Orange Islanders (4) vs (6) Power Plant Dynamos
OU: mind gaming vs Insult
OU: Ox the Fox vs BIHI
OU: Eternal Spirit vs beatiful
Ubers: Exiline vs TrueNora
DOU: Mishimono vs Qwello Lee
UU: Indigo Plateau vs Askov
RU: odr vs bruno
NU: OnArceus vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
PU: TJ vs erz
LC: boulicrok vs Wail Wailord
Tiebreak predict in case we are somehow wrong: 2-1
OU: Eternal Spirit vs Insult
OU: Ox the Fox vs beatiful
PU: TJ vs bruno
Uncharted Terrors (5) vs (5) Circuit Breakers
OU: Raptor vs Lusa
OU: March Fires vs Lord_Enz
OU: Gefährlicher Random vs Punny
Ubers: Icemaster vs byronthewellwell
DOU: Actuarily vs Spurrific
UU: Accel vs LNumbers
RU: lax vs Sabella
NU: sensei axew vs Ren-chon
PU: xavgb vs Sjneider
LC: KSG vs daunt vs
OU: Raptor vs Lord_Enz
OU: Gefährlicher Random vs Punny
LC: lax vs daunt vs