Smogon Brawl Tournament #3 - Round 4

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My vast and supreme will shall be done!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Three-Time Past SPL Championis a Two-Time Past WCoP Champion
Round 4

Anything pertaining to the rules may be seen here.

I don't have access to my tio file but here are the round's matchups:

dbolt vs umby
180.roger vs chompy
mr escalator vs maku
yoshi king vs dunk

wolt vs hotgarbage
thunderhorse vs altctrlpwn
sam388 vs mre
colinjf vs stoo

Deadline is sometime next Monday.

Losers bracket:
umby vs thunderhorse
180.roger vs hotgarbage
maku vs colinjf
yoshiking vs sam388
Dunk omg I think this may be the end of me, if I lose to you then I face... well someone, if I win I face someone tough, ugh oh god how do I do this!!!11

I'll continually send you PMs throughout the week, I honestly hope we can arrange a meeting.
Thank you for the bump in the tourney Thunderpup, I appreciate it. Anyways onto this round. I find surprising that in my time playing here, I have yet to have a match against Hotgarbage, good luck to everyone in this round, lets see how things turn out.
If I haven't reported a score by the deadline, I'm dropping out completely. No loser's bracket. Just a full drop out.
I'm going to venture a guess and say university, and on that note this will likely be my last tournament appearance during the school year, as I'm on academic probation and really need to focus on my studies.
I never thought I'd see the day where Roger lost one of these. If Dunk loses I may quit Brawl, because that will be nuts.
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