This playoff bracket will start as a swiss tournament. As such, you continue playing in this stage until you have won or lost three matches in the playoffs stage.
Remember, all matches are to be played in a BEST OF THREE format, and all standard SV OU rules apply.
Round 3
Empo vs 3d
SoulWind vs hellom
xavgb vs emforbes
Santu vs mimilimi
Giannis Antetokommo-o vs crying
Alhen vs Ewin
Ahsan-219 vs clean
Mako vs Welli0u
SupaGmoney vs yovan33321
Rewer vs SpookyZ
Dasmer vs oldspicemike
bbeeaa vs Vert
Twixtry vs chansey and lulu
Storm Zone vs Skarpherim
Tace vs xdRudi.exe
Please, let us know in the thread when you will be playing once your games are scheduled, we would all very much like to spectate.
Sunday, September 15th @ 11:59 PM EDT
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