchup versus opponents foes with status moves.

* Iron Head is preferred over Heavy Slam to guarantee hits against Dynamaxed foes without requiring Dynamax.

* Earthquake can be opted in order to augment Snorlax's Special Defense with Max Quake and hit Toxapex super effectively.

* Fire Punch is chosen to get an OHKO after Belly Drum against Ferrothorn and Corviknight.

* Darkest Lariat over Fire Punch allows Snorlax to beat foe Curse Snorlax sets when switching in and otherwise helps with complementary coverage alongside its STAB move.

* Recycle is another option on bulkier spreads to heal up against weak attackers or stall out Dynamax.

EV Spreads

* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with an Impish nature: This is a full physical bulk spread, allowing Snorlax to survive hits more easily while setting up Belly Drum.

* 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD with an Impish nature: This spread is a generalist physically bulky spread used for tanking strong physical threats attacks while setting up Curse.

* 4 Atk / 252 Def / 252 Spe with a Jolly nature: This spread is designed to outspeed slower Corviknight and other slower foes, specifically allowing Snorlax to use Belly Drum and beat Iron Defense Corviknight variants.

* 180 HP / 76 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: This investment guarantees a 2HKO with Darkest Lariat against Iron Defense Corviknight sets.

* 212 HP / 252 Def / 44 Spe with an Impish nature: These EVs allow Snorlax to outspeed Toxapex, preventing it from using Haze the turn after Snorlax uses Belly Drum, and is used in combination with Earthquake. Immunity can be opted for with this spread to cleanly sweep opponents using the opposing team by setting up on Toxapex.

name: Defensive Recycle
move 1: Curse
move 2: Recycle
move 3: Heat Crash / Darkest Lariat / Earthquake
move 4: Iron Head / Heavy Slam / Body Slam
item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD


* Snorlax's Recycle sets allow it to get multiple healing opportunities without having to use Rest, giving it an edge over opponents foes not using status to stop it.

* Heat Crash allows Snorlax to beat Steel-types that would otherwise wall it. Heat Crash is used over Fire Punch in order to get important rolls against non-Dynamaxed foes.

* Darkest Lariat can be used in order to ignore opposing setup sweeper boosts, helping it win in the mirror or against other Bulk Up, Curse, or Iron Defense walls.

* Earthquake is another serviceable alternative to Heat Crash, allowing Snorlax to boost its Special Defense with Max Quake while also effectively hitting Steel-types, excluding Ferrothorn and Corviknight.

* Iron Head lets Snorlax hit Fairy-types super effectively while also gaining Defense boosts with Max Steelspike. It is generally used over Heavy Slam to always break even Dynamaxed Mimikyu's Disguise without being forced to immediately Dynamax.

* Body Slam can be used in combination with its Gigantamax form forme, having a chance to reuse its Figy Berry while also putting on offensive pressure. However, This this can leave Snorlax vulnerable to Ghost-types like Mimikyu.

* Dynamax should be used to help defeat opponents foes Snorlax cannot wall, such as Taunt Corviknight, even after already setting up (RP) It can also be used in or in late-game scenarios to sweep.

EV Spreads

* 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD with an Impish nature: This generalist physically bulky spread can be used for tanking strong physical threats attacks while setting up Curse.

* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: The given EVs are designed to deal as much physical damage as possible while also augmenting Snorlax's mediocre Defense bulk. 4 Speed EVs can be used over HP EVs to outspeed other Snorlax, getting off a Curse first to survive two hits of opposing Assault Vest Snorlax's Max Strike before using Rest to heal the damage.

* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with a Careful nature: A Careful nature helps Snorlax better wall special attacking threats, allowing it to have maximum bulk for ease of setting up Curse.

* 220 HP / 212 Def / 76 SpD with a Careful nature: A mixed bulk spread with more Special Defense is an alternative to more successfully beat Nasty Plot sweepers.

General Team Options

Snorlax benefits from bulky pivots that can bring it into good matchups, as well as Pokemon that can deal with Corviknight, Snorlax's main check. It also has type synergy with Ghost-types, which can switch in (RH) (you kept a comment in) against predicted Fighting-type coverage. Finally, for sets that do not run Rest or Facade, S norlax Snorlax can benefit from teammates that can absorb status. (AP; make sure to implement the edits for the section below; you missed them before hehe)

* Bulky Pivots: :corviknight: :incineroar: :toxapex:
* Corviknight Checks: :rotom-heat: :rotom-wash: :dracozolt:
* Ghost-type partners Ghost-types: :dragapult: :mimikyu: :aegislash:
* Status Absorbers: :conkeldurr: :milotic:

- Written by: [[1_TrickPhony, 434111], [Ika Ika Musume, 165529]
- Quality checked by: [[greilmercenary9, 336524], [Marilli, 70760]]
- Grammar checked by: [[kt3, 228482]]

Done, last time I implement a GP at 2am XD . Thanks for the check, this is ready for uploading Theorymon