Other Smogon Exhibition - Commencement

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Hey, it's me!
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Welcome to the first (possibly annual) Smogon Exhibition! As many of you know, LC and Ubers aren't in SPL this year, and that made me sad, so I decided to host this event instead! I also brought along PU and Monotype because they're Official Metagames and they need some love as well. For this team tournament, 6 teams lead by the managing pairs listed below will draft players and compete with each other over the course of 9 weeks to determine the first ever Smogon Exhibition Champions! Oh, and I'll be hosting this tournament, if that wasn't clear by now.

I present to you, the teams and managers for this event:

West Division:

Dragonspiral Tyrunts (jake & Coconut)
Cosmogtic Lunalas (Arii Stella & ggggd)
Untier University (galbia & Megazard)

East Division:

Michelangelesque Mareanies (Finchinator & KratosMana)
Mind Blowing Blacephalons (Chill Shadow & snagaa)
Max Attaka Stakatakas (Feliburn & Nat)

Here's the format we're using for this tournament:

SM Monotype
SM Monotype
SM Ubers
SM Ubers

As you can see, the teams are split into two divisions of three. Each team within a division will play each other twice, and then each team will play every team from the opposite division once. At the end of the 7 week regular season, the top two teams from each division will advance to the playoffs (2 points for a win, 1 for a tie, 0 for a loss). The 1st place team of each division will fight the 2nd place team of the opposite division, and the winner of those two match-ups will fight to become Exhibition Champions! In the case of ties during the playoffs, a best of 3 will be played using one of each metagame, and the higher seed will select which metagame out of the 4 available isn't played. In the case of finals where both teams are the same seed, a head-to-head comparison will determine the higher seed.

Here is the schedule for each week:

January 8th - Week 1:

Dragonspiral Tyrunts vs Cosmogtic Lunalas
Untier University vs Mind Blowing Blacephalons
Michelangelesque Mareanies vs Max Attack Stakatakas

January 15th - Week 2:

Dragonspiral Tyrunts vs Michelangelesque Mareanies
Cosmogtic Lunalas vs Untier University
Mind Blowing Blacephalons vs Max Attack Stakatakas

January 22nd - Week 3:

Dragonspiral Tyrunts vs Untier University
Cosmogtic Lunalas vs Max Attack Stakatakas
Michelangelesque Mareanies vs Mind Blowing Blacephalons

January 29th - Week 4:

Dragonspiral Tyrunts vs Mind Blowing Blacephalons
Cosmogtic Lunalas vs Michelangelesque Mareanies
Untier University vs Max Attack Stakatakas

February 5th - Week 5:

Dragonspiral Tyrunts vs Cosmogtic Lunalas
Untier University vs Michelangelesque Mareanies
Mind Blowing Blacephalons vs Max Attack Stakatakas

February 12th - Week 6:

Dragonspiral Tyrunts vs Max Attack Stakatakas
Cosmogtic Lunalas vs Untier University
Mind Blowing Blacephalons vs Michelangelesque Mareanies

February 19th - Week 7:

Dragonspiral Tyrunts vs Untier University
Cosmogtic Lunalas vs Mind Blowing Blacephalons
Michelangelesque Mareanies vs Max Attack Stakatakas

February 26th - Semifinals

West Division #1 vs East Division #2
East Division #1 vs West Division #2

March 5th - Finals

(West Division #1 vs East Division #2) vs (East Division #1 vs West Division #2)

I'll leave a link here to the SPL thread because this tournament shares some rules with it, especially regarding the auction/role of a manager/revealing sets/disconnect rules: http://www.smogon.com/forums/thread...-hes-trying-his-best-merry-christmas.3621829/

The auction is TBD but each team will have 100k available to purchase a minimum of 10 players (8 main slots and 2 subs).

If you have any other questions (because I know there's going to be some ambiguity in all of this) feel free to ask.

Signups will be available shortly. Commence the chatter.
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Team Name ranking

Untier University

As an all-encompassing name, representing every single tier in the tour perfectly, Untier University defines the team name metagame. Taking the first word that pops into anybody's mind when you mention LC, Ubers, Monotype, or PU and investing in alliterative appeal makes this a team name that will go far, unsurprising from the PU leader.

Mind Blowing Blacephalons

This name has grown on me over time, as despite rejecting every tier except a ninth of Monotype in its name it's still fairly snappy and fun. The Mind part does hurt the alliteration, but this name just screams confidence, as expected from these managers.

Michelangelesque Mareanies

Alliterative names do go a long way to making a team name snappy, even if the managing team seems to have forgotten that the Art subforum isn't actually involved in this tour when they were trying to appeal to multiple tiers. In addition, nobody should be surprised that the OU TL decided on Mareanie for their team name after deciding Titianic Toxapexi was too on the nose.

Dragonspiral Tyrunts

While not exactly a name that speaks to multiple tiers (unless Tyrunt became viable in PU somehow?), this name is simple and manages to get its point across - namely that the managers are both LCers. There's nothing overly wrong with this name, but there's nothing exciting about it either.

Max Attack Stakatakas

At first I wondered if Feliburn had somehow managed to submit the name of his Stakataka analysis set instead of a team name. I'm still not convinced this was not the case. Fortunately there is some potential fun wordplay with Attack and Stakatak(a) so the lack of any real jazz to the name isn't all bad and at least I suppose you could use Stakataka on some Ubers TR gimmick team. The fact that every time I read this the words "Lonely 15 Def IVs" pop into my head means that I wanted to put this one last.

Cosmogtic Lunalas

So this name goes for the whole "multi-tier" feel which I can appreciate. Unfortunately it's a complete shitshow otherwise. Attempting to say this name out loud left a rotten feel in my mouth upon completion, as "cosmogtic" does the opposite of rolling off the tongue - instead it attempts to grab your tongue and rip it out of your mouth. I was confused how the team managers decided this was ok, until I noticed that Pablo was one of them and I was no longer confused.
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dear feliburn

greetings and salutations.

max attaka stakatakas is actually a pretty good name.

i have changed my stance on the team name issue. one person out of twelve came up with a good name --- a great name in honesty.

that is not a very good success rate. in future years when lc is kicked out of spl i want names to graded on an objective points-based scale.



p.s. draft me.

p.p.s. in the future i will offer a service with which you can submit your username or teamname to me in pms and i will grade it for free.
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