Alexander vs FMG
Dice vs FMG
Dice vs
Alexander: This one is close and should be a really good set, but Alexander, in general, is on a roll right now and I favor him by a little bit to take this one. Can see Dice winning here though.
Mana vs. 16. FMG: Mana has been insane this classic, reaching first seed among the strong competition and going far in ADV and BW Cup and even winning the latter. I predict him to win if FMG is his opponent since I find Mana a more solid player in general. Not going to discount FMG entirely, though, he's still good in general.
1. Mana vs. 16.
Alexander: I favor Alexander by a bit personally if we get this matchup because of his consistency in this tour and in old gens in general over the past few years in multiple tours (especially in RBY, ADV, and DPP). However, I think Mana is skilled enough to bring it to 4 or 5 games.
1. Mana vs. 16.
Dice: Dice has a lot of experience in these gens, especially BW and ADV, he's also made finals of Classic before. On top of this, Dice is also very creative in the builder and I can see him bringing a crazy tech Mana won't see coming. As such, I favor him by a bit just on the basis of his experience. Mana can make this one close for sure though.
ABR vs. 15. FMG: ABR has been on an insane hot streak for a good while, even winning 2 STours back to back and placing in high seeds for 2 classics in a row now, even making deep runs in RBY and DPP cups this year. Based on this and his performances even before now, I expect him to take this one pretty comfortably.
2. ABR (GSC, BW)
vs. 15. Alexander (ADV, DPP) (I think are pretty equal in RBY tbh): Both of these guys are super good and this matchup would be really hype. ABR is the more solid player overall and can put up a tough fight in any gen. However, Alexander has more old gens experience on the big stage on his belt, especially in Classic. This should be close for sure.
ABR vs. 15. Dice: I'm favoring ABR by a hair here. While dice has the experience and teambuilder advantage and absolutely has the capability to win if this is the set we get, ABR is on a roll right now and I feel like he's gonna take it in 4 or 5 as a result.
McMeghan (RBY, GSC, ADV, BW) vs. 14. Excal (DPP): Roro is tried and true and has proven his dominance throughout the years in these gens. Excal had a pretty good SPL in DPP and his GSC isn't too shabby, but that's not enough to make me bold him here tbh.
Tamahome (RBY, GSC, ADV, DPP) vs. 13. Finchinator (BW): While Finch is obviously a very skilled player and good at prepping, Tama is a veteran in these tiers and has a lot more experience in most of them (mainly ADV and DPP), especially on the big stage. However, Finch pulling an upset here isn't completely unlikely since he's still a great player overall and has a knack for coming up with good ideas for his opponents when prepping. This will likely be a pretty close set.
SoulWind (RBY, ADV, DPP, BW) vs. 12. ziloXX (GSC): I haven't heard of zilo before now tbh. SoulWind is SoulWind and has been making playoffs for a long time and has even made the finals of this tour last year against very tough competition. Also, his BW is on another level and his RBY is fantastic as well. I don't see him faltering here.
PDC (RBY, ADV, DPP) vs. 11. Tricking (GSC, BW): This is a wild take, but people are underestimating PDC here I think. It isn't entirely unfounded since he hasn't played really seriously in a bit and Tricking has been doing really fucking good for a while now, even winning OLT. However, PDC is still a very skilled player and can go far if he puts his mind to it and has more experience in this gens. This will likely be a tight series and I can see it going either way.
7. rozes (RBY) vs. 10.
ZoroDark (GSC, DPP, BW) (idk much about how good either are in ADV tbh): Zoro is the more solid player overall and will probably take this in a relatively close one if he's focused. Rozes can still win here though. This is honestly pretty even overall.
8.) We Three Kings (RBY, BW) vs. 9.
TonyFlygon (ADV, DPP, GSC): Favoring Tony by a hair here, this can really go either way since they're pretty equal in skill level overall and should bring some cool stuff.
Congrats to everyone who's made it this far and good luck! I hope to see some great games. Rooting for my friends.