Changing the formatting of the previous Snorlax analysis written by Ika Ika Musume, huge shoutouts to him for the work he has done for this huge analysis and over a dozen other analyses. I am requesting he also get writing credits for this analysis.
name: Assault Vest
move 1: Body Slam / Facade
move 2: Iron Head / Heavy Slam
move 3: Heat Crash / Fire Punch
move 4: Thunder Punch / Ice Punch / Superpower
item: Assault Vest
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def
* Assault Vest Snorlax primarily serves as a Swiss Army knife check to a variety of the most threatening setup sweepers in the metagame.
* Body Slam or Facade serves as Snorlax's main STAB move, the latter of which is used on teams with less status control.
* Steel-type coverage enables Snorlax to augment its Defense with Max Steelspike. Iron Head has the advantage of hitting Dynamaxed Pokemon, while Heavy Slam does more damage, OHKOing Mimikyu after breaking Disguise.
* Heat Crash is the preferred move choice over Fire Punch due to its significantly higher damage output against Ferrothorn, Aegislash, Excadrill, and Corviknight. Notably, it guarantees the OHKO on Excadrill and the 2HKO on Ferrothorn and Aegislash. However, it cannot hit Dynamaxed foes, unlike Fire Punch.
* Thunder Punch is the most common fourth move option, used in order to check Gyarados and do significant damage against bulky Water-types when using Max Lightning, especially under Electric Terrain.
* Alternatively, Ice Punch allows Snorlax to OHKO most Dragapult sets with Max Hailstorm. Be wary of facing against Dynamaxed physical Weakness Policy Dragapult, which can beat Snorlax by causing Attack drops with Max Wyrmwind to get an easy Weakness Policy activation.
* Superpower can be used if you have alternative checks to Gyarados and allows Snorlax to augment its Attack with Max Knuckle.
* The given EV spread maximizes attacking potential on non-boosting sets while giving the most relevant bulk investment in Defense. Snorlax's already high HP stat means it benefits more from Defense stat investment.
name: Yawn Support
move 1: Yawn
move 2: Body Slam / Fissure
move 3: Heat Crash / Iron Head
move 4: Protect / Counter / Heat Crash
item: Leftovers / Figy Berry
ability: Thick Fat / Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD
* Snorlax can invest heavily in bulk in order to become a particularly difficult wall to break, which pairs really well with Yawn to phaze foes and scout out the opposing team.
* Body Slam deals heavy damage to most neutral targets despite lacking offensive investment and has an added benefit of paralyzing foes as well.
* Heat Crash pairs best with Body Slam in order to damage Steel-types effectively, like Ferrothorn and Corviknight.
* Fissure can be opted for in combination with Iron Head, giving Snorlax an ability to boost both its Special Defense with Max Quake and its Defense with Max Steelspike. Fissure also allows Snorlax to stallbreak, which is particularly helpful for beating Pokemon that can ignore Yawn or take too little from Snorlax's other attacks.
* Snorlax also opts for a Steel-type coverage move if running 3 attacks, where Iron Head is the preferred option to break Mimikyu's Disguise even if it's Dynamaxed.
* Protect allows Snorlax to survive a second hit from Dynamax attackers after using Yawn without needing to Dynamax itself. This is best paired with Leftovers to augment passive recovery.
* Counter can be used to punish U-turn users that try to avoid falling asleep through Yawn, such as Galarian Darmanitan, and also allows Snorlax to surprise KO Fighting-types like Conkeldurr that are otherwise natural checks to Yawn Snorlax.
* Thick Fat is used over Gluttony when using Protect and Leftovers, allowing Snorlax to switch into Galarian Darmanitan more easily. Gluttony can be used with Figy Berry and Gigantamax forme to replenish berries for more longevity, particularly since this Snorlax set is very difficult to break.
* Ideally, Dynamax should be reserved for its teammates while Snorlax racks up chip damage and puts foes to sleep to help other Dynamax Pokemon sweep, but it can be used in a pinch to survive hits and sweep Snorlax-weak teams.
* This spread gives Snorlax maximum physical bulk and provides a good HP stat for both Leftovers and berry recovery.
name: Rest Sweeper
move 1: Curse
move 2: Rest
move 3: Body Slam
move 4: Heat Crash / Heavy Slam
item: Chesto Berry
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def
* ChestoRest Gigantamax Snorlax is a potent offensive and stallbreaking set that can absorb status and set up boosts with Curse on passive foes.
* Body Slam is generally the move of choice on Chesto Berry sets due to Rest curing status ailments and G-Max Replenish recovering the berry. It is possible to drop Body Slam for better coverage against Ghost-types, opting for Heavy Slam here instead.
* Heat Crash allows Snorlax to break Ferrothorn, Corviknight, and other walls that may attempt to switch in.
* Alternatively, Heavy Slam allows Snorlax to neutrally hit Ghost-type Pokemon while augmenting its Defense with Max Steelspike.
* Heat Crash and Heavy Slam are better options than Fire Punch and Iron Head for their more potent power.
* Other options for a secondary attacking move on this set include Darkest Lariat, Earthquake, and Thunder Punch.
* Thick Fat is almost always the ability used, as it allows Snorlax to better take on Pokemon locked into Fire- or Ice-type moves such as Galarian Darmanitan and Choice-locked Hydreigon.
* Be wary of Misty and Electric Terrain, which can be set by Pokemon such as Mimikyu and Dracozolt to block Rest and combat Snorlax's healing.
* Use Dynamax in order to regain Snorlax's Chesto Berry with G-Max Replenish after expending it to heal with Rest. If needed, Dynamaxing can also be used to survive important hits or improve damage rolls in specific instances.
EV Spreads
* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: The given EVs are designed to deal as much physical damage as possible while also augmenting Snorlax's mediocre physical bulk. 4 Speed EVs can be used over HP EVs to outspeed other Snorlax, getting off an early Curse to survive two hits of Assault Vest Snorlax's Max Strike into Rest.
* 220 HP / 212 Def / 76 SpD with a Careful nature: This spread provides mixed bulk with more Special Defense that can be used to successfully beat Nasty Plot sweepers.
* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with a Careful nature: This spread is a more defensive take on this Snorlax set, allowing Snorlax to have maximum bulk for ease of setting up Curse.
name: Belly Drum
move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Body Slam / Facade
move 3: Iron Head / Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Darkest Lariat
item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
* This Snorlax set takes advantage of Snorlax's immense natural bulk to surprise sweep opposing teams using Belly Drum.
* Gigantamax Snorlax takes advantage of berry recycling by using Belly Drum to maximize Attack and then regaining its berry through G-Max Replenish, allowing it to keep a substantial amount of health while OHKOing most foes with a +6 Attack STAB move.
* Body Slam is the typical STAB move, but Facade can be opted for to improve Snorlax's matchup versus opponents with status moves.
* Iron Head is preferred over Heavy Slam to guarantee hits against Dynamaxed foes without requiring Dynamax.
* Earthquake can be opted in order to augment Snorlax's Special Defense with Max Quake and hit Toxapex super effectively.
* Fire Punch is chosen to get an OHKO after Belly Drum against Ferrothorn and Corviknight.
* Darkest Lariat over Fire Punch allows Snorlax to beat foe Curse Snorlax sets when switching in and otherwise helps with complementary coverage alongside its STAB move.
* Recycle is another option on bulkier spreads to heal up against weak attackers or stall out Dynamax.
EV Spreads
* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with an Impish nature: This is a full physical bulk spread, allowing Snorlax to survive hits more easily while setting up Belly Drum.
* 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD with an Impish nature: This spread is a generalist physically bulky spread used for tanking strong physical attackers while setting up Curse.
* 4 Atk / 252 Def / 252 Spe with a Jolly nature: This spread is designed to outspeed slower Corviknight and other slower foes, specifically allowing Snorlax to use Belly Drum and beat Iron Defense Corviknight variants.
* 180 HP / 76 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: This investment guarantees a 2HKO with Darkest Lariat against Iron Defense Corviknight sets.
* 212 HP / 252 Def / 44 Spe with an Impish nature: These EVs allow Snorlax to outspeed Toxapex, preventing it from using Haze the turn after Snorlax uses Belly Drum, and is used in combination with Earthquake. Immunity can be opted for with this spread to cleanly sweep the opposing team by setting up on Toxapex.
name: Defensive Recycle
move 1: Curse
move 2: Recycle
move 3: Heat Crash / Darkest Lariat / Earthquake
move 4: Iron Head / Heavy Slam / Body Slam
item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD
* Snorlax's Recycle sets allow it to get multiple healing opportunities without having to use Rest, giving it an edge over foes not using status to stop it.
* Heat Crash allows Snorlax to beat Steel-types that would otherwise wall it. Heat Crash is used over Fire Punch in order to get important rolls against non-Dynamaxed foes.
* Darkest Lariat can be used in order to ignore opposing setup sweeper boosts, helping it win in the mirror or against other Bulk Up, Curse, or Iron Defense walls.
* Earthquake is another serviceable alternative to Heat Crash, allowing Snorlax to boost its Special Defense with Max Quake while also effectively hitting Steel-types, excluding Ferrothorn and Corviknight.
* Iron Head lets Snorlax hit Fairy-types super effectively while also gaining Defense boosts with Max Steelspike. It is generally used over Heavy Slam to always break even Dynamaxed Mimikyu's Disguise without being forced to immediately Dynamax.
* Body Slam can be used in combination with its Gigantamax forme, having a chance to reuse its Figy Berry while also putting on offensive pressure. However, this can leave Snorlax vulnerable to Ghost-types like Mimikyu.
* Dynamax should be used to help defeat foes Snorlax cannot wall, such as Taunt Corviknight, even after already setting up or in late-game scenarios to sweep.
EV Spreads
* 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD with an Impish nature: This generalist physically bulky spread can be used for tanking strong physical attacks while setting up Curse.
* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: The given EVs are designed to deal as much physical damage as possible while also augmenting Snorlax's mediocre Defense. 4 Speed EVs can be used over HP EVs to outspeed other Snorlax, getting off a Curse first to survive two hits of opposing Assault Vest Snorlax's Max Strike before using Rest to heal the damage.
* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with a Careful nature: A Careful nature helps Snorlax better wall special attacking threats, allowing it to have maximum bulk for ease of setting up Curse.
* 220 HP / 212 Def / 76 SpD with a Careful nature: A mixed bulk spread with more Special Defense is an alternative to more successfully beat Nasty Plot sweepers.
General Team Options
Snorlax benefits from bulky pivots that can bring it into good matchups, as well as Pokemon that can deal with Corviknight, Snorlax's main check. It also has type synergy with Ghost-types, which can switch in against predicted Fighting-type coverage. Finally, for sets that do not run Rest or Facade, Snorlax can benefit from teammates that can absorb status.
* Bulky Pivots:
* Corviknight checks:
* Ghost-types:
* Status absorbers:
- Written by: [[1_TrickPhony, 434111], [Ika Ika Musume, 165529]
- Quality checked by: [[greilmercenary9, 336524], [Marilli, 70760]]
- Grammar checked by: [[kt3, 228482]]
name: Assault Vest
move 1: Body Slam / Facade
move 2: Iron Head / Heavy Slam
move 3: Heat Crash / Fire Punch
move 4: Thunder Punch / Ice Punch / Superpower
item: Assault Vest
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def
* Assault Vest Snorlax primarily serves as a Swiss Army knife check to a variety of the most threatening setup sweepers in the metagame.
* Body Slam or Facade serves as Snorlax's main STAB move, the latter of which is used on teams with less status control.
* Steel-type coverage enables Snorlax to augment its Defense with Max Steelspike. Iron Head has the advantage of hitting Dynamaxed Pokemon, while Heavy Slam does more damage, OHKOing Mimikyu after breaking Disguise.
* Heat Crash is the preferred move choice over Fire Punch due to its significantly higher damage output against Ferrothorn, Aegislash, Excadrill, and Corviknight. Notably, it guarantees the OHKO on Excadrill and the 2HKO on Ferrothorn and Aegislash. However, it cannot hit Dynamaxed foes, unlike Fire Punch.
* Thunder Punch is the most common fourth move option, used in order to check Gyarados and do significant damage against bulky Water-types when using Max Lightning, especially under Electric Terrain.
* Alternatively, Ice Punch allows Snorlax to OHKO most Dragapult sets with Max Hailstorm. Be wary of facing against Dynamaxed physical Weakness Policy Dragapult, which can beat Snorlax by causing Attack drops with Max Wyrmwind to get an easy Weakness Policy activation.
* Superpower can be used if you have alternative checks to Gyarados and allows Snorlax to augment its Attack with Max Knuckle.
* The given EV spread maximizes attacking potential on non-boosting sets while giving the most relevant bulk investment in Defense. Snorlax's already high HP stat means it benefits more from Defense stat investment.
name: Yawn Support
move 1: Yawn
move 2: Body Slam / Fissure
move 3: Heat Crash / Iron Head
move 4: Protect / Counter / Heat Crash
item: Leftovers / Figy Berry
ability: Thick Fat / Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD
* Snorlax can invest heavily in bulk in order to become a particularly difficult wall to break, which pairs really well with Yawn to phaze foes and scout out the opposing team.
* Body Slam deals heavy damage to most neutral targets despite lacking offensive investment and has an added benefit of paralyzing foes as well.
* Heat Crash pairs best with Body Slam in order to damage Steel-types effectively, like Ferrothorn and Corviknight.
* Fissure can be opted for in combination with Iron Head, giving Snorlax an ability to boost both its Special Defense with Max Quake and its Defense with Max Steelspike. Fissure also allows Snorlax to stallbreak, which is particularly helpful for beating Pokemon that can ignore Yawn or take too little from Snorlax's other attacks.
* Snorlax also opts for a Steel-type coverage move if running 3 attacks, where Iron Head is the preferred option to break Mimikyu's Disguise even if it's Dynamaxed.
* Protect allows Snorlax to survive a second hit from Dynamax attackers after using Yawn without needing to Dynamax itself. This is best paired with Leftovers to augment passive recovery.
* Counter can be used to punish U-turn users that try to avoid falling asleep through Yawn, such as Galarian Darmanitan, and also allows Snorlax to surprise KO Fighting-types like Conkeldurr that are otherwise natural checks to Yawn Snorlax.
* Thick Fat is used over Gluttony when using Protect and Leftovers, allowing Snorlax to switch into Galarian Darmanitan more easily. Gluttony can be used with Figy Berry and Gigantamax forme to replenish berries for more longevity, particularly since this Snorlax set is very difficult to break.
* Ideally, Dynamax should be reserved for its teammates while Snorlax racks up chip damage and puts foes to sleep to help other Dynamax Pokemon sweep, but it can be used in a pinch to survive hits and sweep Snorlax-weak teams.
* This spread gives Snorlax maximum physical bulk and provides a good HP stat for both Leftovers and berry recovery.
name: Rest Sweeper
move 1: Curse
move 2: Rest
move 3: Body Slam
move 4: Heat Crash / Heavy Slam
item: Chesto Berry
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Adamant
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def
* ChestoRest Gigantamax Snorlax is a potent offensive and stallbreaking set that can absorb status and set up boosts with Curse on passive foes.
* Body Slam is generally the move of choice on Chesto Berry sets due to Rest curing status ailments and G-Max Replenish recovering the berry. It is possible to drop Body Slam for better coverage against Ghost-types, opting for Heavy Slam here instead.
* Heat Crash allows Snorlax to break Ferrothorn, Corviknight, and other walls that may attempt to switch in.
* Alternatively, Heavy Slam allows Snorlax to neutrally hit Ghost-type Pokemon while augmenting its Defense with Max Steelspike.
* Heat Crash and Heavy Slam are better options than Fire Punch and Iron Head for their more potent power.
* Other options for a secondary attacking move on this set include Darkest Lariat, Earthquake, and Thunder Punch.
* Thick Fat is almost always the ability used, as it allows Snorlax to better take on Pokemon locked into Fire- or Ice-type moves such as Galarian Darmanitan and Choice-locked Hydreigon.
* Be wary of Misty and Electric Terrain, which can be set by Pokemon such as Mimikyu and Dracozolt to block Rest and combat Snorlax's healing.
* Use Dynamax in order to regain Snorlax's Chesto Berry with G-Max Replenish after expending it to heal with Rest. If needed, Dynamaxing can also be used to survive important hits or improve damage rolls in specific instances.
EV Spreads
* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: The given EVs are designed to deal as much physical damage as possible while also augmenting Snorlax's mediocre physical bulk. 4 Speed EVs can be used over HP EVs to outspeed other Snorlax, getting off an early Curse to survive two hits of Assault Vest Snorlax's Max Strike into Rest.
* 220 HP / 212 Def / 76 SpD with a Careful nature: This spread provides mixed bulk with more Special Defense that can be used to successfully beat Nasty Plot sweepers.
* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with a Careful nature: This spread is a more defensive take on this Snorlax set, allowing Snorlax to have maximum bulk for ease of setting up Curse.
name: Belly Drum
move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Body Slam / Facade
move 3: Iron Head / Earthquake
move 4: Fire Punch / Darkest Lariat
item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
* This Snorlax set takes advantage of Snorlax's immense natural bulk to surprise sweep opposing teams using Belly Drum.
* Gigantamax Snorlax takes advantage of berry recycling by using Belly Drum to maximize Attack and then regaining its berry through G-Max Replenish, allowing it to keep a substantial amount of health while OHKOing most foes with a +6 Attack STAB move.
* Body Slam is the typical STAB move, but Facade can be opted for to improve Snorlax's matchup versus opponents with status moves.
* Iron Head is preferred over Heavy Slam to guarantee hits against Dynamaxed foes without requiring Dynamax.
* Earthquake can be opted in order to augment Snorlax's Special Defense with Max Quake and hit Toxapex super effectively.
* Fire Punch is chosen to get an OHKO after Belly Drum against Ferrothorn and Corviknight.
* Darkest Lariat over Fire Punch allows Snorlax to beat foe Curse Snorlax sets when switching in and otherwise helps with complementary coverage alongside its STAB move.
* Recycle is another option on bulkier spreads to heal up against weak attackers or stall out Dynamax.
EV Spreads
* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with an Impish nature: This is a full physical bulk spread, allowing Snorlax to survive hits more easily while setting up Belly Drum.
* 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD with an Impish nature: This spread is a generalist physically bulky spread used for tanking strong physical attackers while setting up Curse.
* 4 Atk / 252 Def / 252 Spe with a Jolly nature: This spread is designed to outspeed slower Corviknight and other slower foes, specifically allowing Snorlax to use Belly Drum and beat Iron Defense Corviknight variants.
* 180 HP / 76 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: This investment guarantees a 2HKO with Darkest Lariat against Iron Defense Corviknight sets.
* 212 HP / 252 Def / 44 Spe with an Impish nature: These EVs allow Snorlax to outspeed Toxapex, preventing it from using Haze the turn after Snorlax uses Belly Drum, and is used in combination with Earthquake. Immunity can be opted for with this spread to cleanly sweep the opposing team by setting up on Toxapex.
name: Defensive Recycle
move 1: Curse
move 2: Recycle
move 3: Heat Crash / Darkest Lariat / Earthquake
move 4: Iron Head / Heavy Slam / Body Slam
item: Figy Berry
ability: Gluttony
nature: Impish
EVs: 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD
* Snorlax's Recycle sets allow it to get multiple healing opportunities without having to use Rest, giving it an edge over foes not using status to stop it.
* Heat Crash allows Snorlax to beat Steel-types that would otherwise wall it. Heat Crash is used over Fire Punch in order to get important rolls against non-Dynamaxed foes.
* Darkest Lariat can be used in order to ignore opposing setup sweeper boosts, helping it win in the mirror or against other Bulk Up, Curse, or Iron Defense walls.
* Earthquake is another serviceable alternative to Heat Crash, allowing Snorlax to boost its Special Defense with Max Quake while also effectively hitting Steel-types, excluding Ferrothorn and Corviknight.
* Iron Head lets Snorlax hit Fairy-types super effectively while also gaining Defense boosts with Max Steelspike. It is generally used over Heavy Slam to always break even Dynamaxed Mimikyu's Disguise without being forced to immediately Dynamax.
* Body Slam can be used in combination with its Gigantamax forme, having a chance to reuse its Figy Berry while also putting on offensive pressure. However, this can leave Snorlax vulnerable to Ghost-types like Mimikyu.
* Dynamax should be used to help defeat foes Snorlax cannot wall, such as Taunt Corviknight, even after already setting up or in late-game scenarios to sweep.
EV Spreads
* 228 HP / 252 Def / 28 SpD with an Impish nature: This generalist physically bulky spread can be used for tanking strong physical attacks while setting up Curse.
* 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def with an Adamant nature: The given EVs are designed to deal as much physical damage as possible while also augmenting Snorlax's mediocre Defense. 4 Speed EVs can be used over HP EVs to outspeed other Snorlax, getting off a Curse first to survive two hits of opposing Assault Vest Snorlax's Max Strike before using Rest to heal the damage.
* 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD with a Careful nature: A Careful nature helps Snorlax better wall special attacking threats, allowing it to have maximum bulk for ease of setting up Curse.
* 220 HP / 212 Def / 76 SpD with a Careful nature: A mixed bulk spread with more Special Defense is an alternative to more successfully beat Nasty Plot sweepers.
General Team Options
Snorlax benefits from bulky pivots that can bring it into good matchups, as well as Pokemon that can deal with Corviknight, Snorlax's main check. It also has type synergy with Ghost-types, which can switch in against predicted Fighting-type coverage. Finally, for sets that do not run Rest or Facade, Snorlax can benefit from teammates that can absorb status.
* Bulky Pivots:
* Corviknight checks:
* Ghost-types:
* Status absorbers:
- Written by: [[1_TrickPhony, 434111], [Ika Ika Musume, 165529]
- Quality checked by: [[greilmercenary9, 336524], [Marilli, 70760]]
- Grammar checked by: [[kt3, 228482]]
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